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Class TreeLayouter

  extended by y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
      extended by y.layout.tree.TreeLayouter
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TreeLayouter
extends CanonicMultiStageLayouter

This layout algorithm arranges graphs with a tree structure.

Layout Style

TreeLayouter is designed to arrange directed and undirected trees that have a unique root node. All children are placed below their parent in relation to the main layout direction. The edges of the graph are routed as straight-line segments or in an orthogonal bus-like fashion.

Tree layout algorithms are commonly used for visualizing relational data and for producing diagrams of high quality that are able to reveal possible hierarchic properties of the graph. More precisely, they find applications in dataflow analysis, software engineering, bioinformatics and business administration.

A Dendrogram

A graph containing group nodes

Left-to-right layout with global layering


The layout algorithm starts from the root and recursively assigns coordinates to all tree nodes. In this manner, leaf nodes will be placed first, while each parent node is placed centered above its children.


The layout algorithm supports the custom sorting of sibling nodes (i.e., nodes with the same parent node). The property setComparator(Comparator) allows specifying the Comparator instance that is used to sort the outgoing edges of each node of the tree. By default, the algorithm sorts the edges by the x-coordinate of the associated target node in ascending order. If the Comparator is set to an instance of NodeOrderComparator, the outgoing edges are sorted by the Comparable instances associated with the edges' target. The mapping of nodes to Comparables can be specified by a DataProvider that is registered to the graph with key NodeOrderComparator.NODE_ORDER_DPKEY.

A custom node can be defined as root of the tree using a DataProvider registered with the graph with key SELECTED_ROOT_DPKEY.

TreeLayouter can be configured to reserve space for node labels. It can also place edge labels along edges such that the labels won't overlap with other graph elements. Edge labels are placed according to the information stored in a PreferredPlacementDescriptor instance. However, the placement along the edge will only affect the order of multiple labels at the same edge. The algorithm will always place the labels close to the target node.

Grouping of nodes can also be handled by this layout algorithm. It is important that a group node contains a whole subtree. Otherwise, the group nodes may overlap with each other or with other nodes. Furthermore, the user may specify minimum size constraints for each group node using DataProvider key GroupingKeys.MINIMUM_NODE_SIZE_DPKEY.

This layout algorithm can only handle graphs with a tree structure. To apply it to a general graph, a TreeReductionStage can be appended. This stage will temporarily remove some edges of the input graph until a tree is obtained. After the layout calculation, the stage will reinsert the edges that were removed and route them separately.


