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Class ClearAreaLayouter

  extended by y.layout.partial.ClearAreaLayouter
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public class ClearAreaLayouter
extends java.lang.Object
implements Layouter

This layout algorithm clears a specified area by moving intersecting elements, while trying to minimize the changes in the given layout.

Layout Style

The algorithm can be applied if it is necessary to make space within a specific region/area in an existing graph layout. It tries to keep the given layout style as much as possible. Ideally, only local changes in and around the marked area are made, such that the mental map for the user is preserved.

An example application is the use case that new nodes or a whole graph component were added to the graph and should be placed in a specific region of an existing graph layout. The region can then first be cleared using this algorithm such that afterwards the nodes or the component could be inserted without overlaps with other elements. This specific case can conveniently be implemented by defining a set of so-called area nodes, via AREA_NODES_DPKEY. Another, more general use case would be nodes that grow in size, including the case that a folder node is expanded and converted to a larger group node. This case is easily realized by specifying the expanded node via EXPANDED_NODE_DPKEY.

An input sample - the area that must be cleared is visualized as a gray rectangle.

The result after clearing the area with this algorithm.


The area, which can be defined as a rectangle or an outline, defines a region in the given input graph which must be cleared. Clearing the area means no graph elements are allowed to intersect with it. This includes nodes and, depending on settings isEdgeConsiderationEnabled(), isNodeLabelConsiderationEnabled() and isEdgeLabelConsiderationEnabled() also edges, node labels and edge labels.

In order to clear the area, the graph elements must be moved. Moving an element often induces the necessity to move further elements along with them. Thus, depending on where the area is located in the input drawing, many elements may be moved to make the necessary space. How elements are selected and how they are moved highly depends on the chosen clearing strategy.


For grouped graphs, the group nodes are also correctly handled by this algorithm. However, it is important to note that there is always one so-called area group node. It is the group node inside which the free space should be created and which may in consequence need to grow, see AREA_GROUP_NODE_DPKEY for more details. When defining the free space via area nodes (see above), this group is automatically determined, otherwise it must explicitly be specified. If not specified, the free space is created in the top-level hierarchy.

The algorithm is able to consider a specified PartitionGrid as long as there are no group nodes that span multiple grid cells. Note that the cleared area is always allocated to a single cell of the grid, i.e., it is not possible that the area spans multiple cells. For this feature to work properly it is required that the values of the properties ColumnDescriptor.getOriginalPosition(), RowDescriptor.getOriginalPosition() ColumnDescriptor.getOriginalWidth() and RowDescriptor.getOriginalHeight() are correctly specified. This is usually automatically the case when executing the ClearAreaLayouter as a standalone algorithm via layout execution convenience methods (e.g. the values are taken from the table visualization of the grid). However, if the ClearAreaLayouter is applied as part of a more complex layout pipeline it may be necessary to specify the values manually. For example, if another algorithm previously computed the grid position values and stored them in the respective 'computed' properties (e.g. ColumnDescriptor.getComputedPosition()), and afterwards ClearAreaLayouter should be applied, then the 'computed' values of the first algorithm should be written to the 'original' values prior to the run of the ClearAreaLayouter.

The input graph should already have a rather good layout for this algorithm to produce sophisticated results. The reason is that it analyzes the existing layout to decide how to change it. Overlapping nodes, edges intersecting nodes and other suboptimal arrangements can cause that this algorithm generates unexpected results. Furthermore, it is not meant to repair things like that in the input layout.

