documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IGraph


graphin AdjacencyGraphBuilderGets the graph used by this builder.
graphin GraphBuilderGets the graph used by this builder.
graphin GraphBuilderItemEventArgsGets the graph that can be used to modify the item.
graphin TreeBuilderGets the graph used by this builder.
masterGraphin FoldingManagerGets the master IGraph instance that holds the complete model in expanded group node state.
clipboardGraphin GraphClipboardGets or sets the graph that contains the clipboard's contents.
wrappedGraphin GraphWrapperBaseGets the graph that has been wrapped by this instance.
graphin IFoldingViewGets the view graph managed by this view.
sourceGraphin IGraphClipboardContextGets the source graph for the current operation.
targetGraphin IGraphClipboardContextGets the target graph for the current operation.
graphin ChildParseContext
graphin ChildWriteContext
graphIdsin GraphElementIdAcceptorGets a mapping between all GraphML ids for <graph> elements and the corresponding IGraph instances
graphin IParseContextGets the currently active graph object
graphin IWriteContextGets the currently active graph object
graphin CreateBendInputModeGets the graph this mode is acting upon.
dummyEdgeGraphin CreateEdgeInputModeGets the dummy graph instance that will hold the items that will render a preview of the newly created edge.
edgeCreatorin CreateEdgeInputModeGets or sets the ports based edge creation callback.
graphin CreateEdgeInputModeGets the graph this mode is acting upon.
graphin EditLabelHelperGets or sets the graph instance to retrieve the default values from.
nodeCreatorin GraphEditorInputModeGets or sets the callback that is responsible for creating a new node, for instance, in response to a mouse click.
graphin GraphInputModeGets the graph instance from the inputModeContext.
graphin IInputModeContextTries to retrieve an IGraph instance from an IInputModeContext.
itemCreatorin ItemDropInputModeGets or sets the callback for item creation.
previewGraphin ItemDropInputModeGets the graph displayed as item preview.
graphin LabelPositionHandlerGets the graph instance from the IInputModeContext that has been passed to the initializeDrag method.
graphin MoveLabelInputModeGets the IGraph this mode is acting upon.
graphin NavigationInputModeGets or sets the graph this mode operates on.
graphin LayoutExecutorGets the graph this instance is working on.
graphin LayoutExecutorAsyncGets the graph this instance is working on.
adaptedGraphin LayoutGraphAdapterSets or yields the original IGraph instance that is adapted by this instance.
originalGraphin YGraphAdapterGets the original graph instance.
graphin GraphComponentGets or sets the graph that is displayed in this control.
graphin GraphModelManagerGets or sets the graph this manager manages.
graphin GraphOverviewComponentGets or sets the graph that is rendered in the overview.
graphin GraphSelectionGets or sets the IGraph this instance is using as the domain for the selection.


graphin PortRelocationHandleProviderThe graph this provider is working on.

Method Return Values

buildGraph ()in AdjacencyGraphBuilderPopulates the graph with items generated from the bound data.
buildGraph ()in GraphBuilderPopulates the graph with items generated from the bound data.
buildGraph ()in TreeBuilderPopulates the graph with items generated from the bound data.
createClipboardGraph ()in GraphClipboardCreates the graph used for the clipboard.
resolveGraph (IParseContext, string)in GraphElementIdAcceptor
readFromDocument (IGraph, Document)in GraphMLIOHandlerRead GraphML from an existing XML document.
readFromGraphMLText (IGraph, string)in GraphMLIOHandlerConvenience method that imports the graph from an XML data provided in a string data.
readFromURL (IGraph, string)in GraphMLIOHandlerReads GraphML content from the given url and populates the graph.
parseFromDocument (IGraph, Document, IGraphElementFactory)in GraphMLParserParse the XML document document into an graph instance, using elementFactory to create the elements.
parseFromURL (IGraph, string, IGraphElementFactory)in GraphMLParserParse the input url into an graph instance, using elementFactory to create the elements.
openFile (GraphComponent, StorageLocation?)in GraphMLSupportShows a open file dialog and imports the selected GraphML file into the graph of the provided graphComponent.
openFile (IGraph, StorageLocation?)in GraphMLSupportShows a open file dialog and imports the selected GraphML file into the provided graph.
resolveGraph (IParseContext, string)in IGraphElementResolverResolve the GraphML id to an IGraph instance.
createDummyEdgeGraph ()in CreateEdgeInputModeFactory method that will create the dummy graph to hold the preview of the dummyEdge.
getGraph (IInputModeContext)in PortLocationModelParameterHandleGets the graph to use for setting the parameter from the context.
getGraph (IInputModeContext)in PortRelocationHandleGets the graph to use from the context.