Field Summary
          A constant defining that ports are placed at the center of the border of the nodes.
          A constant defining that ports are evenly distributed along the border of the nodes.
          A policy for placing the leaf nodes in a Dendrogram-like fashion.
          A policy for placing the leaf nodes in a stack-like fashion with balanced stack heights.
          A policy for placing the leaf nodes in a stack-like fashion using a single stack left.
          A policy for placing the leaf nodes in a stack-like fashion using two stacks.
          A policy for placing the leaf nodes in a stack-like fashion using a single stack right.
          A policy for placing the leaf nodes with the same parent in the same layer.
          A constant defining that ports are placed at the center of the nodes.
          A constant for routing the edges orthogonally in a bus-like fashion.
static int PLAIN_STYLE
          A constant for routing the edges as straight-line segments.
          A constant defining that ports are assigned based on given port constraints.
static java.lang.Object SELECTED_ROOT_DPKEY
          A DataProvider key for marking the node that will be used as root node of the tree.
Fields inherited from interface y.layout.Layouter
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new TreeLayouter instance with default settings.
Method Summary
 boolean canLayoutCore(LayoutGraph graph)
          Accepts only graphs that are trees or multi-parent trees.
 void doLayoutCore(LayoutGraph graph)
          Arranges the given graph as a tree.
 double getBusAlignment()
          Returns the vertical bus alignment for orthogonally routed edge buses.
 byte getChildPlacementPolicy()
          Returns the layout policy for leaf nodes.
 java.util.Comparator getComparator()
          Returns the Comparator instance that is used for sorting the outgoing edges of each node of the tree.
 int getLayoutStyle()
          Returns the edge routing style used by this layout algorithm.
 double getMinimalLayerDistance()
          Returns the minimum distance between two adjacent layers.
 double getMinimalNodeDistance()
          Returns the minimum horizontal distance between adjacent nodes within the same layer.
 double getMinimumBusSegmentDistance()
          Returns the minimum (vertical) distance of the horizontal edge segments of the bus between the root node and the child nodes.
 double getMinimumFirstSegmentLength()
          Returns the minimum length for the first segment of an edge.
 double getMinimumLastSegmentLength()
          Returns the minimum length for the last segment of an edge.
 AbstractRotatableNodePlacer.Matrix getModificationMatrix()
          Returns the modification matrix used for rotating / mirroring the layout.
 int getPortStyle()
          Returns the port assignment policy that will be applied.
 double getVerticalAlignment()
          Returns the vertical alignment of the nodes within their corresponding layers.
 boolean isEnforceGlobalLayering()
          Returns whether or not a global layering is enforced, that is, each node spans exactly one layer.
 boolean isGroupingSupported()
          Specifies whether or not group nodes are handled by the layout algorithm.
 boolean isIntegratedEdgeLabelingEnabled()
          Returns whether or not the layout algorithm reserves space for edge labels and places them.
 boolean isIntegratedNodeLabelingEnabled()
          Returns whether or not the layout algorithm reserves space for node labels.
 void setBusAlignment(double busAlignment)
          Specifies the vertical bus alignment for orthogonally routed edge buses.
 void setChildPlacementPolicy(byte policy)
          Specifies the layout policy for leaf nodes.
 void setComparator(java.util.Comparator comparator)
          Specifies the Comparator instance that is used for sorting the outgoing edges of each node of the tree.
 void setComponentLayouterEnabled(boolean enabled)
          Specifies whether or not the LayoutStage used for arranging the components of the graph is activated.
 void setEnforceGlobalLayering(boolean enabled)
          Returns whether or not a global layering is enforced, that is, each node spans exactly one layer.
 void setGroupingSupported(boolean groupingSupported)
          Specifies whether or not group nodes are handled by the layout algorithm.
 void setIntegratedEdgeLabelingEnabled(boolean integratedEdgeLabelingEnabled)
          Specifies whether or not the layout algorithm reserves space for edge labels and places them.
 void setIntegratedNodeLabelingEnabled(boolean integratedNodeLabelingEnabled)
          Specifies whether or not the layout algorithm reserves space for node labels.
 void setLayoutStyle(int style)
          Specifies the edge routing style used by this layout algorithm.
 void setMinimalLayerDistance(double dist)
          Specifies the minimum distance between two adjacent layers.
 void setMinimalNodeDistance(double dist)
          Specifies the minimum horizontal distance between adjacent nodes within the same layer.
 void setMinimumBusSegmentDistance(double minimumBusSegmentDistance)
          Specifies the minimum (vertical) distance of the horizontal edge segments of the bus between the root node and the child nodes.
 void setMinimumFirstSegmentLength(double minimumFirstSegmentLength)
          Specifies the minimum length for the first segment of an edge.
 void setMinimumLastSegmentLength(double minimumLastSegmentLength)
          Specifies the minimum length for the last segment of an edge.
 void setModificationMatrix(AbstractRotatableNodePlacer.Matrix modificationMatrix)
          Specifies the modification matrix used for rotating / mirroring the layout.
 void setParallelEdgeLayouterEnabled(boolean enabled)
          Specifies whether or not the LayoutStage used for routing parallel edges is activated.
 void setPortStyle(int style)
          Specifies the port assignment policy that will be applied.
 void setSelfLoopLayouterEnabled(boolean enabled)
          Specifies whether or not the LayoutStage used for routing self-loops is activated.
 void setVerticalAlignment(double verticalAlignment)
          Specifies the vertical alignment of the nodes within their corresponding layers.
Methods inherited from class y.layout.CanonicMultiStageLayouter
appendStage, calcLayout, calcLayout, canLayout, checkGroupNodeSize, checkNodeSize, doLayout, doLayout, enableOnlyCore, getComponentLayouter, getGroupNodeHider, getLabelLayouter, getLayoutOrientation, getOrientationLayouter, getParallelEdgeLayouter, getSelfLoopLayouter, getSubgraphLayouter, isComponentLayouterEnabled, isGroupNodeHidingEnabled, isLabelLayouterEnabled, isOrientationLayouterEnabled, isParallelEdgeLayouterEnabled, isSelfLoopLayouterEnabled, isSubgraphLayouterEnabled, prependStage, removeStage, setComponentLayouter, setGroupNodeHider, setGroupNodeHidingEnabled, setLabelLayouter, setLabelLayouterEnabled, setLayoutOrientation, setOrientationLayouter, setOrientationLayouterEnabled, setParallelEdgeLayouter, setSelfLoopLayouter, setSubgraphLayouter, setSubgraphLayouterEnabled
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int NODE_CENTER_PORTS
A constant defining that ports are placed at the center of the nodes.

