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Automatic Label Placement

Both types of graph elements, i.e., nodes and edges, can have one or more labels that can be used to show descriptive text for the element. The label's purpose is served best when it is both readable and also near its element, where readability most importantly results from the label being placed so that it does not overlap with other graph elements.

The yFiles library offers advanced labeling algorithms that automatically generate label arrangements that, whenever feasible, completely eliminate all overlaps, or minimize the number thereof otherwise. Labeling algorithms can be applied in two different scenarios: generic labeling and integrated labeling.

Labeling Scenarios

Generic labeling is independent of any layout algorithms and can be applied to any kind of diagram. It generates label placements without altering node positions, node sizes, or edge paths.

Integrated labeling, in contrast, is directly provided by some layout algorithms as an integrated part of the layout calculation. It allows to consider labels as part of the overall layout.

Integrated labeling's advantage is that, by design, it can prevent label overlaps completely. Generic labeling cannot always achieve this, since it has to deal with the existing node positions, node sizes, and edge paths. However, the graph's dimensions will remain constant or grow only minimally with generic labeling.

Additionally, generic labeling also supports placement of rotated labels, which covers both maintaining a preset rotation angle as well as finding edge label positions where the rotation is determined by the labeling algorithm, too.


In essence, labels are nothing more than boxes with given width and height that should be placed in such a manner that conflicts with other graph elements or labels are avoided. Interface LabelLayout defines the basis of all label implementations accordingly, see Figure 5.123, “Basic interface for label implementations”.

Figure 5.123. Basic interface for label implementations

Basic interface for label implementations.

With the means provided by the yFiles Layout distribution, label boxes are set up explicitly using NodeLabelLayout and EdgeLabelLayout implementations. Example 5.49, “Creating label boxes” demonstrates the usage of class EdgeLabelLayoutImpl to define label boxes for an edge.


Users of the yFiles Viewer distribution use the functionality provided by class YLabel and its descendants to set up node labels and edge labels.

Example 5.49. Creating label boxes

// Set up two boxes that represent edge labels for an edge 'e'. 
// Usually, the size of a label will be determined by calculating the bounding 
// box of its text, which would also account for the text's font (size, etc.). 
EdgeLabelLayoutImpl ell1 = new EdgeLabelLayoutImpl();
ell1.setBox(new YRectangle(0, 0, 80, 20));

EdgeLabelLayoutImpl ell2 = new EdgeLabelLayoutImpl();
ell2.setBox(new YRectangle(0, 0, 40, 20));

// Set up an oriented box that represents a rotated edge label (of 45 degrees
// counterclockwise).
EdgeLabelLayoutImpl ell3 = new EdgeLabelLayoutImpl();
OrientedRectangle or = new OrientedRectangle(0, 0, 80, 20);
or.setAngle(Math.PI / 4.0);

// Associate the label boxes with the edge. 
EdgeLabelLayout[] ells = new EdgeLabelLayout[]{ ell1, ell2, ell3 };
graph.setLabelLayout(e, ells);

Label Models

Both node label and edge label have associated a so-called "label model," that defines a set of valid positions where the label can be placed relative to its respective graph element. In the context of automatic label placement, all valid positions are at the same time "candidates" among which a labeling algorithm can choose the best match to ultimately place the label.


In terms of minimization of overlaps, more candidates mean better prospects for the outcome of a generic labeling algorithm.

Table 5.91, “Predefined node label models” lists the available node label models, their class hierarchy is presented in Figure 5.124, “Predefined node label models”.

Table 5.91. Predefined node label models

Class Name Description
DiscreteNodeLabelModel Defines a maximum of eight positions outside the node's bounding box, and also a maximum of nine positions inside.
FreeNodeLabelModel Supports label placement outside the node at any given offset relative to its upper left corner. In effect, "free" defines a large number of nearly continuous label positions around a node. Note that this model supports rotated labels. When placing rotated labels, any preset rotation angle is maintained.

Figure 5.124. Predefined node label models

Predefined node label models.


Class SmartNodeLabelModel from package y.view is a node label model that provides support for sophisticated "free" label positioning in an interactive scenario where a node label is being moved.

For generic labeling around a node, FreeNodeLabelModel is a much better choice for a node label model than DiscreteNodeLabelModel. However, FreeNodeLabelModel allows for unspecified label positions only, while the positions of DiscreteNodeLabelModel are all predefined.


For automatic label placement, SmartNodeLabelModel is treated like a free label model. Generic labeling can use an alternate label model for a label via the data provider key LABEL_MODEL_DPKEY.

