documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


This class provides diverse algorithms and helper methods for solving the shortest path problem on weighted graphs.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Note: Methods of this class work with instances of Graph. To find shortest paths in an IGraph use one of the following classes instead:


Given a weighted directed/undirected graph:

  • The shortest path problem is the problem of finding a shortest path between a source node s and a target node t such that the sum of the edge costs is minimized.
  • The k-shortest path problem is the problem of finding k shortest paths between a source node s and a target node t such that the sum of the edge costs is minimized.
  • The single-source shortest path problem is the problem of finding shortest paths from a source node s to all other nodes such that the sum of the edge costs is minimized.
  • The single-source single-sink shortest path problem is the problem of finding shortest paths from a source node s to a target node t such that the sum of the edge costs is minimized.
  • The all-pairs shortest path problem is the problem of finding shortest paths between every pair of nodes such that the sum of the edge costs is minimized.

Type Details

yfiles module
yfiles-umd modules
All layout modules, view-layout-bridge
Legacy UMD name

Static Methods