Field Summary
static java.lang.Object AREA_GROUP_NODE_DPKEY
          A DataProvider key for specifying the group node inside which the cleared area should be located The area that is cleared of elements can be associated to one specific group node.
static java.lang.Object AREA_NODES_DPKEY
          A DataProvider key for specifying a set of nodes that define the area which should be cleared These nodes define a sort of component from which the area that must be cleared is derived by calling method createAreaOutline(LayoutGraph, NodeList, EdgeList).
          A component assignment strategy where the subgraph components correspond to the clusters computed by a clustering algorithm based on edge betweenness centrality.
          A component assignment strategy where the subgraph components correspond to the connected components of the graph.
          A component assignment strategy where the subgraph components are defined by the user.
          A component assignment strategy that assigns each node to a separate subgraph component.
static java.lang.Object COMPONENT_ID_DPKEY
          A DataProvider key for defining custom components whose elements should preferably not be separated While the algorithm may move a whole component, it should preferably not move only a subset of its elements.
          Automatically chooses a suitable routing strategy by analyzing the existing edge routes.
          A routing strategy that produces octilinear routes.
          A routing strategy that produces organic routes for partial edges and inter-edges.
          A routing strategy that produces orthogonal routes.
          A routing strategy that produces straight-line routes.
static java.lang.Object EXPANDED_NODE_DPKEY
          A DataProvider key for marking the node that was expanded and, thus, defines the area that must be cleared When an expanded node is provided, the area that must be cleared is directly derived from the size of the expanded node.
          A DataProvider key for specifying the original, non-expanded bounds of the expanded node When an expanded node is provided, the area that must be cleared is directly derived from the bounds of the expanded node.
          A DataProvider key for associating original paths for edges connecting to the expanded node, including edges that did so only when the node was not yet expanded When an expanded node is provided, the area that must be cleared is directly derived from the bounds of the expanded node.
          Layout orientation specifier where the orientation is automatically detected.
          Layout orientation specifier which defines that the main layout orientation is from bottom to top.
          Layout orientation specifier which defines that the main layout orientation is from left to right.
          Layout orientation specifier where the layout orientation is completely ignored.
          Layout orientation specifier which defines that the main layout orientation is from right to left.
          Layout orientation specifier which defines that the main layout orientation is from top to bottom.
static java.lang.Object ROUTE_EDGE_DPKEY
          A DataProvider key for obtaining the edges that should be routed by the custom edge router
          A strategy that clears the area by globally partitioning the input into two parts and moving them apart.
static byte STRATEGY_LOCAL
          A strategy that clears the area by trying to minimize the number of moved nodes, changing the layout rather locally.
          A strategy that clears the area by trying to minimize the number of moved nodes, changing the layout rather locally but moving all necessary nodes by a uniform offset.
          A strategy that clears the area with the goal to preserve the shape of the existing edge paths, moving related elements in common.
          A strategy that clears the area with the goal to preserve the shape of the existing edge paths, moving related elements in common and also moving all elements by a uniform offset.
Fields inherited from interface y.layout.Layouter
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new instance of ClearAreaLayouter with default settings.
Method Summary
 boolean canLayout(LayoutGraph graph)
          Accepts all general graphs.
protected  void configureEdgeRouter(Layouter edgeRouter)
          This method is called each time when edges are rerouted with the given edge router.
protected  BorderLine[] createAreaOutline(LayoutGraph graph, NodeList areaNodes, EdgeList areaEdges)
          Creates the outline that describes the shape of the given nodes and edges.
 void doLayout(LayoutGraph graph)
          Clears the specified rectangular getArea(), the area defined via AREA_NODES_DPKEY or EXPANDED_NODE_DPKEY by moving all other graph elements currently intersecting with it.
 YRectangle getArea()
          Returns the rectangular area that must be cleared.
 BorderLine[] getAreaOutline()
          Returns the outline describing the shape of the area that must be cleared.
 byte getClearAreaStrategy()
          Returns the strategy applied for clearing the desired area.
 byte getComponentAssignmentStrategy()
          Returns the strategy that assigns nodes to components whose elements should preferably not be separated.
 Layouter getEdgeRouter()
          Returns the custom edge router instance that is applied to reroute edges.
 byte getEdgeRoutingStrategy()
          Returns the routing strategy that is preserved while clearing the area and applied when rerouting edges.
 double getGridSpacing()
          Returns the current grid spacing.
 byte getLayoutOrientation()
          Returns the layout orientation that is considered during the clearing of the area.
 long getMaximumDuration()
          Returns the time limit in milliseconds for the layout algorithm.
 double getSpacing()
          Returns the spacing that is considered between elements when they are moved to clear the area.
 boolean isEdgeConsiderationEnabled()
          Returns whether or not edges are considered when clearing the area such that no segments intersecting the area are allowed.
 boolean isEdgeLabelConsiderationEnabled()
          Returns whether or not the layout algorithm considers edge labels, moving them outside the area, if necessary.
 boolean isFixPorts()
          Returns whether the ports of the input graph must be fixed or if they can be changed.
 boolean isNodeLabelConsiderationEnabled()
          Returns whether or not the layout algorithm considers node labels, moving them outside the area, if necessary.
 void setArea(YRectangle area)
          Specifies the rectangular area that must be cleared.
 void setAreaOutline(BorderLine[] areaOutline)
          Specifies the outline describing the shape of the area that must be cleared.
 void setClearAreaStrategy(byte clearAreaStrategy)
          Specifies the strategy applied for clearing the desired area.
 void setComponentAssignmentStrategy(byte componentAssignmentStrategy)
          Specifies the strategy that assigns nodes to components whose elements should preferably not be separated.
 void setEdgeConsiderationEnabled(boolean edgeConsiderationEnabled)
          Specifies whether or not edges are considered when clearing the area such that no segments intersecting the area are allowed.
 void setEdgeLabelConsiderationEnabled(boolean edgeLabelConsiderationEnabled)
          Specifies whether or not the layout algorithm considers edge labels, moving them outside the area, if necessary.
 void setEdgeRouter(Layouter edgeRouter)
          Specifies the custom edge router instance that is applied to reroute edges.
 void setEdgeRoutingStrategy(byte edgeRoutingStrategy)
          Specifies the routing strategy that is preserved while clearing the area and applied when rerouting edges.
 void setFixPorts(boolean fixPorts)
          Specifies whether the ports of the input graph must be fixed or if they can be changed.
 void setGridSpacing(double gridSpacing)
          Specifies the current grid spacing.
 void setLayoutOrientation(byte layoutOrientation)
          Specifies the layout orientation that is considered during the clearing of the area.
 void setMaximumDuration(long maximumDuration)
          Specifies the time limit in milliseconds for the layout algorithm.
 void setNodeLabelConsiderationEnabled(boolean nodeLabelConsiderationEnabled)
          Specifies whether or not the layout algorithm considers node labels, moving them outside the area, if necessary.
 void setSpacing(double spacing)
          Specifies the spacing that is considered between elements when they are moved to clear the area.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.Object EXPANDED_NODE_DPKEY
A DataProvider key for marking the node that was expanded and, thus, defines the area that must be cleared

When an expanded node is provided, the area that must be cleared is directly derived from the size of the expanded node. Defining an expanded node is intended for the case that a node's size increased such that it might now overlap with other graph elements. This includes the use case of expanding a folder node.

It is strongly recommended to additionally provide the original (smaller) bounds of the expanded node via EXPANDED_NODE_ORIGINAL_BOUNDS_DPKEY. If the node has incident edges, it is also recommended to provide the original paths of these edges via key EXPANDED_NODE_ORIGINAL_EDGE_PATH_DPKEY, i.e. the edge paths before the size of the node was changed (for example, before expanding a folder node). This includes paths of edges that were only incident to the non-expanded node and are now incident to descendants of it. Using this knowledge the algorithm clears the area occupied by the expanded node but also considers how the layout looked before the change. This way the mental map may be preserved to a higher degree.

If selecting an expanded node, the area nodes and the values of properties getArea() and getAreaOutline() are ignored.
Only a single node may be marked as expanded.
See Also:


public static final java.lang.Object EXPANDED_NODE_ORIGINAL_BOUNDS_DPKEY
A DataProvider key for specifying the original, non-expanded bounds of the expanded node

When an expanded node is provided, the area that must be cleared is directly derived from the bounds of the expanded node. The original, non-expanded (smaller) bounds of the expanded node are helpful to preserve the mental map of the overall drawing to a higher degree than without the additional knowledge about the previous layout. Note, however, that only strategies STRATEGY_PRESERVE_SHAPES, STRATEGY_PRESERVE_SHAPES_UNIFORM and STRATEGY_GLOBAL will significantly profit from it.

