documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IPort


portsin DefaultGraph
sourcePortin EdgeEventArgsGets the source port the edge was connected to before the event happened.
targetPortin EdgeEventArgsGets the target port the edge was connected to before the event happened.
portsin FilteredGraphWrapper
portsin GraphWrapperBase
sourcePortin IEdgeGets the source port instance this edge is connected to.
targetPortin IEdgeGets the target port instance this edge is connected to.
portsin IGraphGets a view of the ports contained in this graph.
portsin IPortOwnerGets a collection of ports that are owned by this instance.
clipboardHelperDecoratorin PortDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IClipboardHelper type for IPorts this instance has been created for.
edgePathCropperDecoratorin PortDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IEdgePathCropper type for IPorts this instance has been created for.
focusIndicatorDecoratorin PortDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IFocusIndicatorInstaller type for IPorts this instance has been created for.
handleDecoratorin PortDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IHandle type for IPorts this instance has been created for.
handleProviderDecoratorin PortDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IHandleProvider type for IPorts this instance has been created for.
highlightDecoratorin PortDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IHighlightIndicatorInstaller type for IPorts this instance has been created for.
lassoTestableDecoratorin PortDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the ILassoTestable type for IPorts this instance has been created for.
marqueeTestableDecoratorin PortDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IMarqueeTestable type for IPorts this instance has been created for.
mementoSupportDecoratorin PortDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IMementoSupport type for IPorts this instance has been created for.
obstacleProviderDecoratorin PortDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IObstacleProvider type for IPorts this instance has been created for.
portSnapResultProviderDecoratorin PortDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IPortSnapResultProvider type for IPorts this instance has been created for.
positionHandlerDecoratorin PortDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IPositionHandler type for IPorts this instance has been created for.
selectionDecoratorin PortDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the ISelectionIndicatorInstaller type for IPorts this instance has been created for.
snapLineProviderDecoratorin PortDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the ISnapLineProvider type for IPorts this instance has been created for.
portsin SimpleEdgeGets or sets the collection of ports that are owned by this instance.
sourcePortin SimpleEdgeGets or sets the source port instance this edge is connected to.
targetPortin SimpleEdgeGets or sets the target port instance this edge is connected to.
portsin SimpleNodeGets or sets the collection of ports that are owned by this instance.
portIdsin GraphElementIdAcceptorGets a mapping between all GraphML ids for <port> elements and the corresponding IPort instances
dummySourceNodePortin CreateEdgeInputModeThe IPort which is used as source port for the temporarily created dummyEdge during edge creation.
dummyTargetNodePortin CreateEdgeInputModeThe IPort which is used as target port for the temporarily created dummyEdge during edge creation.
portin DefaultPortCandidateGets the instance provided to the constructor or to the setter.
portGridConstraintProviderin GraphSnapContextGets or sets the grid constraint provider for the IPorts.
portin IPortCandidateGets the port instance that is already live in the graph if this candidate wraps an existing port or null otherwise.
draggedItemin PortDropInputModeGets the currently dragged IModelItem instance.
isValidPortOwnerPredicatein PortDropInputModeGets or sets the callback for testing whether an existing port owner in the graph can be used as owner for the currently dragged port.
portin PortLocationModelParameterHandleGets the port this instance acts on.
portEndParameterin LayoutExecutorAsyncGets a mapping from ports in the graph to their new location parameters, after the results are in.
portin TemplatePortStyleRendererGets or sets the currently configured port.
portManagerin GraphModelManagerProvides access to the ItemModelManager<T> which handles the IPorts.
selectedPortsin GraphSelection
selectedPortsin IGraphSelectionGets an ISelectionModel<T> of the selected ports.


ORIGINAL_SOURCE_PORT_DP_KEYin LayoutGraphAdapterA data provider key that can be used to look up the source port of the original IEdge of an Edge.
ORIGINAL_TARGET_PORT_DP_KEYin LayoutGraphAdapterA data provider key that can be used to look up the target port of the original IEdge of an Edge.