createGraph ()in GraphComponentFactory method for the graph property.
getGraph (IRenderContext)in GraphObstacleProviderHelper method that retrieves the IGraph to use from the context

Method Parameters

run (IGraph)in AllPairsShortestPathsFinds all shortest paths between pairs of nodes from sources and sinks.
run (IGraph)in BetweennessCentralityComputes the betweenness centrality for each node and edge of a given graph.
run (IGraph)in BfsReturns the layers of nodes constructed by a breadth-first search.
run (IGraph)in BiconnectedComponentClusteringPartitions the graph into clusters based on its biconnected components.
run (IGraph)in BiconnectedComponentsDetermines the biconnected components and articulation points of a given undirected graph.
run (IGraph)in BipartitionCalculates a bipartition of the given graph, if one exists.
run (IGraph)in ChainSubstructuresReturns a list of SubstructureItemss that represent isolated chains in the specified graph.
run (IGraph)in ChainsFinds all chains in a graph.
run (IGraph)in CliqueSubstructuresReturns a list of SubstructureItemss that represent the (undirected) cliques in the specified graph.
run (IGraph)in ClosenessCentralityComputes the closeness centrality for the nodes of a graph.
run (IGraph)in ClusteringCoefficientCalculates the local clustering coefficient for each node and returns the average clustering coefficient.
run (IGraph)in ConnectedComponentsDetermines the connected components of a given graph.
run (IGraph)in CycleFinds a cycle in the given graph.
run (IGraph)in CycleEdgesFinds all edges that are part of at least one directed or undirected simple cycle.
run (IGraph)in CycleSubstructuresReturns a list of SubstructureItemss that represent isolated cycles in the specified graph.
run (IGraph)in DegreeCentralityComputes the degree centrality for the nodes of a given graph.
run (IGraph)in EdgeBetweennessClusteringPartitions the graph into groups using edge betweenness centrality.
run (IGraph)in EigenvectorCentralityComputes an eigenvector centrality for each node of a given undirected, unweighted graph.
run (IGraph)in FeedbackEdgeSetFinds the edges of a given graph whose removal or reversal would make the graph acyclic.
run (IGraph)in GraphCentralityComputes the graph centrality for the nodes of a graph.
GraphStructureAnalyzer (IGraph, )in GraphStructureAnalyzerCreates a new instance for the given graph.
run (IGraph)in HierarchicalClusteringPartitions the graph into clusters using hierarchical clustering.
run (IGraph)in IndependentSetsPartitions the set of nodes of the given graph into independent sets.
run (IGraph)in IntersectionsCalculates intersections between the items for the given graph.
run (IGraph)in KCoreComponentsDetermines the k-Cores of a given graph.
run (IGraph)in KMeansClusteringPartitions the graph into clusters using k-means clustering.
run (IGraph)in LabelPropagationClusteringDetects the communities in the specified input graph by applying a label propagation algorithm.
run (IGraph)in LongestPathFinds the longest directed path in an acyclic graph.
run (IGraph)in LouvainModularityClusteringDetects the communities in the specified input graph by applying the Louvain modularity method.
run (IGraph)in MaximumFlowSolves a maximum flow problem.
run (IGraph)in MinimumCostFlowSolves the minimum-cost flow problem.
run (IGraph)in NeighborhoodFinds neighbors of a set of nodes.
run (IGraph)in NodeAggregationAggregates the nodes of the given graph and creates a hierarchical clustering structure.
run (IGraph)in PageRankComputes page rank values for all nodes based on their attached edges.
run (IGraph)in PathsFinds all paths between startNodes and endNodes.
run (IGraph)in RankAssignmentSolves the rank assignment problem.
run (IGraph)in ReachabilityDetermines the set of nodes that are reachable from the startNodes.
run (IGraph)in ShortestPathFinds the shortest path between source and sink.
run (IGraph)in SingleSourceShortestPathsFinds the shortest paths between source and sinks.
run (IGraph)in SpanningTreeCalculates a minimum spanning tree or forest for the given graph.
run (IGraph)in StarSubstructuresReturns a list of SubstructureItemss that represent isolated stars in the specified graph.
run (IGraph)in StronglyConnectedComponentsDetermines the strongly connected components of a given graph.
run (IGraph)in TransitiveClosureCalculates the transitive closure for a directed acyclic graph.
run (IGraph)in TransitiveEdgesCalculates the transitive edges that connect the visible nodes in the specified graph.
run (IGraph)in TransitiveReductionCalculates the transitive reduction for a directed acyclic graph.
run (IGraph)in TreeAnalysisAnalyzes a tree graph and calculates relevant properties of the tree structure.