See Also:


public static final java.lang.Object EXPANDED_NODE_ORIGINAL_EDGE_PATH_DPKEY
A DataProvider key for associating original paths for edges connecting to the expanded node, including edges that did so only when the node was not yet expanded

When an expanded node is provided, the area that must be cleared is directly derived from the bounds of the expanded node. The original paths together with the original, non-expanded (smaller) bounds (see EXPANDED_NODE_ORIGINAL_BOUNDS_DPKEY) of the expanded node are helpful to preserve the mental map of the overall drawing by providing knowledge about the previous layout state. Note, however, that only strategies STRATEGY_PRESERVE_SHAPES, STRATEGY_PRESERVE_SHAPES_UNIFORM and STRATEGY_GLOBAL will significantly profit from it.

Carefully observe that the original paths must correspond to the ones that were valid when the expanded node still had its original, non-expanded bounds. Thus, they should only be provided when the original bounds are provided too.

See Also:


public static final java.lang.Object COMPONENT_ID_DPKEY
A DataProvider key for defining custom components whose elements should preferably not be separated

While the algorithm may move a whole component, it should preferably not move only a subset of its elements. This means that the algorithm tries to move all elements of a component by the same offset (if at all). In order to achieve good results with this feature, the different components should not overlap in the initial drawing.

The specified custom components are only considered when property getComponentAssignmentStrategy() is set to COMPONENT_ASSIGNMENT_STRATEGY_CUSTOMIZED. Furthermore, the components feature is only supported by clearing strategies STRATEGY_PRESERVE_SHAPES, STRATEGY_PRESERVE_SHAPES_UNIFORM and STRATEGY_GLOBAL.
See Also:


public static final java.lang.Object AREA_NODES_DPKEY
A DataProvider key for specifying a set of nodes that define the area which should be cleared

These nodes define a sort of component from which the area that must be cleared is derived by calling method createAreaOutline(LayoutGraph, NodeList, EdgeList). This means that the area will exactly be defined by the current locations of these nodes (including the edges among them) such that after the algorithm execution there will not be any other elements intersecting with them.

Carefully observe that if group nodes are marked, all their descendants are treated as area nodes too.

The area group node can not be defined manually, but the nearest common ancestor of all area nodes will become the area group node. For group nodes other than the area group either all their descendants including the group itself must be area nodes or all their descendants including the group must not be area nodes. If the input is not complete in this matter, the required nodes are internally automatically treated as area nodes too.

Defining the area this way is useful if a subgraph was moved or newly inserted and the area where it is located should be cleared of any other elements.
If area nodes are defined, then the values of properties getArea() and getAreaOutline() are ignored.
See Also:
createAreaOutline(LayoutGraph, NodeList, EdgeList)
Sample Graphs:

Input where the three selected nodes are the area nodes that should be inserted in an existing layout and would currently overlap with other elements.

Result after clearing the area defined by the area nodes - no overlaps with other elements exist.


public static final java.lang.Object AREA_GROUP_NODE_DPKEY
A DataProvider key for specifying the group node inside which the cleared area should be located

The area that is cleared of elements can be associated to one specific group node. This means that this group can grow because the free space must be created inside it. In consequence, all ancestor nodes of the group may grow, too. Other groups are treated as fixed and must be moved in order to avoid an overlap with the specified area.

If no group is specified, the free space will be created in the top-level hierarchy.

For many use cases it is suitable to define the innermost group that contains the center of the specified area as the area group node.
The area group is ignored if the area is defined by means of an area nodes component (see AREA_NODES_DPKEY) or by means of a single expanded node (see EXPANDED_NODE_DPKEY. In these cases, the nearest common ancestor of the area nodes or the parent of the expanded node is automatically selected as the group node that contains the free space.
Sample Graphs:

An input example with group nodes where the rectangular green area must be cleared.

The result when no group node is specified as area group. The free space is created in the top-level hierarchy.

The result when specifying the outer group with label "Group1" as the area group node. The free space is created inside that group and it significantly increased in size.


public static final java.lang.Object ROUTE_EDGE_DPKEY
A DataProvider key for obtaining the edges that should be routed by the custom edge router

The associated DataProvider must not be set by the user! The key is used by this algorithm to temporarily add a DataProvider that marks edges that should be routed by the specified edge router, see setEdgeRouter(Layouter).
See Also:


A routing strategy that produces orthogonal routes.

A route of an edge is called orthogonal if it only consists of vertical and horizontal segments.

See Also:
PartialLayouter.setEdgeRoutingStrategy(byte), setEdgeRoutingStrategy(byte), Constant Field Values


A routing strategy that produces straight-line routes.

See Also:
PartialLayouter.setEdgeRoutingStrategy(byte), setEdgeRoutingStrategy(byte), Constant Field Values


public static final byte EDGE_ROUTING_STRATEGY_AUTOMATIC
Automatically chooses a suitable routing strategy by analyzing the existing edge routes.

If, for example, all edges have orthogonal edge routes, edges that are rerouted are routed orthogonally, too.

See Also:
PartialLayouter.setEdgeRoutingStrategy(byte), setEdgeRoutingStrategy(byte), Constant Field Values


public static final byte EDGE_ROUTING_STRATEGY_ORGANIC
A routing strategy that produces organic routes for partial edges and inter-edges.

See Also:
PartialLayouter.setEdgeRoutingStrategy(byte), setEdgeRoutingStrategy(byte), Constant Field Values


A routing strategy that produces octilinear routes.

A route of an edge is called octilinear if the slope of each segment is a multiple of 45 degrees.

See Also:
PartialLayouter.setEdgeRoutingStrategy(byte), setEdgeRoutingStrategy(byte), Constant Field Values


A component assignment strategy that assigns each node to a separate subgraph component.

See Also:
PartialLayouter.setComponentAssignmentStrategy(byte), setComponentAssignmentStrategy(byte), FillAreaLayouter.setComponentAssignmentStrategy(byte), Constant Field Values


A component assignment strategy where the subgraph components correspond to the connected components of the graph.

See Also:
PartialLayouter.setComponentAssignmentStrategy(byte), setComponentAssignmentStrategy(byte), FillAreaLayouter.setComponentAssignmentStrategy(byte), Constant Field Values


A component assignment strategy where the subgraph components correspond to the clusters computed by a clustering algorithm based on edge betweenness centrality.

