documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


An ILabelStyle that uses an SVG snippet as template for the visualization of ILabels.

Inheritance Hierarchy
Implemented Interfaces


This template style uses the styleResourceKey property to determine the template that will be applied to the Visual. The template must be specified in the DOM in a script element with the attribute type='text/yfiles-template'. See the StringTemplateLabelStyle class for a template style that gets its template as string.

The SVG template snippet can contain bindings in the form attribute="{Binding propertyName}" that bind the attribute value to the value of the property with the given name in the label's tag. The tag itself can be bound with attribute="{Binding}". If the bound object provides the function addPropertyChangedListener(listener) or implements IPropertyObservable, bindings to properties of the business object are dynamically updated if the registered listeners are called on property change. Business objects can be made observable by calling makeObservable.

TemplateBindings in the form attribute="{TemplateBinding propertyName}" bind the attribute value to one of the properties of the label that are exposed by the ILabelTemplateStyleBindingContext interface.

Bindings can specify converters and converter parameters. Converters are simple functions with the signature function(value:object, parameter:object):object. A converter has to be registered under its name either in the converter store or with the window object before it can be used.

TextWrapConverter is a built-in converter function which emits wrapped text as SVG elements. It can be used to display wrapped text in a template style. To use the TextWrapConverter the template style must include a <g> element that binds a property containing the text to be wrapped to data-content. TextWrapConverter must be specified as the converter function. The converter’s parameters are passed using a shorthand notation for width, height, font, trimming and color. See Text Wrapping in a Template Style for more details.

Depending on the current state, the following CSS classes are added to the root element of the template:

  • yfiles-selected
  • yfiles-focused
  • yfiles-highlighted

Related Programming Samples

Template Styles
Shows SVG template styles for nodes, labels and ports.

Type Details

yfiles module
yfiles-umd modules
All view modules
Legacy UMD name

See Also






Static Methods