TreeAnalyzer (IGraph)in TreeAnalyzerInitializes a new instance of the TreeAnalyzer class with the given graph.
run (IGraph)in TreeSubstructuresReturns a list of SubstructureItemss that represent isolated trees in the specified graph.
run (IGraph)in WeightCentralityComputes the weight centrality for the nodes of a graph.
AdjacencyGraphBuilder (IGraph?)in AdjacencyGraphBuilderInitializes a new instance of the AdjacencyGraphBuilder class that operates on the given graph.
applyStyleBindings (IGraph, IEdge, TDataItem)in EdgeCreatorResolves the styleBindings against the given dataItem and applies them to the given edge style.
createEdge (IGraph, INode, INode, TDataItem)in EdgeCreatorCreates an edge in the graph with the values of the bindings resolved against the dataItem.
createEdgeCore (IGraph, INode, INode, IEdgeStyle, Object)in EdgeCreatorCalled from createEdge and performs the actual edge creation in the graph.
getUpdatedBends (IGraph, IEdge, TDataItem)in EdgeCreatorResolves the bendsProvider on the given data item.
getUpdatedStyle (IGraph, IEdge, TDataItem)in EdgeCreatorResolves the styleProvider and then applies the style bindings.
getUpdatedTag (IGraph, IEdge, TDataItem)in EdgeCreatorResolves the tagProvider on the given data item.
onEdgeCreated (IGraph, IEdge, TDataItem)in EdgeCreatorTriggers the EdgeCreated event.
onEdgeUpdated (IGraph, IEdge, TDataItem)in EdgeCreatorTriggers the EdgeUpdated event.
updateBends (IGraph, IEdge, TDataItem)in EdgeCreatorUpdates the bends of the edge with the given dataItem by calling getUpdatedBends and updating the bends on the edge in the graph.
updateEdge (IGraph, IEdge, TDataItem)in EdgeCreatorUpdates the edge.
updateLabels (IGraph, IEdge, TDataItem)in EdgeCreatorCan be used to update the labels of the edge that have been added with this EdgeCreator<TDataItem>.
updateStyle (IGraph, IEdge, TDataItem)in EdgeCreatorUpdates the style of the edge with the given dataItem by calling getUpdatedStyle and applying the style to the edge in the graph.
updateTag (IGraph, IEdge, TDataItem)in EdgeCreatorUpdates the tag of the edge with the given dataItem by calling getUpdatedTag and setting the new tag on the edge.
GraphBuilder (IGraph?, )in GraphBuilderInitializes a new instance of the GraphBuilder class that operates on the given graph.
GraphBuilderItemEventArgs (IGraph, TItem, TDataItem)in GraphBuilderItemEventArgsCreates a new instance of the GraphBuilderItemEventArgs<TItem,TObject> class with the given graph, item, and source object.
addLabel (IGraph, ILabelOwner, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorAdds a label on the given ILabelOwner with the values of the bindings resolved against the dataItem.
addLabelCore (IGraph, ILabelOwner, string, ILabelModelParameter, ILabelStyle, Size, Object)in LabelCreatorCalled from addLabel and performs the actual label creation in the graph.
applyPreferredSizeBindings (IGraph, ILabel, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorResolves the preferredSizeBindings against the given dataItem and applies them to the given label preferredSize.
applyStyleBindings (IGraph, ILabel, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorResolves the styleBindings against the given dataItem and applies them to the given label style.
getUpdatedLayoutParameter (IGraph, ILabel, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorResolves the layoutParameterProvider on the given data item.
getUpdatedPreferredSize (IGraph, ILabel, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorResolves the preferredSizeProvider and then applies the preferred size bindings.
getUpdatedStyle (IGraph, ILabel, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorResolves the styleProvider and then applies the style bindings.
getUpdatedTag (IGraph, ILabel, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorResolves the tagProvider on the given data item.
getUpdatedText (IGraph, ILabel, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorResolves the textProvider on the given data item.
onLabelAdded (IGraph, TDataItem, ILabel)in LabelCreatorTriggers the LabelAdded event.
onLabelUpdated (IGraph, TDataItem, ILabel)in LabelCreatorTriggers the LabelUpdated event.
updateLabel (IGraph, ILabel, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorUpdates the label.
updateLayoutParameter (IGraph, ILabel, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorUpdates the layoutParameter of the label with the given dataItem by calling getUpdatedLayoutParameter and setting the new parameter on the label.
updatePreferredSize (IGraph, ILabel, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorUpdates the preferredSize of the label with the given dataItem by calling getUpdatedPreferredSize and setting the new size on the label.
updateStyle (IGraph, ILabel, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorUpdates the style of the label with the given dataItem by calling getUpdatedStyle and applying the style to the node in the graph.
updateTag (IGraph, ILabel, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorUpdates the tag of the label with the given dataItem by calling getUpdatedTag and setting the new tag on the label.
