documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IDataProvider


weightin WeightedLayererThis is a IDataProvider that holds for each Edge an integer value representing its weight.
nodeShapeProviderin RotatableNodePlacerBaseThe provider of SubtreeShapes for single nodes.
subtreeShapeProviderin RotatableNodePlacerBaseThe provider of SubtreeShapes for whole subtrees.

Method Return Values

createConstantDataProvider (Object)in DataProvidersReturns a IDataProvider that returns the given value for each key.
createEdgeDataProvider (Object)in DataProvidersReturns a IDataProvider view of an Object array defined for edges.
createEdgeDataProviderForArrays (number, number, boolean, Object)in DataProvidersReturns a IDataProvider view of a double, int, boolean and Object array defined for edges.
createEdgeDataProviderForBoolean (boolean)in DataProvidersReturns a IDataProvider view of a boolean array defined for edges.
createEdgeDataProviderForInt (number)in DataProvidersReturns a IDataProvider view of an int array defined for edges.
createEdgeDataProviderForNumber (number)in DataProvidersReturns a IDataProvider view of a double array defined for edges.
createNegatedDataProvider (IDataProvider)in DataProvidersReturns a IDataProvider that returns the negated boolean values provided by another data provider.
createNodeDataProvider (Object)in DataProvidersReturns a IDataProvider view of an Object array defined for nodes.
createNodeDataProviderForBoolean (boolean)in DataProvidersReturns a IDataProvider view of a boolean array defined for nodes.
createNodeDataProviderForInt (number)in DataProvidersReturns a IDataProvider view of an int array defined for nodes.
createNodeDataProviderForNumber (number)in DataProvidersReturns a IDataProvider view of a double array defined for nodes.
createNodeDataProviderWithArrays (number, number, boolean, Object)in DataProvidersReturns a IDataProvider view of a double, int, boolean and Object array defined for nodes.
createSourceDataProvider (IDataProvider)in DataProvidersReturns a IDataProvider for edges that return the data provider values bound to their source nodes.
createTargetDataProvider (IDataProvider)in DataProvidersReturns a IDataProvider for edges that return the data provider values bound to their target nodes.
getDataProvider (Object)in GraphReturns the data provider that is registered with the graph using the given look-up key.
create ()in IDataProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IDataProvider from the given definition.
getEdgeLayoutDescriptors (LayoutGraph)in HierarchicLayoutCoreCallback method called during applyLayoutCore and returns a IDataProvider that holds the HierarchicLayoutEdgeLayoutDescriptor information.
getIncrementalHints (LayoutGraph)in HierarchicLayoutCoreCallback method called during applyLayoutCore and returns a IDataProvider that holds the incremental hints information.
getNodeLayoutDescriptors (LayoutGraph)in HierarchicLayoutCoreCallback method called during applyLayoutCore and returns a IDataProvider that holds the HierarchicLayoutNodeLayoutDescriptor information.
getSwimLaneDescriptors (LayoutGraph)in HierarchicLayoutCoreCallback method called during applyLayoutCore and returns a IDataProvider that holds the SwimlaneDescriptor information.
getPortCandidateSetDataProvider (LayoutGraph)in PortCandidateOptimizerReturns the data provider that provides the port candidate sets for nodes.
addDataProvider (Class, Class, Object, IMapper<K,V>)in LayoutGraphAdapterRegisters a data provider with the graph using the given look-up key and wrapping the given mapper.
getDataProvider (Object)in LayoutGraphAdapterReturns the data provider that is registered with the graph using the given look-up key.
createDataProvider (Class, Class, IMapper<K,V>)in YGraphAdapterCreates an IDataProvider that delegates to the provided IMapper<K,V> when queried for items in the yGraph.
createDataProvider (Class, Class, function(K):V)in YGraphAdapterCreates an IDataProvider that delegates to the provided delegate when queried for items in the yGraph.
createLeftRightDataProvider (IDataProvider)in LeftRightNodePlacerCreates a special IDataProvider that determines whether a given node is placed left or right of the parent node.

