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Class EdgeInserter

  extended by y.layout.planar.EdgeInserter

public class EdgeInserter
extends java.lang.Object

This class handles insertion of edges into an embedded graph.


Constructor Summary
EdgeInserter(PlanarInformation _planar)
Method Summary
 EdgeList insertEdge(EdgeList _insertionPath, Edge _e)
          Insert the given edge.
 EdgeList insertEdge(EdgeList _insertionPath, Edge _fStart, Edge _fStop, Edge _e)
          Insert the given edge.
protected  EdgeList insertEdgeExternal(Edge _fStart, Edge _fStop, Edge _e)
          The graph consists of more than one component and two of them are now connected by the edge to insert
protected  EdgeList insertEdgeSimple(Edge _fStart, Edge _fStop, Edge _e)
          Path has size 0, thus only one face has to be split !
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EdgeInserter(PlanarInformation _planar)
Method Detail


public EdgeList insertEdge(EdgeList _insertionPath,
                           Edge _e)
Insert the given edge. Preconditions: - the edge to insert is an original edge.

_insertionPath - the edges to be crossed
_e - the edge that should be reinserted
an edge list containing all segments the original edge has become


public EdgeList insertEdge(EdgeList _insertionPath,
                           Edge _fStart,
                           Edge _fStop,
                           Edge _e)
Insert the given edge. Preconditions: - the edge to insert is an original edge.

_insertionPath - the edges to be crossed
_e - the edge that should be reinserted
an edge list containing all segments the original edge has become


protected EdgeList insertEdgeExternal(Edge _fStart,
                                      Edge _fStop,
                                      Edge _e)
The graph consists of more than one component and two of them are now connected by the edge to insert


protected EdgeList insertEdgeSimple(Edge _fStart,
                                    Edge _fStop,
                                    Edge _e)
Path has size 0, thus only one face has to be split !

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