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Interface InitialPlanarSubgraph

All Known Implementing Classes:
BCCSubgraph, GT, PlanarityTestWrapper

public interface InitialPlanarSubgraph

An interface for graph planarization.


Method Summary
 void createPlanarization(PlanarInformation pi)
          Manipulates the current graph g in such a way that it becomes planar, e. g. by removing (hiding) all edges which cause crossings.
 EdgeList getHiddenEdges()
          Returns a list of removed edges, if planarization was done by removing edges.

Method Detail


void createPlanarization(PlanarInformation pi)
Manipulates the current graph g in such a way that it becomes planar, e. g. by removing (hiding) all edges which cause crossings. It's in the programmer's responsibility that the resulting graph is really planar.

pi - the graph which should be planarized


EdgeList getHiddenEdges()
Returns a list of removed edges, if planarization was done by removing edges.

an EdgeList tracking the removed edges.

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