Method Parameters

getLayers (Graph, IDataProvider)in BfsAlgorithmReturns the layers of nodes constructed by a breadth first search.
getLayers (Graph, IDataProvider, INodeMap)in BfsAlgorithmReturns the layers of nodes constructed by a breadth first search.
closenessCentrality (Graph, INodeMap, boolean, IDataProvider)in CentralityAlgorithmComputes the closeness centrality for the nodes of a graph.
edgeBetweenness (Graph, IEdgeMap, boolean, IDataProvider)in CentralityAlgorithmComputes betweenness centrality for each edge of a given graph.
graphCentrality (Graph, INodeMap, boolean, IDataProvider)in CentralityAlgorithmComputes the graph centrality for the nodes of a graph.
nodeBetweenness (Graph, INodeMap, boolean, IDataProvider)in CentralityAlgorithmComputes betweenness centrality for each node of a given graph.
nodeEdgeBetweenness (Graph, INodeMap, IEdgeMap, boolean, IDataProvider)in CentralityAlgorithmComputes betweenness centrality for each node and edge of a given graph.
pageRank (Graph, INodeMap, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?, number?, number?)in CentralityAlgorithmComputes page rank values for all nodes based on their attached edges.
weightCentrality (Graph, INodeMap, boolean, boolean, IDataProvider)in CentralityAlgorithmComputes the weight centrality for the nodes of a graph.
createComparableDataComparer (IDataProvider)in ComparersReturns a IComparer<T> that compares objects of arbitrary type.
createIntDataComparer (IDataProvider)in ComparersReturns a IComparer<T> that compares objects of arbitrary type.
createIntDataSourceComparer (IDataProvider)in ComparersReturns a IComparer<T> that compares objects of type Edge.
createIntDataTargetComparer (IDataProvider)in ComparersReturns a IComparer<T> that compares objects of type Edge.
createNumberDataComparer (IDataProvider)in ComparersReturns a IComparer<T> that compares objects of arbitrary type.
createNumberDataSourceComparer (IDataProvider)in ComparersReturns a IComparer<T> that compares objects of type Edge.
createNumberDataTargetComparer (IDataProvider)in ComparersReturns a IComparer<T> that compares objects of type Edge.
findCycleEdges (Graph, IEdgeMap, IDataProvider?)in CycleAlgorithmMarks the edges of a given graph whose removal or reversal would make the graph acyclic while trying to minimize the cost associated with the marked edges.
createNegatedDataProvider (IDataProvider)in DataProvidersReturns a IDataProvider that returns the negated boolean values provided by another data provider.
createSourceDataProvider (IDataProvider)in DataProvidersReturns a IDataProvider for edges that return the data provider values bound to their source nodes.
createTargetDataProvider (IDataProvider)in DataProvidersReturns a IDataProvider for edges that return the data provider values bound to their target nodes.
EdgeList (IEdgeCursor, IDataProvider)in EdgeListCreates a list that is initialized with those edges from the given EdgeCursor object for which the given data provider returns true upon calling its getBool method.
addDataProvider (Object, IDataProvider)in GraphRegisters the given data provider using the given look-up key.
getAverageWeightedDegree (Graph, boolean, IDataProvider)in GraphCheckerComputes the average weighted degree of a given graph.
getDiameter (Graph, boolean, IDataProvider)in GraphCheckerComputes the diameter of a given graph.
GraphPartitionManager (Graph, IDataProvider)in GraphPartitionManagerInstantiates a new GraphPartitionManager for the given graph.
initPartitions (IDataProvider)in GraphPartitionManagerInitializes internal data structures using the new DataProvider.
edgeBetweennessClustering (Graph, INodeMap, boolean, number, number, IDataProvider)in GroupAlgorithmPartitions the graph into groups using edge betweenness centrality.
getModularity (Graph, IDataProvider, IDataProvider?)in GroupAlgorithmComputes the modularity of a given graph.