Method Return Values

addPort (IPortOwner, IPortLocationModelParameter?, IPortStyle?, Object?)in DefaultGraphAdd a port to the given port owner using the coordinates as the new initial position of the port anchor.
getNewSourcePort (IPortOwner)in DefaultGraphDetermines a IPort instance to use for the creation of a new edge that starts at the given IPortOwner.
getNewTargetPort (IPortOwner)in DefaultGraphDetermines a IPort instance to use for the creation of a new edge that ends at the given IPortOwner.
asPort ()in FoldingPortStateReturns an IPort instance which represents this port state.
getTargetPort (IEdge, boolean)in GraphClipboardProvides an IPort where the given clipboardEdge can be added to.
addPort (IGraph, IGraph, IPortOwner, IPort)in GraphCopierAdds a port to the targetPortOwner in the targetGraph as a copy of the source port.
addPort (IPortOwner, IPortLocationModelParameter?, IPortStyle?, Object?)in GraphWrapperBase
opposite (IPort)in IEdgeGets the opposite port of an IEdge.
addPort (IPortOwner, IPortLocationModelParameter?, IPortStyle?, Object?)in IGraphAdd a port to the given port owner using the location model parameter, style and tag.
addPortAt (IPortOwner, Point, IPortStyle?, Object?)in IGraphAdd a port to the given port owner using the absolute coordinates as the new initial position of the port anchor.
addRelativePort (INode, Point)in IGraphAdds a new port to the graph at the node using a location that is relative to the center of the node.
getDecoratorFor (Class, boolean?, boolean?)in PortDecoratorCreates a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> for IPorts that can be used to decorate TInterface types of the ports.
resolvePort (IParseContext, string, string)in GraphElementIdAcceptor
addPort (IParseContext, IPortOwner)in IGraphElementFactoryAdds a new port to the given IPortOwner.
resolvePort (IParseContext, string, string)in IGraphElementResolverResolve the GraphML id to an IPort instance.
createDummyTargetNodePort ()in CreateEdgeInputModeCreates the dummy port which is used as target for the dummyEdge during the creation.
createInstance (IInputModeContext, IGraph, IPortLocationModelParameter, IPortStyle, Object)in DefaultPortCandidateActually creates the IPort instance.
createPort (IInputModeContext)in DefaultPortCandidateThis implementation will throw a NotSupportedError if the validity is DYNAMIC.
createPort (IInputModeContext)in IPortCandidateIf the client decides to use this port candidate, this method will serve as a factory to create the instance.
getHitPort (IInputModeContext, Point)in IPortSelectionTesterReturns the port at the given world coordinate position or null if there is no such port.
getPortsInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in IPortSelectionTesterReturns the ports for the given marquee rectangle.
createInstance (IInputModeContext, DefaultPortCandidate)in PortCandidateProviderBaseCallback method used by the ports created using the factory methods createCandidate.
createPort (IInputModeContext, IGraph, IPort, IPortOwner, IPortLocationModelParameter)in PortDropInputModeCreates the port in the graph after it's been dropped.
getPort (IInputModeContext, IPortCandidate, Point)in PortRelocationHandleCalled during dragFinished to actually get the new port from the chosen candidate.
createPortModelManager (ICanvasObjectDescriptor, function(IPort):ICanvasObjectGroup)in GraphModelManagerFactory method for creating the ItemModelManager<T> that handles the visual representation of ports.
createPortSelectionModel ()in GraphSelectionFactory method that creates the DefaultSelectionModel<T> to use for the ports.

Method Parameters

getContext (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in BendAnchoredPortLocationModel
getLocation (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in BendAnchoredPortLocationModel
createPortLocationParameter (IFoldingView, IPort, IPort)in DefaultFolderNodeConverterCreates the IPortLocationModelParameter for use in initializeFolderNodePorts.
createPortStyle (IFoldingView, IPort, IPort)in DefaultFolderNodeConverterCreates the IPortStyle for use in initializeFolderNodePorts.
createEdge (IPort, IPort, IEdgeStyle?, Object?)in DefaultGraph
createUndoUnitForEdgeReconnection (IEdge, IPort, IPort)in DefaultGraphCreates the edge reconnection undo unit for the given edge.
createUndoUnitForLocationParameterChange (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in DefaultGraphCreates the undo unit for changing the location parameter of the given port.
createUndoUnitForPortAddition (IPort)in DefaultGraphCreates the port addition undo unit for the given port.
createUndoUnitForPortRemoval (IPort)in DefaultGraphCreates the port removal undo unit for the given port.
