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Package y.layout.labeling

Provides algorithms for the automatic placement of node and edge labels, so called generic labeling algorithms.


Class Summary
AbstractLabelingAlgorithm An abstract base class for generic labeling algorithms which place labels of graphs.
GreedyMISLabeling A generic labeling algorithm for placing the labels of a graph, which reduces the labeling problem to the maximum independent set (MIS) problem and solves the problem using a greedy strategy.
MISLabelingAlgorithm A base class for generic labeling algorithms which solve the labeling problem by reducing it to the maximum independent set (MIS) problem.
SALabeling A generic labeling algorithm for placing the labels of a graph.

Package y.layout.labeling Description

Provides algorithms for the automatic placement of node and edge labels, so called generic labeling algorithms.

Labeling algorithms only place the labels of a graph. Positions of nodes and edges are not changed. The algorithms are especially useful if a graph already has a good layout of nodes and edges, but labels need to be arranged in a separate step. If, for example, a layout algorithm which does not offer sufficient labeling support is used, then generic labeling algorithms can be applied in a second step.

Two concrete algorithm implementations are offered:

Both algorithms are based on a reduction of the labeling problem to the maximum independent set (MIS) problem. MISLabelingAlgorithm is the base for all algorithms reducing the labeling problem to the MIS problem.

Class AbstractLabelingAlgorithm offers basic functionality shared by all generic labeling algorithms.

Related Documentation

See the yFiles Developer's Guide section on Automatic Label Placement.

Example Labeling Result

Label placement generated by SALabeling


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