documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of YPoint


pointin IPointCursorGets the instance of YPoint the cursor is currently pointing on.
firstEndPointin LineSegmentGets the first end point of the line segment.
secondEndPointin LineSegmentGets the second end point of the line segment.
anchorin YOrientedRectangleGets or sets the anchor of this oriented rectangle.
centerin YOrientedRectangleGets or sets the current center of this oriented rectangle.
firstin YPointPathGets the first point in the path.
lastin YPointPathGets the last point in the path.
locationin YRectangleGets coordinates of upper left corner.
gridReferencein HierarchicLayoutNodeLayoutDescriptorGets or sets the node's reference point that will be placed on a grid coordinate.
pointin FreeEdgeLabelLayoutModelParameterGets a point that represents the location of the label's center in relation to the source point of the edge.
pointin FreeNodeLabelLayoutModelParameterGets the offset of the label's center to the upper-left corner of the node.
sourcePointin IEdgeLayoutGets or sets the relative coordinates of the first end point of this layout.
targetPointin IEdgeLayoutGets or sets the relative coordinates of the second end point of this layout.
locationin LabelCandidateGets the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the candidate's bounds.
centerOffsetin RadialLayoutNodeInfoGets the offset from the center of the circle, the node is placed on, to the center of the node.
strongSourcePortin EdgeInfoGets or sets the location of the strong source port that the edge uses.
strongTargetPortin EdgeInfoGets or sets the location of the strong target port that the edge uses.
centerin OrthogonalIntervalGets the center of this orthogonal interval in the 2D-coordinate system.
gridOriginin OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouterGets or sets the origin of the grid.


NODE_CENTER_DP_KEYin NodeAggregationAlgorithmA data provider key for specifying the coordinates of the nodes.
ORIGINin YPointA YPoint constant with coordinates (0,0).
SNAP_OFFSET_DP_KEYin AlignmentStageA data provider key for specifying the points of the nodes that are aligned.
NODE_LOCATION_DP_KEYin GivenCoordinatesStageA data provider key for specifying the initial location of nodes.

Method Return Values

getCrossing (AffineLine, AffineLine)in AffineLineReturns the crossing of two lines.
getXProjection (YPoint)in AffineLineProjects an point on the line in direction of the X-axis.
getYProjection (YPoint)in AffineLineProjects an point on the line in direction of the Y-axis.
calcIntersection (YPoint, YVector, YPoint, YVector)in GeomCalculates the intersection point of two affine lines.
calcIntersection (YPoint, YPoint, YPoint, YPoint)in GeomCalculates the intersection point of two affine lines.
calcIntersection (number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number)in GeomCalculates the intersection point of two affine lines.
projection (number, number, number, number, number, number)in GeomDetermines the projection of the point p onto the line segment [l1, l2].
getIntersection (LineSegment, LineSegment)in LineSegmentReturns intersection point between the two line segments, if there is one or null if the two line segments do not intersect.
calcPoints (YOrientedRectangle)in YOrientedRectangleDetermines the four corner points of an oriented rectangle.
intersectionPoint (YOrientedRectangle, LineSegment, number)in YOrientedRectangleDetermines an intersection point of the specified oriented rectangle and the specified line segment.
add (YPoint, YPoint)in YPointAdds two points and returns the result.
midPoint (YPoint, YPoint)in YPointReturns a point that geometrically lies in in the middle of the line formed by the given points.
moveBy (number, number)in YPointReturns the point, got by moving this point to another position.
subtract (YPoint, YPoint)in YPointSubtracts two points (p1 - p2) and returns the result.
swap (YPoint)in YPointReturns a copy of the given point with exchanged x- and y-coordinates.
toArray ()in YPointPathGet the points in the list as array.
add (YPoint, YVector)in YVectorAdds the vector to a point and returns the resulting point.
toYPoint ()in PointCreates a YPoint from a given Point.
calculateFixPoint (LayoutGraph, YNodeList)in FixNodeLayoutStageCalculates the fix point for the specified nodes in the specified graph.
calculateFixPoint (Rectangle2D)in FixNodeLayoutStageCalculates the fix point of the specified rectangle according to the policy returned by fixPointPolicy.
getPoint (number)in IEdgeLayoutReturns the control point at the given position in the sequence of control points.
calculateIntersectionPoint (INodeLayout, number, number, number, number)in IIntersectionCalculatorCalculates an intersection point between the edge and the given INodeLayout.
getCenter (YNode)in LayoutGraphReturns the center coordinates of the given node.
getLocation (YNode)in LayoutGraphReturns the coordinates of the given node's upper-left corner.
getSourcePointAbs (Edge)in LayoutGraphReturns the absolute coordinates of the source point of the given edge.
getSourcePointRel (Edge)in LayoutGraphReturns the relative coordinates of the source point of the given edge.
getTargetPointAbs (Edge)in LayoutGraphReturns the absolute coordinates of the target point of the given edge.
getTargetPointRel (Edge)in LayoutGraphReturns the relative coordinates of the target point of the given edge.
getLabelPlacement (INodeLabelLayoutModel, YDimension, INodeLayout, Object)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesReturns the upper-left corner of the paraxial bounding box of the given node label as encoded by the specified model parameter.
getLabelPlacement (IEdgeLabelLayoutModel, YDimension, IEdgeLayout, INodeLayout, INodeLayout, Object)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesReturns the upper-left corner of the paraxial bounding box of the given edge label as encoded by the specified model parameter.
completeTransform (YPoint)in OrientationLayoutTransforms the given point during completion.
prepareTransform (YPoint)in OrientationLayoutTransforms the given point during preparation.
transform (YPoint, boolean)in OrientationLayoutTransforms the given point during the preparation or completion step.
getCenter (YNode)in InteractiveOrganicLayoutPolls the current coordinates of the center of the given node.
getSourcePointAbs (Edge)in RotatableNodePlacerBaseReturns the absolute source point of the given edge depending on the rotation of this ITreeLayoutNodePlacer.
translatePoint (RotatableNodePlacerMatrix, YPoint)in RotatableNodePlacerBaseTranslates a point from the real layout direction to the model direction using the given modification matrix.