createUndoUnitForPortStyleChange (IPort, IPortStyle)in DefaultGraphCreates the undo unit for changing the style of the given port.
createUndoUnitForPortTagChange (IPort, Object)in DefaultGraphCreates the undo unit for changing the tag of the given port.
edgesAt (IPort, AdjacencyTypes?)in DefaultGraph
onAddingPort (IPortOwner, IPort)in DefaultGraphCalled when a port is going to be added to a node.
onAddingPortLabel (IPort, ILabel)in DefaultGraphCalled just before a port label is added to a port.
onChangingEdgePorts (IEdge, IPort, IPort)in DefaultGraphCalled before the ports of an edge are being changed.
onChangingPortLocationModelParameter (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in DefaultGraphCalled before the locationParameter of a port is being changed.
onChangingPortStyle (IPort, IPortStyle)in DefaultGraphCalled before a port style is being changed.
onCreatingEdge (IEdge, IPort, IPort)in DefaultGraphCalled before the edge is added to this graph's structure.
onEdgePortsChanged (IEdge, IPort, IPort)in DefaultGraphCalled after the ports of an edge has changed.
onEdgeRemoved (IEdge, IPort, IPort)in DefaultGraphTriggers the EdgeRemoved event.
onPortAdded (IPort)in DefaultGraphCalled when a port has been added to a node.
onPortLocationParameterChanged (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in DefaultGraphCalled after a port location model parameter has changed.
onPortRemoved (IPortOwner, IPort)in DefaultGraphCalled just after a port has been removed from its owner.
onPortStyleChanged (IPort, IPortStyle)in DefaultGraphCalled after a port style has changed.
onPortTagChanged (IPort, Object)in DefaultGraphCalled after a port tag has changed.
onRemovingPort (IPort)in DefaultGraphCalled just before a port will be removed.
setEdgePorts (IEdge, IPort, IPort)in DefaultGraphSets the ports of the given edge to the new values.
setPortLocationParameter (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in DefaultGraph
setStyle (IPort, IPortStyle)in DefaultGraph
EdgeEventArgs (IEdge, IPort?, IPort?, IPortOwner?, IPortOwner?)in EdgeEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the EdgeEventArgs class.
getContext (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in EdgePathPortLocationModel
getLocation (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in EdgePathPortLocationModel
edgesAt (IPort, AdjacencyTypes?)in FilteredGraphWrapper
getFoldingPortState (IPort)in FolderNodeStateProvides access to the folding state of a master port.
getContext (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in FreeNodePortLocationModel
getLocation (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in FreeNodePortLocationModel
getContext (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in GenericPortLocationModel
getLocation (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in GenericPortLocationModel
getPortLocationParameter (GraphCopier, IGraph, IPort, IPortOwner)in GraphClipboardGets a IPortLocationModelParameter for the given originalPort to be placed at the given newOwner.
getTargetPortOwner (IPort)in GraphClipboardProvides an IPortOwner where the given clipboardPort can be added to.
addPort (IGraph, IGraph, IPortOwner, IPort)in GraphCopierAdds a port to the targetPortOwner in the targetGraph as a copy of the source port.
copyEdge (IGraph, IGraph, IEdge, IPort, IPort)in GraphCopierAdds an edge to the targetGraph as a copy of the source edge.
copyPortLocationParameter (IGraph, IPort)in GraphCopierCopies a IPortLocationModelParameter for a given port.
copyPortStyle (IGraph, IPort)in GraphCopierCopies an IPortStyle instance.
copyPortTag (IPort, Object)in GraphCopierCopies the tag of a IPort.
onPortCopied (IPort, IPort)in GraphCopierCalled after a port has been copied.
createEdge (IPort, IPort, IEdgeStyle?, Object?)in GraphWrapperBase
edgesAt (IPort, AdjacencyTypes?)in GraphWrapperBase
onPortAdded (ItemEventArgs<IPort>)in GraphWrapperBaseRaises the PortAdded event
onPortLocationParameterChanged (ItemChangedEventArgs<IPort,IPortLocationModelParameter>)in GraphWrapperBaseRaises the PortLocationParameterChanged event
onPortStyleChanged (ItemChangedEventArgs<IPort,IPortStyle>)in GraphWrapperBaseRaises the PortStyleChanged event
onPortTagChanged (ItemChangedEventArgs<IPort,Object>)in GraphWrapperBaseRaises the PortTagChanged event
setEdgePorts (IEdge, IPort, IPort)in GraphWrapperBase
setPortLocationParameter (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in GraphWrapperBase
setStyle (IPort, IPortStyle)in GraphWrapperBase
opposite (IPort)in IEdgeGets the opposite port of an IEdge.
