documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


A IPortCandidateMatcher retrieves the best matching entries from a PortCandidateSet.

Inheritance Hierarchy


How well a candidate is matching can be decided based on its cost, its currently available capacity, its offsets or whether or not its direction is consistent with the desired one.

To use custom implementations of this interface, method createMatcher should be overridden.

Type Details

yfiles module
yfiles-umd modules
All layout modules, view-layout-bridge
Legacy UMD name
While the EdgeRouter supports PortCandidateSets, it doesn't support custom IPortCandidateMatcher implementations.
The HierarchicLayout supports PortCandidateSets but uses the IPortCandidateMatcher only to determine fallback candidates within class PortCandidateOptimizer. For an advanced customization of the port assignment strategy users may implement a custom PortConstraintOptimizerBase.