Table 5.92, “Predefined edge label models” lists the available edge label models, their class hierarchy is presented in Figure 5.125, “Predefined edge label models”.

Table 5.92. Predefined edge label models

Class Name Description
DiscreteEdgeLabelModel Defines a maximum of six positions along the edge's path, and also a maximum of three positions directly on the edge.
FreeEdgeLabelModel Supports label placement at any given offset relative to the edge's intersection point with its source node. In effect, "free" defines a large number of nearly continuous label positions along the edge's path, in some distance to the edge's path, and also directly on it. Note that this model supports rotated labels. When placing rotated labels, any preset rotation angle is maintained.
SliderEdgeLabelModel Supports nearly continuous label positions along the edge's path as well as directly on it.
RotatedDiscreteEdgeLabelModel Similar to DiscreteEdgeLabelModel, but supports rotated labels. When placing rotated labels, any preset rotation angle can be maintained. Optionally, the rotation of the edge label can be determined by the labeling algorithm, too.
RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel Similar to SliderEdgeLabelModel, but supports rotated labels. When placing rotated labels, any preset rotation angle can be maintained. Optionally, the rotation of the edge label can be determined by the labeling algorithm, too.

Figure 5.125. Predefined edge label models

Predefined edge label models.


Class SmartEdgeLabelModel from package y.view is an edge label model that provides support for sophisticated "free" label positioning in an interactive scenario where an edge label is being moved.

For generic labeling of edge labels that shall retain their preset rotation angle, FreeEdgeLabelModel with its large number of nearly continuous positions is the best choice as an edge label model, followed by RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel and then RotatedDiscreteEdgeLabelModel. For generic labeling of edge labels that shall adjust to the slope of their corresponding edge segment, RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel can generate more candidate positions than RotatedDiscreteEdgeLabelModel.

Integrated labeling favors FreeEdgeLabelModel, followed by SliderEdgeLabelModel, since it does not work with the candidates initially. Instead, it first computes an optimal location for the label, and then tries to find the best matching label position for that location in the given label model.


For automatic label placement, SmartEdgeLabelModel is treated like a free label model. Generic labeling can use an alternate label model for a label via the data provider key LABEL_MODEL_DPKEY.

Associating an edge label with one of the predefined edge label models is shown in Example 5.50, “Setting edge label models”.

Example 5.50. Setting edge label models

// Set a side slider edge label model that can determine the rotation of edge
// labels with respect to the slope of their respective edge segments.
  new RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel(RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel.SIDE_SLIDER));

// Set center slider edge label model, where the label is placed directly on 
// the edge's path. 
  new SliderEdgeLabelModel(SliderEdgeLabelModel.CENTER_SLIDER));

// Set side slider edge label model, where the label is placed along the edge's 
// path. 
  new SliderEdgeLabelModel(SliderEdgeLabelModel.SIDE_SLIDER));

Preferred Placement of Edge Labels

Class PreferredPlacementDescriptor can be used to configure preferred placement options and preferred rotation behavior for edge labels. When calculating edge label positions, the specified settings will be adhered to as good as possible by both the generic labeling algorithms as well as the layout algorithms that support integrated labeling.

Preferred placement options include, for example, whether an edge label shall be positioned

  • on or to the side of the path of its edge
  • near the source node, at the center of the edge path, or near the target node

Preferred rotation behavior includes, for example, whether

  • the edge label's rotation angle shall be interpreted absolute or relative to the slope of its corresponding edge segment
  • the rotation angle of an edge label on the right side of its edge shall be additionally modified to achieve a mirrored orientation compared to an otherwise identically configured edge label on the left

The edge label configurations supported by class PreferredPlacementDescriptor only make sense when the edge label is associated with a label model that supports label rotation and that does not restrict edge label placement to discrete positions. In particular, this applies to the "free" label model FreeEdgeLabelModel (and SmartEdgeLabelModel from yFiles Viewer), but also to label model RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel.

The following method defined in interface EdgeLabelLayout returns the PreferredPlacementDescriptor instance that is associated with an edge label:

By default, the PreferredPlacementDescriptor instance that is associated with actual implementations of interface EdgeLabelLayout, like, e.g., instances of class EdgeLabelLayoutImpl or class y.view.EdgeLabel, is immutable. The immutability is a direct consequence of the descriptor instance being shared among newly created edge labels.


Every call to a setter method of such an immutable PreferredPlacementDescriptor instance will yield a java.lang.IllegalStateException.