addAsSeparateEdge (IPort, IPort)in IFoldingEdgeFactoryTells the IFoldingView implementation to add the edge provided to the addFoldingEdge method as a separate folding edge to the view at the given ports.
create ()in IFoldingEdgeFactoryCreates an implementation of the interface IFoldingEdgeFactory from the given definition.
createEdge (IPort, IPort, IEdgeStyle?, Object?, )in IGraphCreates and returns an edge that connects to the given port instances.
degree (IPort)in IGraphCalculates the number of edges at the given IPort for this graph.
edgesAt (IPort, AdjacencyTypes?)in IGraphReturns an IEnumerable<T> for all edges that are adjacent to the given port as a sourcePort or targetPort.
getEdge (IPort, IPort)in IGraphFinds an edge that connects sourcePort and targetPort in the given graph.
inDegree (IPort)in IGraphCalculates the number of incoming edges at the given IPort for this graph.
inEdgesAt (IPort)in IGraphConvenience method that yields the incoming edges at the given port.
outDegree (IPort)in IGraphCalculates the number of outgoing edges at the given IPort for this graph.
outEdgesAt (IPort)in IGraphConvenience method that yields the outgoing edges at the given port.
setEdgePorts (IEdge, IPort, IPort)in IGraphSets the source and target ports of the given edge to the new values.
setPortLocation (IPort, Point)in IGraphConvenience method that tries to set the absolute coordinates of the given port to the given values.
setPortLocationParameter (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in IGraphSets a new IPortLocationModelParameter for the given port.
setRelativePortLocation (IPort, Point)in IGraphTries to set the location of the port relative to its owner if the owner is a node.
setStyle (IPort, IPortStyle)in IGraphAssigns the given style instance by reference to the port.
getContext (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in IPortLocationModelProvides a lookup context for the given combination of port and parameter.
getLocation (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in IPortLocationModelDetermines the location of the port for the given parameter.
PortEventArgs (IPort, IPortOwner)in PortEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the PortEventArgs class.
getContext (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in SegmentRatioPortLocationModel
getLocation (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in SegmentRatioPortLocationModel
SimpleEdge (IPort?, IPort?, )in SimpleEdgeCreates an edge with a default lookup, and the given source and target ports.
SimpleNode ()in SimpleNodeCreates a default node with default lookup, an instance of VoidNodeStyle, empty layout and no labels or ports.
storePortId (IParseContext, IPort, string)in GraphElementIdAcceptor
create ()in IGraphElementFactoryCreates an implementation of the interface IGraphElementFactory from the given definition.
createEdge (IParseContext, INode, IPort, INode, IPort)in IGraphElementFactoryCreates an edge for the given context and the provided source and target nodes or ports.
create ()in IGraphElementIdAcceptorCreates an implementation of the interface IGraphElementIdAcceptor from the given definition.
storePortId (IParseContext, IPort, string)in IGraphElementIdAcceptorStore the value of the id attribute for the given port.
getPortId (IWriteContext, IPort)in IGraphElementIdProviderGet an ID for the specified port object
onPortAdded (ItemEventArgs<IPort>)in CreateEdgeInputModeRaises the PortAdded event if the mode has added a port for the source or target node to complete the edge creation.
DefaultPortCandidate (IPort)in DefaultPortCandidateCreates a candidate using the given port as the template.
setInstance (IPort)in DefaultPortCandidateSets the instance that will be returned by port and createPort.
onPortDropInputModePortCreated (Object, ItemEventArgs<IPort>)in GraphEditorInputModeCalled when the portDropInputMode's ItemCreated event is triggered.
GraphSnapContext ()in GraphSnapContextCreates a new instance with default settings.
getMovementInfo (IPort)in GraphSnapContextGets the movement info for the given port.
create ()in IPortGridConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IPortGridConstraintProvider from the given definition.
collectSnapResults (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, Point, IPort)in IPortSnapResultProviderCalled when a node is dragged to add SnapResults for OrthogonalSnapLines to which this bend can potentially snap.
create (function(GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, Point, IPort):void)in IPortSnapResultProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IPortSnapResultProvider by using the given function as implementation for its collectSnapResults method.
