documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of YNode


rootin DendrogramGets the root node of the dendrogram.
sourcein EdgeGets the source node connected to this edge.
targetin EdgeGets the target node connected to this edge.
firstNodein GraphGets the first node in this graph.
lastNodein GraphGets the last node in this graph.
nodesin GraphYields a dynamic IEnumerable<T> for YNodes that can be used to iterate over the nodes that are contained in this instance.
nodein INodeCursorGets the node at the current location of the cursor.
neighborsin YNodeYields a dynamic IEnumerable<T> for YNodes that can be used to iterate over the opposite sides of adjacent adjacent edges at this instance.
predecessorsin YNodeYields a dynamic IEnumerable<T> for YNodes that can be used to iterate over the opposite sides of adjacent incoming edges at this instance.
successorsin YNodeYields a dynamic IEnumerable<T> for YNodes that can be used to iterate over the opposite sides of adjacent outgoing edges at this instance.
associatedNodein IEdgeDataGets the YNode associated with this IEdgeData instance.
associatedNodein INodeDataGets the associated YNode of this INodeData instance (in case of e.g.
groupNodein INodeDataGets the group node this node belongs to.
parentGroupNodein INodeDataGets the parent group node of the YNode of this INodeData instance (if any).
rootin LayoutGroupingSupportGets a YNode instance associated with the virtual root of the hierarchy tree.
referencingNodein INodeInfoGets the node that refers to the one associated with this info object.
representedNodein INodeInfoGets the node of the input graph that is represented by the node associated with this info object.

Method Return Values

getNodeAtLevel (number)in DendrogramReturns the node of the dendrogram that belongs to the given level index.
getOriginalNode (YNode)in DendrogramReturns the node of original graph that is mapped with the given leaf node of the dendrogram.
opposite (YNode)in EdgeReturns the node at the opposite edge end with respect to the given node.
createNode ()in GraphCreates a new node in this graph.
getNodeArray ()in GraphReturns an array containing all nodes of this graph.
createCopy (Graph)in YNodeCreates a copy of this node that will be inserted into the given graph.
firstNode ()in YNodeListReturns the first node in this list, or null when the list is empty.
getEnumerator ()in YNodeListReturns an enumerator for this collection.
lastNode ()in YNodeListReturns the last node in this list, or null when the list is empty.
popNode ()in YNodeListRemoves the first node from this list and returns it.
toNodeArray ()in YNodeListReturns a node array containing all elements of this list in the canonical order.
sortNodesByDegree (Graph)in SortingAlgorithmSorts the nodes of a given graph by degree in ascending order.
sortNodesByIntKey (Graph, IDataProvider)in SortingAlgorithmSorts the nodes of a given graph by an integer key associated with each node through a IDataProvider.
getCenterRoot (Graph)in TreeAlgorithmReturns the center node of an undirected tree.
getNearestCommonAncestor (Graph, YNode, boolean, YNodeList)in TreeAlgorithmReturns the nearest common ancestor of a subset of nodes within a directed rooted tree.
getRoot (Graph)in TreeAlgorithmReturns a possible root for the given (undirected) tree.
getWeightedCenterNode (Graph, INodeMap?)in TreeAlgorithmFinds a node used by the greatest number of all (undirected) paths interconnecting all nodes with each other.
createBendNode (ILayer, Edge, SwimlaneDescriptor?)in IItemFactoryCreates a bend YNode for the given Edge in the given ILayer and assigns it to the given SwimlaneDescriptor instance.
createBusDummyNode (ILayer, YNode, SwimlaneDescriptor)in IItemFactoryCreates a dummy node that is used during the sequencing and drawing phase for the bus-style routing edges at a certain root node.
createConnectorProxyForGroup (YNode, Object, ILayer, Edge)in IItemFactoryCreates a dummy YNode that mimics a connector to a group YNode.
createContentConnectorProxyForGroup (YNode, Object, ILayer, Edge)in IItemFactoryCreates a dummy node that mimics a connector to a group node from a descendant.
createDistanceNode (ILayer, Rectangle2D, Edge)in IItemFactoryCreates a spacer YNode for the drawing phase using the given bounds in the given ILayer.
createEdgeGroupNode (ILayer, Object)in IItemFactoryCreates an edge group YNode in the given ILayer.
createGroupBorderNode (YNode, ILayer, NodeDataType)in IItemFactoryCreates a group boundary YNode for a group node in the given ILayer.
createGroupLayerDummyNode ()in IItemFactoryCreate a dummy YNode for a group layer.
createProxyNode (Edge, boolean, SwimlaneDescriptor?)in IItemFactoryCreates a proxy YNode for an Edge during the drawing phase, changing the Edge to end/start at the proxy and assigns it to a SwimlaneDescriptor instance.
createRecursiveEdgeDummy (ILayer, Edge, SwimlaneDescriptor)in IItemFactoryCreates a dummy YNode that represents a bend node of a recursive Edge.
createSameLayerSideProxy (ILayer, YNode, Edge, SwimlaneDescriptor?)in IItemFactoryCreates a proxy YNode for a same-layer Edge during the drawing phase that ends at the side of a node.
createSameLayerSwitchProxy (ILayer, Edge)in IItemFactoryCreates a same-layer switch proxy YNode (switching between two same-layer Edges on two different sides of the layer).
createCopiedNode (Object)in CopiedLayoutGraphCreates a node in the copied graph that corresponds to the given original node.
getCopiedNode (Object)in CopiedLayoutGraphReturns the copied node that corresponds to the given original node.
getOwnerNode (INodeLabelLayout)in CopiedLayoutGraphReturns the node of the copied graph to which the given INodeLabelLayout belongs.
getOwnerNode (INodeLabelLayout)in DefaultLayoutGraph
getNearestCommonAncestor (YNode, YNode)in LayoutGroupingSupportReturns the nearest common ancestor of the given nodes in the hierarchy structure.