This constant uses (0,0) as port offset.

See Also:
setPortStyle(int), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:


public static final int BORDER_CENTER_PORTS
A constant defining that ports are placed at the center of the border of the nodes.

See Also:
setPortStyle(int), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:


public static final int BORDER_DISTRIBUTED_PORTS
A constant defining that ports are evenly distributed along the border of the nodes.

See Also:
setPortStyle(int), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:


public static final int PORT_CONSTRAINTS_AWARE
A constant defining that ports are assigned based on given port constraints.

See Also:
setPortStyle(int), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:

PortConstraints at the bottom of the source node and right or left of the target nodes


public static final int PLAIN_STYLE
A constant for routing the edges as straight-line segments.

See Also:
setLayoutStyle(int), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:


public static final int ORTHOGONAL_STYLE
A constant for routing the edges orthogonally in a bus-like fashion.

See Also:
setLayoutStyle(int), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:


A policy for placing the leaf nodes in a stack-like fashion with balanced stack heights.

In this context, a stack-like fashion means that leaf nodes that connect to the same parent node are placed one upon the other, resulting in horizontally compact layouts.

This policy tries to balance stack heights, i.e., for each subtree that consists only of leaf nodes, CHILD_PLACEMENT_POLICY_LEAVES_STACKED_RIGHT or CHILD_PLACEMENT_POLICY_LEAVES_STACKED_LEFT_AND_RIGHT will be used depending on the number of leaves in the subtree.

This policy has an effect only on subtrees where all children are leaf nodes.
See Also:
setChildPlacementPolicy(byte), getChildPlacementPolicy(), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:


A policy for placing the leaf nodes in a stack-like fashion using a single stack left.

In this context, a stack-like fashion means that leaf nodes that connect to the same root node are placed one upon the other, resulting in horizontally compact layouts.

This policy uses a single stack that lies to the left relative to the center of the parent node.

This policy has an effect only on subtrees where all children are leaf nodes.
See Also:
getChildPlacementPolicy(), setChildPlacementPolicy(byte), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:


A policy for placing the leaf nodes in a stack-like fashion using a single stack right.

In this context, a stack-like fashion means that leaf nodes that connect to the same root node are placed one upon the other, resulting in horizontally compact layouts.

This policy uses a single stack that lies to the right relative to the center of the parent node.

This policy has an effect only on subtrees where all children are leaf nodes.
See Also:
getChildPlacementPolicy(), setChildPlacementPolicy(byte), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:


A policy for placing the leaf nodes in a stack-like fashion using two stacks.

In this context, a stack-like fashion means that leaf nodes that connect to the same root node are placed one upon the other, resulting in horizontally compact layouts.

This policy distributes leaf nodes among two stacks, one to the left and one to the right relative to the center of the parent node.

This policy has an effect only on subtrees where all children are leaf nodes.
See Also:
getChildPlacementPolicy(), setChildPlacementPolicy(byte), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:


A policy for placing the leaf nodes in a Dendrogram-like fashion.

According to this policy, all leaf nodes are placed in one layer (i.e. all leaves are placed on one horizontal line in a top-to-bottom or in a bottom-to-top layout).

See Also:
getChildPlacementPolicy(), setChildPlacementPolicy(byte), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:


A policy for placing the leaf nodes with the same parent in the same layer.

For example, siblings are being placed on a horizontal line in a top-to-bottom or in a bottom-to-top layout.

This policy produces vertically compact layouts.

See Also:
getChildPlacementPolicy(), setChildPlacementPolicy(byte), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:


public static final java.lang.Object SELECTED_ROOT_DPKEY
A DataProvider key for marking the node that will be used as root node of the tree.

Constructor Detail


public TreeLayouter()
Creates a new TreeLayouter instance with default settings.

Method Detail


public boolean canLayoutCore(LayoutGraph graph)
Accepts only graphs that are trees or multi-parent trees.