Method Parameters

AffineLine (YPoint, YVector)in AffineLineCreates an affine line which is defined by a point and a vector.
AffineLine (YPoint, YPoint)in AffineLineCreates an affine line which is defined by two points.
getXProjection (YPoint)in AffineLineProjects an point on the line in direction of the X-axis.
getYProjection (YPoint)in AffineLineProjects an point on the line in direction of the Y-axis.
calcIntersection (YPoint, YVector, YPoint, YVector)in GeomCalculates the intersection point of two affine lines.
calcIntersection (YPoint, YPoint, YPoint, YPoint)in GeomCalculates the intersection point of two affine lines.
collinear (YPoint, YPoint, YPoint)in GeomReturns true iff the given points are collinear, that is, all three points lie on a common line.
leftTurn (YPoint, YPoint, YPoint)in GeomSame as orientation(p,q,r) > 0
orientation (YPoint, YPoint, YPoint)in GeomReturns the orientation of point r relative to the directed line from point p to point q.
rightTurn (YPoint, YPoint, YPoint)in GeomSame as orientation(p,q,r) < 0
sideOfCircle (YPoint, YPoint, YPoint, YPoint)in GeomReturns +1 if point d lies left of the directed circle through points a, b, and c, 0 if a,b,c and d are cocircular, and -1 otherwise.
kMeansClustering (Graph, INodeMap, IDataProvider, DistanceMetric, number, number?, YPoint?)in GroupAlgorithmPartitions the graph into clusters using k-means clustering algorithm.
LineSegment (YPoint, YPoint)in LineSegmentReturns a new LineSegment.
boxIntersectsSegment (YRectangle, YPoint, YPoint)in LineSegmentChecks whether a line segment intersects a box.
contains (YPoint)in LineSegmentChecks whether a given point lies on this line segment.
intersects (YPoint)in LineSegmentChecks whether the line segment intersects a point.
isHorizontalSegment (YPoint, YPoint)in LineSegmentDetermines if the given points define a horizontal line segment.
isVerticalSegment (YPoint, YPoint)in LineSegmentDetermines if the given points define a vertical line segment.
YOrientedRectangle (YPoint, YDimension)in YOrientedRectangleCreates a new instance using the provided values to initialize the anchor and size.
YOrientedRectangle (YPoint, YDimension, YVector)in YOrientedRectangleCreates a new instance using the provided values to initialize anchor, size, and up vector.
contains (YOrientedRectangle, YPoint, number)in YOrientedRectangleDetermines whether the given oriented rectangle contains the provided point, using an epsilon value.
intersects (YOrientedRectangle, YPoint, YPoint, number)in YOrientedRectangleDetermines whether or not the specified oriented rectangle and the line segment defined by the two specified points intersect.
add (YPoint, YPoint)in YPointAdds two points and returns the result.
distance (YPoint, YPoint)in YPointReturns the euclidean distance between two points.
distanceTo (YPoint)in YPointReturns the euclidean distance between this point and a given point.
midPoint (YPoint, YPoint)in YPointReturns a point that geometrically lies in in the middle of the line formed by the given points.
subtract (YPoint, YPoint)in YPointSubtracts two points (p1 - p2) and returns the result.
swap (YPoint)in YPointReturns a copy of the given point with exchanged x- and y-coordinates.
YPointPath (YPoint)in YPointPathCreates a new path from an array of points.
YRectangle (YPoint, YDimension)in YRectangleCreates a new rectangle with given upper left corner and size.
contains (YPoint)in YRectangleChecks whether or not this YRectangle contains the given point.
YVector (YPoint, YPoint?)in YVectorCreates a new vector, whose direction is given by two points.