getParent (YNode)in LayoutGroupingSupportReturns the parent for the given node.
getRepresentative (YNode, YNode)in LayoutGroupingSupportReturns an immediate child of the group node that represents the given node.
getConnectorNode (LayoutGraph)in HierarchicLayoutSubcomponentDescriptorDetermines if there is a unique node outside the subcomponent whose removal would disconnect the component from the remaining graph and returns the node if it exists.
getOwnerNode (INodeLabelLayout)in LayoutGraphReturns the node to which the given INodeLabelLayout belongs.
getCopiedNode (INode)in YGraphAdapterYields the node that has been created as a copy in yGraph to represent the given node.
createConnectorNode (LayoutContext, YList, Object)in DefaultElementFactory
createProxyNode (LayoutContext, Object)in DefaultElementFactory
createProxyReferenceNode (LayoutContext, Object)in DefaultElementFactory
createConnectorNode (LayoutContext, YList, Object)in IElementFactoryCallback method for creating a node of type CONNECTOR.
createProxyNode (LayoutContext, Object)in IElementFactoryCallback method for creating a node of type PROXY.
createProxyReferenceNode (LayoutContext, Object)in IElementFactoryCallback method for creating a node of type PROXY_REFERENCE.
createNode (Object)in LayoutContextAll methods of the IElementFactory have to use this method to create a node.
getOriginalNode (Object)in LayoutContextReturns the node of the input graph with the given ID or null if there is no such node.
getPageNode (Object)in LayoutContextReturns the node of a page graph (a graph that represents the result of the multi-page layout) with the given ID or null if there is no such node.
determineRoot ()in BalloonLayoutDetermines the root node of graph according to the chosen root node policy.
getRootsArray (YNode)in TreeLayoutReturns an array of the nodes that will be laid out.

Method Parameters

getChildren (YNode)in DendrogramReturns a YNodeList that contains the child nodes of the given parent node.
getClusterNodes (YNode)in DendrogramReturns an array of YNodeLists that contain the nodes of the original graph that are associated with the given dendrogram node.
getDissimilarityValue (YNode)in DendrogramReturns the dissimilarity value associated with the given node of the dendrogram.
getLevel (YNode)in DendrogramReturns the level of the given node of the dendrogram.
getOriginalNode (YNode)in DendrogramReturns the node of original graph that is mapped with the given leaf node of the dendrogram.
isLeaf (YNode)in DendrogramReturns whether or not the given dendrogram node is a leaf node.
lookFurther (YNode)in DfsAlgorithmCallback method that will be invoked whenever DFS continues its search at a new root node.
postTraverse (Edge, YNode)in DfsAlgorithmCallback method that will be invoked after the DFS has returned from the given node.
postVisit (YNode, number, number)in DfsAlgorithmCallback method that will be invoked whenever a node visit has been completed.
preTraverse (Edge, YNode, boolean)in DfsAlgorithmCallback method that will be invoked if the given edge will be considered the first (and only) time during the DFS.
preVisit (YNode, number)in DfsAlgorithmCallback method that will be invoked whenever a formerly unvisited node gets visited for the first time.
start (Graph, YNode)in DfsAlgorithmStarts a depth first search from a given YNode of the input graph.
Edge (Graph, YNode, Edge, YNode, Edge, GraphElementInsertion, GraphElementInsertion)in EdgeCreates a new edge that belongs to the given graph.
createCopy (Graph, YNode, YNode)in EdgeCreates a copy of this edge that will be inserted into the given graph connecting the given source and target nodes.
opposite (YNode)in EdgeReturns the node at the opposite edge end with respect to the given node.
changeEdge (Edge, YNode, Edge, GraphElementInsertion, YNode, Edge, GraphElementInsertion)in GraphRedefines an edge's end points.
changeEdge (Edge, YNode, YNode)in GraphRedefines an edge's end points.
contains (YNode)in GraphWhether or not this graph contains the given node.
containsEdge (YNode, YNode)in GraphReturns whether or not this graph contains an edge that connects the given nodes.
createEdge (YNode, YNode)in GraphCreates a new edge in this graph.
createEdge (YNode, Edge, YNode, Edge, GraphElementInsertion, GraphElementInsertion)in GraphCreates a new edge in this graph to be ordered before or after a given edge.
firstOutEdge (YNode)in GraphLow-level iteration support for adjacent edges.
hide (YNode)in GraphHides the given node from this graph.
moveToFirst (YNode)in GraphMoves the given node to the first position within the sequence of nodes in this graph.
moveToLast (YNode)in GraphMoves the given node to the last position within the sequence of nodes in this graph.
reInsertNode (YNode)in GraphReinserts a formerly removed node into this graph.
removeNode (YNode)in GraphRemoves the given node from this graph.
unhide (YNode)in GraphUnhides the given node in this graph.
reachable (Graph, YNode, boolean, boolean, boolean?)in GraphConnectivityDetermines the set of nodes that are reachable from a given node when a set of edges that cannot be traversed is specified.
hide (YNode)in GraphPartitionManagerHides the given node and all it's adjacent edges from the graph.
unhide (YNode)in GraphPartitionManagerThis method will be called whenever the partition manager is requested to unhide the given node from the graph.
create (function(YNode, YNode):number)in INodeDistanceProviderCreates an implementation of the interface INodeDistanceProvider by using the given function as implementation for its getDistance method.
getDistance (YNode, YNode)in INodeDistanceProviderReturns the distance between two given nodes of a graph.
hide (YNode)in LayoutGraphHiderHides the given node and all it's adjacent edges from the graph.
unhide (YNode)in LayoutGraphHiderThis method will be called whenever the hider is requested to unhide the given node from the graph.