See Also:
PartialLayouter.setComponentAssignmentStrategy(byte), setComponentAssignmentStrategy(byte), FillAreaLayouter.setComponentAssignmentStrategy(byte), Constant Field Values


A component assignment strategy where the subgraph components are defined by the user.

See Also:
PartialLayouter.setComponentAssignmentStrategy(byte), setComponentAssignmentStrategy(byte), FillAreaLayouter.setComponentAssignmentStrategy(byte), Constant Field Values


public static final byte ORIENTATION_TOP_TO_BOTTOM
Layout orientation specifier which defines that the main layout orientation is from top to bottom.

See Also:
PartialLayouter.setLayoutOrientation(byte), setLayoutOrientation(byte), FillAreaLayouter.setLayoutOrientation(byte), Constant Field Values


public static final byte ORIENTATION_BOTTOM_TO_TOP
Layout orientation specifier which defines that the main layout orientation is from bottom to top.

See Also:
PartialLayouter.setLayoutOrientation(byte), setLayoutOrientation(byte), FillAreaLayouter.setLayoutOrientation(byte), Constant Field Values


public static final byte ORIENTATION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT
Layout orientation specifier which defines that the main layout orientation is from left to right.

See Also:
PartialLayouter.setLayoutOrientation(byte), setLayoutOrientation(byte), FillAreaLayouter.setLayoutOrientation(byte), Constant Field Values


public static final byte ORIENTATION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT
Layout orientation specifier which defines that the main layout orientation is from right to left.

See Also:
PartialLayouter.setLayoutOrientation(byte), setLayoutOrientation(byte), FillAreaLayouter.setLayoutOrientation(byte), Constant Field Values


public static final byte ORIENTATION_AUTO_DETECTION
Layout orientation specifier where the orientation is automatically detected.

See Also:
PartialLayouter.setLayoutOrientation(byte), setLayoutOrientation(byte), FillAreaLayouter.setLayoutOrientation(byte), Constant Field Values


public static final byte ORIENTATION_NONE
Layout orientation specifier where the layout orientation is completely ignored.

See Also:
PartialLayouter.setLayoutOrientation(byte), setLayoutOrientation(byte), FillAreaLayouter.setLayoutOrientation(byte), Constant Field Values


public static final byte STRATEGY_LOCAL
A strategy that clears the area by trying to minimize the number of moved nodes, changing the layout rather locally.

From the specified getArea(), stripes running from the area border to the graph border in all four directions are considered. The area is now cleared by simply moving all elements inside the stripe in that direction, as far as necessary. If elements are not completely inside the stripe but collide with moved elements, then they are moved along too. This way, the moving stripe can quickly grow in some scenarios.

All edges where at least one node was moved are finally rerouted by the routing algorithm. This also applies for edges that cross the area if property isEdgeConsiderationEnabled() is enabled.

This strategy does not consider the component assignment setting.
See Also:
setClearAreaStrategy(byte), Constant Field Values
Sample Graphs:

Input graph where the gray area must be cleared.

The result where the area was cleared with strategy STRATEGY_LOCAL.


public static final byte STRATEGY_LOCAL_UNIFORM
A strategy that clears the area by trying to minimize the number of moved nodes, changing the layout rather locally but moving all necessary nodes by a uniform offset.

This strategy basically works like STRATEGY_LOCAL with the difference that nodes that are required to move are moved uniformly, by the same location offset. Therefore, compared to STRATEGY_LOCAL this strategy preserves more of the initial relations. On the other hand, results can become less compact. As nodes are uniformly moved, edges where both end nodes were shifted do not need to be rerouted.

This strategy does not consider the component assignment setting.
See Also:
setClearAreaStrategy(byte), Constant Field Values
Sample Graphs:

Input graph where the gray area must be cleared.

The result where the area was cleared with strategy STRATEGY_LOCAL_UNIFORM.


public static final byte STRATEGY_PRESERVE_SHAPES
A strategy that clears the area with the goal to preserve the shape of the existing edge paths, moving related elements in common.

Preserving the shapes of the edge paths means that the direction of the edge segments is not changed and no new bends are created. The segment lengths may change in order to generate free space. The effect of this strategy is that the relative routes remain the same. The general aesthetics of a given layout are, ideally, preserved. The layout only becomes sparser to free up the desired space.

This strategy models all graph elements (nodes, edges, bends, labels) the same way and unifies related elements where appropriate. They are then moved in common in order to keep the relation among them as is.

For input graphs with a large number of edges, this strategy as well as STRATEGY_PRESERVE_SHAPES_UNIFORM usually require less runtime than the other strategies, because the number of edges that have to be rerouted is smaller (rerouting is often very time consuming).
Compared to the local approaches STRATEGY_LOCAL and STRATEGY_LOCAL_UNIFORM, this strategy usually needs to move a larger number of nodes to achieve its goal.
See Also:
setClearAreaStrategy(byte), Constant Field Values
Sample Graphs:

Input graph where the gray area must be cleared.

The result where the area was cleared with strategy STRATEGY_PRESERVE_SHAPES.


A strategy that clears the area with the goal to preserve the shape of the existing edge paths, moving related elements in common and also moving all elements by a uniform offset.

In addition to the related strategy STRATEGY_PRESERVE_SHAPES, this one uses a uniform offset for all elements that are moved. This way the relative locations between all elements in the graph are preserved. On the other hand, unnecessary additional space may be generated.

Preserving the shapes of the edge paths means that the direction of the edge segments is not changed and no new bends are created. The segment lengths may change in order to generate free space. The effect of this strategy is that the relative routes remain the same. The general aesthetics of a given layout are, ideally, preserved. The layout only becomes sparser to free up the desired space.

This strategy models all graph elements (nodes, edges, bends, labels) the same way and unifies related elements where appropriate. They are then moved in common in order to keep the relation among them as is.