add (YPoint, YVector)in YVectorAdds the vector to a point and returns the resulting point.
NodeLayoutDescriptor ()in HierarchicLayoutNodeLayoutDescriptorCreates a new instance of a HierarchicLayoutNodeLayoutDescriptor with the default values.
setOrigin (LayoutGraph, YNodeList, EdgeList, YPoint, YRectangle)in ComponentLayoutMoves the subgraph containing the given nodes and edges to the specified origin.
EdgeLabelCandidate (YPoint, YDimension, Object, IEdgeLabelLayout, boolean?)in EdgeLabelCandidateCreates a new instance of EdgeLabelCandidate described by location, size, model parameter and internal flag.
ExtendedEdgeLabelCandidate (YPoint, YDimension, Object, IEdgeLabelLayout, ILabelCandidateDescriptor)in ExtendedEdgeLabelCandidateReturns a new instance of ExtendedEdgeLabelCandidate.
ExtendedEdgeLabelCandidate (YPoint, YDimension, Object, IEdgeLabelLayout, boolean, ILabelCandidateDescriptor)in ExtendedEdgeLabelCandidateReturns a new instance of ExtendedEdgeLabelCandidate.
ExtendedNodeLabelCandidate (YPoint, YDimension, Object, INodeLabelLayout, ILabelCandidateDescriptor)in ExtendedNodeLabelCandidateReturns a new instance of ExtendedNodeLabelCandidate.
ExtendedNodeLabelCandidate (YPoint, YDimension, Object, INodeLabelLayout, boolean, ILabelCandidateDescriptor)in ExtendedNodeLabelCandidateReturns a new instance of ExtendedNodeLabelCandidate.
LabelCandidate (YPoint, YDimension, Object, ILabelLayout, boolean?)in LabelCandidateCreates a new instance of LabelCandidate described by location, size, model parameter and internal flag.
setCenter (YNode, YPoint)in LayoutGraphSpecifies the center coordinates of the given node.
setEndPointsAbs (Edge, YPoint, YPoint)in LayoutGraphSpecifies the two end points of the given edge in absolute coordinates.
setLocation (YNode, YPoint)in LayoutGraphSpecifies the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the given node.
setSourcePointAbs (Edge, YPoint)in LayoutGraphSpecifies the absolute coordinates of the source point of the given edge.
setSourcePointRel (Edge, YPoint)in LayoutGraphSpecifies the relative coordinates of the source point of the given edge.
setTargetPointAbs (Edge, YPoint)in LayoutGraphSpecifies the absolute coordinates of the target point of the given edge.
setTargetPointRel (Edge, YPoint)in LayoutGraphSpecifies the relative coordinates of the target point of the given edge.
NodeLabelCandidate (YPoint, YDimension, Object, INodeLabelLayout, boolean?)in NodeLabelCandidateCreates a new instance of NodeLabelCandidate described by location, size, model parameter and internal flag.
completeTransform (YPoint)in OrientationLayoutTransforms the given point during completion.
prepareTransform (YPoint)in OrientationLayoutTransforms the given point during preparation.
transform (YPoint, boolean)in OrientationLayoutTransforms the given point during the preparation or completion step.
addGroupSegment (Object, Object, YPoint, YPoint)in ChannelRoutingToolAdds an edge object that belongs to an edge group to the set of elements that should be routed within the channel.
addSegment (Object, YPoint, YPoint)in ChannelRoutingToolAdds an edge object with endpoint p1 and p2 to the set of elements that should be routed within the channel.
OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouter ()in OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouterCreates a new instance of OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouter with default settings.
translatePoint (RotatableNodePlacerMatrix, YPoint)in RotatableNodePlacerBaseTranslates a point from the real layout direction to the model direction using the given modification matrix.