unhideNode (YNode, boolean)in LayoutGraphHiderUnhides the given node and if requested its adjacent edges.
calcMaxFlow (Graph, YNode, YNode, IDataProvider, IEdgeMap)in NetworkFlowAlgorithmSolves a maximum flow problem using the preflow-push method.
calcMaxFlowMinCut (Graph, YNode, YNode, IDataProvider, IEdgeMap, INodeMap)in NetworkFlowAlgorithmSolves a maximum flow problem using the preflow-push method but additionally marks all nodes that belong to the minimum cut set that is associated with the source of the network.
minCostFlow (Graph, YNode, YNode, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, IEdgeMap, INodeMap)in NetworkFlowAlgorithmSolves a minimum cost maximum flow problem.
getEdge (YNode)in YNodeReturns an edge that connects this node with the given node, if such an edge exists.
getEdgeFrom (YNode)in YNodeReturns an incoming edge that connects the given node with this node, if such an edge exists.
getEdgeTo (YNode)in YNodeReturns an outgoing edge that connects this node with the given node, if such an edge exists.
NodeList (YNode)in YNodeListCreates a list that is initialized with the nodes provided by the given array of nodes.
NodeList (YNode)in YNodeListCreates a list that is initialized with a single node provided.
findParallelEdges (Graph, boolean, YNode?)in ParallelEdgesAlgorithmFinds and returns the parallel edges in the given graph, or, optionally, incident to the given node.
findAllPaths (Graph, YNode, YNode, IEdgeMap)in PathAlgorithmFinds all edges that belong to a directed path from a start node to an end node.
findAllPaths (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean)in PathAlgorithmReturns all simple directed or undirected paths that connect a start node with an end node.
findAllPaths (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, function(EdgeList):boolean)in PathAlgorithmA variant of findAllPaths which returns all simple directed or undirected paths between two given nodes and, additionally, allows to specify a filter for the paths to be returned.
findAllPathsCursor (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean)in PathAlgorithmA variant of findAllPaths, which returns all simple directed or undirected paths between two given nodes as a special cursor that calculates the next path in the sequence, only when needed.
findLongestPaths (Graph, YNode, IEdgeMap, INodeMap, IEdgeMap)in PathAlgorithmCalculates the longest path from a given node to all other node in a given directed acyclic graph.
findPath (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean)in PathAlgorithmReturns an EdgeList containing the edges of a path from the given start node to the given end node, if such a path exists.
findPath (Graph, YNodeList, YNode, YNode, IEdgeMap)in PathAlgorithmReturns whether or not a directed path from a start node to another node in an acyclic graph exists.
getOutgoingDarts (YNode)in PlanarEmbeddingReturns a IList<T> containing the (cyclic ordered) outgoing darts of the specified node.
simplex (Graph, INodeMap, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, IEdgeMap, YNode, boolean, number?)in RankAssignmentAlgorithmSimilar to simplex but, additionally, it is possible to provide a valid initial tree solution for the problem.
acyclic (Graph, YNode, number, number, Edge?)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source shortest path problem for acyclic directed graphs.
acyclic (Graph, YNode, IDataProvider, INodeMap, INodeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source shortest path problem for acyclic directed graphs.
aStar (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, number, number)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source single-sink shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs using an implementation of the well-known a-star algorithm (A*).
aStar (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider, IDataProvider)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source single-sink shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs using an implementation of the well-known a-star algorithm (A*).
aStar (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, number, number, Edge)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source single-sink shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs using an implementation of the well-known a-star algorithm (A*).
aStar (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, INodeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source single-sink shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs using an implementation of the well-known a-star algorithm (A*).
bellmanFord (Graph, YNode, boolean, number, number, Edge?)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs.
bellmanFord (Graph, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider, INodeMap, INodeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs.
constructEdgePath (YNode, YNode, Edge)in ShortestPathAlgorithmConvenience method that constructs an explicit path of edges from the result returned by one of the shortest paths methods defined in this class.
constructEdgePath (YNode, YNode, IDataProvider)in ShortestPathAlgorithmLike constructEdgePath but the path edges are given by a IDataProvider.
constructNodePath (YNode, YNode, Edge)in ShortestPathAlgorithmConvenience method that constructs an explicit path of nodes from the result returned by one of the shortest paths methods defined in this class.
constructNodePath (YNode, YNode, IDataProvider)in ShortestPathAlgorithmLike constructNodePath but the path edges are given by a IDataProvider.
dijkstra (Graph, YNode, boolean, number, number, Edge?)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs and additionally, this method yields the path edges of each calculated shortest path.
dijkstra (Graph, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider, INodeMap, INodeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs.
findShortestUniformPaths (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, IEdgeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmMarks all edges that belong to a shortest path from start node to target node.
findShortestUniformPaths (Graph, YNode, IDataProvider, boolean, number, EdgeList, YNodeList)in ShortestPathAlgorithmFinds all nodes and edges that belong to a shortest path from a start node to a set of target nodes in the graph not farther away than a given distance.
kShortestPaths (Graph, IDataProvider, YNode, YNode, number)in ShortestPathAlgorithmThis method finds the k shortest paths connecting a pair of nodes in a directed graph with non-negative edge costs.
kShortestPathsCursor (Graph, IDataProvider, YNode, YNode, number)in ShortestPathAlgorithmA variant of kShortestPaths that returns the result as a special cursor that calculates the next path in the sequence only when needed.
shortestPair (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider)in ShortestPathAlgorithmReturns two edge-disjoint paths in a non-negatively weighted directed graph, such that both paths connect nodes s and t and have minimum total length.
singleSource (Graph, YNode, boolean, number, number, Edge?)in ShortestPathAlgorithmThis method solves the single-source shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs.
singleSource (Graph, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider, INodeMap, INodeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmThis method solves the single-source shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs.