For input graphs with a large number of edges, this strategy as well as STRATEGY_PRESERVE_SHAPES usually require less runtime than the other strategies, because the number of edges that have to be rerouted is smaller (rerouting is often very time consuming).
Compared to the local approaches STRATEGY_LOCAL and STRATEGY_LOCAL_UNIFORM, this strategy usually needs to move a larger number of nodes to achieve its goal.
See Also:
setClearAreaStrategy(byte), Constant Field Values
Sample Graphs:

Input graph where the gray area must be cleared.

The result where the area was cleared with strategy STRATEGY_PRESERVE_SHAPES_UNIFORM.


public static final byte STRATEGY_GLOBAL
A strategy that clears the area by globally partitioning the input into two parts and moving them apart.

The existing layout is divided into two partitions somewhere along the area. The division can be vertical or horizontal. To free up the space, the two components are then moved horizontally (vertical division) or vertically (horizontal division). Edges connecting nodes of different partitions are rerouted by the routing algorithm.

This strategy has a rather global effect on the existing layout because every element is displaced. The edge routes and relative locations between elements that are in the same partition are not changed at all. Compared to other strategies, more unnecessary free space may be generated as not only the exact area is cleared, but a whole vertical or horizontal stripe.

The specified component assignments is considered such that if possible all component nodes are in the same partition.

See Also:
setClearAreaStrategy(byte), Constant Field Values
Sample Graphs:

Input graph where the gray area must be cleared.

The result where the area was cleared with strategy STRATEGY_GLOBAL.
Constructor Detail


public ClearAreaLayouter()
Creates a new instance of ClearAreaLayouter with default settings.

Method Detail


public byte getClearAreaStrategy()
Returns the strategy applied for clearing the desired area.

This property controls the main approach followed to clear the area of graph elements.

one of the predefined strategies to clear the area
See Also:


public void setClearAreaStrategy(byte clearAreaStrategy)
Specifies the strategy applied for clearing the desired area.

This property controls the main approach followed to clear the area of graph elements.

Default Value:
clearAreaStrategy - one of the predefined strategies to clear the area
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if an unknown strategy is provided


public double getGridSpacing()
Returns the current grid spacing.

Elements are moved by multiples of this value, thus, keeping their offset to the grid. That way, components or parts of them that were placed on a grid before, will stay on their original grid.

The grid spacing needs to be a non-negative value. If it is set to 0, no grid is considered.

For edges that need to be rerouted, it is not guaranteed that the bends are placed on grid points.
the grid spacing
See Also:


public void setGridSpacing(double gridSpacing)
Specifies the current grid spacing.

Elements are moved by multiples of this value, thus, keeping their offset to the grid. That way, components or parts of them that were placed on a grid before, will stay on their original grid.

The grid spacing needs to be a non-negative value. If it is set to 0, no grid is considered.

For edges that need to be rerouted, it is not guaranteed that the bends are placed on grid points.
Default Value:
The default value is 0. No grid is considered.
gridSpacing - the grid spacing
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given spacing is negative


public Layouter getEdgeRouter()
Returns the custom edge router instance that is applied to reroute edges.

Several types of edges can be routed by this algorithm:

  1. Edges where one or both endpoints where displaced in order to clear the area. It depends on the strategy if such edges are actually handled by the routing algorithm or if they are implicitly moved. For example, strategy STRATEGY_PRESERVE_SHAPES tries to keep the shapes and can avoid rerouting in many cases.
  2. So-called inter-edges resulting from the area nodes component. If such a component exists, the inter-edges are the edges connecting area nodes with non-area nodes. They are always handled by this routing algorithm, independent of the strategy.
  3. Edges connecting to a specifically marked expanded node and to the descendants of the expanded node in case it is a group node.

Changing the value of property setEdgeRoutingStrategy(byte) automatically sets a new edge router instance according to the specified routing strategy, thus, overwriting any previously set instances. The following routing algorithms are set:

Edges that have to be routed with the specified router will be marked using DataProvider-key ROUTE_EDGE_DPKEY. Hence, the specified router has to be configured such that it observes this key and only routes marked edges!
the custom edge router instance that is applied to reroute edges
See Also:
setEdgeRouter(Layouter), ROUTE_EDGE_DPKEY, setEdgeRoutingStrategy(byte)


public void setEdgeRouter(Layouter edgeRouter)
Specifies the custom edge router instance that is applied to reroute edges.

Several types of edges can be routed by this algorithm:

  1. Edges where one or both endpoints where displaced in order to clear the area. It depends on the strategy if such edges are actually handled by the routing algorithm or if they are implicitly moved. For example, strategy STRATEGY_PRESERVE_SHAPES tries to keep the shapes and can avoid rerouting in many cases.
  2. So-called inter-edges resulting from the area nodes component. If such a component exists, the inter-edges are the edges connecting area nodes with non-area nodes. They are always handled by this routing algorithm, independent of the strategy.
  3. Edges connecting to a specifically marked expanded node and to the descendants of the expanded node in case it is a group node.

Changing the value of property setEdgeRoutingStrategy(byte) automatically sets a new edge router instance according to the specified routing strategy, thus, overwriting any previously set instances. The following routing algorithms are set:

Edges that have to be routed with the specified router will be marked using DataProvider-key ROUTE_EDGE_DPKEY. Hence, the specified router has to be configured such that it observes this key and only routes marked edges!
Default Value:
The default value is null. There is no custom router and the routing strategy is automatically determined.
edgeRouter - the custom edge router instance that is applied to reroute edges
See Also:
ROUTE_EDGE_DPKEY, setEdgeRoutingStrategy(byte)


public byte getEdgeRoutingStrategy()
Returns the routing strategy that is preserved while clearing the area and applied when rerouting edges.

The algorithm assumes that the existing edges have paths according to the specified strategy and takes this into account when moving nodes and edges in order to clear the area. If the automatic strategy is set, then no assumptions are made but the given paths are analyzed to derive the best fitting routing strategy. Note that in this case, the algorithm may use different routing styles for the edges.

This routing strategy is also relevant when edges need to be rerouted, as it determines the routing algorithm used for rerouting, see setEdgeRouter(Layouter) for more details.

