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Interface Summary | |
FromSketchNodePlacer | A FromSketchNodePlacer arranges the subtrees while taking the initial locations of the nodes into account. |
NodePlacer | A NodePlacer is responsible for the arrangement of a local root node and all of its subtrees. |
PortAssignment | A PortAssignment places the ports of edges connecting to the same node. |
Processor | A Processor provides the possibility for each NodePlacer to prepare (and clean up) the graph for the
children of the local root. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractNodePlacer | Abstract base class for implementations of the NodePlacer interface. |
AbstractRotatableNodePlacer | Abstract base class for NodePlacer s that support rotations of the subtrees. |
AbstractRotatableNodePlacer.Matrix | A matrix describes the rotation of the subtree handled by AbstractRotatableNodePlacer . |
AbstractRotatableNodePlacer.RootAlignment | A AbstractRotatableNodePlacer.RootAlignment describes how a local root node is arranged in relation to its children. |
ARNodePlacer | This NodePlacer places the subtrees such that the overall aspect ratio of the arranged subtree will
be close to a preferred aspect ratio. |
ARTreeLayouter | The ARTreeLayouter arranges tree graphs in a compact fashion. |
AssistantPlacer | The AssistantPlacer places nodes that are marked as assistants left and right of their parents and all other
nodes below the assistant nodes. |
BalloonLayouter | A tree layout algorithm that arranges the subtrees of the tree in a balloon-like fashion. |
BalloonLayouter.NodeInfo | Encapsulates information bound to a node while the algorithm calculates a layout. |
BusPlacer | The BusPlacer creates a bus to which all child nodes and the local root node are connected. |
CompactNodePlacer | The CompactNodePlacer produces a compact placement of the children. |
DefaultNodePlacer | DefaultNodePlacer is the default implementation of interface NodePlacer . |
DefaultPortAssignment | The DefaultPortAssignment provides some simple port assignment styles . |
DelegatingNodePlacer | DelegatingNodePlacer delegates the arrangement of the children to two different NodePlacer s. |
DendrogramPlacer | The DendrogramPlacer arranges subtrees as dendrograms. |
DoubleLinePlacer | The DoubleLinePlacer arranges the children of a local root alternating in two lines. |
FreePlacer | A FreePlacer is a simple pseudo-placer. |
GenericTreeLayouter | This layout algorithm arranges graphs with a tree structure. |
GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape | A GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape represents the position and the borders of a subtree. |
GridNodePlacer | The GridNodePlacer arranges the shapes of the children of a local root in a grid. |
GroupedNodePlacer | This NodePlacer places the children of a local root in groups. |
HVTreeLayouter | The HVTreeLayouter arranges the subgraphs of a tree horizontally and vertically. |
LayeredNodePlacer | A LayeredNodePlacer arranges the nodes of a subtree respecting layers. |
LeafPlacer | A LeafPlacer creates a SubtreeShape for a leaf node and routes its incoming edge
at the target side. |
LeftRightPlacer | The LeftRightPlacer arranges the children in a subtree on the left and the right of a vertical bus. |
LeftRightPlacer.LeftRightDataProvider | A special DataProvider that determines whether a given node is placed left or right of the parent node. |
MultiParentDescriptor | The MultiParentDescriptor provides style information for multi-parent structures. |
NodeOrderComparator | The NodeOrderComparator compares edges according to a specified order. |
SimpleNodePlacer | The SimpleNodePlacer arranges all children of a local root in a single row. |
TreeComponentLayouter | The TreeComponentLayouter arranges tree-like subgraph structures in a mixed layout style. |
TreeLayouter | This layout algorithm arranges graphs with a tree structure. |
TreeMapLayouter | This layout algorithm produces tree map layouts. |
TreeMapLayouter.NodeWeightComparator | A Comparator that compares two nodes with respect to their weight value defined
via the DataProvider registered with TreeMapLayouter.NODE_WEIGHT_DPKEY . |
TreeReductionStage | The TreeReductionStage temporarily reduces general graphs to trees. |
XCoordComparator | This Comparator compares edges by examining the x-coordinates of the centers of their target nodes. |
Provides tree layout style algorithms.
Implementations support radial layout of (sub)trees, compact layout obeying a given aspect ratio, and also horizontal/vertical layout of directed (and undirected) trees.
Class TreeLayouter
arranges directed and undirected trees in a main layout direction.
Class GenericTreeLayouter
enables the use of NodePlacer
implementations which are invoked to arrange the subtrees.
Predefined node placers that inherit from abstract class AbstractRotatableNodePlacer
allow for rotating subtrees.
Note that GenericTreeLayouter
can be used to emulate the results
generated by both TreeLayouter
and HVTreeLayouter
Default tree layout
Balloon layout
Dendrogram layout
General graph, non-tree edges are marked
See the yFiles Developer's Guide section on Tree Layout for descriptions of the yFiles tree layout style algorithms.
The section
Generic Tree Layout
extensively discusses the advanced capabilities of class GenericTreeLayouter
also its numerous NodePlacer
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