singleSourceSingleSink (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, number, Edge)in ShortestPathAlgorithmThis method solves the single-source single-sink shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs.
singleSourceSingleSink (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, number)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSimilar to singleSourceSingleSink but instead of returning the shortest distance between the source and sink the actual shortest edge path between these nodes will be returned.
singleSourceSingleSink (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSimilar to singleSourceSingleSink but instead of returning the shortest distance between the source and sink the actual shortest edge path between these nodes will be returned.
singleSourceSingleSink (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider, INodeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmLike singleSourceSingleSink but uses INodeMaps and IDataProviders instead of arrays.
uniform (Graph, YNode, boolean, number, Edge?)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs in which each edge has a uniform cost of 1.0.
uniform (Graph, YNode, boolean, INodeMap, INodeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmLike uniform but uses INodeMaps instead of arrays.
collectSubtree (YNode, YNodeList)in TreeAlgorithmCollects all nodes of the subtree starting with root.
directTree (Graph, YNode?)in TreeAlgorithmConverts the given tree to a directed rooted tree with the given node as root element by reversing some edges.
getNearestCommonAncestor (Graph, YNode, boolean, YNodeList)in TreeAlgorithmReturns the nearest common ancestor of a subset of nodes within a directed rooted tree.
getMax (LayoutGraph, YNode)in AsIsLayererCallback used for calculating the lower (max) value of a given node.
getMin (LayoutGraph, YNode)in AsIsLayererCallback used for calculating the upper (min) value of a given node.
getMinDistance (LayoutGraph, ILayer, ILayoutDataProvider, YNode, YNode)in DefaultDrawingDistanceCalculatorDetermines the minimum distance between two YNodes of the same layer.
getPortBorderGap (LayoutGraph, ILayoutDataProvider, YNode, number, number, number)in DefaultPortAllocatorCallback method used for determining the port border gap for each node and side.
getPortBorderGapRatio (LayoutGraph, ILayoutDataProvider, YNode, number, number, number)in DefaultPortAllocatorCallback method used for determining the port border gap ratio.
getPortDistanceDelta (LayoutGraph, ILayoutDataProvider, YNode, number, number, number, number)in DefaultPortAllocatorCallback method used for determining the distance between two adjacent ports.
getMinDistance (LayoutGraph, ILayer, ILayoutDataProvider, YNode, YNode)in IDrawingDistanceCalculatorMain interface method called by IHierarchicLayoutNodePlacer instances to determine the minimum distance between YNodes of same layer.
convertToLabelNode (YNode)in IItemFactoryConverts a given YNode to a label node.
createBendNodeData (YNode, Edge, SwimlaneDescriptor?)in IItemFactoryCreates a INodeData object for a bend YNode and associates it with the YNode.
createBusDummyEdge (YNode, YNode, HierarchicLayoutEdgeLayoutDescriptor, Object, boolean)in IItemFactoryCreates a dummy edge that models the bus segment of a bus substructure.
createBusDummyNode (ILayer, YNode, SwimlaneDescriptor)in IItemFactoryCreates a dummy node that is used during the sequencing and drawing phase for the bus-style routing edges at a certain root node.
createBusDummyNodeData (YNode, YNode, SwimlaneDescriptor)in IItemFactoryCreates a INodeData instance for a bus dummy node.
createConnectorProxyForGroup (YNode, Object, ILayer, Edge)in IItemFactoryCreates a dummy YNode that mimics a connector to a group YNode.
createContentConnectorProxyForGroup (YNode, Object, ILayer, Edge)in IItemFactoryCreates a dummy node that mimics a connector to a group node from a descendant.
createDummyEdge (YNode, YNode, Edge, boolean, boolean)in IItemFactoryCreates a dummy Edge using the given data.
createEdgeGroupNodeData (YNode, Object, boolean)in IItemFactoryCreates a INodeData object for an edge group YNode and associates it with the YNode.
createGroupBorderEdge (YNode, YNode)in IItemFactoryCreates an Edge that connects two group border YNodes.
createGroupBorderNode (YNode, ILayer, NodeDataType)in IItemFactoryCreates a group boundary YNode for a group node in the given ILayer.
createGroupNodeConnectorEdge (YNode, YNode, Edge)in IItemFactoryCreates a group node connector Edge between two group YNodes.
createNormalNodeData (YNode)in IItemFactoryCreates a INodeData object for a normal YNode and associates it with the YNode.
createProxyNodeData (YNode, YNode, Edge)in IItemFactoryCreates a INodeData object for a proxy YNode and associates it with the proxy node.
createRecursiveDummyEdge (YNode, YNode, Edge, boolean, boolean)in IItemFactoryCreates a dummy edge that belongs to a recursive Edge.
createRecursiveEdgeNodeData (YNode, Edge, SwimlaneDescriptor)in IItemFactoryCreates a INodeData for a dummy YNode of a recursive Edge.
createRedirectedGroupEdge (YNode, YNode, Edge)in IItemFactoryCreates a redirected Edge to replace an Edge connected to a group YNode.
createReverseDummyEdge (YNode, YNode, Edge, boolean, boolean)in IItemFactoryCreates a reversed dummy Edge using the given data.
createSameLayerProxy (ILayer, Edge, YNode)in IItemFactoryCreates a same-layer Edge proxy connecting a newly created proxy YNode and a given proxy YNode in the given ILayer.
createSameLayerSideProxy (ILayer, YNode, Edge, SwimlaneDescriptor?)in IItemFactoryCreates a proxy YNode for a same-layer Edge during the drawing phase that ends at the side of a node.
destroyDistanceNode (YNode)in IItemFactoryDestroys a spacer YNode for the drawing phase created using createDistanceNode.
destroyProxyNode (YNode)in IItemFactoryDestroys a proxy YNode created using createProxyNode for the drawing phase.