Changing the value of this property overwrites a previously set customized edge router, see setEdgeRouter(Layouter).
It is strongly discouraged to specify a routing strategy different from the actual routing style of the input drawing.
one of the predefined edge routing strategies
See Also:
setEdgeRoutingStrategy(byte), setEdgeRouter(Layouter)


public void setEdgeRoutingStrategy(byte edgeRoutingStrategy)
Specifies the routing strategy that is preserved while clearing the area and applied when rerouting edges.

The algorithm assumes that the existing edges have paths according to the specified strategy and takes this into account when moving nodes and edges in order to clear the area. If the automatic strategy is set, then no assumptions are made but the given paths are analyzed to derive the best fitting routing strategy. Note that in this case, the algorithm may use different routing styles for the edges.

This routing strategy is also relevant when edges need to be rerouted, as it determines the routing algorithm used for rerouting, see setEdgeRouter(Layouter) for more details.

Changing the value of this property overwrites a previously set customized edge router, see setEdgeRouter(Layouter).
It is strongly discouraged to specify a routing strategy different from the actual routing style of the input drawing.
Default Value:
The default value is EDGE_ROUTING_STRATEGY_AUTOMATIC. The routing strategy is automatically determined.
edgeRoutingStrategy - one of the predefined edge routing strategies
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given strategy does not match one of the predefined routing strategies
See Also:


protected void configureEdgeRouter(Layouter edgeRouter)
This method is called each time when edges are rerouted with the given edge router.

This method may be overridden to customize the settings of the applied routing algorithm without manually specifying a custom router instance. This can be beneficial because the basic configuration of the router has already been made upon calling this method (e.g. setting up the scope). This method can then be implemented to fine-tune further settings, like, for example, minimum distance values.

The type of the given instance depends on the edge routing strategy.

edgeRouter - the instance used for routing the edges
See Also:
setEdgeRouter(Layouter), setEdgeRoutingStrategy(byte)


public byte getComponentAssignmentStrategy()
Returns the strategy that assigns nodes to components whose elements should preferably not be separated.

While the algorithm may move a whole component, it tries to not move only a subset of its elements, thus, all elements of a component are not moved at all or moved by the same offset.

Borders of groups and partition cells always split up the components, i.e., two nodes assigned to different groups or partition cells are always assigned to different subgraph components.
This feature is only supported by clearing strategies STRATEGY_PRESERVE_SHAPES, STRATEGY_PRESERVE_SHAPES_UNIFORM and STRATEGY_GLOBAL.
one of the predefined assignment strategies
See Also:
setComponentAssignmentStrategy(byte), COMPONENT_ID_DPKEY


public void setComponentAssignmentStrategy(byte componentAssignmentStrategy)
Specifies the strategy that assigns nodes to components whose elements should preferably not be separated.

While the algorithm may move a whole component, it tries to not move only a subset of its elements, thus, all elements of a component are not moved at all or moved by the same offset.

Borders of groups and partition cells always split up the components, i.e., two nodes assigned to different groups or partition cells are always assigned to different subgraph components.
This feature is only supported by clearing strategies STRATEGY_PRESERVE_SHAPES, STRATEGY_PRESERVE_SHAPES_UNIFORM and STRATEGY_GLOBAL.
Default Value:
The default value is COMPONENT_ASSIGNMENT_STRATEGY_CUSTOMIZED. Components can be user-defined and if none are defined, each node is a separate component.
componentAssignmentStrategy - one of the predefined assignment strategies
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the specified strategy does not match one of the predefined strategies
See Also:


public long getMaximumDuration()
Returns the time limit in milliseconds for the layout algorithm.

Values have to be greater than or equal to 0.

Restricting the maximum duration may result in a lower layout quality. Furthermore, the real runtime may exceed the maximum duration since the layout algorithm still has to find a valid solution. For strategies STRATEGY_LOCAL and STRATEGY_LOCAL_UNIFORM a restricted time can highly affect the quality of the edge routes and, on the other hand, significantly improve the performance.
the non-negative value that specifies the time limit in milliseconds
See Also:


public void setMaximumDuration(long maximumDuration)
Specifies the time limit in milliseconds for the layout algorithm.

Values have to be greater than or equal to 0.

Restricting the maximum duration may result in a lower layout quality. Furthermore, the real runtime may exceed the maximum duration since the layout algorithm still has to find a valid solution. For strategies STRATEGY_LOCAL and STRATEGY_LOCAL_UNIFORM a restricted time can highly affect the quality of the edge routes and, on the other hand, significantly improve the performance.
Default Value:
The default value is Long.MAX_VALUE.
maximumDuration - the non-negative value that specifies the time limit in milliseconds
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the maximum duration is negative


public boolean isFixPorts()
Returns whether the ports of the input graph must be fixed or if they can be changed.

This property is relevant for edges that are rerouted in order to clear the area, i.e., edges where one or both endpoints where displaced or edges that intersect the area in the input graph (depending on property isEdgeConsiderationEnabled()) and that are consequently handled by the specified edge router. Inter-edges resulting from the area nodes component are not affected by this property (edges connecting area nodes with non-area nodes). For such edges, the behavior is the same as if this property would be disabled, see the following description. The same applies for edges incident to the expanded node or the descendants of the expanded node (if one endpoint is not the expanded node or a descendant).

If the ports are fixed, then the port side and location are not changed, except for group nodes that grow due to the area inside them. Edges at these groups keep the port side, but the absolute location is not fixed.

If disabled, the algorithm considers specified PortConstraint and PortCandidates when rerouting edges. If there are no such constraints for an edge, then the ports of that edge can be freely placed. This can often produce better edge routes in the resulting drawing, however, the overall shape of the edge may then not be preserved.

true if ports of the input are fixed, false otherwise
See Also:


public void setFixPorts(boolean fixPorts)
Specifies whether the ports of the input graph must be fixed or if they can be changed.

This property is relevant for edges that are rerouted in order to clear the area, i.e., edges where one or both endpoints where displaced or edges that intersect the area in the input graph (depending on property isEdgeConsiderationEnabled()) and that are consequently handled by the specified edge router. Inter-edges resulting from the area nodes component are not affected by this property (edges connecting area nodes with non-area nodes). For such edges, the behavior is the same as if this property would be disabled, see the following description. The same applies for edges incident to the expanded node or the descendants of the expanded node (if one endpoint is not the expanded node or a descendant).

