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Interface Summary | |
EdgeOrder | Interface EdgeOrder. |
EdgePairCursor | Defines a cursor which returns pairs of edges. |
Embedder | This is an interface for planar embedders. |
FaceCursor | Defines a cursor which returns only instances of Face. |
FaceMap | Provides access to data associated with a face. |
InitialPlanarSubgraph | An interface for graph planarization. |
SubdivisionHandler | This interface is for handling subdivide events invoked by method subdivide (PlanarInformation). |
Class Summary | |
BCCSubgraph | This class calculates a planar subgraph for the each biconnected component of the graph and then puts these planar subgraphs together. |
BendAndCrossingCostHelper | Helper class for bend and crossing cost including subdivision handling. |
CombinatorialEmbedder | Interface implementation for an embedder. |
DrawingEmbedder | Computes a planar embedding from a planar drawing of a graph. |
DualPlanarInformation | A class for all the dual graph stuff |
EdgeInserter | This class handles insertion of edges into an embedded graph. |
EdgeRouter | Instances of this class route edges through a planar graph using it's dual graph |
Face | This class represents a face (region) in a planar graph. |
FrameMaker | Creates a Frame around a graph. |
GT | This class implements a powerful planar-subgraph heuristic. |
GT.EdgeListComparator | |
GT.MIS1Comparator | Defines ordering for edges in the the first Maximum Independent Set. |
GT.MIS2Comparator | Defines ordering for edges in the second Maximum Independent Set. |
IntDSP | An implementation of the Dijkstra Shortest Path Algorithm for weighted graphs. |
MultipleEdgesTool | Helper that can be used to temporarily hide multiple edges in a planar graph and reinsert them at a later time again. |
OverlapGraphMIS | This class handles the computation of the two maximum independent
sets for the planarization algorithm GT . |
PlanarInformation | This class defines a planar graph. |
PlanarInformation.EdgeInfo | Class hold all information related to an edge. |
PlanarInformation.NodeInfo | Class hold all information related to a node. |
PlanarityTest | Implementation of a planarity test with linear time. |
PlanarityTestWrapper | A class used to wrap any instance of InitialPlanarSubgraph to
make sure that the complete graph is obtained when using InitialPlanarSubgraph.createPlanarization(PlanarInformation) . |
SelfLoopTool | This class handles the removal resp. the reinsertion of self-loops from resp.into an embedded graph. |
SimpleEdgeRouter | Instances of this class route edges through a planar graph using its dual graph. |
SimplePlanarInformation | This class defines a planar embedded graph. |
SimplePlanarInformation.SimpleEdgeInfo | Class hold all information related to an edge. |
VertexOrder | Computes an ordering of the vertices of an graph. |
This package provides classes for handling planar graphs and creating planar
graph layouts.
A planar graph is defined in the class
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