updateText (IGraph, ILabel, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorUpdates the text of the label with the given dataItem by calling getUpdatedText and setting the new text on the label.
applyLayoutBindings (IGraph, INode, TDataItem)in NodeCreatorResolves the layoutBindings against the given dataItem and applies them on the given node layout.
applyStyleBindings (IGraph, INode, TDataItem)in NodeCreatorResolves the styleBindings against the given dataItem and applies them to the node style.
createNode (IGraph, INode, TDataItem)in NodeCreatorCreates a node in the graph with the values of the bindings resolved against the dataItem.
createNodeCore (IGraph, boolean, INode, Rect, INodeStyle, Object)in NodeCreatorCalled from createNode and performs the actual node creation in the graph.
getUpdatedLayout (IGraph, INode, TDataItem)in NodeCreatorResolves the layoutProvider and then applies the layout bindings.
getUpdatedStyle (IGraph, INode, TDataItem)in NodeCreatorResolves the styleProvider and then applies the style bindings.
getUpdatedTag (IGraph, INode, TDataItem)in NodeCreatorResolves the tagProvider on the given data item.
onNodeCreated (IGraph, INode, TDataItem)in NodeCreatorTriggers the NodeCreated event.
onNodeUpdated (IGraph, INode, TDataItem)in NodeCreatorTriggers the NodeUpdated event.
updateLabels (IGraph, INode, TDataItem)in NodeCreatorCan be used to update the labels of the node that have been added with this NodeCreator<TDataItem>.
updateLayout (IGraph, INode, TDataItem)in NodeCreatorUpdates the layout of the node in the graph with the given layout information of the given dataItem by calling getUpdatedLayout and applying it to the node.
updateNode (IGraph, INode, INode, TDataItem)in NodeCreatorUpdates the node.
updateStyle (IGraph, INode, TDataItem)in NodeCreatorUpdates the style of the node with the given dataItem by calling getUpdatedStyle and applying the style to the node in the graph.
updateTag (IGraph, INode, TDataItem)in NodeCreatorUpdates the tag of the node with the given dataItem by calling getUpdatedTag and setting the new tag on the node.
TreeBuilder (IGraph?)in TreeBuilderInitializes a new instance of the TreeBuilder class that operates on the given graph.
FilteredGraphWrapper (IGraph, function(INode):boolean, function(IEdge):boolean?)in FilteredGraphWrapperCreates a new graph instance that wraps the original graph and uses the predicates to determine which nodes and edges should be contained in the graph.
addEventHandlers (IGraph)in FilteredGraphWrapper
onGraphChanged (IGraph, IGraph)in FilteredGraphWrapper
removeEventHandlers (IGraph)in FilteredGraphWrapper
FoldingManager (IGraph, )in FoldingManagerCreates a manager instance for the given masterGraph to create views on top of it that support folding operations.
GraphClipboard ()in GraphClipboardCreates a new initially empty clipboard.
copy (IGraph, function(IModelItem):boolean)in GraphClipboardCopies the elements indicated by the filter to the clipboard graph.
createContext (IGraph, IGraph)in GraphClipboardFactory method that creates the context for the upcoming calls to the IClipboardHelper methods.
createDefaultCopyFilter (IGraphSelection, IGraph)in GraphClipboardCreates a predicate for use in the onCopy method.
createDefaultCutFilter (IGraphSelection, IGraph)in GraphClipboardCreates a predicate for use in the cut method.
createDefaultDuplicateFilter (IGraphSelection, IGraph)in GraphClipboardCreates a predicate for use in the duplicate method.
createSelectionFilter (IGraphSelection, IGraph)in GraphClipboardCreates a predicate for use in the cut and onCopy methods.
createWrappedFilter (function(IModelItem):boolean, IGraph, boolean)in GraphClipboardCreates an induced predicate from coreFilter for use in the cut and onCopy methods that takes dependent items into account.
cut (IGraph, function(IModelItem):boolean)in GraphClipboardCuts the items indicated by filter to the clipboard and removes them from the graph.
duplicate (IInputModeContext, IGraph, function(IModelItem):boolean, function(IModelItem, IModelItem):void?)in GraphClipboardDuplicates the elements indicated by the filter.
getLabelLayoutParameter (GraphCopier, IGraph, ILabel, ILabelOwner)in GraphClipboardGets a ILabelModelParameter for the given label to be placed at the given newOwner.
getPortLocationParameter (GraphCopier, IGraph, IPort, IPortOwner)in GraphClipboardGets a IPortLocationModelParameter for the given originalPort to be placed at the given newOwner.