If the ports are fixed, then the port side and location are not changed, except for group nodes that grow due to the area inside them. Edges at these groups keep the port side, but the absolute location is not fixed.

If disabled, the algorithm considers specified PortConstraint and PortCandidates when rerouting edges. If there are no such constraints for an edge, then the ports of that edge can be freely placed. This can often produce better edge routes in the resulting drawing, however, the overall shape of the edge may then not be preserved.

Default Value:
The default value is true. Ports are fixed and not allowed to change when adjusting the edge paths.
fixPorts - true if ports of the input should be fixed, false otherwise


public boolean isEdgeConsiderationEnabled()
Returns whether or not edges are considered when clearing the area such that no segments intersecting the area are allowed.

If enabled, edges that must be rerouted are not allowed to intersect the area that is cleared. Furthermore, edges whose source and target node are not moved but where segments intersect the area in the input graph are rerouted in order to remove that intersection.

If disabled, edges are allowed to intersect the area that is cleared. This has the effect that the area is cleared of nodes only.

With edge routing strategies EDGE_ROUTING_STRATEGY_STRAIGHTLINE and EDGE_ROUTING_STRATEGY_ORGANIC, intersections with the area are not resolved. Use strategies EDGE_ROUTING_STRATEGY_ORTHOGONAL or EDGE_ROUTING_STRATEGY_OCTILINEAR if preventing them is an important requirement.
true if edges are considered and edge intersections with the area are removed, false otherwise
See Also:


public void setEdgeConsiderationEnabled(boolean edgeConsiderationEnabled)
Specifies whether or not edges are considered when clearing the area such that no segments intersecting the area are allowed.

If enabled, edges that must be rerouted are not allowed to intersect the area that is cleared. Furthermore, edges whose source and target node are not moved but where segments intersect the area in the input graph are rerouted in order to remove that intersection.

If disabled, edges are allowed to intersect the area that is cleared. This has the effect that the area is cleared of nodes only.

With edge routing strategies EDGE_ROUTING_STRATEGY_STRAIGHTLINE and EDGE_ROUTING_STRATEGY_ORGANIC, intersections with the area are not resolved. Use strategies EDGE_ROUTING_STRATEGY_ORTHOGONAL or EDGE_ROUTING_STRATEGY_OCTILINEAR if preventing them is an important requirement.
Default Value:
The default value is true. Edges are not allowed to intersect the area.
edgeConsiderationEnabled - true if edges are considered and edge intersections with the area should be removed, false otherwise
Sample Graphs:

Input example where the gray area must be cleared.

true - edges are considered and moved outside the area.

false - edge are still allowed in the area, only the intersecting node was moved.


public YRectangle getArea()
Returns the rectangular area that must be cleared.

All elements (nodes, edges and labels) that currently intersect the area will be moved such that the area is cleared after the layout run.

The specified area is ignored in case that the area is derived from a custom set of area nodes or from the size of an expanded node.
the rectangular area that must be cleared
See Also:


public void setArea(YRectangle area)
Specifies the rectangular area that must be cleared.

All elements (nodes, edges and labels) that currently intersect the area will be moved such that the area is cleared after the layout run.

The specified area is ignored in case that the area is derived from a custom set of area nodes or from the size of an expanded node.
Default Value:
The default value is null. There is no area to be cleared.
area - the rectangular area that must be cleared


public BorderLine[] getAreaOutline()
Returns the outline describing the shape of the area that must be cleared.

This property should be used if the area is not only a simple rectangular shape but more complex. An outline consists of four BorderLine instances, where the array is interpreted as follows:

This property is synchronized with property setArea(YRectangle) such that when one is changed, internally both are changed. The setArea(YRectangle) property is a more simple view of this property, as it only provides the rectangular bounding box.
The specified outline is ignored in case that the area is derived from a custom set of area nodes or from the size of an expanded node.
the four border lines describing the shape of the area outline
See Also:


public void setAreaOutline(BorderLine[] areaOutline)
Specifies the outline describing the shape of the area that must be cleared.

This property should be used if the area is not only a simple rectangular shape but more complex. An outline consists of four BorderLine instances, where the array is interpreted as follows:

This property is synchronized with property setArea(YRectangle) such that when one is changed, internally both are changed. The setArea(YRectangle) property is a more simple view of this property, as it only provides the rectangular bounding box.
The specified outline is ignored in case that the area is derived from a custom set of area nodes or from the size of an expanded node.
Default Value:
The default value is null. There is no outline to be cleared.
areaOutline - the four border lines describing the shape of the area outline
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given array does not contain exactly four non-null BorderLines


protected BorderLine[] createAreaOutline(LayoutGraph graph,
                                         NodeList areaNodes,
                                         EdgeList areaEdges)
Creates the outline that describes the shape of the given nodes and edges.

This method is called when the area to be cleared is derived from a specified set of area nodes, see AREA_NODES_DPKEY. The outline is defined by four BorderLines, which are then used as the area outline for the layout run.

The default implementation of this method includes the bounds of the given nodes, the bounding boxes of the segments of the given edges, as well as the bounds of the corresponding node and edge labels (depending on the properties isNodeLabelConsiderationEnabled() and isEdgeLabelConsiderationEnabled(). This method may be overridden if another way of deriving the area shape from the defined nodes and edges is desired (e.g. if only nodes shall be considered, ignoring edges).

The returned array must contain exactly four BorderLine instances where the indices are interpreted as follows:

The given list of edges does not include edges that connect an area node with a non-area node. Such edges will always be rerouted and they do not affect the shape of the area.
This method is only called if a custom set of area nodes is specified.
graph - the input graph
areaNodes - the nodes that are part of the area that should be cleared
areaEdges - the edges that are adjacent to the given area nodes
an array of four BorderLines describing the outline of the area to be cleared


public byte getLayoutOrientation()
Returns the layout orientation that is considered during the clearing of the area.

