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Package y.layout.multipage

Provides the MultiPageLayouter that subdivides the input graph into several smaller graphs whose layouts fit the specified maximum page size.


Interface Summary
EdgeInfo A class that holds all information associated with an edge.
EdgeLabelInfo A class that holds all information related to an edge label.
ElementFactory Factory used by class MultiPageLayouter to create special nodes and edges.
ElementInfoManager Interface that offers access to the information objects of graph elements.
LayoutCallback Callback that is invoked when a MultiPageLayouter has calculated a new multi-page layout.
NodeInfo This interface offers access to information associated with a node.
NodeLabelInfo A class that holds all information related to a node label.

Class Summary
DefaultElementFactory This class is a default implementation of interface ElementFactory.
LayoutContext This class represents the layout context.
MultiPageLayout This class represents the result of a layout run of MultiPageLayouter.
MultiPageLayouter This layout algorithm subdivides the input graph into several LayoutGraphs (called page graphs) such that the layout (calculated by the specified core layout algorithm) of each graph fits the specified maximum page size.

Package y.layout.multipage Description

Provides the MultiPageLayouter that subdivides the input graph into several smaller graphs whose layouts fit the specified maximum page size. The algorithm adds special nodes to guarantee that no information is lost when splitting edges that connect nodes placed on different pages.

Example graphs

The input graph.

The input graph is subdivided into two pages with size 500x500. Circular nodes denote the so-called connectors that split edges to nodes placed on other pages. The label of a connector corresponds to that of the opposite node of the split edge.

Related Documentation

See the yFiles Developer's Guide section on Multi-page Layout for a description of the yFiles multi-page layout algorithms.


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