documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


A data holder that can be used to describe a folding edge that connects to nodes inside a collapsed group or to other folder nodes in a IFoldingView.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Instances of this type are passed to the various methods in FoldingManager to identify different possible states of an edge inside IFoldingViews. A folding edge is identified through the master edge, which is an edge in the masterGraph and a source and target node. Also whether those source and target nodes are currently folder nodes needs to be taken into account.

The source and target nodes need to be the nodes in the masterGraph which represent the source and target nodes of the view edge, i.e. either the true owners of the adjacent edge's sourcePort and targetPort respectively, or ancestor group nodes in the masterGraph. In the latter case these folding edges are used to describe the state of the folding edges that are present in the views of the corresponding group nodes are in collapsed state, so that the true source and target nodes are not currently visible in the view. As such the currentMasterSource and currentMasterTarget nodes represent the masters of the nearest ancestors in the masterGraph that are visible in the folding view graph.

Type Details

yfiles module
yfiles-umd modules
All view modules
Legacy UMD name

See Also

Sample Graphs