The orientation affects the direction that the algorithm prefers when moving elements. For the vertical orientations ORIENTATION_TOP_TO_BOTTOM and ORIENTATION_BOTTOM_TO_TOP, moving elements horizontally (i.e. to the left and to the right) is preferred. For the horizontal orientations ORIENTATION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT and ORIENTATION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT, the vertical moving direction is preferred. This is mainly useful for layouts that have a clear direction and nodes are divided into layers with respect to this directions, like e.g., hierarchical layouts.

If this behavior is undesired, the orientation can be ignored by specifying ORIENTATION_NONE. No specific moving direction will be preferred in that case. The orientation can also be automatically detected based on the flow direction of the edges when choosing ORIENTATION_AUTO_DETECTION.

one of the predefined layout orientations
See Also:


public void setLayoutOrientation(byte layoutOrientation)
Specifies the layout orientation that is considered during the clearing of the area.

The orientation affects the direction that the algorithm prefers when moving elements. For the vertical orientations ORIENTATION_TOP_TO_BOTTOM and ORIENTATION_BOTTOM_TO_TOP, moving elements horizontally (i.e. to the left and to the right) is preferred. For the horizontal orientations ORIENTATION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT and ORIENTATION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT, the vertical moving direction is preferred. This is mainly useful for layouts that have a clear direction and nodes are divided into layers with respect to this directions, like e.g., hierarchical layouts.

If this behavior is undesired, the orientation can be ignored by specifying ORIENTATION_NONE. No specific moving direction will be preferred in that case. The orientation can also be automatically detected based on the flow direction of the edges when choosing ORIENTATION_AUTO_DETECTION.

Default Value:
The default value is ORIENTATION_NONE. The layout is considered to have no specific orientation.
layoutOrientation - one of the predefined layout orientations
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the specified orientation does not match one of the predefined orientations


public boolean isEdgeLabelConsiderationEnabled()
Returns whether or not the layout algorithm considers edge labels, moving them outside the area, if necessary.

When enabled, the edge labels intersecting the getArea() are explicitly rearranged even if the corresponding edges would not be changed.

If disabled, edge labels may remain intersecting with the area. In addition, after moving elements to clear the area, there may be new edge label overlaps.

true if edge labels are considered, false otherwise


public void setEdgeLabelConsiderationEnabled(boolean edgeLabelConsiderationEnabled)
Specifies whether or not the layout algorithm considers edge labels, moving them outside the area, if necessary.

When enabled, the edge labels intersecting the getArea() are explicitly rearranged even if the corresponding edges would not be changed.

If disabled, edge labels may remain intersecting with the area. In addition, after moving elements to clear the area, there may be new edge label overlaps.

Default Value:
The default value is true. Edge labels are considered.
edgeLabelConsiderationEnabled - true if edge labels should be considered, false otherwise


public boolean isNodeLabelConsiderationEnabled()
Returns whether or not the layout algorithm considers node labels, moving them outside the area, if necessary.

Internally, nodes are treated like they would have a size including their labels. Therefore, layout results can get significantly less compact if this feature is enabled.

If this feature is disabled, node labels may remain intersecting with the area. In addition, after moving elements to clear the area, there may be new node label overlaps.

true if node labels are considered, false otherwise


public void setNodeLabelConsiderationEnabled(boolean nodeLabelConsiderationEnabled)
Specifies whether or not the layout algorithm considers node labels, moving them outside the area, if necessary.

Internally, nodes are treated like they would have a size including their labels. Therefore, layout results can get significantly less compact if this feature is enabled.

If this feature is disabled, node labels may remain intersecting with the area. In addition, after moving elements to clear the area, there may be new node label overlaps.

Default Value:
The default value is true. Node labels are considered.
nodeLabelConsiderationEnabled - true if node labels should be considered, false otherwise


public double getSpacing()
Returns the spacing that is considered between elements when they are moved to clear the area.

This spacing only affects the moving of elements out of the area. Elements keep the specified distance to other elements. Carefully observe that if the distance between two elements is already smaller, then they may not be moved apart.

Strategies STRATEGY_PRESERVE_SHAPES, STRATEGY_PRESERVE_SHAPES_UNIFORM and STRATEGY_GLOBAL consider the spacing for all graph elements, including nodes, edges, node labels and edge labels when they are encountered during the movement process. On the other hand, strategies STRATEGY_LOCAL and STRATEGY_LOCAL_UNIFORM consider the spacing only with respect to nodes.

For edges that are rerouted with the edge router, this spacing is not considered. Instead, the respective distance/spacing values of the router instance apply. To configure custom distance/spacing values for the routing, one may override method configureEdgeRouter(Layouter) or specify a manually configured router instance.
the non-negative spacing between elements
See Also:


public void setSpacing(double spacing)
Specifies the spacing that is considered between elements when they are moved to clear the area.

This spacing only affects the moving of elements out of the area. Elements keep the specified distance to other elements. Carefully observe that if the distance between two elements is already smaller, then they may not be moved apart.

Strategies STRATEGY_PRESERVE_SHAPES, STRATEGY_PRESERVE_SHAPES_UNIFORM and STRATEGY_GLOBAL consider the spacing for all graph elements, including nodes, edges, node labels and edge labels when they are encountered during the movement process. On the other hand, strategies STRATEGY_LOCAL and STRATEGY_LOCAL_UNIFORM consider the spacing only with respect to nodes.

For edges that are rerouted with the edge router, this spacing is not considered. Instead, the respective distance/spacing values of the router instance apply. To configure custom distance/spacing values for the routing, one may override method configureEdgeRouter(Layouter) or specify a manually configured router instance.
Default Value:
The default value is 10.
spacing - the non-negative spacing between elements
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given spacing is negative
Sample Graphs:

Spacing set to 10. The gray area was cleared of elements.

Spacing set to 30. The gray area was cleared of elements.


public boolean canLayout(LayoutGraph graph)
Accepts all general graphs.

Specified by:
canLayout in interface Layouter
graph - the input graph
true for all kinds of graphs
See Also:


public void doLayout(LayoutGraph graph)
Clears the specified rectangular getArea(), the area defined via AREA_NODES_DPKEY or EXPANDED_NODE_DPKEY by moving all other graph elements currently intersecting with it.

Specified by:
doLayout in interface Layouter
graph - the input graph
See Also:

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