kMeansClustering (Graph, INodeMap, IDataProvider, DistanceMetric, number, number?, YPoint?)in GroupAlgorithmPartitions the graph into clusters using k-means clustering algorithm.
labelPropagation (Graph, INodeMap, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?)in GroupAlgorithmDetects the communities in the specified input graph by applying a label propagation algorithm.
louvainModularity (Graph, INodeMap, IDataProvider?)in GroupAlgorithmDetects the communities in the specified input graph by applying the louvain modularity method.
createHighPerformanceDoubleMap (IDataProvider, IDataAcceptor, number)in MapsCreates a resettable high performance map for values of type double.
createHighPerformanceIntMap (IDataProvider, IDataAcceptor, number)in MapsCreates a resettable high performance map for values of type int.
createHighPerformanceMap (IDataProvider, IDataAcceptor, Object)in MapsCreates a resettable high performance map for values of type Object.
calcMaxFlow (Graph, YNode, YNode, IDataProvider, IEdgeMap)in NetworkFlowAlgorithmSolves a maximum flow problem using the preflow-push method.
calcMaxFlowMinCut (Graph, YNode, YNode, IDataProvider, IEdgeMap, INodeMap)in NetworkFlowAlgorithmSolves a maximum flow problem using the preflow-push method but additionally marks all nodes that belong to the minimum cut set that is associated with the source of the network.
minCostFlow (Graph, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, IEdgeMap, INodeMap)in NetworkFlowAlgorithmSolves a minimum cost flow problem with a capacity scaling algorithm.
minCostFlow (Graph, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, IEdgeMap, INodeMap)in NetworkFlowAlgorithmUses method minCostFlow to solve a minimum cost flow problem.
minCostFlow (Graph, YNode, YNode, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, IEdgeMap, INodeMap)in NetworkFlowAlgorithmSolves a minimum cost maximum flow problem.
NodeList (INodeCursor, IDataProvider)in YNodeListCreates a list that is initialized with those nodes from the given NodeCursor object for which the given data provider returns true upon calling its getBool method.
findLongestPath (Graph, IDataProvider?)in PathAlgorithmReturns the longest directed path in a given acyclic weighted graph.
simplex (Graph, INodeMap, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, number?)in RankAssignmentAlgorithmSolves the rank assignment problem using the simplex method given a maximum time duration for the algorithm.
simplex (Graph, INodeMap, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, IEdgeMap, YNode, boolean, number?)in RankAssignmentAlgorithmSimilar to simplex but, additionally, it is possible to provide a valid initial tree solution for the problem.
acyclic (Graph, YNode, IDataProvider, INodeMap, INodeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source shortest path problem for acyclic directed graphs.
aStar (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider, IDataProvider)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source single-sink shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs using an implementation of the well-known a-star algorithm (A*).
aStar (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, INodeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source single-sink shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs using an implementation of the well-known a-star algorithm (A*).
bellmanFord (Graph, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider, INodeMap, INodeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs.
constructEdgePath (YNode, YNode, IDataProvider)in ShortestPathAlgorithmLike constructEdgePath but the path edges are given by a IDataProvider.
constructNodePath (YNode, YNode, IDataProvider)in ShortestPathAlgorithmLike constructNodePath but the path edges are given by a IDataProvider.
dijkstra (Graph, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider, INodeMap, INodeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs.
findShortestUniformPaths (Graph, YNode, IDataProvider, boolean, number, EdgeList, YNodeList)in ShortestPathAlgorithmFinds all nodes and edges that belong to a shortest path from a start node to a set of target nodes in the graph not farther away than a given distance.
kShortestPaths (Graph, IDataProvider, YNode, YNode, number)in ShortestPathAlgorithmThis method finds the k shortest paths connecting a pair of nodes in a directed graph with non-negative edge costs.
kShortestPathsCursor (Graph, IDataProvider, YNode, YNode, number)in ShortestPathAlgorithmA variant of kShortestPaths that returns the result as a special cursor that calculates the next path in the sequence only when needed.
