documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


A descriptor for bus-related information to be associated with an edge.

Inheritance Hierarchy


It consists of a bus ID defining the bus of the associated edge, two optional edge group IDs for specifying the edge grouping at the source and target side, respectively, and an optional boolean flag to mark the edge as fixed.

Every object except null can be used as a valid edge group ID. If there is no group ID defined for an edge or if null is set, a default group ID is used. Therefore, all such edges ending at the same node belong to the same group.

Default Values of Properties

fixedfalseThe associated edge is not fixed (unless otherwise specified in the constructor).
routingPolicyALWAYSThe edge is routed, ignoring the existing sketch.
sourceGroupIdYObjectAll associated edges ending at the same node belong to the same group (unless otherwise specified in the constructor).
targetGroupIdYObjectAll associated edges ending at the same node belong to the same group (unless otherwise specified in the constructor).

Type Details

yfiles module
yfiles-umd modules
All layout modules, view-layout-bridge
Legacy UMD name

See Also

At least one of the edges of a bus has to connect two different nodes. Otherwise, if all edges are self-loops (edges that start and end at the same node), the edges are routed separately without constituting a bus structure.