destroySameLayerSideProxy (YNode)in IItemFactoryDestroys a proxy YNode created using createProxyNode for the drawing phase.
destroySameLayerSwitchProxy (YNode)in IItemFactoryDestroys a same-layer switch proxy YNode created using createSameLayerSwitchProxy.
unconvertToLabelNode (YNode)in IItemFactoryReverts a label node to the normal YNode.
add (YNode)in ILayerAdds a newly created YNode to this ILayer instance.
remove (YNode)in ILayerRemoves a YNode from this ILayer instance.
getNodeData (YNode)in ILayoutDataProviderReturns the INodeData instance associated with the given YNode.
optimizeAfterSequencingForSingleNode (YNode, IComparer<Object>, IComparer<Object>, LayoutGraph, ILayoutDataProvider, IItemFactory)in PortCandidateOptimizer
optimizeAfterSequencingForSingleNode (YNode, IComparer<Object>, IComparer<Object>, LayoutGraph, ILayoutDataProvider, IItemFactory)in PortConstraintOptimizerBaseAssigns new temporary port constraints to a given node of the graph after the order of the nodes in each layer has been determined.
addDummyNode (YNode, Edge)in PortConstraintOptimizerSameLayerDataAdds a given dummy YNode to this PortConstraintOptimizerSameLayerData instance and associates it with the given original (same-layer) Edge.
getOriginalEdge (YNode)in PortConstraintOptimizerSameLayerDataReturns the original (same-layer) edge associated with the given dummy YNode.
calculateSelfLoops (LayoutGraph, YNode, IDataProvider, IDataProvider)in SelfLoopCalculatorCalculates all self-loops at the given node of the given input graph.
calculateSelfLoops (LayoutGraph, YNode, YList, IDataProvider, IDataProvider)in SelfLoopCalculatorConvenience method that calculates a list of self-loops that belong to a given node.
getMinimumNodeDistance (LayoutGraph, YNode)in SelfLoopCalculatorReturns the minimum distance between two nodes associated with the given node.
getLayerAlignment (LayoutGraph, ILayoutDataProvider, YNode, number, number)in SimplexNodePlacerReturns the alignment of the node with a specified layer.
getMinDistance (LayoutGraph, ILayer, YNode, YNode)in SimplexNodePlacerSpecifies the minimum allowed distance between two nodes of the same given layer.
isFixedNode (LayoutGraph, ILayoutDataProvider, YNode, boolean)in SimplexNodePlacerReturns whether or not the given node should be treated as a node with fixed (given) coordinates.
getMinDistance (LayoutGraph, ILayer, ILayoutDataProvider, YNode, YNode)in TypeBasedDrawingDistanceCalculator
foundHaloOverlap (LabelCandidate, YNode, YRectangle)in MISLabelingBaseIndicates that an overlap between a LabelCandidate and a NodeHalo of the input graph has been found.
foundNodeOverlap (LabelCandidate, YNode, YRectangle)in MISLabelingBaseIndicates that an overlap between a LabelCandidate and a YNode of the input graph has been found.
getLabelLayout (YNode)in CopiedLayoutGraphReturns the layout information for all labels associated with the given node of the copied graph.
getLayout (YNode)in CopiedLayoutGraphReturns the layout information for the given node of the copied graph.
getOriginalNode (YNode)in CopiedLayoutGraphReturns the original node that corresponds to the given copied node.
getLabelLayout (YNode)in DefaultLayoutGraph
getLayout (YNode)in DefaultLayoutGraph
setLabelLayout (YNode, INodeLabelLayout)in DefaultLayoutGraphSpecifies the layout information for all associated labels of the given node in case there is only one label.
setLabelLayout (YNode, INodeLabelLayout)in DefaultLayoutGraphSpecifies the layout information for all associated labels of the given node.
setLayout (YNode, INodeLayout)in DefaultLayoutGraphSpecifies the layout information for the given node.
getChildren (YNode)in LayoutGroupingSupportReturns the direct children of the given group node.
getDescendants (YNode)in LayoutGroupingSupportReturns all descendants of the given group node.
getEdgesGoingIn (YNode)in LayoutGroupingSupportReturns all edges crossing the bounds of the given group node such that their targets are inside the group node while their sources lie outside the group node.
getEdgesGoingOut (YNode)in LayoutGroupingSupportReturns all edges crossing the bounds of the given group node such that their sources are inside the group node while their targets lie outside the group node.
getNearestCommonAncestor (YNode, YNode)in LayoutGroupingSupportReturns the nearest common ancestor of the given nodes in the hierarchy structure.
getParent (YNode)in LayoutGroupingSupportReturns the parent for the given node.
getRepresentative (YNode, YNode)in LayoutGroupingSupportReturns an immediate child of the group node that represents the given node.
hasChildren (YNode)in LayoutGroupingSupportDetermines whether or not the given node is a group node with children.
isGroupNode (YNode)in LayoutGroupingSupportDetermines whether or not the given node is a group node.
calculateBounds (LayoutGraph, YNode, YNodeList)in ILayoutGroupBoundsCalculatorCalculates the bounds of the given group node that contains the given list of child nodes.
create (function(LayoutGraph, YNode, YNodeList):Rectangle2D)in ILayoutGroupBoundsCalculatorCreates an implementation of the interface ILayoutGroupBoundsCalculator by using the given function as implementation for its calculateBounds method.
addLabelLayout (YNode, INodeLabelLayout)in ILabelLayoutFactoryAdds the given node label layout to the given node.
createLabelLayout (YNode, YOrientedRectangle)in ILabelLayoutFactoryCreates a new ILabelLayout for the given node.
createLabelLayout (YNode, YOrientedRectangle, INodeLabelLayoutModel)in ILabelLayoutFactoryCreates a new ILabelLayout for the given node.