shortestPair (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider)in ShortestPathAlgorithmReturns two edge-disjoint paths in a non-negatively weighted directed graph, such that both paths connect nodes s and t and have minimum total length.
singleSource (Graph, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider, INodeMap, INodeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmThis method solves the single-source shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs.
singleSourceSingleSink (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSimilar to singleSourceSingleSink but instead of returning the shortest distance between the source and sink the actual shortest edge path between these nodes will be returned.
singleSourceSingleSink (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider, INodeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmLike singleSourceSingleSink but uses INodeMaps and IDataProviders instead of arrays.
sortNodesByIntKey (Graph, IDataProvider)in SortingAlgorithmSorts the nodes of a given graph by an integer key associated with each node through a IDataProvider.
cost (EdgeList, IDataProvider)in SpanningTreeAlgorithmReturns the overall cost of a previously calculated minimum spanning tree.
kruskal (Graph, IDataProvider)in SpanningTreeAlgorithmCalculates a minimum spanning tree for the given graph.
minimum (Graph, IDataProvider)in SpanningTreeAlgorithmCalculates a minimum spanning tree for the given graph.
prim (Graph, IDataProvider)in SpanningTreeAlgorithmCalculates a minimum spanning tree for the given graph.
getChains (Graph, number, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?)in SubstructuresReturns a list of Substructures that represent the chains in the specified graph with at least minimumSize nodes.
getCliques (Graph, number, IDataProvider?)in SubstructuresReturns a list of Substructures that represent the (undirected) cliques in the specified graph with at least minimumSize nodes.
getCycles (Graph, number, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?)in SubstructuresReturns a list of Substructures that represent the cycles in the specified graph with at least minimumSize nodes.
getStars (Graph, number, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?)in SubstructuresReturns a list of Substructures that represent the stars in the specified graph with at least minimumSize nodes.
getTrees (Graph, number, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?)in SubstructuresReturns a list of Substructures that represent the trees in the specified graph with at least minimumSize nodes.
transitiveEdges (Graph, IDataProvider, boolean)in TransitivityAlgorithmCreates the transitive edges that connect the visible nodes in the specified graph.
calcDelauneyTriangulation (Graph, IDataProvider, IEdgeMap)in TriangulationAlgorithmComputes a Delauney triangulation of the given points.
triangulatePoints (Graph, IDataProvider, IEdgeMap)in TriangulationAlgorithmComputes a triangulation of the given points.
YList (ICursor, IDataProvider)in YListCreates a list that is initialized with those elements from the given YCursor object for which the given data provider returns true upon calling its getBool method.
normalize (Graph, IDataProvider, IDataAcceptor)in GivenLayersLayererConvenience method that removes empty layers and ensures that the smallest layer has value 0.
sort (YNodeList, IDataProvider)in MultiComponentLayererSorts an array which consists of YNodeLists each of which contains nodes that belong to the same component.
calculateSelfLoops (LayoutGraph, YNode, IDataProvider, IDataProvider)in SelfLoopCalculatorCalculates all self-loops at the given node of the given input graph.
calculateSelfLoops (LayoutGraph, YNode, YList, IDataProvider, IDataProvider)in SelfLoopCalculatorConvenience method that calculates a list of self-loops that belong to a given node.
assignNodeLayerWithDataProvider (LayoutGraph, INodeMap, EdgeList, IDataProvider)in WeightedLayererAssigns all nodes of the graph to layers.
routeInterEdges (LayoutGraph, IDataProvider, IDataProvider)in IPartitionInterEdgeRouterRoutes inter-edges of the partitioned graph.
placePartitions (LayoutGraph, IDataProvider, IDataProvider)in IPartitionPlacerArranges the graph while taking partition IDs and inter-edge information into account.
determineEdgeFlowDirection (LayoutGraph, IDataProvider)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesDetermines the main direction of the edge flow by analyzing the current layout of the graph.
isUsingOctilinearEdgeRoutes (LayoutGraph, IDataProvider)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesDetermines whether or not most of the edges of the graph are routed octilinear.
