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Class RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel

  extended by y.layout.RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel
extends java.lang.Object
implements EdgeLabelModel

RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel allows placement of labels at a set of continuous rotated positions along both sides of an edge or directly on the edge path.

It is possible to specify distance values that control the distance between label and edge and between label and nodes.

CENTER_SLIDER mode on the left, SIDE_SLIDER mode in the middle and SINGLE_SIDE_SLIDER on the right


Field Summary
static byte CENTER_SLIDER
          Slider mode specifier which describes continuous label positions directly on the edge path.
static byte SIDE_SLIDER
          Slider mode specifier which describes continuous label positions along the sides of the edge path.
          Slider mode specifier which describes continuous label positions along one side of the edge path.
Constructor Summary
RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel(byte mode)
          Creates a new instance of RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel with the given mode.
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object createModelParameter(OrientedRectangle labelBounds, EdgeLayout edgeLayout, NodeLayout sourceNode, NodeLayout targetNode)
          Creates a model parameter that represents the given edge label position within this model.
 double getAngle()
          Returns the angle (measured in radians) of the label model.
 java.lang.Object getDefaultParameter()
          Returns a model parameter that encodes the default position of this model's allowed edge label positions.
 double getDistance()
          Returns the distance between the label's box and the edge's path.
 YList getLabelCandidates(EdgeLabelLayout labelLayout, EdgeLayout edgeLayout, NodeLayout sourceLayout, NodeLayout targetLayout)
          Returns all EdgeLabelCandidates that describe valid label positions within this model.
 OrientedRectangle getLabelPlacement(YDimension labelSize, EdgeLayout edgeLayout, NodeLayout sourceNode, NodeLayout targetNode, java.lang.Object para)
          Returns the oriented box of the label for the position encoded by the given model parameter.
 byte getMode()
          Returns the model's slider mode which determines whether the label slides on the edge, along both sides of the edge or along one side of the edge.
 boolean isAutoFlippingEnabled()
          Returns whether or not edge labels get flipped if they would be upside down in their current position.
 boolean isAutoRotationEnabled()
          Returns whether or not edge labels are automatically rotated according to the angle of the corresponding reference edge segment.
 boolean isDistanceRelativeToEdge()
          Returns whether or not the distance to the edge is interpreted relative to the edge's path.
 void setAngle(double angle)
          Specifies the angle (measured in radians) of the label model.
 void setAutoFlippingEnabled(boolean autoFlippingEnabled)
          Specifies whether or not edge labels get flipped if they would be upside down in their current position.
 void setAutoRotationEnabled(boolean enabled)
          Specifies whether or not edge labels are automatically rotated according to the angle of the corresponding reference edge segment.
 void setDistance(double distance)
          Specifies the distance between the label's box and the edge's path.
 void setDistanceRelativeToEdge(boolean distanceRelativeToEdge)
          Specifies whether or not the distance to the edge is interpreted relative to the edge's path.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final byte CENTER_SLIDER
Slider mode specifier which describes continuous label positions directly on the edge path.

See Also:
getMode(), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:

Labels are placed centered on the edge


public static final byte SIDE_SLIDER
Slider mode specifier which describes continuous label positions along the sides of the edge path.

See Also:
getMode(), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:

Labels are placed beside the edge


public static final byte SINGLE_SIDE_SLIDER
Slider mode specifier which describes continuous label positions along one side of the edge path.

The side of the slider is determined by the distance. A positive distance will result in a right slider while negative distance will result in a left slider. Those sides are defined relative to the segment's direction.
See Also:
getMode(), Constant Field Values
Sample Graph:

Labels are placed at one side of the edge
Constructor Detail


public RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel(byte mode)
Creates a new instance of RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel with the given mode.

mode - the slider mode
See Also:
Method Detail


public byte getMode()
Returns the model's slider mode which determines whether the label slides on the edge, along both sides of the edge or along one side of the edge.

the model's slider mode


public boolean isDistanceRelativeToEdge()
Returns whether or not the distance to the edge is interpreted relative to the edge's path.

If enabled, the label is placed to the left of the edge segment (relative to the segment direction) if the given distance is less than 0 and to the right of the edge segment if the given distance is greater than 0.

If disabled, the label is placed below the edge segment (in geometric sense) if the distance is less than 0 and above the edge segment if the distance is greater than 0.

true if the distance is described relative to the edge, false otherwise
See Also:
setDistanceRelativeToEdge(boolean), setDistance(double)


public void setDistanceRelativeToEdge(boolean distanceRelativeToEdge)
Specifies whether or not the distance to the edge is interpreted relative to the edge's path.

If enabled, the label is placed to the left of the edge segment (relative to the segment direction) if the given distance is less than 0 and to the right of the edge segment if the given distance is greater than 0.

If disabled, the label is placed below the edge segment (in geometric sense) if the distance is less than 0 and above the edge segment if the distance is greater than 0.

Default Value:
The default value is true. The distance to the edge is interpreted relative to the edge's path.
distanceRelativeToEdge - true if the distance should be described relative to the edge, false otherwise
See Also:


public double getDistance()
Returns the distance between the label's box and the edge's path.

