documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


childNodePlacerin AssistantNodePlacerGets or sets the ITreeLayoutNodePlacer instance that places the non-assistant children.
primaryPlacerin DelegatingNodePlacerGets the ITreeLayoutNodePlacer instance that will arrange the upper-left part of the graph.
secondaryPlacerin DelegatingNodePlacerGets the ITreeLayoutNodePlacer instance that will arrange the lower-right part of the graph.
defaultLeafPlacerin TreeLayoutGets or sets the default ITreeLayoutNodePlacer instance that places the leaf nodes of the tree.
defaultNodePlacerin TreeLayoutGets or sets the default ITreeLayoutNodePlacer instance that arranges all subtrees that do not have a specific ITreeLayoutNodePlacer assigned using a IDataProvider.
nodePlacersin TreeLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping from nodes to their ITreeLayoutNodePlacer.


NODE_PLACER_DP_KEYin TreeLayoutA data provider key for specifying a child node placer for each node.

Method Return Values

getNodePlacer (YNode)in TreeLayoutReturns the ITreeLayoutNodePlacer instance that is used for the placement of the local root node and the SubtreeShapes.

Method Parameters

AssistantNodePlacer (RotatableNodePlacerMatrix?, )in AssistantNodePlacerCreates a new AssistantNodePlacer instance that uses the transformation defined by the given matrix.
DelegatingNodePlacer (RotatableNodePlacerMatrix, ITreeLayoutNodePlacer, ITreeLayoutNodePlacer, )in DelegatingNodePlacerCreates a new DefaultNodePlacer instance with default settings using the given modification matrix and the given node placers as delegates.
GroupedNodePlacer (ITreeLayoutNodePlacer, ITreeLayoutNodePlacer)in GroupedNodePlacerCreates a new GroupedNodePlacer instance.
TreeLayout ()in TreeLayoutCreates a new TreeLayout instance with default settings.
TreeLayoutData ()in TreeLayoutDataCreates a new instance of TreeLayoutData which helps configuring TreeLayout.

Implementing Types

GroupedNodePlacerThis ITreeLayoutNodePlacer places the children of a local root in groups.
IFromSketchNodePlacerA IFromSketchNodePlacer arranges the subtrees while taking the initial locations of the nodes into account.
LeafNodePlacerA LeafNodePlacer creates a SubtreeShape for a leaf node and routes its incoming edge at the target side.
NodePlacerBaseAbstract base class for implementations of the ITreeLayoutNodePlacer interface.