Specified by:
canLayoutCore in class CanonicMultiStageLayouter
To apply this layout algorithm for general graphs, append TreeReductionStage.
graph - the input graph
true if the given graph is a tree (or multi-parent tree), false otherwise


public double getMinimumBusSegmentDistance()
Returns the minimum (vertical) distance of the horizontal edge segments of the bus between the root node and the child nodes. If this distance is set to 0, all segments are routed in a classical bus-like style.

The specified distance is only considered if the layout style is set to ORTHOGONAL_STYLE and option setEnforceGlobalLayering(boolean) is disabled.
the minimum distance between horizontal edge segments
See Also:


public void setMinimumBusSegmentDistance(double minimumBusSegmentDistance)
Specifies the minimum (vertical) distance of the horizontal edge segments of the bus between the root node and the child nodes. If this distance is set to 0, all segments are routed in a classical bus-like style.

The specified distance is only considered if the layout style is set to ORTHOGONAL_STYLE and option setEnforceGlobalLayering(boolean) is disabled.
Default Value:
The default value is 0.
minimumBusSegmentDistance - the minimum distance between horizontal edge segments
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the specified distance is smaller than 0
See Also:
setLayoutStyle(int), setPortStyle(int)
Sample Graphs:

Minimum edge distance 0 with centered port style

Minimum edge distance 0 with border-distributed port style

Minimum edge distance 5 with centered port style

Minimum edge distance 5 with border-distributed port style


public boolean isEnforceGlobalLayering()
Returns whether or not a global layering is enforced, that is, each node spans exactly one layer.

If it is enabled, the algorithm ensures that nodes never span more than one layer. Otherwise, nodes with larger size might span two or more layers such that a more compact layout is produced.

This setting can be advantageous, if the hierarchical structure of the tree should be emphasized.

Disabling this feature to generate more compact layouts may force the algorithm to ignore the specified relative vertical alignment for nodes.
true if global layering is enforced, false otherwise
See Also:
setEnforceGlobalLayering(boolean), getVerticalAlignment(), setVerticalAlignment(double)


public void setEnforceGlobalLayering(boolean enabled)
Returns whether or not a global layering is enforced, that is, each node spans exactly one layer.

If it is enabled, the algorithm ensures that nodes never span more than one layer. Otherwise, nodes with larger size might span two or more layers such that a more compact layout is produced.

This setting can be advantageous, if the hierarchical structure of the tree should be emphasized.

Disabling this feature to generate more compact layouts may force the algorithm to ignore the specified relative vertical alignment for nodes.
Default Value:
The default value is true. Global layering is enabled.
enabled - true if global layering should be enforced, false otherwise
See Also:
getVerticalAlignment(), setVerticalAlignment(double)
Sample Graphs:




public byte getChildPlacementPolicy()
Returns the layout policy for leaf nodes.

one of the predefined layout policies for leaf nodes
See Also:


public void setChildPlacementPolicy(byte policy)
Specifies the layout policy for leaf nodes.

Default Value:
The default value is CHILD_PLACEMENT_POLICY_SIBLINGS_ON_SAME_LAYER. Sibling nodes are placed on the same layer.
policy - one of the predefined layout policies for leaf nodes
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the specified policy is unknown


public boolean isGroupingSupported()
Specifies whether or not group nodes are handled by the layout algorithm.

If this option is disabled, group nodes will be temporarily hidden and reinserted to enclose their content. This may lead to node overlaps.
Grouping only works correctly, if each group contains a complete subtree. This means that for each group there is a node such that the group contains exactly this node and all its descendants.
true if grouping is supported, false otherwise
See Also:


public void setGroupingSupported(boolean groupingSupported)
Specifies whether or not group nodes are handled by the layout algorithm.

If this option is disabled, group nodes will be temporarily hidden and reinserted to enclose their content. This may lead to node overlaps.
Grouping only works correctly, if each group contains a complete subtree. This means that for each group there is a node such that the group contains exactly this node and all its descendants.
Default Value:
The default value is true. Grouping is enabled.
groupingSupported - true if grouping should be supported, false otherwise
Sample Graph:



public void doLayoutCore(LayoutGraph graph)
Arranges the given graph as a tree.