The interpretation of positive/negative values depends on property isDistanceRelativeToEdge().
the distance between the label's box and the edge's path
See Also:
setDistanceRelativeToEdge(boolean), setDistance(double)


public void setDistance(double distance)
Specifies the distance between the label's box and the edge's path.

The interpretation of positive/negative values depends on property isDistanceRelativeToEdge().
Default Value:
The default value is 5.
distance - the distance between the label's box and the edge's path
See Also:
Sample Graphs:




public boolean isAutoRotationEnabled()
Returns whether or not edge labels are automatically rotated according to the angle of the corresponding reference edge segment.

true if edge labels are automatically rotated according to the angle of the corresponding reference edge segment, false otherwise
See Also:


public void setAutoRotationEnabled(boolean enabled)
Specifies whether or not edge labels are automatically rotated according to the angle of the corresponding reference edge segment.

Default Value:
The default value is true. Labels are rotated with their edge segment.
enabled - true if edge labels should be automatically rotated according to the angle of the corresponding reference edge segment, false otherwise
Sample Graphs:




public boolean isAutoFlippingEnabled()
Returns whether or not edge labels get flipped if they would be upside down in their current position.

true if edge labels get flipped if they would be upside down in their current position, false otherwise
See Also:


public void setAutoFlippingEnabled(boolean autoFlippingEnabled)
Specifies whether or not edge labels get flipped if they would be upside down in their current position.

Default Value:
The default value is false. Edge labels keep their orientation.
autoFlippingEnabled - true if edge labels should get flipped if they would be upside down in their current position, false otherwise
Sample Graphs:




public double getAngle()
Returns the angle (measured in radians) of the label model. The angle is applied in clockwise direction.

the angle of the label model
See Also:


public void setAngle(double angle)
Specifies the angle (measured in radians) of the label model. The angle is applied in clockwise direction.

Default Value:
The default value is 0.
angle - the angle of the label model
Sample Graphs:




public java.lang.Object getDefaultParameter()
Returns a model parameter that encodes the default position of this model's allowed edge label positions.

This parameter can be passed to getLabelPlacement(YDimension, EdgeLayout, NodeLayout, NodeLayout, Object) to retrieve the corresponding label box.

The default positions for the slider modes are relative to the first edge segment, either at the beginning of the segment (SIDE_SLIDER or SINGLE_SIDE_SLIDER) or at its middle (CENTER_SLIDER).

Specified by:
getDefaultParameter in interface EdgeLabelModel
the model parameter describing the default placement of the edge label
See Also:


public OrientedRectangle getLabelPlacement(YDimension labelSize,
                                           EdgeLayout edgeLayout,
                                           NodeLayout sourceNode,
                                           NodeLayout targetNode,
                                           java.lang.Object para)
Description copied from interface: EdgeLabelModel
Returns the oriented box of the label for the position encoded by the given model parameter.

Specified by:
getLabelPlacement in interface EdgeLabelModel
labelSize - the width and height of the label
edgeLayout - the layout of the edge to which the label belongs
sourceNode - the layout of the source node of the label-owning edge
targetNode - the layout of the target node of the label-owning edge
para - the model parameter that describes the abstract position of the label within this model
the oriented bounds of the label


public YList getLabelCandidates(EdgeLabelLayout labelLayout,
                                EdgeLayout edgeLayout,
                                NodeLayout sourceLayout,
                                NodeLayout targetLayout)
Returns all EdgeLabelCandidates that describe valid label positions within this model. The number of candidates and their respective locations are computed depending on the geometries of both label and edge.

Specified by:
getLabelCandidates in interface EdgeLabelModel
labelLayout - the label for which candidates should be generated
edgeLayout - the layout of the edge to which the label belongs
sourceLayout - the layout of the source node of the label-owning edge
targetLayout - the layout of the target node of the label-owning edge
a list of EdgeLabelCandidate instances


public java.lang.Object createModelParameter(OrientedRectangle labelBounds,
                                             EdgeLayout edgeLayout,
                                             NodeLayout sourceNode,
                                             NodeLayout targetNode)
Description copied from interface: EdgeLabelModel
Creates a model parameter that represents the given edge label position within this model.

The created model parameter is the closest parameter representation of the given label location that can be achieved within this model.

This parameter can be passed to EdgeLabelModel.getLabelPlacement(YDimension, EdgeLayout, NodeLayout, NodeLayout, Object) to retrieve the current label box.

A model parameter can be an arbitrary Object. However it must contain all information to allow restoring of the encoded location with this EdgeLabelModel.

Specified by:
createModelParameter in interface EdgeLabelModel
labelBounds - the oriented box of the label, encoding the label location for which the parameter should be created
edgeLayout - the layout of the edge to which the label belongs
sourceNode - the layout of the source node of the label-owning edge
targetNode - the layout of the target node of the label-owning edge
the model parameter representing the given label location
See Also:
EdgeLabelModel.getLabelPlacement(YDimension, EdgeLayout, NodeLayout, NodeLayout, Object)

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