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Package y.layout.partial

Provides several algorithms that that enable to modify the layout of user-specified, distinct parts of a diagram without altering the existing layout of the remainder of the diagram.


Class Summary
ClearAreaLayouter This layout algorithm clears a specified area by moving intersecting elements, while trying to minimize the changes in the given layout.
FillAreaLayouter This layout algorithm tries to fill a specified area with graph elements by moving nearby elements towards it, with the goal to make the existing layout more compact and not changing it too much.
PartialLayouter This class represents a partial layout algorithm which changes the coordinates for a given set of graph elements (called partial elements) only.
PartialLayouter.StraightLineEdgeRouter Deprecated. Use class StraightLineEdgeRouter instead.

Package y.layout.partial Description

Provides several algorithms that that enable to modify the layout of user-specified, distinct parts of a diagram without altering the existing layout of the remainder of the diagram.

The following layout algorithms are offered:


Partial layout

The following example shows the application of PartialLayouter.

The input graph where marked nodes denote the partial elements that where incrementally added to the existing diagram.

The result of a partial layout run.

Clearing an area

This example shows how ClearAreaLayouter can be applied to clear a specific area.

Input graph: the area that must be cleared is visualized as a gray rectangle.

The result after applying the algorithm.

Filling an area

Finally, this example shows how FillAreaLayouter can be applied to fill a specific area with elements, thus, compacting an existing layout.

Input graph: the gray area should be filled with elements.

Result the algorithm - the drawing was made much more compact and the free area is used.

Related Documentation

See the yFiles Developer's Guide section on Partial Layout.


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