isUsingOrthogonalEdgeRoutes (LayoutGraph, IDataProvider)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesDetermines whether or not most of the edges of the graph are routed orthogonally.
arrangeSwimlanes (Graph, IDataProvider)in SwimlanesCalculates an ordering of the swimlanes.
arrangeSwimlanes (Graph, IDataProvider, number, SwimlanesMode)in SwimlanesCalculates an ordering of the swimlanes considering the specified ordering mode.
createMapper (IDataProvider)in YGraphAdapterCreates an IMapper<K,V> that delegates to the provided IDataProvider when queried for items in the IGraph.
applyIncrementalLayout (LayoutGraph, IDataProvider, LayoutContext)in MultiPageLayoutThis method is called to further improve the layout results.
routeRestoredEdges (LayoutGraph, IDataProvider, YRectangle)in MultiPageLayoutThis method is called whenever some single edges have to be routed without changing the position of nodes (e.g., by removeConnectorPair to route the restored edges).
replaceHubsBySubgraph (LayoutGraph, IDataProvider, IDataAcceptor)in BusRepresentationsChanges the representation of buses from hubs to complete subgraphs.
replaceHubsBySubgraph (LayoutGraph, EdgeList, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, IDataAcceptor)in BusRepresentationsChanges the representation of buses from hubs to complete subgraphs by creating new edges between regular nodes and removing the hubs.
replaceSubgraphByHubs (LayoutGraph, IEdgeCursor, IDataProvider, IDataAcceptor)in BusRepresentationsChanges the representation of buses from complete subgraphs to hubs by replacing intersection points by hubs.
toEdgeLists (Graph, IDataProvider)in BusRepresentationsCalculates for every bus represented by hubs a list of all of its edges.
placeSubtree (IDataProvider, IDataProvider, LayoutGraph, YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in AssistantNodePlacerDelegates the arrangement of SubtreeShapes to an instance of LeftRightNodePlacer.
placeSubtree (IDataProvider, IDataProvider, LayoutGraph, YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in DelegatingNodePlacerPlaces the SubtreeShapes of the child nodes using the two delegate node placers retrieved with primaryPlacer and secondaryPlacer.
placeSubtree (IDataProvider, IDataProvider, LayoutGraph, YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in DendrogramNodePlacerArranges the SubtreeShapes of the local root and its children as a dendrogram.
placeSubtree (IDataProvider, IDataProvider, LayoutGraph, YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in GroupedNodePlacerPlaces the groups of SubtreeShapes according to their group IDs.
placeSubtree (IDataProvider, IDataProvider, LayoutGraph, YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in ITreeLayoutNodePlacerArranges the SubtreeShapes of the local root and its children and routes the edges that connect them.
placeSubtree (IDataProvider, IDataProvider, LayoutGraph, YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in LeafNodePlacerCreates a SubtreeShape for the local root node (a leaf node in this case) and adds target points to the incoming edge.
createLeftRightDataProvider (IDataProvider)in LeftRightNodePlacerCreates a special IDataProvider that determines whether a given node is placed left or right of the parent node.
placeSubtree (IDataProvider, IDataProvider, LayoutGraph, YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in NodePlacerBaseInitializes the local data structures and then delegates the work to the abstract variant of this method (placeSubtreeOfNode)
placeSubtree (IDataProvider, IDataProvider, LayoutGraph, YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in RotatableNodePlacerBaseInitializes the local data structures and then delegates the work to the abstract variant of this method (placeSubtreeOfNode).
applyLayoutUsingDummies (LayoutGraph, IDataProvider)in TreeComponentLayoutDelegates the layout calculation to the core layout algorithm and handles the dummy nodes.

Implementing Types

DataProviderBaseAn abstract adapter class for providing data.
IDataMapInterface that combines the IDataProvider and IDataAcceptor interfaces.
IEdgeMapProvides access to data associated with an edge.
INodeMapProvides access to data associated with a node.
MapperDataProviderAdapterWraps an IMapper<K,V> into an IDataProvider.