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Class GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape

  extended by y.layout.tree.GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape
Enclosing class:

public static final class GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape
extends java.lang.Object

A GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape represents the position and the borders of a subtree. NodePlacers will move GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShapes and use the borders to calculate distances between the subtrees. When two subtrees are placed in relation to their common root, their GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShapes are merged to represent the new subtree.

The borders on each side of the GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape are modeled with BorderLines. The resulting area includes the borders of each node and edge in the corresponding subtree. It can also contain the bounds of labels belonging to those nodes and edges.

The GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape also describes a connector defining the location to which the edge from its parent is attached. It is possible to add some bends (target points) at the end of this edge and include them in the GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape. During layout calculation, the last target point is the connection point for the edge.

See Also:
getBorderLine(int), getConnectorX(), getConnectorY(), addBoundsToShape(double, double, double, double), addTargetPoint(double, double)

Field Summary
          Side constant that defines the index of the eastern border line.
          Side constant that defines the index of the northern border line.
          Side constant that defines the index of the southern border line.
          Side constant that defines the index of the western border line.
static byte DIRECTION_EAST
          A direction constant that describes that the last connector segment points to the right.
          A direction constant that describes that the last connector segment points up.
          A direction constant that describes that the last connector segment points down.
static byte DIRECTION_WEST
          A direction constant that describes that the last connector segment points to the left.
Method Summary
 void addBoundsToShape(double x, double y, double width, double height)
          Extends this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance by the given rectangle.
 void addEdgeSegments(LayoutGraph graph, Edge edge)
          Adds all edge segments of the given edge to this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance.
 void addLineSegment(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
          Extends this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance by the given segment.
 void addTargetPoint(double x, double y)
          Adds another point to the connector.
 void appendTargetPoints(EdgeLayout edgeLayout)
          Appends all target points that have previously been added to this shape to the given EdgeLayout instance.
 void assignValuesTo(GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape toShape, AbstractRotatableNodePlacer.Matrix modificationMatrix)
          Copies the state of this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance to the given shape applying a modification matrix.
 GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape createCopy(AbstractRotatableNodePlacer.Matrix matrix)
          Creates a clone of this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance, modifying it using the provided modification matrix.
 BorderLine getBorderLine(int index)
          Returns the BorderLine instance that describes the GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape at the given side.
 java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D getBounds()
          Returns the current bounds of this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance.
 byte getConnectorDirection()
          Returns the direction of the last connector segment.
 double getConnectorX()
          Returns the current x-coordinate of the connection point to which the layout algorithm connects the ingoing edge.
 double getConnectorY()
          Returns the current y-coordinate of the connection point to which the layout algorithm connects the ingoing edge.
 java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Double getCoreBounds()
          Returns the bounds of the NodeLayout of the root node of this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance.
 double getMaxX()
          Returns the current maximum x-coordinate of this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance.
 double getMaxY()
          Returns the current maximum y-coordinate of this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance.
 double getMinX()
          Returns the current minimum x-coordinate of this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance.
 double getMinY()
          Returns the current minimum y-coordinate of this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance.
 double getOriginX()
          Returns the current x-coordinate of the origin of this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance.
 double getOriginY()
          Returns the current y-coordinate of the origin of this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance.
 void mergeWith(GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape other)
          Merges the given GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance with this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance.
 void move(double dx, double dy)
          Moves this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance and its connector by the given offsets.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns a string representation of the GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance.
 void updateConnectorShape()
          Adds the line segments of the connector to the bounds of this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final byte DIRECTION_NORTH
A direction constant that describes that the last connector segment points up. The edge from the parent will connect to the north of the GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape.

See Also:
getConnectorDirection(), Constant Field Values


public static final byte DIRECTION_EAST
A direction constant that describes that the last connector segment points to the right. The edge from the parent will connect to the east of the GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape.

See Also:
getConnectorDirection(), Constant Field Values


public static final byte DIRECTION_SOUTH
A direction constant that describes that the last connector segment points down. The edge from the parent will connect to the south of the GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape.

See Also:
getConnectorDirection(), Constant Field Values


public static final byte DIRECTION_WEST
A direction constant that describes that the last connector segment points to the left. The edge from the parent will connect to the west of the GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape.

See Also:
getConnectorDirection(), Constant Field Values


public static final int BORDERLINE_NORTH
Side constant that defines the index of the northern border line.

See Also:
getBorderLine(int), Constant Field Values


public static final int BORDERLINE_EAST
Side constant that defines the index of the eastern border line.

See Also:
getBorderLine(int), Constant Field Values


public static final int BORDERLINE_SOUTH
Side constant that defines the index of the southern border line.

See Also:
getBorderLine(int), Constant Field Values


public static final int BORDERLINE_WEST
Side constant that defines the index of the western border line.

