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Class OverlapGraphMIS

  extended by y.layout.planar.OverlapGraphMIS

public class OverlapGraphMIS
extends java.lang.Object

This class handles the computation of the two maximum independent sets for the planarization algorithm GT.


Constructor Summary
OverlapGraphMIS(Graph graph, EdgeMap weight)
          Creates a new instance of the independent set calculation class.
Method Summary
 void computeMaximumIndependentSets(NodeList orderedNodes, int[] orderNumbers)
          computes two maximum independent sets of edges. here independent means that the edges do not overlap (with respect to their end node's order number gained by sorting the vertices with createVertexOrder().
 void dispose()
          Disposes no longer needed node maps.
 EdgeList getHiddenEdges()
 java.util.ArrayList getMIS1()
 java.util.ArrayList getMIS2()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public OverlapGraphMIS(Graph graph,
                       EdgeMap weight)
Creates a new instance of the independent set calculation class.

graph - the graph which defines the intervals.
weight - weight in the MIS.
Method Detail


public java.util.ArrayList getMIS1()


public java.util.ArrayList getMIS2()


public EdgeList getHiddenEdges()


public void computeMaximumIndependentSets(NodeList orderedNodes,
                                          int[] orderNumbers)
computes two maximum independent sets of edges. here independent means that the edges do not overlap (with respect to their end node's order number gained by sorting the vertices with createVertexOrder(). the result is not equivalent to the maximum bipartite graph of the overlap graph! The independent sets are stored int MIS1 and MIS2.


public void dispose()
Disposes no longer needed node maps.

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