Specified by:
doLayoutCore in class CanonicMultiStageLayouter
graph - the input graph


public void setComparator(java.util.Comparator comparator)
Specifies the Comparator instance that is used for sorting the outgoing edges of each node of the tree. This comparator defines the relative order of the child nodes in the layout.

Default Value:
The default value is Comparator. An implementation that compares the x-coordinates of the nodes.
comparator - a Comparator instance


public java.util.Comparator getComparator()
Returns the Comparator instance that is used for sorting the outgoing edges of each node of the tree. This comparator defines the relative order of the child nodes in the layout.

Default Value:
The default value is Comparator. An implementation that compares the x-coordinates of the nodes.
a Comparator instance
See Also:


public void setPortStyle(int style)
Specifies the port assignment policy that will be applied.

Default Value:
The default value is NODE_CENTER_PORTS. Ports are placed at the center of the nodes.
style - one of the predefined port assignment policies


public int getPortStyle()
Returns the port assignment policy that will be applied.

one of the predefined port assignment policies
See Also:


public void setLayoutStyle(int style)
Specifies the edge routing style used by this layout algorithm.

If PLAIN_STYLE is set, all edges will be routed as straight-line segments. If ORTHOGONAL_STYLE is set, all edges will be routed orthogonally in a bus-like fashion.

Default Value:
The default value is PLAIN_STYLE. Edges are routed as straight-line segments.
style - one of the predefined edge routing styles
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if an invalid layout style is provided


public int getLayoutStyle()
Returns the edge routing style used by this layout algorithm.

If PLAIN_STYLE is set, the edges will be routed as straight-line segments. If ORTHOGONAL_STYLE is set, all edges will be routed orthogonally in a bus-like fashion.

See Also:


public void setMinimalNodeDistance(double dist)
Specifies the minimum horizontal distance between adjacent nodes within the same layer.

Default Value:
The default value is 20.
dist - the non-negative minimum distance
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given distance is negative
Sample Graphs:

Minimum node distance set to 20

Minimum node distance set to 60


public double getMinimalNodeDistance()
Returns the minimum horizontal distance between adjacent nodes within the same layer.

the non-negative minimum distance
See Also:


public void setMinimalLayerDistance(double dist)
Specifies the minimum distance between two adjacent layers.

Default Value:
The default value is 20.
dist - the non-negative minimum distance
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given distance is negative
Sample Graphs:

Minimum layer distance 40

Minimum layer distance 80


public double getMinimalLayerDistance()
Returns the minimum distance between two adjacent layers.

the non-negative minimum distance
See Also:


public boolean isIntegratedNodeLabelingEnabled()
Returns whether or not the layout algorithm reserves space for node labels.

When enabling this property, any previously specified labeling algorithm will be overwritten and when disabling it, any currently specified labeling algorithm will be disabled via property CanonicMultiStageLayouter.setLabelLayouterEnabled(boolean). Therefore, it is recommended to only use this convenience property instead of manually changing the mentioned other properties.
true if node labels are considered, false otherwise
See Also:


public void setIntegratedNodeLabelingEnabled(boolean integratedNodeLabelingEnabled)
Specifies whether or not the layout algorithm reserves space for node labels.

When enabling this property, any previously specified labeling algorithm will be overwritten and when disabling it, any currently specified labeling algorithm will be disabled via property CanonicMultiStageLayouter.setLabelLayouterEnabled(boolean). Therefore, it is recommended to only use this convenience property instead of manually changing the mentioned other properties.
Default Value:
The default value is false. Node labels are not considered.
integratedNodeLabelingEnabled - true if node labels should be considered, false otherwise
Sample Graphs:




public boolean isIntegratedEdgeLabelingEnabled()
Returns whether or not the layout algorithm reserves space for edge labels and places them.

To define the desired placement for each label add a PreferredPlacementDescriptor on EdgeLabelLayout.

This method is a convenience method that assures that the label layouter is of type LabelLayoutTranslator and LabelLayoutTranslator.setTranslateEdgeLabelsEnabled(boolean) is set to true.

Optimal label placement with integrated labeling can be achieved using FreeEdgeLabelModel as the label model for the edges.
When enabling this property, any previously specified labeling algorithm will be overwritten and when disabling it, any currently specified labeling algorithm will be disabled via property CanonicMultiStageLayouter.setLabelLayouterEnabled(boolean). Therefore, it is recommended to only use this convenience property instead of manually changing the mentioned other properties.
true if integrated edge labeling is enabled, false otherwise
See Also:


public void setIntegratedEdgeLabelingEnabled(boolean integratedEdgeLabelingEnabled)
Specifies whether or not the layout algorithm reserves space for edge labels and places them.