See Also:
getBorderLine(int), Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Double getCoreBounds()
Returns the bounds of the NodeLayout of the root node of this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance.

the bounds of the root node


public java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D getBounds()
Returns the current bounds of this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance.

the bounds of the subtree


public double getConnectorX()
Returns the current x-coordinate of the connection point to which the layout algorithm connects the ingoing edge.

The connection point can change when target points are added to the GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance.

the x-coordinate of the connection point
See Also:
addTargetPoint(double, double), appendTargetPoints(EdgeLayout)


public double getConnectorY()
Returns the current y-coordinate of the connection point to which the layout algorithm connects the ingoing edge.

The connection point can change when target points are added to the GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance.

the y-coordinate of the connection point
See Also:
addTargetPoint(double, double), appendTargetPoints(EdgeLayout)


public void updateConnectorShape()
Adds the line segments of the connector to the bounds of this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance. The line segments result from the target points.

See Also:
addTargetPoint(double, double)


public void addTargetPoint(double x,
                           double y)
Adds another point to the connector. The points will appear as bend of the incoming edge. Points are added in reverse direction of the edge. Hence, the last target point is further away from the target node than the points before.

x - the current x-coordinate of the point
y - the current y-coordinate of the point


public void addEdgeSegments(LayoutGraph graph,
                            Edge edge)
Adds all edge segments of the given edge to this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance. The border lines are updated.

graph - the input graph
edge - the given edge
See Also:
getBorderLine(int), addLineSegment(double, double, double, double)


public void appendTargetPoints(EdgeLayout edgeLayout)
Appends all target points that have previously been added to this shape to the given EdgeLayout instance. This method is used by NodePlacer instances for the final edge paths.

edgeLayout - the EdgeLayout that will be modified
See Also:
addTargetPoint(double, double)


public byte getConnectorDirection()
Returns the direction of the last connector segment.



public void addLineSegment(double x1,
                           double y1,
                           double x2,
                           double y2)
Extends this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance by the given segment. The border lines are updated with this segment.

x1 - the x-coordinate of the first point of the segment
y1 - the y-coordinate of the first point of the segment
x2 - the x-coordinate of the second point of the segment
y2 - the y-coordinate of the second point of the segment
See Also:
getBorderLine(int), addEdgeSegments(LayoutGraph, Edge), updateConnectorShape()


public void addBoundsToShape(double x,
                             double y,
                             double width,
                             double height)
Extends this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance by the given rectangle. The border lines are updated with this segment.

x - the x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle
y - the y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle
width - the width of the rectangle
height - the height of the rectangle
See Also:


public void mergeWith(GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape other)
Merges the given GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance with this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance. The border lines are updated.

other - the GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape to be merged with this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape


public double getMinX()
Returns the current minimum x-coordinate of this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance.

the minimum x-coordinate of this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape


public double getMinY()
Returns the current minimum y-coordinate of this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance.

the minimum y-coordinate of this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape


public double getMaxX()
Returns the current maximum x-coordinate of this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance.

the maximum x-coordinate of this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape


public double getMaxY()
Returns the current maximum y-coordinate of this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance.

the maximum y-coordinate of this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape


public BorderLine getBorderLine(int index)
Returns the BorderLine instance that describes the GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape at the given side.

index - one of the predefined borderline directions
the BorderLine instance for the given side
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given index is invalid


public void move(double dx,
                 double dy)
Moves this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance and its connector by the given offsets. Border lines are updated.

This is a cheap operation and does not depend on the size or complexity of the shape or connector.
dx - the delta x-offset by which this shape will be moved
dy - the delta y-offset by which this shape will be moved


public double getOriginX()
Returns the current x-coordinate of the origin of this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance. The origin is defined as the upper left corner of the NodeLayout of the local root of this shape.

the x-coordinate of the shape's origin


public double getOriginY()
Returns the current y-coordinate of the origin of this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance. The origin is defined as the upper left corner of the NodeLayout of the local root of this shape.

the y-coordinate of the shape's origin


public GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape createCopy(AbstractRotatableNodePlacer.Matrix matrix)
Creates a clone of this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance, modifying it using the provided modification matrix.

matrix - the matrix that defines the modification for the new instance
the clone of this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance
See Also:


public void assignValuesTo(GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape toShape,
                           AbstractRotatableNodePlacer.Matrix modificationMatrix)
Copies the state of this GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance to the given shape applying a modification matrix.

toShape - the given shape that gets the assigned values
modificationMatrix - the matrix that may add geometrical modifications


public java.lang.String toString()
Returns a string representation of the GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance.

toString in class java.lang.Object
a string representation of the GenericTreeLayouter.SubtreeShape instance

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