removeLabelLayout (YNode, INodeLabelLayout)in ILabelLayoutFactoryRemoves the given node label layout from the given node.
calculateBounds (LayoutGraph, YNode, YNodeList)in InsetsGroupBoundsCalculatorCalculates the bounds of the given group node and enlarges the bounds by the insets associated with the group node.
createEnlargedBounds (LayoutGraph, YNode, YNodeList, Rectangle2D)in InsetsGroupBoundsCalculatorEnlarges the given graph bounds by the insets associated with the given group node.
getBoundingBox (YNode)in LayoutGraphReturns the rectangle describing the bounding box of the given node.
getCenter (YNode)in LayoutGraphReturns the center coordinates of the given node.
getCenterX (YNode)in LayoutGraphReturns the x-coordinate of the given node's center.
getCenterY (YNode)in LayoutGraphReturns the y-coordinate of the given node's center.
getHeight (YNode)in LayoutGraphReturns the height of the given node.
getLabelLayout (YNode)in LayoutGraphReturns the layout information for all labels associated with the given node.
getLayout (YNode)in LayoutGraphReturns the layout information for the given node.
getLocation (YNode)in LayoutGraphReturns the coordinates of the given node's upper-left corner.
getSize (YNode)in LayoutGraphReturns the size of the given node.
getWidth (YNode)in LayoutGraphReturns the width of the given node.
getX (YNode)in LayoutGraphReturns the x-coordinate of the given node's upper-left corner.
getY (YNode)in LayoutGraphReturns the y-coordinate of the given node's upper-left corner.
moveBy (YNode, number, number)in LayoutGraphMoves the upper-left corner of a node by a given vector.
setCenter (YNode, YPoint)in LayoutGraphSpecifies the center coordinates of the given node.
setCenter (YNode, number, number)in LayoutGraphSpecifies the center coordinates of the given node.
setLocation (YNode, number, number)in LayoutGraphSpecifies the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the given node.
setLocation (YNode, YPoint)in LayoutGraphSpecifies the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the given node.
setSize (YNode, number, number)in LayoutGraphSpecifies the width and height of the given node.
setSize (YNode, YDimension)in LayoutGraphSpecifies the size of the given node.
alignNodeLayouts (LayoutGraph, YNodeList, YNode, boolean, NodeAlignment)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesAligns the specified nodes either vertically or horizontally according to the specified node alignment mode.
getBoundingBox (LayoutGraph, YNode)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesReturns the bounding box of the given node.
getNodeDistance (LayoutGraph, YNode, YNode)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesReturns the distance between the centers of the two given nodes.
moveNode (LayoutGraph, YNode, number, number)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesMoves the given node by the vector (dx,dy).
roundNodeLayout (LayoutGraph, YNode)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesRounds the location and size of the given node to integer values.
calculateBounds (LayoutGraph, YNode, YNodeList)in MinimumSizeGroupBoundsCalculatorCalculates the bounds of the given group node, enlarges the bounds by the insets associated with the group node and makes sure that the size of the group node obeys the associated minimum size.
getHalo (LayoutGraph, YNode)in NodeHaloReturns the NodeHalo associated with the given node.
getHaloBox (LayoutGraph, YNode)in NodeHaloReturns a YRectangle instance with the bounds of the given node including its NodeHalo.
findReversedTreeEdges (LayoutGraph, YNode, IDataAcceptor)in ReverseEdgesStageMarks edges in a tree-structured graph component that need to be reversed to make the specified node the root of the tree component.
getOriginalNode (YNode)in YGraphAdapterYields the original node from the original IGraph that the given node has been created for.
createConnectorEdge (LayoutContext, YNode, YNode, Object, boolean)in DefaultElementFactory
createProxyEdge (LayoutContext, YNode, YNode, Object, Object)in DefaultElementFactory
createProxyReferenceEdge (LayoutContext, YNode, YNode, Object)in DefaultElementFactory
createConnectorEdge (LayoutContext, YNode, YNode, Object, boolean)in IElementFactoryCallback method for creating an edge of type CONNECTOR.
createProxyEdge (LayoutContext, YNode, YNode, Object, Object)in IElementFactoryCallback method for creating an edge of type PROXY.
createProxyReferenceEdge (LayoutContext, YNode, YNode, Object)in IElementFactoryCallback method for creating an edge of type PROXY_REFERENCE.
getNodeInfo (YNode)in IElementInfoManagerReturns the node information object of the given node.
addNodeLabel (INodeLabelLayout, YNode)in LayoutContextAdds a label to a given node.
createEdge (YNode, YNode, Object)in LayoutContextAll methods of the IElementFactory have to use this method to create an edge.
getNodeInfo (YNode)in LayoutContext
removeNodeLabel (INodeLabelLayout, YNode)in LayoutContextRemoves a label from a given node.
removeConnectorPair (YNode, YNode, YList, LayoutContext)in MultiPageLayoutThis method is called during a postprocessing step that reduces the number of connectors.
getNodeInfo (YNode)in MultiPageLayoutResult
getCenter (YNode)in InteractiveOrganicLayoutPolls the current coordinates of the center of the given node.
getCenterX (YNode)in InteractiveOrganicLayoutPolls the current x-coordinate of the center location of the given node.
getCenterY (YNode)in InteractiveOrganicLayoutPolls the current y-coordinate of the center location of the given node.
getStress (YNode)in InteractiveOrganicLayoutPolls the current stress value of a given node.
setCenter (YNode, number, number)in InteractiveOrganicLayoutSchedules an update for the center location of the given node.
setCenterX (YNode, number)in InteractiveOrganicLayoutSchedules an update for the center location's x-coordinate of the given node.
setCenterY (YNode, number)in InteractiveOrganicLayoutSchedules an update for the center location's y-coordinate of the given node.