To define the desired placement for each label add a PreferredPlacementDescriptor on EdgeLabelLayout.

This method is a convenience method that assures that the label layouter is of type LabelLayoutTranslator and LabelLayoutTranslator.setTranslateEdgeLabelsEnabled(boolean) is set to true.

Optimal label placement with integrated labeling can be achieved using FreeEdgeLabelModel as the label model for the edges.
When enabling this property, any previously specified labeling algorithm will be overwritten and when disabling it, any currently specified labeling algorithm will be disabled via property CanonicMultiStageLayouter.setLabelLayouterEnabled(boolean). Therefore, it is recommended to only use this convenience property instead of manually changing the mentioned other properties.
Default Value:
The default value is false. Integrated edge labeling is disabled.
integratedEdgeLabelingEnabled - true if integrated edge labeling should be enabled, false otherwise
Sample Graphs:




public double getBusAlignment()
Returns the vertical bus alignment for orthogonally routed edge buses.

The bus alignment determines the relative position of an edge bus between two subsequent layers. The value of this property must lie within the interval [0,1] where:

Bus alignment is taken into account only for:
a value from the interval [0,1]
See Also:
setBusAlignment(double), setLayoutStyle(int), setEnforceGlobalLayering(boolean), setChildPlacementPolicy(byte)


public void setBusAlignment(double busAlignment)
Specifies the vertical bus alignment for orthogonally routed edge buses.

The bus alignment determines the relative position of an edge bus between two subsequent layers. The value of this property must lie within the interval [0,1] where:

Bus alignment is taken into account only for:
Default Value:
The default value is 0.5. The bus is placed in the middle between parent and child nodes.
busAlignment - a value from the interval [0,1]
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if busAlignment is not in [0,1]
See Also:
setLayoutStyle(int), setEnforceGlobalLayering(boolean), setChildPlacementPolicy(byte)
Sample Graphs:

Bus alignment 0.0: top alignment

Bus alignment 0.5: center alignment

Bus alignment 1.0: bottom alignment


public double getMinimumFirstSegmentLength()
Returns the minimum length for the first segment of an edge.

During layout calculation, the edges of the tree are directed. Hence, the first segment is always the segment that is attached to the source, which is the local root node.

The length needs to be non-negative.

The specified length is only considered for ORTHOGONAL_STYLE layout style.
The specified length is not considered if global layering is enforced or if the child placement policy is CHILD_PLACEMENT_POLICY_ALL_LEAVES_ON_SAME_LAYER. For such cases the algorithm only ensures that the used minimum layer distance is at least the sum of the minimum first segment length and the minimum last segment length.
the non-negative minimum segment length
See Also:


public void setMinimumFirstSegmentLength(double minimumFirstSegmentLength)
Specifies the minimum length for the first segment of an edge.

During layout calculation, the edges of the tree are directed. Hence, the first segment is always the segment that is attached to the source, which is the local root node.

The length needs to be non-negative.

The specified length is only considered for ORTHOGONAL_STYLE layout style.
The specified length is not considered if global layering is enforced or if the child placement policy is CHILD_PLACEMENT_POLICY_ALL_LEAVES_ON_SAME_LAYER. For such cases the algorithm only ensures that the used minimum layer distance is at least the sum of the minimum first segment length and the minimum last segment length.
Default Value:
The default value is 20.
minimumFirstSegmentLength - the non-negative minimum segment length
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the minimum segment length is negative
Sample Graphs:




public double getMinimumLastSegmentLength()
Returns the minimum length for the last segment of an edge.

During layout calculation, the edges of the tree are directed. Hence, the last segment is always the segment that is attached to the target, which is a child node.

The length needs to be non-negative.

The specified length is only considered for ORTHOGONAL_STYLE layout style.
The specified length is not considered if global layering is enforced or if the child placement policy is CHILD_PLACEMENT_POLICY_ALL_LEAVES_ON_SAME_LAYER. For such cases the algorithm only ensures that the used minimum layer distance is at least the sum of the minimum first segment length and the minimum last segment length.
the non-negative minimum segment length
See Also:


public void setMinimumLastSegmentLength(double minimumLastSegmentLength)
Specifies the minimum length for the last segment of an edge.

