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Package y.module

Provides so-called "layout modules," i.e., classes that encapsulate application-level set-up services for the yFiles layout algorithms, edge routing algorithms, and certain graph tools.


Interface Summary
ModuleListener EventListener interface used by YModule to notify interested instances about the progress of the module's execution.
YPackageMenuListener This class can be passed to an instance of YPackageMenu to specify, what to do if a YModule in the YPackageMenu has been selected

Class Summary
BalloonLayoutModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for BalloonLayouter.
BusRouterModule Module for the BusRouter.
ChannelEdgeRouterModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for ChannelEdgeRouter.
CircularLayoutModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for CircularLayouter.
ClearAreaLayoutModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for ClearAreaLayouter.
CompactOrthogonalLayoutModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for CompactOrthogonalLayouter.
ComponentLayoutModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for ComponentLayouter.
CurveRoutingStageModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for CurveRoutingStage.
DirectedOrthogonalLayoutModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for DirectedOrthogonalLayouter.
EdgeBundlingStageModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for EdgeBundlingStage.
EdgeGroupConstraintModule A module that allows to configure edge group constraints, interactively.
FamilyTreeLayoutModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for FamilyTreeLayouter.
GraphTransformerModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for GraphTransformer.
GRIPModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for GRIP.
HierarchicLayoutModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for HierarchicLayouter and HierarchicGroupLayouter.
IncrementalHierarchicLayoutModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for IncrementalHierarchicLayouter.
LabelingModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for the yFiles labeling algorithms.
LaunchModuleAction An action that launches a YModule.
LayoutModule Common base class for modules that launch layout algorithms.
ModuleEvent Event object used by YModule to notify ModuleListener instances of the current state of the running module.
ModuleListenerSupport A support class used by YModule to manage the registered ModuleListeners.
OrganicEdgeRouterModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for OrganicEdgeRouter.
OrganicLayoutModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for OrganicLayouter.
OrthogonalEdgeRouterModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for OrthogonalEdgeRouter.
OrthogonalLayoutModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for OrthogonalLayouter and OrthogonalGroupLayouter respectively.
ParallelEdgeLayoutModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for ParallelEdgeLayouter.
PartialLayoutModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for PartialLayouter.
PolylineEdgeRouterModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for EdgeRouter.
PortConstraintModule A module that allows to configure port constraints interactively.
RadialLayoutModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for RadialLayouter.
RandomLayoutModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for RandomLayouter.
SeriesParallelLayoutModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for SeriesParallelLayouter.
ShuffleLayoutModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for ShuffleLayouter.
SmartOrganicLayoutModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for SmartOrganicLayouter.
TabularLayoutModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for TabularLayouter.
TreeLayoutModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for TreeLayouter, GenericTreeLayouter and HVTreeLayouter.
TreeMapLayoutModule This module represents an interactive configurator and launcher for TreeMapLayouter.
YModule This abstract class provides a skeleton for algorithms on graphs.
YPackage Represents a collection of YModule objects.
YPackageMenu Creates a menu for modules in a package.

Package y.module Description

Provides so-called "layout modules," i.e., classes that encapsulate application-level set-up services for the yFiles layout algorithms, edge routing algorithms, and certain graph tools.

Layout modules are most notably used by yEd, our freely available Java graph editor application.


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