setInertia (YNode, number)in InteractiveOrganicLayoutSchedules an update for the inertia of the given node.
setRadius (YNode, number)in InteractiveOrganicLayoutSchedules an update for the radius of the given node.
setStress (YNode, number)in InteractiveOrganicLayoutSchedules an update for the stress value of the given node.
getCellsForNode (YNode)in GraphPartitionReturns all PartitionCells that are completely covered by the bounds of the given node.
assignPorts (LayoutGraph, YNode)in DefaultSeriesParallelLayoutPortAssignmentPlaces the ports of edges connecting to the given node according to the port assignment mode.
assignPorts (LayoutGraph, YNode)in ISeriesParallelLayoutPortAssignmentAssigns both the incoming edges' target ports as well as all source ports for the outgoing edges.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in AspectRatioNodePlacerDetermines a connector direction for the given child node depending on whether or not the child nodes are arranged horizontally.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in AspectRatioNodePlacerArranges the SubtreeShapes of children of the local root node in rows or columns that fit the specified aspect ratio.
createBends (IEdgeLayout, YNode, YNode, RootPlacement, SubtreeArrangement)in AspectRatioTreeLayoutAdds bends to the given IEdgeLayout.
getAspectRatio (YNode)in AspectRatioTreeLayoutRetrieves the aspect ratio for the subtree that is rooted at the given node.
getSuccessors (YNode)in AspectRatioTreeLayoutRetrieves all children of the given local root.
createProcessor (TreeLayout, LayoutGraph, YNode)in AssistantNodePlacerCreates a IProcessor that prepares the graph for placing assistant node.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in AssistantNodePlacerDetermines a connector direction for the given child node.
determineChildConnectors (YNode, IDataMap)in AssistantNodePlacerDelegates the calculation of the child connectors to the LeftRightNodePlacer which arranges the assistant nodes.
placeSubtree (IDataProvider, IDataProvider, LayoutGraph, YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in AssistantNodePlacerDelegates the arrangement of SubtreeShapes to an instance of LeftRightNodePlacer.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in AssistantNodePlacerArranges the local root relative to the subtree shape of its children.
calculateAngles (YNode, number?)in BalloonLayoutCalculates the wedge angle that has to be reserved for the subtree rooted at the given node scaling the distance with the given scale factor.
calculateChildArrangement (YNode)in BalloonLayoutCalculates a child node arrangement for a given root node of the tree.
getInfo (YNode)in BalloonLayoutReturns the BalloonLayoutNodeInfo object associated with the given node while the layout algorithm is active.
getPreferredChildWedge (YNode)in BalloonLayoutReturns the preferred radial amount (wedge) in degrees that child nodes may in total occupy around the given node.
sortChildNodes (YNode)in BalloonLayoutSorts the child nodes (successors) of the given node.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in BusNodePlacerDetermines a connector direction for the given child node.
determineChildConnectors (YNode, IDataMap)in BusNodePlacerDetermines connector directions depending on whether or not the child nodes are placed above or below the bus.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in BusNodePlacerPlaces all children of the local root below and above a bus segment that is shared by the edges.
createProcessor (TreeLayout, LayoutGraph, YNode)in CompactNodePlacerCreates a IProcessor.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in CompactNodePlacer
determineChildConnectors (YNode, IDataMap)in CompactNodePlacer
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in CompactNodePlacer
calculateParentConnector (LayoutGraph, YNode, INodeLayout, SubtreeShape, Edge, IEdgeLayout, number)in DefaultNodePlacerCalculates the bends for the connector to the parent node.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in DefaultNodePlacerDetermines a connector direction for the given child node depending on the selected child placement.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in DefaultNodePlacerArranges the root node and its children.
assignChildEdgeSourcePort (LayoutGraph, YNode, Edge, number)in DefaultTreeLayoutPortAssignmentAssigns relative coordinates to the source port of the outgoing edge to a child of the given node.
assignParentEdgeTargetPort (LayoutGraph, YNode, Edge)in DefaultTreeLayoutPortAssignmentAssigns relative coordinates to the target port of the incoming edge from the parent of the given node.
assignPorts (LayoutGraph, YNode)in DefaultTreeLayoutPortAssignmentPlaces the ports of edges connecting to the given node according to the port assignment mode.
createProcessor (TreeLayout, LayoutGraph, YNode)in DelegatingNodePlacerCreates a IProcessor that partitions child nodes of the current root node into two subsets.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in DelegatingNodePlacerDetermines a connector direction for the given child node.
determineChildConnectors (YNode, IDataMap)in DelegatingNodePlacerDoes nothing.
placeSubtree (IDataProvider, IDataProvider, LayoutGraph, YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in DelegatingNodePlacerPlaces the SubtreeShapes of the child nodes using the two delegate node placers retrieved with primaryPlacer and secondaryPlacer.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in DelegatingNodePlacerArranges the local root relative to the subtree shape of its children.
primaryChildren (YNode, LayoutGraph)in DelegatingNodePlacerReturns all upper-left children of the local root node.
secondaryChildren (YNode, LayoutGraph)in DelegatingNodePlacerReturns all lower-right children of the local root node.
createProcessor (TreeLayout, LayoutGraph, YNode)in DendrogramNodePlacerCreates an optional IProcessor for pre- and post-processing.
determineChildConnectors (YNode, IDataMap)in DendrogramNodePlacerProvides NORTH for all children.
placeSubtree (IDataProvider, IDataProvider, LayoutGraph, YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in DendrogramNodePlacerArranges the SubtreeShapes of the local root and its children as a dendrogram.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in DoubleLineNodePlacerReturns NORTH for every given child node.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in DoubleLineNodePlacerPlaces the children of the given local root alternating in two horizontal lines.
