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Class MultiParentDescriptor

  extended by y.layout.tree.MultiParentDescriptor

public class MultiParentDescriptor
extends java.lang.Object

The MultiParentDescriptor provides style information for multi-parent structures.

This class is used by GenericTreeLayouter to determine the desired layout of nodes that constitute a multi-parent structure. All nodes of such a structure are placed side by side and the incident edges are routed over common points for incoming edges and for outgoing edges.

A tree graph containing multi-parent structures

See Also:

Field Summary
          Routing style for routing non-shared edge segments in an orthogonal fashion.
          Routing style for routing non-shared edge segments in a polyline fashion.
          Routing style for routing non-shared edge segments straight.
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new MultiParentDescriptor instance with default settings.
Method Summary
 byte getEdgeStyle()
          Returns the routing style for edges that connect to nodes which constitute a multi-parent structure.
 double getMinimumBusDistance()
          Returns the minimum distance between the nodes of a multi-parent structure and the bus connecting these nodes.
 double getMinimumNodeDistance()
          Returns the minimum distance between two nodes belonging to the same multi-parent structure.
 double getVerticalAlignment()
          Returns the relative vertical alignment of nodes belonging to the same multi-parent structure.
 void setEdgeStyle(byte style)
          Specifies the routing style for edges that connect to nodes which constitute a multi-parent structure.
 void setMinimumBusDistance(double minimumBusDistance)
          Specifies the minimum distance between the nodes of a multi-parent structure and the bus connecting these nodes.
 void setMinimumNodeDistance(double minimumNodeDistance)
          Specifies the minimum distance between two nodes belonging to the same multi-parent structure.
 void setVerticalAlignment(double verticalAlignment)
          Specifies the relative vertical alignment of nodes belonging to the same multi-parent structure.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final byte EDGE_STYLE_POLYLINE
Routing style for routing non-shared edge segments in a polyline fashion.

The edges connected to a multi-parent structure will share their paths until shortly above/below the multi-parent nodes. This style only applies to the part of the edges where they split to connect to different multi-parents.

See Also:
setEdgeStyle(byte), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:

Polyline routing of edge segments that don't share a common path


public static final byte EDGE_STYLE_ORTHOGONAL
Routing style for routing non-shared edge segments in an orthogonal fashion.

The edges connected to a multi-parent structure will share their paths until shortly above/below the multi-parent nodes. This style only applies to the part of the edges where they split to connect to different multi-parents.

See Also:
setEdgeStyle(byte), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:

Orthogonal routing of edge segments that don't share a common path


public static final byte EDGE_STYLE_STRAIGHT
Routing style for routing non-shared edge segments straight. This style will route the part of the edges that doesn't share the same path directly from the center of the multi-parent to the common point of the edges in the multi-parent structure.

The edges connected to a multi-parent structure will share their paths until shortly above/below the multi-parent nodes. This style only applies to the part of the edges where they split to connect to different multi-parents.

See Also:
setEdgeStyle(byte), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:

Straight-line routing of edge segments that don't share a common path
Constructor Detail


public MultiParentDescriptor()
Creates a new MultiParentDescriptor instance with default settings.

Method Detail


public double getMinimumNodeDistance()
Returns the minimum distance between two nodes belonging to the same multi-parent structure.

The distance needs to be non-negative.

the minimum distance between nodes
See Also:


public void setMinimumNodeDistance(double minimumNodeDistance)
Specifies the minimum distance between two nodes belonging to the same multi-parent structure.

The distance needs to be non-negative.

Default Value:
The default value is 15d.
minimumNodeDistance - the minimum distance between nodes
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given node distance is negative
Sample Graphs:




public double getMinimumBusDistance()
Returns the minimum distance between the nodes of a multi-parent structure and the bus connecting these nodes. In case the edge style is not orthogonal, the bus only consists of a common point.

The minimum distance needs to be non-negative.

the minimum bus distance
See Also:


public void setMinimumBusDistance(double minimumBusDistance)
Specifies the minimum distance between the nodes of a multi-parent structure and the bus connecting these nodes. In case the edge style is not orthogonal, the bus only consists of a common point.

The minimum distance needs to be non-negative.

Default Value:
The default value is 10.
minimumBusDistance - the minimum bus distance
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given bus distance is negative
Sample Graphs:




public double getVerticalAlignment()
Returns the relative vertical alignment of nodes belonging to the same multi-parent structure.

A value of 0 means that nodes are top-aligned; a value of 1 means that nodes are bottom-aligned; a value of 0.5 means that nodes are center-aligned.

Values outside the interval [0,1] will result in a compact node placement with unaligned nodes, especially when labels are considered.

the relative vertical alignment of multi-parent nodes
See Also:


public void setVerticalAlignment(double verticalAlignment)
Specifies the relative vertical alignment of nodes belonging to the same multi-parent structure.

A value of 0 means nodes are top aligned; a value of 1 means nodes are bottom aligned; a value of 0.5 means nodes are center aligned.

Values outside the interval [0,1] will result in a compact node placement with unaligned nodes, especially when labels are considered.

Default Value:
The default value is 0.5.
verticalAlignment - the relative vertical alignment of multi-parent nodes
Sample Graphs:





public byte getEdgeStyle()
Returns the routing style for edges that connect to nodes which constitute a multi-parent structure.

The routing style is applied only to the part of the edge route that is not shared by multiple edges.
one of the predefined routing styles
See Also:


public void setEdgeStyle(byte style)
Specifies the routing style for edges that connect to nodes which constitute a multi-parent structure.

The routing style is applied only to the part of the edge route that is not shared by multiple edges.
Default Value:
The default value is EDGE_STYLE_ORTHOGONAL
style - one of the predefined routing styles
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given routing style is unknown

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