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Class EdgeGroupConstraintModule

  extended by y.module.YModule
      extended by y.module.LayoutModule
          extended by y.module.EdgeGroupConstraintModule

public class EdgeGroupConstraintModule
extends LayoutModule

A module that allows to configure edge group constraints, interactively. Edge group constraints are interpreted by some automatic layout algorithms like HierarchicLayouter to combine edges that are grouped to bus-like structures.


Field Summary
Fields inherited from class y.module.YModule
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void createEdgeGroupsAutomatically(Graph2D graph, EdgeCursor positiveEC, EdgeMap sgMap, EdgeMap tgMap, boolean shareGroupAtBothEnds)
          Automatically group edges that share common source or target nodes.
protected  OptionHandler createOptionHandler()
          Creates and initializes the option handler so that a convenient way for manipulating the parameters is at the user's hand.
protected  void mainrun()
          Main execution code to be implemented by any subclassing module.
Methods inherited from class y.module.LayoutModule
backupDataProvider, createAnimationPlayer, createLayoutExecutor, createLayoutMorpher, getBufferedMode, getLayoutExecutor, isAbortable, isMorphingEnabled, isPortIntersectionCalculatorEnabled, launchLayouter, launchLayouter, restoreDataProvider, setBufferedMode, setLayoutExecutor, setMorphingEnabled, setPortIntersectionCalculatorEnabled, useEventDispatchThread
Methods inherited from class y.module.YModule
addModuleListener, createThread, dispose, exceptionHappened, fitGraph2DView, getAuthor, getDescription, getExitStatus, getGraph2D, getGraph2DView, getModuleListeners, getModuleName, getOptionHandler, getTimer, getView, init, initGuiFactory, isBackupRealizersEnabled, removeModuleListener, run, setBackupRealizersEnabled, setExitStatus, setGraph2D, setModuleName, setOptionHandler, start, startAsThread
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EdgeGroupConstraintModule()
Method Detail


protected OptionHandler createOptionHandler()
Creates and initializes the option handler so that a convenient way for manipulating the parameters is at the user's hand.

createOptionHandler in class YModule
The option handler for this module, null by default.


protected void mainrun()
Description copied from class: YModule
Main execution code to be implemented by any subclassing module.

Specified by:
mainrun in class YModule


public static void createEdgeGroupsAutomatically(Graph2D graph,
                                                 EdgeCursor positiveEC,
                                                 EdgeMap sgMap,
                                                 EdgeMap tgMap,
                                                 boolean shareGroupAtBothEnds)
Automatically group edges that share common source or target nodes. To avoid ambiguities, this method will never assign edge A and edge B to the same group, if there is an edge C, that is grouped with either edge A, or node B, but not with both.

graph - input graph
positiveEC - - returns edges for which port constraints will be assigned
sgMap - source group id map
tgMap - target group id map
shareGroupAtBothEnds - whether or not to assign the same groupID to both the source and target end of an edge.

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