onCopy (IGraph, function(IModelItem):boolean, IGraph, INode, function(IModelItem, IModelItem):void)in GraphClipboardCalls copy on the current toClipboardCopier instance or fromClipboardCopier instance, depending on whether the targetGraph is the clipboardGraph instance.
onPaste (IGraph, function(IModelItem):boolean, IGraph, INode, function(IModelItem, IModelItem):void, function(IModelItem):boolean)in GraphClipboardCalls copy on the current fromClipboardCopier instance, depending on whether the targetGraph is the clipboardGraph instance.
paste (IGraph, function(IModelItem):boolean?, function(IModelItem, IModelItem):void?, function(IModelItem):boolean?, IInputModeContext?)in GraphClipboardPastes the contents from the clipboardGraph to the targetGraph after applying a filter.
pasteAndSelect (IGraph, IGraphSelection)in GraphClipboardPastes the clipboardGraph's contents into the targetGraph, selecting all pasted elements.
removeElements (IGraph, function(IModelItem):boolean)in GraphClipboardRemoves elements from the graph based on a predicate.
addBend (IGraph, IGraph, IEdge, IBend, Point, number)in GraphCopierAdds a bend to the targetEdge in the targetGraph as a copy of the source bend.
addLabel (IGraph, IGraph, ILabelOwner, ILabel)in GraphCopierAdds a label to the target item in the targetGraph as a copy of the source label.
addPort (IGraph, IGraph, IPortOwner, IPort)in GraphCopierAdds a port to the targetPortOwner in the targetGraph as a copy of the source port.
copy (IGraph, IGraph)in GraphCopierCopies sourceGraph to targetGraph.
copy (IGraph, function(IModelItem):boolean, IGraph, Point?, function(IModelItem, IModelItem):void?)in GraphCopierCopies a subgraph described by a predicate from the sourceGraph to the targetGraph.
copy (IGraph, function(IModelItem):boolean, IGraph, INode, Point?, function(IModelItem, IModelItem):void?)in GraphCopierCopies a subgraph induced by a predicate from the sourceGraph to the targetGraph.
copyChildNode (IGraph, IGraph, INode, INode, Point)in GraphCopierCreates a copy of the node in the targetGraph.
copyEdge (IGraph, IGraph, IEdge, IPort, IPort)in GraphCopierAdds an edge to the targetGraph as a copy of the source edge.
copyEdgeStyle (IGraph, IEdge)in GraphCopierCopies an IEdgeStyle instance.
copyGroupNode (IGraph, IGraph, INode, INode, Point)in GraphCopierCreates a copy of the sourceGroupNode in the targetGraph.
copyLabelLayoutParameter (IGraph, ILabel)in GraphCopierCopies a ILabelModelParameter for a given label.
copyLabelStyle (IGraph, ILabel)in GraphCopierCopies an ILabelStyle instance.
copyNode (IGraph, IGraph, INode, Point)in GraphCopierCreates a copy of the node in the targetGraph.
copyNodeStyle (IGraph, INode)in GraphCopierCopies an INodeStyle instance.
copyPortLocationParameter (IGraph, IPort)in GraphCopierCopies a IPortLocationModelParameter for a given port.
copyPortStyle (IGraph, IPort)in GraphCopierCopies an IPortStyle instance.
onGraphCopied (IGraph, IGraph)in GraphCopierCalled after the entire graph has been copied.
GraphDecorator (IGraph)in GraphDecoratorInitializes a new instance of the GraphDecorator class.
GraphWrapperBase (IGraph)in GraphWrapperBaseCreates a new instance that wraps a given IGraph.
addEventHandlers (IGraph)in GraphWrapperBaseAdds event handlers that propagate graph events from graph to listeners on this instance.
onGraphChanged (IGraph, IGraph)in GraphWrapperBaseCalled when the wrappedGraph property value changes and after initialization of the field.
onGraphTagChanged (ItemChangedEventArgs<IGraph,Object>)in GraphWrapperBaseRaises the GraphTagChanged event
removeEventHandlers (IGraph)in GraphWrapperBaseRemoves event handlers for graph that have been added with addEventHandlers.
