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Package y.layout.orthogonal

Provides orthogonal layout style algorithms.


Class Summary
CompactOrthogonalLayouter This layout algorithm arranges a graph in a compact, orthogonal fashion.
DirectedOrthogonalLayouter This layout algorithm arranges directed graphs in an orthogonal fashion.
EdgeLayoutDescriptor This class provides layout information for the edges of the graph.
OrthogonalGroupLayouter This layout algorithm arranges hierarchically grouped graphs in an orthogonal fashion.
OrthogonalLayouter This layout algorithm arranges graphs in an orthogonal fashion.

Package y.layout.orthogonal Description

Provides orthogonal layout style algorithms.

In an orthogonal layout, each edge is drawn as an alternating sequence of horizontal and vertical line segments. Algorithm implementations support layout of graphs that are "flat" as well as hierarchically grouped graphs, i.e., graphs where nodes can be nested within other nodes to arbitrary depth.

The main algorithm class is OrthogonalLayouter.

OrthogonalGroupLayouter handles layout calculation of hierarchically grouped graphs.

DirectedOrthogonalLayouter provides support for edge routing that satisfies edge path-related constraints. It enables a main layout direction by routing edges with a certain direction.

Example Graphs

Default orthogonal layout

Orthogonal layout of a hierarchically grouped graph

Directed orthogonal layout with grouped edges. Marked edges are those that are considered directed.

Related Documentation

See the yFiles Developer's Guide sections on Orthogonal Layout and Orthogonal Layout of Hierarchically Organized Graphs for descriptions of the yFiles orthogonal layout style algorithms.
The sections on Directed Orthogonal Layout discusses directed orthogonal layout.


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