documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of YNodeList


nodesin SubstructureGets the nodes that belong to this substructure.
listin ILayerGets a list of the YNodes associated with this ILayer instance.
dummyNodesin PortConstraintOptimizerSameLayerDataGets all dummy nodes of this PortConstraintOptimizerSameLayerData instance.


hiddenNodesin LayoutGraphHiderholds the list of the hidden nodes in stack order

Method Return Values

getLayers (Graph, YNodeList)in BfsAlgorithmReturns the layers of nodes calculated by a breadth first search.
getLayers (Graph, IDataProvider)in BfsAlgorithmReturns the layers of nodes constructed by a breadth first search.
getLayers (Graph, IDataProvider, INodeMap)in BfsAlgorithmReturns the layers of nodes constructed by a breadth first search.
getLayers (Graph, YNodeList, INodeMap)in BfsAlgorithmReturns the layers of nodes constructed by a breadth first search.
getLayers (Graph, YNodeList, boolean, INodeMap, number?)in BfsAlgorithmReturns the layers of nodes constructed by a directed/undirected breadth first search where the maximum number of layers is restricted.
getLayers (Graph, YNodeList, BfsDirection, INodeMap, number?)in BfsAlgorithmReturns the layers of nodes constructed by a directed/undirected breadth first search where the maximum number of layers is restricted.
getChildren (YNode)in DendrogramReturns a YNodeList that contains the child nodes of the given parent node.
getClusterNodes (YNode)in DendrogramReturns an array of YNodeLists that contain the nodes of the original graph that are associated with the given dendrogram node.
connectedComponents (Graph)in GraphConnectivityCalculates the connected components of a given graph.
getNeighbors (Graph, YNodeList, number)in GraphConnectivityDetermines the direct or indirect neighbors of a given set of nodes.
getPredecessors (Graph, YNodeList, number)in GraphConnectivityDetermines the direct or indirect predecessors of a given list of nodes.
getSuccessors (Graph, YNodeList, number)in GraphConnectivityDetermines the direct or indirect successors of a given list of nodes.
kCore (Graph, number)in GraphConnectivityCalculates the k-core for a given undirected input graph and k value.
stronglyConnectedComponents (Graph)in GraphConnectivityCalculates the strongly connected components of a given graph.
toNodeListArray (Graph, INodeMap, number)in GraphConnectivityTransforms the return values of method connectedComponents to an array of YNodeLists, like it is returned by connectedComponents.
getIndependentSet (Graph)in IndependentSetAlgorithmCalculates an independent set for a given graph.
getIndependentSets (Graph)in IndependentSetAlgorithmPartitions the set of nodes of the given graph into independent sets.
dfsCompletion (Graph)in NodeOrderAlgorithmCalculates an ordering of the nodes identical to the order of node completion events in a depth first search.
st (Graph)in NodeOrderAlgorithmAssigns an st-ordering to the nodes of a biconnected graph.
toNodeList (Graph, number)in NodeOrderAlgorithmConverts an array-based result returned by a method of this class to a YNodeList that contains all nodes in the order provided by the given array.
topological (Graph)in NodeOrderAlgorithmReturns a topological ordering of the nodes of a directed acyclic graph.
constructNodePath (EdgeList)in PathAlgorithmConstructs a path of nodes from a given path of edges.
constructNodePath (YNode, YNode, Edge)in ShortestPathAlgorithmConvenience method that constructs an explicit path of nodes from the result returned by one of the shortest paths methods defined in this class.
constructNodePath (YNode, YNode, IDataProvider)in ShortestPathAlgorithmLike constructNodePath but the path edges are given by a IDataProvider.
getLeafNodes (Graph, boolean)in TreeAlgorithmReturns all leaf nodes of the given tree.
getTreeNodes (Graph)in TreeAlgorithmReturns an array of YNodeList objects each containing nodes that belong to a maximal directed subtree of the given graph.
getUndirectedTreeNodes (Graph)in TreeAlgorithmReturns an array of YNodeList objects each containing nodes that belong to a maximal undirected subtree of the given graph.
getChildren (YNode)in LayoutGroupingSupportReturns the direct children of the given group node.
getDescendants (YNode)in LayoutGroupingSupportReturns all descendants of the given group node.
createNodeList (IEnumerable<INode>)in YGraphAdapterCreates a YNodeList that maps the nodes from the IEnumerable<T> to their copied ones.
primaryChildren (YNode, LayoutGraph)in DelegatingNodePlacerReturns all upper-left children of the local root node.
secondaryChildren (YNode, LayoutGraph)in DelegatingNodePlacerReturns all lower-right children of the local root node.