GroupingSupport (IGraph)in GroupingSupportCreates a new instance which operates on the given graph.
calculateBounds (IGraph, INode)in IGroupBoundsCalculatorCalculates the bounds of the layout for the given groupNode that is a group node in the graph.
create (function(IGraph, INode):Rect)in IGroupBoundsCalculatorCreates an implementation of the interface IGroupBoundsCalculator by using the given function as implementation for its calculateBounds method.
placeNodeInCell (IGraph, INode, INode, IColumn, IRow, boolean?, boolean?)in ITablePlaces node in the center of the table cell determined by column and row.
installDynamicUndoSupport (IGraph)in TableInstalls the undo support for use with all tables that are bound to nodes in graph.
installStaticUndoSupport (IGraph)in TableInstalls the undo support for use with all tables that are bound to nodes in graph.
uninstallDynamicUndoSupport (IGraph)in TableUninstalls the undo support that has previously been installed with installDynamicUndoSupport
uninstallStaticUndoSupport (IGraph)in TableUninstalls the undo support that has previously been installed with installStaticUndoSupport
storeGraphId (IParseContext, IGraph, string)in GraphElementIdAcceptor
addGraphInputData (Class, string, function(IGraph, TValue):void, function(Object, HandleDeserializationEventArgs):void?, string?)in GraphMLIOHandlerRegister graphData as an input data target for GraphML data that is present at the graph level.
addGraphInputData (Class, function(Element):boolean, function(IGraph, TValue):void, function(Object, HandleDeserializationEventArgs):void?)in GraphMLIOHandlerRegister graphData as an input data target for GraphML data that is present at the graph level.
addGraphOutputData (Class, string, function(IGraph):TValue, function(Object, HandleSerializationEventArgs):void?, KeyType?, string?)in GraphMLIOHandlerRegister graphData as an output data source for data that is written at the graph level.
configureDeserializationHandlers (IGraph, GraphMLParser)in GraphMLIOHandlerConfigure the predefined handlers for the HandleDeserialization event.
configureGraphMLParser (GraphMLParser, IGraph)in GraphMLIOHandlerConfigures a given instance of GraphMLParser that can handle the given graph.
configureGraphMLWriter (GraphMLWriter, IGraph)in GraphMLIOHandlerConfigures a given GraphMLWriter that is used for writing graph.
configureOutputHandlers (IGraph, GraphMLWriter)in GraphMLIOHandlerConfigures default event handlers for the QueryOutputHandlers event.
configureSerializationHandlers (IGraph, GraphMLWriter)in GraphMLIOHandlerConfigures the predefined handlers for the HandleSerialization event.
configureSerializationProperties (IGraph, GraphMLWriter)in GraphMLIOHandlerConfigure important serialization properties from properties of GraphMLIOHandler.
configureWriterLookup (IGraph, GraphMLWriter)in GraphMLIOHandlerConfigure the lookup map of writer.
createGraphElementFactory (GraphMLParser, IGraph)in GraphMLIOHandlerCreate an IGraphElementFactory instance that creates the graph elements for the graph instance.
createGraphMLParser (IGraph)in GraphMLIOHandlerCreate a suitable instance of GraphMLParser that can handle the given graph.
createGraphMLWriter (IGraph)in GraphMLIOHandlerCreate and configure a new GraphMLWriter that is used for writing graph.
readFromDocument (IGraph, Document)in GraphMLIOHandlerRead GraphML from an existing XML document.
readFromGraphMLText (IGraph, string)in GraphMLIOHandlerConvenience method that imports the graph from an XML data provided in a string data.
readFromURL (IGraph, string)in GraphMLIOHandlerReads GraphML content from the given url and populates the graph.
write (IGraph)in GraphMLIOHandlerWrites the given graph object to a GraphML file.
createParseContext (IGraph)in GraphMLParserCreate the initial IParseContext instance.
parseFromDocument (IGraph, Document, IGraphElementFactory)in GraphMLParserParse the XML document document into an graph instance, using elementFactory to create the elements.
parseFromURL (IGraph, string, IGraphElementFactory)in GraphMLParserParse the input url into an graph instance, using elementFactory to create the elements.
openFile (IGraph, StorageLocation?)in GraphMLSupportShows a open file dialog and imports the selected GraphML file into the provided graph.
saveFile (IGraph, StorageLocation?)in GraphMLSupportExports the graph as GraphML and saves it to the provided storage location.
createWriteContext (IGraph, IXmlWriter)in GraphMLWriterCreate the initial IWriteContext instance.
write (IGraph, IXmlWriter)in GraphMLWriterWrite the GraphML representation of graph, using writer for the actual XML generation.
create ()in IGraphElementIdAcceptorCreates an implementation of the interface IGraphElementIdAcceptor from the given definition.
storeGraphId (IParseContext, IGraph, string)in IGraphElementIdAcceptorStore the value of the id attribute for the given graph.
getGraphId (IWriteContext, IGraph)in IGraphElementIdProviderGet an ID for the specified graph object
createLayerConstraintFactory (IGraph)in HierarchicLayoutCreates and registers an incremental layer constraint factory for an IGraph.
createSequenceConstraintFactory (IGraph)in HierarchicLayoutCreates and registers a sequencer constraint factory for an IGraph.