To properly configure individual preferred placement options for an edge label, a dedicated descriptor instance needs to be associated with the label. The following code snippet shows how this can be achieved:

Example 5.51. Creating and associating a new PreferredPlacementDescriptor to configure individual preferred placement options for an edge label

// 'ell' is of type y.layout.EdgeLabelLayoutImpl.

// Create a copy of the edge label's current descriptor using the copy 
// constructor of the class.
PreferredPlacementDescriptor prefPDesc = 
    new PreferredPlacementDescriptor(ell.getPreferredPlacementDescriptor());
// Now configure individual preferred placement options on the copy.

// Make it immutable (optional).

// Set the copy as the descriptor for the new edge label.

The methods of class PreferredPlacementDescriptor to configure preferred placement options are:

An edge label can be placed at the side of the path of its edge. The actual side can be specified both absolute and relative:

Figure 5.126. Absolute and relative edge label placement

Absolute and relative edge label placement
Absolute and relative edge label placement
Absolute placement: left of the edge path when looking at the diagram. Relative placement: left of the edge path when looking from source to target along the edge path.

Note that the setSideReference(byte) method provides the means to resolve the special case when the edge label's side is specified as an absolute placement and its corresponding edge segment happens to be horizontal, i.e., when there is no actual left or right "side."

The methods to configure preferred rotation behavior:

The arrow-shaped gradient in the background of the label denotes the orientation of its box. Note that in the right figure below the text of the left label is flipped: according to its box's orientation, the text would actually be upside-down, but to be readable it is automatically rendered correctly.

Figure 5.127. Absolute and relative edge label rotation

Absolute and relative edge label rotation
Absolute and relative edge label rotation
Absolute rotation: 0 degree when looking at the diagram. Relative rotation: 0 degree added to the slope of the edge segment that is nearest to the edge label.

In tutorial demo application PreferredLabelPlacementDemo.java the effects of the edge label configuration supported by class PreferredPlacementDescriptor can be tested in conjunction with both generic edge labeling and integrated edge labeling.

Generic Labeling

A generic labeling algorithm computes label positions for the labels from a given graph so that they, ideally, do not overlap with each other or with graph elements. It does so without altering nodes or edges in any way. Figure 5.128, “Class hierarchy for labeling algorithms” shows the class hierarchy of the generic labeling algorithms that are provided in package y.layout.labeling.

Figure 5.128. Class hierarchy for labeling algorithms

Class hierarchy for labeling algorithms.

The set of labels that a generic labeling algorithm processes can be restricted to node labels only or to edge labels only:

void setPlaceNodeLabels(boolean enabled)
void setPlaceEdgeLabels(boolean enabled)
Description Methods to restrict the set of labels.

The available generic labeling algorithms can deal with label models that support rotated labels. They support placing rotated labels using edge label positions that retain a preset rotation angle as well as using edge label positions where the rotation is adjusted to the slope of a corresponding edge segment.

Optionally, they can also be configured to auto-flip edge labels to avoid that their text is upside-down:

void setAutoFlippingEnabled(boolean enabled)
Description Configures auto-flipping for upside-down edge labels.

The labeling algorithm uses the model that is associated with a label to get the available candidate positions. From this set of candidates it then chooses one that best matches the label position it has calculated. The label model's model parameter is then used to encode this position.

It is important to understand that the result of a labeling algorithm is one model parameter per processed label, which is directly stored with the label after calculation. This model parameter expresses the calculated label position with respect to the corresponding label model, and it is only valid in the context of this label model. To get the actual location of a label after the labeling algorithm has finished, both model parameter and corresponding label model are necessary.

Example 5.52, “Getting a label's position from its model parameter” shows how to use the corresponding label model to turn the information from a label's model parameter into a proper location for it.

Example 5.52. Getting a label's position from its model parameter

 * Returns the calculated location of the edge label. 
 * Note that the labeling machinery returns the edge label's position as a 
 * parameter of the model that belongs to the label. This model parameter can 
 * be used to retrieve the actual location of the label as shown in this 
 * method. 
OrientedRectangle getEdgeLabelLocation(LayoutGraph graph,
                                       Edge e, EdgeLabelLayout ell) {
  OrientedRectangle or = ell.getLabelModel().getLabelPlacement(
  return or;

The base class for all major layout algorithms, class CanonicMultiStageLayouter, allows to conveniently enable/disable generic labeling for each layout run. The labeling algorithm is then invoked after the actual layout algorithm has finished. Additionally, the labeling algorithm itself can also be set. Class CanonicMultiStageLayouter provides the following labeling-related methods:

boolean isLabelLayouterEnabled()
void setLabelLayouterEnabled(boolean enabled)
Description Getter/setter for enabling/disabling generic as well as integrated labeling.
LayoutStage getLabelLayouter()
void setLabelLayouter(LayoutStage labeler)
Description Getter/setter for the actual labeling algorithm to be used.

