documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


pathsin AllPairsShortestPathsResultGets a collection of shortest paths between the source nodes and sink nodes.
nodesin BfsLayerGets a collection of all nodes belonging to this layer.
layersin BfsResultGets a collection of all layers.
unreachableNodesin BfsResultGets a collection of nodes that are either not reachable from the coreNodes or which are in layers beyond the layerCount.
articulationNodesin BiconnectedComponentGets a collection of all articulation points which belong to this component.
edgesin BiconnectedComponentGets a collection of all edges which belong to this component.
nodesin BiconnectedComponentGets a collection of all nodes which belong to this component.
clustersin BiconnectedComponentClusteringResultGets a collection of all clusters in the graph.
articulationNodesin BiconnectedComponentsResultGets a collection of all articulation points in the graph.
componentsin BiconnectedComponentsResultGets a collection of all biconnected components in the graph.
nodesin BipartitionPartitionGets a collection of nodes belonging to this partition.
chainsin ChainSubstructuresResultGets the chains found by ChainSubstructures.
chainsin ChainsResultAll chains in the graph.
cliquesin CliqueSubstructuresResultGets the cliques found by CliqueSubstructures.
nodesin ClusterGets a collection of all nodes in the cluster.
inducedEdgesin ComponentGets a collection of edges belonging to this component which are induced by the component's nodes.
nodesin ComponentGets a collection of nodes belonging to this component.
componentsin ConnectedComponentsResultGets a collection of all connected components in the graph.
edgesin CycleEdgesResultGets a collection of all edges that are part of a cycle.
edgesin CycleResultGets the edges of the cycle.
nodesin CycleResultGets a collection of nodes in the cycle.
cyclesin CycleSubstructuresResultGets the cycles found by CycleSubstructures.
clustersin EdgeBetweennessClusteringResultGets a collection of all clusters in the graph.
feedbackEdgeSetin FeedbackEdgeSetResultGets a collection of edges whose removal or reversal would make the graph acyclic.
clustersin HierarchicalClusteringResultGets a collection of all clusters in the graph.
nodesin IndependentSetGets a collection of nodes in this set.
independentSetsin IndependentSetsResultGets a collection of all independent sets in the result.
intersectionsin IntersectionsResultGets a collection of intersections each of which represents an intersection of two IModelItems.
centroidsin KMeansClusteringResultGets a collection of the new centroids.
clustersin KMeansClusteringResultGets a collection of all clusters in the graph.
clustersin LabelPropagationClusteringResultGets a collection of all clusters in the graph.
edgesin LongestPathResultGets the path's edges.
nodesin LongestPathResultGets the path's nodes.
clustersin LouvainModularityClusteringResultGets a collection of all clusters in the graph.
minimumCutin MaximumFlowResultGets a collection of edges in the minimum cut.
sinkPartitionin MaximumFlowResultGets a collection of the nodes which are at the sink side of the minimum cut.
sourcePartitionin MaximumFlowResultGets a collection of the nodes which are at the source side of the minimum cut.
neighborsin NeighborhoodResultThe direct or indirect neighbors of the startNodes.
edgesin PathGets an ordered collection of edges defining this path.
nodesin PathGets a collection of nodes along this path.
pathsin PathsResultGets a collection of all paths between the startNodes and endNodes.
nodesin RankAssignmentRankGets a collection of all nodes with the same rank.
reachableNodesin ReachabilityResultGets a collection of nodes that are reachable from the startNodes.
edgesin ShortestPathResultGets a collection of edges along the path.
nodesin ShortestPathResultGets a collection of nodes along the path, starting with the source node and ending with the sink node.
pathsin SingleSourceShortestPathsResultGets a collection of shortest paths between the source node and sink nodes.
edgesin SpanningTreeResultGets a collection of edges that form the spanning tree or forest.
starsin StarSubstructuresResultGets the stars found by StarSubstructures.
componentsin StronglyConnectedComponentsResultGets a collection of the components in the graph.
interComponentEdgesin StronglyConnectedComponentsResultGets a collections of the edges which connect nodes in different components.
edgesin SubstructureItemsGets the edges that belong to this substructure.
interEdgesin SubstructureItemsGets the edges connecting a node in the substructure with one outside of it.
nodesin SubstructureItemsGets the nodes that belong to this substructure.
edgesin SubtreeGets the edges that belong to this subtree.
nodesin SubtreeGets the nodes that belong to this subtree.
edgesToAddin TransitiveClosureResultGets a collection of edge placeholders.
edgesToAddin TransitiveEdgesResultGets a collection of edge placeholders.
edgesToRemovein TransitiveReductionResultGets a collection of the transitive edges in the graph.
leafNodesin TreeAnalysisResultGets all leaf nodes of the tree.
reversedEdgesin TreeAnalysisResultGets the edges that would need to be reversed in order to make the graph a directed, rooted tree.
treesin TreeSubstructuresResultGets the trees found by TreeSubstructures.

Method Return Values

getNodeComponents (INode)in BiconnectedComponentsResultGets a collection of all biconnected components which contain the given node.
getKCore (number)in KCoreComponentsResultGets the k-Core with the given degree k.
getAllPathsBetween (INode, INode)in PathsResultGets a collection of all paths between the given start and end node.
getChildren (INode)in TreeAnalysisResultGets the child nodes of the given node in the tree.