CreateEdgeInputMode ()in CreateEdgeInputModeCreates a new instance that will use the IGraph from the inputModeContext to create edges in.
createEdge (IGraph, IPortCandidate, IPortCandidate)in CreateEdgeInputModeCalled at the end of the edge creation process if both sourcePortCandidate and targetPortCandidate have been set.
createBend (IInputModeContext, IGraph, IEdge, Point)in DefaultBendCreator
createInstance (IInputModeContext, IGraph, IPortLocationModelParameter, IPortStyle, Object)in DefaultPortCandidateActually creates the IPort instance.
GraphEditorInputMode ()in GraphEditorInputModeCreates a new instance that is not bound to an existing graph or selection, initially.
create (function(IInputModeContext, IGraph, IEdge, Point):number)in IBendCreatorCreates an implementation of the interface IBendCreator by using the given function as implementation for its createBend method.
createBend (IInputModeContext, IGraph, IEdge, Point)in IBendCreatorCreates a bend at the given graph for the given edge at the position supplied.
cleanUpEdge (IInputModeContext, IGraph, IEdge)in IOrthogonalEdgeHelperInvoked after the provided edge has been edited orthogonally.
create ()in IOrthogonalEdgeHelperCreates an implementation of the interface IOrthogonalEdgeHelper from the given definition.
ItemDropInputMode (string, )in ItemDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the ItemDropInputMode<T> class for the expected data type.
ItemDropInputMode (string, )in ItemDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the ItemDropInputMode<T> class for the expected data type.
populatePreviewGraph (IGraph)in ItemDropInputModeSubclasses shall fill the specified graph that is used to preview the dragged item.
updatePreview (IGraph, Point)in ItemDropInputModeSubclasses shall update the preview graph so the dragged item is displayed at the specified dragLocation.
LabelDropInputMode (string, )in LabelDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class DropInputMode for the expected data type.
LabelDropInputMode (string, )in LabelDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class DropInputMode for the expected data type.
LabelDropInputMode ()in LabelDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class LabelDropInputMode for the type ILabel.
createLabel (IInputModeContext, IGraph, ILabel, ILabelOwner, ILabelModelParameter)in LabelDropInputModeCreates the label in the graph after it's been dropped.
populatePreviewGraph (IGraph)in LabelDropInputMode
updatePreview (IGraph, Point)in LabelDropInputMode
NodeDropInputMode ()in NodeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the NodeDropInputMode class for INodes.
NodeDropInputMode (string, )in NodeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the NodeDropInputMode class for the expected data type.
NodeDropInputMode (string, )in NodeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the NodeDropInputMode class for the expected data type.
createNode (IInputModeContext, IGraph, INode, IModelItem, Rect)in NodeDropInputModeCreates the node in the graph after it's been dropped.
populatePreviewGraph (IGraph)in NodeDropInputMode
updatePreview (IGraph, Point)in NodeDropInputMode
cleanUpEdgePath (IGraph, IEdge)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextCleans up the edge's path after a successfully finished drag.
cleanUpEdgePaths (IGraph)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextCalled after a successfully finished drag to clean up artifacts of modified edges.
prepareEdgePaths (IGraph)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextCalled during dragInitialized to prepare the edge paths for orthogonal editing.
prepareOrthogonalEdge (IGraph, IEdge, IListEnumerable<SegmentOrientation>, IListEnumerable<MovementInfo>)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextHelper method that inspects and prepares an orthogonal edge for the upcoming edit process.
removeAddedBends (IGraph, IEnumerable<IBend>)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextRemoves previously registered added bends.
cleanUpEdge (IInputModeContext, IGraph, IEdge)in OrthogonalEdgeHelperInvoked after the provided edge has been edited orthogonally.
PortDropInputMode (string, )in PortDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class DropInputMode for the expected data type.
PortDropInputMode (string, )in PortDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class DropInputMode for the expected data type.
PortDropInputMode ()in PortDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class PortDropInputMode for the type IPort.
createPort (IInputModeContext, IGraph, IPort, IPortOwner, IPortLocationModelParameter)in PortDropInputModeCreates the port in the graph after it's been dropped.
populatePreviewGraph (IGraph)in PortDropInputMode
updatePreview (IGraph, Point)in PortDropInputMode
setParameter (IGraph, IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in PortLocationModelParameterHandleApplies the parameter.
PortRelocationHandle (IGraph, IEdge, boolean)in PortRelocationHandleCreates a new instance of the PortRelocationHandle class.
PortRelocationHandleProvider (IGraph, IEdge)in PortRelocationHandleProviderInitializes a new instance of the PortRelocationHandleProvider class using the given graph and edge.
createPortRelocationHandle (IGraph, IEdge, boolean)in PortRelocationHandleProviderFactory method that creates the handle for this provider.
StripeDropInputMode ()in StripeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the NodeDropInputMode class for INodes.
