documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


An IInputMode implementation for use in a GraphComponent to assign to the inputMode property.

Inheritance Hierarchy
Implemented Interfaces


This mode can be used in a viewer-centric application where there is no need to modify the IGraph but browsing of the graph should be convenient. This mode allows for clicking on items using the mouse, displaying tool tips for items, showing a context menu, allowing for easy navigation and traversal, moving the view port, and optionally doing marquee selection. Also ItemHoverInputMode can be used to get notified of the elements that the mouse is hovering over.

Due to the viewer-centric nature of this input mode, collapsing and expanding groups is disabled per default. To enable this feature, set allowCollapseGroup and allowExpandGroup to true.

This input mode manages a set of specialized input modes, each handling a specific part of the interaction with the graph. The following list details those along with their default priorities. Lower priorities come earlier when handing events.


The GraphViewerInputMode can be installed by setting it as inputMode on the GraphComponent it handles.
Installing a configured GraphViewerInputMode
graphComponent.inputMode = new GraphViewerInputMode({
  toolTipItems: GraphItemTypes.LABEL_OWNER,
  clickableItems: GraphItemTypes.NODE,
  focusableItems: GraphItemTypes.NODE,
  selectableItems: GraphItemTypes.NONE,
  marqueeSelectableItems: GraphItemTypes.NONE

Type Details

yfiles module
yfiles-umd modules
All view modules
Legacy UMD name

See Also