Using an Alternate Label Model

Instead of a label's actual label model, the generic labeling algorithms can also use an alternate label model when calculating valid positions for it. This can be useful, if the original label model is a free model, but the set of valid positions should be temporarily restricted, for example, to guarantee that an edge label is placed onto its associated edge.

To specify the alternate label models, a data provider holding such supplemental layout data must be bound to the graph. The data provider is expected to be registered with the graph using key LABEL_MODEL_DPKEY.

The following code shows how a data provider that returns an alternate label model for edge labels can be registered with a graph:

Example 5.53. Using alternate edge label models for labeling

// 'graph' is of type y.base.Graph.

// Register the data provider that stores for each node label the label model
// that shall be used by the labeling algorithm.
                      new DataProviderAdapter() {
    EdgeLabelModel elm =
      new RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel(RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel.CENTER_SLIDER);

    public Object get(Object dataHolder) {
      if (dataHolder instanceof EdgeLabelLayout) {
        EdgeLabelModel currELM = ((EdgeLabelLayout)dataHolder).getLabelModel();
        if (currELM instanceof y.view.SmartEdgeLabelModel) {
          return elm;
      // Means that the label's actual label model is used.
      return null;

Supplemental Layout Data

The generic labeling algorithms know a number of data provider keys which are used to retrieve supplemental layout data for the labels in a graph. The data is bound to the graph by means of a data provider which is registered using a given look-up key. Table 5.93, “Data provider look-up keys” lists all look-up keys that a generic labeling algorithm tests during the layout process in order to query supplemental data.

Binding supplemental layout data to a graph is described in the section called “Providing Supplemental Layout Data”.

Table 5.93. Data provider look-up keys

Key Element Type Value Type Description
LABEL_MODEL_DPKEY NodeLabelLayout NodeLabelModel For each NodeLabelLayout instance a NodeLabelModel instance that is used to determine valid label positions.
EdgeLabelLayout EdgeLabelModel For each EdgeLabelLayout instance a EdgeLabelModel instance that is used to determine valid label positions.

Integrated Labeling

Integrated labeling denotes automatic edge label placement as an integrated part of a layout algorithm. All edge labels of a graph are arranged in such a manner that there are no overlaps of edge labels with each other or with graph elements.

Table 5.94, “Layout support for integrated labeling” lists the major layout algorithms that provide support for integrated labeling.

Table 5.94. Layout support for integrated labeling

Layout Style Classname Note
Hierarchical IncrementalHierarchicLayouter With class IncrementalHierarchicLayouter, integrated labeling can be conveniently enabled using appropriate configuration methods. See the description of the hierarchical layout style for more information.
Orthogonal OrthogonalLayouter, DirectedOrthogonalLayouter, and OrthogonalGroupLayouter See the descriptions of orthogonal layout, directed orthogonal layout, and orthogonal layout of grouped graphs for more information.
Tree TreeLayouter, GenericTreeLayouter, and BalloonLayouter Integrated labeling can conveniently be enabled using appropriate configuration methods. See the descriptions of directed tree layout, generic tree layout, and balloon layout for more information.

Integrated labeling relies on the services of class LabelLayoutTranslator which converts label layout information so that it is understood by a layout algorithm. Example 5.54, “Using class LabelLayoutTranslator” shows how to configure integrated labeling in the absence of an appropriate configuration method. Layout algorithms that provide such a configuration method automatically ensure proper use of LabelLayoutTranslator.

Example 5.54. Using class LabelLayoutTranslator

void useIntegratedLabeling(CanonicMultiStageLayouter layouter) {
  // Use integrated labeling support, and let class LabelLayoutTranslator do 
  // the conversion of information held by an edge label's EdgeLabelLayout 
  // object to data provider-based information that is understood by the 
  // algorithm. 
  layouter.setLabelLayouter(new LabelLayoutTranslator());

Through the following method LabelLayoutTranslator supports configuration of edge label auto-flip behavior:

void setAutoFlippingEnabled(boolean enabled)
Description Configures auto-flipping for upside-down edge labels.

Tutorial Demo Code

Tutorial demo application LayoutWithoutAView.java shows the setup for running a labeling algorithm without the presence of the yFiles library package y.view. NodeLabelingDemo.java and EdgeLabelingDemo.java show how to configure node labels/edge labels) and the corresponding node label models/edge label models) as well as how to apply generic labeling.