documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


A ITreeLayoutNodePlacer is responsible for the arrangement of a local root node and all of its subtrees.


Subtrees are represented as SubtreeShapes with a connecting edge to the root of the subtree.

Implementations of this interface have to:

  • arrange the SubtreeShapes and the root node (only the relative position matters, shapes can be placed at any absolute location, TreeLayout will perform the final alignment).
  • perform the edge routing from the root node to all child nodes with respect to the connector provided by the SubtreeShapes
  • calculate the union of the SubtreeShapes and the shape of the root node as well as any added edges
  • initialize the connector of the root node with respect to the preferred connection direction
  • return the SubtreeShape for the subtree including the local root

Type Details

yfiles module
yfiles-umd modules
layout-orthogonal-compact, layout-orthogonal, layout-tree, layout
Legacy UMD name

See Also