Method Parameters

getLayers (Graph, YNodeList)in BfsAlgorithmReturns the layers of nodes calculated by a breadth first search.
getLayers (Graph, YNodeList, INodeMap)in BfsAlgorithmReturns the layers of nodes constructed by a breadth first search.
getLayers (Graph, YNodeList, boolean, INodeMap, number?)in BfsAlgorithmReturns the layers of nodes constructed by a directed/undirected breadth first search where the maximum number of layers is restricted.
getLayers (Graph, YNodeList, BfsDirection, INodeMap, number?)in BfsAlgorithmReturns the layers of nodes constructed by a directed/undirected breadth first search where the maximum number of layers is restricted.
getNeighbors (Graph, YNodeList, number)in GraphConnectivityDetermines the direct or indirect neighbors of a given set of nodes.
getPredecessors (Graph, YNodeList, number)in GraphConnectivityDetermines the direct or indirect predecessors of a given list of nodes.
getSuccessors (Graph, YNodeList, number)in GraphConnectivityDetermines the direct or indirect successors of a given list of nodes.
hide (YNodeList)in GraphPartitionManagerHides the given list of nodes from the graph.
hide (YNodeList)in LayoutGraphHiderHides the given list of nodes from the graph.
unhideNodes (YNodeList, boolean)in LayoutGraphHiderUnhides the given nodes and if requested its adjacent edges.
NodeList (YNodeList)in YNodeListCreates a list that is initialized with the entries of the given list.
toNodeMap (YNodeList, INodeMap)in NodeOrderAlgorithmCopies a YNodeList-based result returned by a method of this class to a INodeMap that will provide values of basic type int.
findPath (Graph, YNodeList, YNode, YNode, IEdgeMap)in PathAlgorithmReturns whether or not a directed path from a start node to another node in an acyclic graph exists.
findShortestUniformPaths (Graph, YNode, IDataProvider, boolean, number, EdgeList, YNodeList)in ShortestPathAlgorithmFinds all nodes and edges that belong to a shortest path from a start node to a set of target nodes in the graph not farther away than a given distance.
collectSubtree (YNode, YNodeList)in TreeAlgorithmCollects all nodes of the subtree starting with root.
getNearestCommonAncestor (Graph, YNode, boolean, YNodeList)in TreeAlgorithmReturns the nearest common ancestor of a subset of nodes within a directed rooted tree.
getTreeEdges (Graph, YNodeList?)in TreeAlgorithmReturns an array of EdgeList objects each containing edges that belong to a maximal directed subtree of the given graph.
sort (YNodeList, IDataProvider)in MultiComponentLayererSorts an array which consists of YNodeLists each of which contains nodes that belong to the same component.
assignNodesToSublayer (YNodeList, ILayoutDataProvider, LayoutGraph, INodeMap)in SimplexNodePlacerAssigns the nodes of a given layer to the corresponding upper/lower sublayer if node compaction is enabled.
addedPathForEdge (LayoutGraph, Edge, YNodeList)in BendConverterAdds information to newly created dummy nodes.
arrangeComponents (LayoutGraph, YNodeList, EdgeList, YRectangle, Rectangle2D)in ComponentLayoutProduces a component graph layout.
arrangeFields (LayoutGraph, YNodeList, EdgeList, YRectangle, Rectangle2D, boolean, boolean, boolean)in ComponentLayoutArranges the bounding boxes of the components.
setOrigin (LayoutGraph, YNodeList, EdgeList, YPoint, YRectangle)in ComponentLayoutMoves the subgraph containing the given nodes and edges to the specified origin.
calculateBounds (LayoutGraph, YNodeList)in FixNodeLayoutStageCalculates the bounding box of the specified nodes.
calculateFixPoint (LayoutGraph, YNodeList)in FixNodeLayoutStageCalculates the fix point for the specified nodes in the specified graph.
calculateBounds (LayoutGraph, YNode, YNodeList)in ILayoutGroupBoundsCalculatorCalculates the bounds of the given group node that contains the given list of child nodes.
create (function(LayoutGraph, YNode, YNodeList):Rectangle2D)in ILayoutGroupBoundsCalculatorCreates an implementation of the interface ILayoutGroupBoundsCalculator by using the given function as implementation for its calculateBounds method.
calculateBounds (LayoutGraph, YNode, YNodeList)in InsetsGroupBoundsCalculatorCalculates the bounds of the given group node and enlarges the bounds by the insets associated with the group node.
createEnlargedBounds (LayoutGraph, YNode, YNodeList, Rectangle2D)in InsetsGroupBoundsCalculatorEnlarges the given graph bounds by the insets associated with the given group node.
alignNodeLayouts (LayoutGraph, YNodeList, YNode, boolean, NodeAlignment)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesAligns the specified nodes either vertically or horizontally according to the specified node alignment mode.
calculateBounds (LayoutGraph, YNode, YNodeList)in MinimumSizeGroupBoundsCalculatorCalculates the bounds of the given group node, enlarges the bounds by the insets associated with the group node and makes sure that the size of the group node obeys the associated minimum size.
createNodeEnumerable (YNodeList)in YGraphAdapterCreates an enumerable of nodes that maps the nodes from the YNodeList to their original ones.
createAreaOutline (LayoutGraph, YNodeList, EdgeList)in ClearAreaLayoutCreates the outline that describes the shape of the given nodes and edges.
placeSubgraphs (LayoutGraph, YNodeList)in PartialLayoutThis method is called during the layout process and places the subgraph components one-by-one onto the drawing area.