During layout calculation, the edges of the tree are directed. Hence, the last segment is always the segment that is attached to the target, which is a child node.

The length needs to be non-negative.

The specified length is only considered for ORTHOGONAL_STYLE layout style.
The specified length is not considered if global layering is enforced or if the child placement policy is CHILD_PLACEMENT_POLICY_ALL_LEAVES_ON_SAME_LAYER. For such cases the algorithm only ensures that the used minimum layer distance is at least the sum of the minimum first segment length and the minimum last segment length.
Default Value:
The default value is 20.
minimumLastSegmentLength - the non-negative minimum segment length
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the minimum segment length is negative
Sample Graphs:




public double getVerticalAlignment()
Returns the vertical alignment of the nodes within their corresponding layers.

The value for the vertical alignment is considered as relative to the height of the corresponding layer, which is determined by the maximum height of the nodes that belong to the particular layer.

The value of this property must lie within the interval [0,1], where:

If global layering is not enforced, the value of this property is usually ignored.
a value from the interval [0,1]
See Also:
setVerticalAlignment(double), setEnforceGlobalLayering(boolean)


public void setVerticalAlignment(double verticalAlignment)
Specifies the vertical alignment of the nodes within their corresponding layers.

The value for the vertical alignment is considered as relative to the height of the corresponding layer, which is determined by the maximum height of the nodes that belong to the particular layer.

The value of this property must lie within the interval [0,1], where:

If global layering is not enforced, the value of this property is usually ignored.
Default Value:
The default value is 0.5. Nodes of the same layer are center-aligned.
verticalAlignment - a value from the interval [0,1]
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if vertical alignment value does not lie within [0,1]
See Also:
Sample Graphs:

Vertical alignment 0.0: top alignment

Vertical alignment 0.5: center alignment

Vertical alignment 1.0: bottom alignment


public void setModificationMatrix(AbstractRotatableNodePlacer.Matrix modificationMatrix)
Specifies the modification matrix used for rotating / mirroring the layout.

Default Value:
The default value is AbstractRotatableNodePlacer.Matrix.DEFAULT
modificationMatrix - the given modification matrix


public AbstractRotatableNodePlacer.Matrix getModificationMatrix()
Returns the modification matrix used for rotating / mirroring the layout.

the current modification matrix
See Also:


public void setComponentLayouterEnabled(boolean enabled)
Specifies whether or not the LayoutStage used for arranging the components of the graph is activated.

setComponentLayouterEnabled in class CanonicMultiStageLayouter
TreeLayouter can only handle single components. Disabling ComponentLayouter will lead to errors during execution.
Default Value:
The default value is true. The stage that arranges connected graph components is activated.
enabled - true if the stage that arranges the graph components is activated, false otherwise
See Also:
CanonicMultiStageLayouter.isComponentLayouterEnabled(), CanonicMultiStageLayouter.setComponentLayouter(LayoutStage), ComponentLayouter


public void setParallelEdgeLayouterEnabled(boolean enabled)
Specifies whether or not the LayoutStage used for routing parallel edges is activated.

setParallelEdgeLayouterEnabled in class CanonicMultiStageLayouter
TreeLayouter cannot handle parallel edges. Disabling ParallelEdgeLayouter will lead to errors during execution.
Default Value:
The default value is true. The stage that routes parallel edges is activated.
enabled - true if the stage responsible for routing parallel edges is activated, false otherwise
See Also:
CanonicMultiStageLayouter.isParallelEdgeLayouterEnabled(), CanonicMultiStageLayouter.setParallelEdgeLayouter(LayoutStage), ParallelEdgeLayouter


public void setSelfLoopLayouterEnabled(boolean enabled)
Specifies whether or not the LayoutStage used for routing self-loops is activated.

setSelfLoopLayouterEnabled in class CanonicMultiStageLayouter
TreeLayouter cannot handle self-loops. Disabling SelfLoopLayouter will lead to errors during execution.
Default Value:
The default value is true. The stage that routes self-loops is activated.
enabled - true if the stage responsible for routing self-loops is activated, false otherwise
See Also:
CanonicMultiStageLayouter.isSelfLoopLayouterEnabled(), CanonicMultiStageLayouter.setSelfLoopLayouter(LayoutStage), SelfLoopLayouter

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