StripeDropInputMode (string, )in StripeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the StripeDropInputMode class for the expected data type.
StripeDropInputMode (string, )in StripeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the StripeDropInputMode class for the expected data type.
populatePreviewGraph (IGraph)in StripeDropInputMode
updatePreview (IGraph, Point)in StripeDropInputMode
LayoutExecutor (GraphComponent, IGraph, ILayoutAlgorithm, )in LayoutExecutorInitializes a new instance of the LayoutExecutor class.
LayoutExecutorAsync (function(Object):Promise<Object>, IGraph, LayoutDescriptor?, LayoutData?, )in LayoutExecutorAsyncCreates a new instance of a layout execution helper that will asynchronously perform the calculations and apply the results on the provided graph.
LayoutGraphAdapter (IGraph?, ISelectionModel<IModelItem>?, )in LayoutGraphAdapterCreates the adapter using a given IGraph and ISelectionModel<T>.
getLabelCandidateDescriptorProvider (IGraph)in LayoutGraphAdapterCallback method that gets the label candidate descriptor provider for the given IGraph.
cleanUp (IGraph)in TableLayoutConfiguratorDestroy all information that results from a previous prepare and a subsequent layout
prepare (IGraph)in TableLayoutConfiguratorSetup partition grid information from a graph that contains table structures
restore (IGraph)in TableLayoutConfiguratorWrite back all information from the partition grid
YGraphAdapter (IGraph, IEnumerable<INode>?, IEnumerable<IEdge>?)in YGraphAdapterInitializes a new instance of the YGraphAdapter class.
GraphOverviewSvgVisualCreator (IGraph)in GraphOverviewSvgVisualCreatorCreates a new instance for the given graph.
GraphOverviewWebGLVisualCreator (IGraph)in GraphOverviewWebGLVisualCreatorCreates a new instance for the given graph.
GraphComponent (HTMLDivElement, )in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of the GraphComponent in the given div element.
GraphComponent ()in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of the GraphComponent.
GraphComponent (string, )in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of GraphComponent using the div element that is specified by the selector.
install (CanvasComponent, IGraph)in GraphModelManagerInstalls this manager for the specified CanvasComponent.
onGraphChanged (IGraph, IGraph)in GraphModelManagerCalled when the graph property changes.
GraphOverviewCanvasVisualCreator (IGraph)in GraphOverviewCanvasVisualCreatorCreates a new instance for the given graph.
createCanvasVisualCreator (IGraph)in GraphOverviewComponentFactory method that creates the IVisualCreator that renders the preview of the graph in a HTML canvas element.
createSvgVisualCreator (IGraph)in GraphOverviewComponentFactory method that creates the IVisualCreator that renders the preview of the graph in SVG.
createWebGL2VisualCreator (IGraph)in GraphOverviewComponentFactory method that creates the IVisualCreator that renders the preview of the graph in a WebGL2 canvas element.
createWebGLVisualCreator (IGraph)in GraphOverviewComponentFactory method that creates the IVisualCreator that renders the preview of the graph in a WebGL canvas element.
GraphSelection (IGraph)in GraphSelectionInstantiates an instance using the graph as the model.
createEdgeSegmentAnimation (IGraph, IEdge, IPoint, Point, Point, TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation that animates the given edge's bends from its current shape linearly to the shape given by the endBends and final port locations.
createGraphAnimation (IGraph, IMapper<INode,IRectangle>?, IMapper<IEdge,yfiles.geometry.IPoint[]>?, IMapper<IPort,IPortLocationModelParameter>?, IMapper<ILabel,ILabelModelParameter>?, TimeSpan?)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation that animates the given layout of all types of graph items.
createLabelAnimation (IGraph, ILabel, ILabelModelParameter, TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation that animates the given label from its current layout linearly to the layout given by the targetLayoutParameter.
createLayoutAnimation (IGraph, CopiedLayoutGraph, TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation instance that animates the current graph to the layout given by a CopiedLayoutGraph instance.
createNodeAnimation (IGraph, INode, IRectangle, TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation that animates the given node from its current layout to the new given targetLayout.
createPortAnimation (IGraph, IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter, TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation that animates the given port from its current location to the new location given by the targetLocationParameter.
install (CanvasComponent, IGraph)in WebGL2GraphModelManager
onGraphChanged (IGraph, IGraph)in WebGL2GraphModelManager
WebGL2GraphOverviewVisualCreator (IGraph)in WebGL2GraphOverviewVisualCreatorCreates a new instance for the given graph.

Implementing Types

DefaultGraphCentral implementation of the IGraph interface.
GraphWrapperBaseAn abstract IGraph implementation that delegates all of its work to an existing implementation.