createProcessor (TreeLayout, LayoutGraph, YNode)in FreeNodePlacerCreates a IProcessor that will change all descending ITreeLayoutNodePlacers to FreeNodePlacer.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in FreeNodePlacerDetermines a connector direction for the given child node.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in FreeNodePlacerMerges the rotated shapes of the given local root and its children and routes the edges between them.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in GridNodePlacerReturns NORTH for every given child node.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in GridNodePlacerPlaces the children of a local root node in a grid.
createProcessor (TreeLayout, LayoutGraph, YNode)in GroupedNodePlacerCreates a IProcessor that prepares the graph for edge grouping.
determineChildConnectors (YNode, IDataMap)in GroupedNodePlacerDelegates to the ITreeLayoutNodePlacer responsible for arranging the nodes in one group.
placeSubtree (IDataProvider, IDataProvider, LayoutGraph, YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in GroupedNodePlacerPlaces the groups of SubtreeShapes according to their group IDs.
createProcessor (TreeLayout, LayoutGraph, YNode)in ITreeLayoutNodePlacerCreates an optional IProcessor for pre- and post-processing.
determineChildConnectors (YNode, IDataMap)in ITreeLayoutNodePlacerProvides the direction of the connector to the SubtreeShape for each child node.
placeSubtree (IDataProvider, IDataProvider, LayoutGraph, YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in ITreeLayoutNodePlacerArranges the SubtreeShapes of the local root and its children and routes the edges that connect them.
assignPorts (LayoutGraph, YNode)in ITreeLayoutPortAssignmentPlaces the ports of edges connecting to the given node.
createProcessor (TreeLayout, LayoutGraph, YNode)in LayeredNodePlacerCreates a IProcessor that distributes the nodes over the layers.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in LayeredNodePlacerReturns NORTH for every given child node.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in LayeredNodePlacerPlaces the children of local root in layers.
createProcessor (TreeLayout, LayoutGraph, YNode)in LeafNodePlacerCreates an optional IProcessor for pre- and post-processing.
determineChildConnectors (YNode, IDataMap)in LeafNodePlacerDoes nothing because leaf nodes don't have children so there are no child connectors.
placeSubtree (IDataProvider, IDataProvider, LayoutGraph, YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in LeafNodePlacerCreates a SubtreeShape for the local root node (a leaf node in this case) and adds target points to the incoming edge.
createProcessor (TreeLayout, LayoutGraph, YNode)in LeftRightNodePlacerCreates a processor that distributes the child elements into multiple branches, if necessary.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in LeftRightNodePlacerDetermines a connector direction for the given child node.
determineChildConnectors (YNode, IDataMap)in LeftRightNodePlacerDetermines the direction of the child connectors according to which side of the bus the child is assigned.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in LeftRightNodePlacerPlaces the subtree shapes of the children left and right of a common vertical bus.
createProcessor (TreeLayout, LayoutGraph, YNode)in NodePlacerBaseCreates an optional IProcessor for pre- and post-processing.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in NodePlacerBaseDetermines a connector direction for the given child node.
determineChildConnectors (YNode, IDataMap)in NodePlacerBaseProvides the direction of the connector to the SubtreeShape for each child node.
getNodeShape (YNode)in NodePlacerBaseReturns the SubtreeShape for the given node.
getSubtreeShape (YNode)in NodePlacerBaseReturns the SubtreeShape for the subtree rooted at the given node.
placeSubtree (IDataProvider, IDataProvider, LayoutGraph, YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in NodePlacerBaseInitializes the local data structures and then delegates the work to the abstract variant of this method (placeSubtreeOfNode)
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in NodePlacerBaseArranges the local root relative to the SubtreeShape of its children.
createProcessor (TreeLayout, LayoutGraph, YNode)in RotatableNodePlacerBaseCreates an optional IProcessor for pre- and post-processing.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in RotatableNodePlacerBaseDetermines a connector direction for the given child node.
determineChildConnectors (YNode, IDataMap)in RotatableNodePlacerBaseProvides the direction of the connector to the SubtreeShape for each child node.
getNodeShape (YNode)in RotatableNodePlacerBaseReturns the rotated subtree shape for the given node.
getPortConstraint (YNode)in RotatableNodePlacerBaseReturns the target PortConstraint for the local root's incoming edge.
getSubtreeShape (YNode)in RotatableNodePlacerBaseReturns the rotated subtree shape for the subtree rooted at the given node.
placeSubtree (IDataProvider, IDataProvider, LayoutGraph, YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in RotatableNodePlacerBaseInitializes the local data structures and then delegates the work to the abstract variant of this method (placeSubtreeOfNode).
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in RotatableNodePlacerBaseArranges the local root relative to the rotated subtree shapes of its children.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in SimpleNodePlacerProvides NORTH as connector direction for the child nodes.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in SimpleNodePlacerPlaces the children of the local root node in a single row.
createNodeShape (YNode)in TreeLayoutCreates a SubtreeShape for the given node that consists only of the bounds of this particular node.
getNodePlacer (YNode)in TreeLayoutReturns the ITreeLayoutNodePlacer instance that is used for the placement of the local root node and the SubtreeShapes.
getOutEdgeComparer (YNode)in TreeLayoutReturns the IComparer<T> instance that will sort the outgoing edges connecting to the given node.
getPortAssignment (YNode)in TreeLayoutReturns the ITreeLayoutPortAssignment instance that places the ports of the connecting edges of the given node.
getRootsArray (YNode)in TreeLayoutReturns an array of the nodes that will be laid out.
getSubtreeShape (YNode)in TreeLayoutProvides access to the SubtreeShape for the given node.
layoutRoot (YNode)in TreeLayoutCalculates the layout for the given root node and its subtrees.

Implementing Types

YNodeListSpecialized list implementation for instances of type YNode.