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Class XCoordComparator

  extended by y.layout.tree.XCoordComparator
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.util.Comparator, Comparators.PartialOrder

public class XCoordComparator
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.util.Comparator, Comparators.PartialOrder

This Comparator compares edges by examining the x-coordinates of the centers of their target nodes.


Constructor Summary
          Creates a new XCoordComparator instance.
Method Summary
 int compare(java.lang.Object edge1, java.lang.Object edge2)
          Compares two edges by the x-coordinates of the centers of their target nodes.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Comparator

Constructor Detail


public XCoordComparator()
Creates a new XCoordComparator instance.

Method Detail


public int compare(java.lang.Object edge1,
                   java.lang.Object edge2)
Compares two edges by the x-coordinates of the centers of their target nodes.

Specified by:
compare in interface java.util.Comparator
edge1 - the first edge
edge2 - the second edge
a negative value if the first target node is left of the second target node, a positive value if it's the other way round and 0 if both target nodes are at the same x-coordinate

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