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Class BendAndCrossingCostHelper

  extended by y.layout.planar.BendAndCrossingCostHelper
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BendAndCrossingCostHelper
extends java.lang.Object
implements SubdivisionHandler

Helper class for bend and crossing cost including subdivision handling.


Constructor Summary
BendAndCrossingCostHelper(LayoutGraph graph, PlanarInformation planarInformation)
Method Summary
 double getBendCost(Edge e)
 double getCrossingCost(Edge e)
 void splitFace(Edge edge, Face[] oldFaces, Face[] newFaces)
          A face is split by adding an edge.
 void subdivide(Edge e, Edge[] result)
          This method is handled every time the method subdivide (PlanarInformation) is invoked.
 void subdivide(Edge e, EdgeList path)
 void unsplitFace(Edge edge, Face[] oldFaces, Face[] newFaces)
          Faces are unsplit by removing an edge.
 void unsubdivide(Edge[] splitEdges, Edge e)
          This method transfers edge information from split edges to the resulting edge.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BendAndCrossingCostHelper(LayoutGraph graph,
                                 PlanarInformation planarInformation)
Method Detail


public double getCrossingCost(Edge e)


public double getBendCost(Edge e)


public void subdivide(Edge e,
                      EdgeList path)


public void subdivide(Edge e,
                      Edge[] result)
Description copied from interface: SubdivisionHandler
This method is handled every time the method subdivide (PlanarInformation) is invoked. You can transfer edge information from the old edge to the new edges e.g. information from EdgeMaps.

Specified by:
subdivide in interface SubdivisionHandler


public void unsubdivide(Edge[] splitEdges,
                        Edge e)
Description copied from interface: SubdivisionHandler
This method transfers edge information from split edges to the resulting edge.

Specified by:
unsubdivide in interface SubdivisionHandler


public void splitFace(Edge edge,
                      Face[] oldFaces,
                      Face[] newFaces)
Description copied from interface: SubdivisionHandler
A face is split by adding an edge.

Specified by:
splitFace in interface SubdivisionHandler
edge - the edge which splits the face.
oldFaces - the faces in the old embedding which change.
newFaces - the faces in the new embedding which change.


public void unsplitFace(Edge edge,
                        Face[] oldFaces,
                        Face[] newFaces)
Description copied from interface: SubdivisionHandler
Faces are unsplit by removing an edge.

Specified by:
unsplitFace in interface SubdivisionHandler
edge - the edge which unsplits the faces.
oldFaces - the faces in the old embedding which change.
newFaces - the faces in the new embedding which change.

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