PortDropInputMode (string, )in PortDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class DropInputMode for the expected data type.
PortDropInputMode (string, )in PortDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class DropInputMode for the expected data type.
PortDropInputMode ()in PortDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class PortDropInputMode for the type IPort.
createPort (IInputModeContext, IGraph, IPort, IPortOwner, IPortLocationModelParameter)in PortDropInputModeCreates the port in the graph after it's been dropped.
getNewPortLocationModelParameter (IPortOwner, IPort, Point)in PortDropInputModeDetermine the IPortLocationModelParameter the port should have if it were dropped at dragLocation over owner.
isValidPortOwner (IPortOwner, IPort)in PortDropInputModeDefault backing method for isValidPortOwnerPredicate
startDrag (HTMLElement | SVGElement, IPort, DragDropEffects?, boolean?, HTMLElement | SVGElement?)in PortDropInputModeStarts a drag and drop operation for a IPort.
PortLocationModelParameterHandle (IPort)in PortLocationModelParameterHandleInitializes a new instance of the PortLocationModelParameterHandle class to change the IPortLocationModelParameter of the given port
getMoveType (IPort)in PortLocationModelParameterHandleDetermines the type of the movement for the given port.
getNewParameter (IPort, IPortLocationModel, Point)in PortLocationModelParameterHandleObtains the new parameter for the given location and port.
setParameter (IGraph, IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in PortLocationModelParameterHandleApplies the parameter.
createExistingPortCandidate (IPort)in PortRelocationHandleFactory method that creates the candidate for the existing port.
setPorts (IInputModeContext, IEdge, IPort, IPort)in PortRelocationHandleFinally sets the ports for the edge to the new values.
getHandle (IPort)in PortsHandleProviderRetrieves the handle implementation from the port's lookup.
createEdgePortLayout (IPort)in LayoutExecutorAsyncCallback factory method that creates the IRectangle for the given IPort that is used as a dummy to represent the port at the IEdge that owns port.
createEdgePortLayout (IPort)in LayoutGraphAdapterCallback factory method that creates the INodeLayout for the given IPort that is used as a dummy to represent the port at the IEdge that owns port.
setEdgePortLocation (IPort, Point)in LayoutGraphAdapterCallback method that assigns a new location that matches newLocation to port.
setRelativePortLocation (IPort, Point)in LayoutGraphAdapterCallback method that assigns a new relative location to port.
getPortGeometry (IPort)in DefaultEdgePathCropperReturns the geometry that is used to crop the edge at the port outline if cropAtPort is set to true.
getBoundsProvider (IPort, IPortStyle)in IPortStyleRendererGets an implementation of the IBoundsProvider interface that can handle the provided port and its associated style.
getContext (IPort, IPortStyle)in IPortStyleRendererGets a temporary context instance that can be used to query additional information for the port's style.
getHitTestable (IPort, IPortStyle)in IPortStyleRendererGets an implementation of the IHitTestable interface that can handle the provided port and its associated style.
getMarqueeTestable (IPort, IPortStyle)in IPortStyleRendererGets an implementation of the IMarqueeTestable interface that can handle the provided port and its associated style.
getVisibilityTestable (IPort, IPortStyle)in IPortStyleRendererGets an implementation of the IVisibilityTestable interface that can handle the provided port and its associated style.
getVisualCreator (IPort, IPortStyle)in IPortStyleRendererGets an implementation of the IVisualCreator interface that can handle the provided port and its associated style.
createVisual (IRenderContext, IPort)in PortStyleBaseCreates the visual.
getBounds (ICanvasContext, IPort)in PortStyleBaseReturns the bounds of the visual for the port in the given context.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point, IPort)in PortStyleBaseDetermines whether the visual representation of the port has been hit at the given location.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect, IPort)in PortStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified port is included in the marquee selection.
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath, IPort)in PortStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified port is included in the lasso selection.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect, IPort)in PortStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified port is visible in the context.
lookup (IPort, Class)in PortStyleBasePerforms the lookup operation for the getContext that has been queried from the renderer.
updateVisual (IRenderContext, TVisual, IPort)in PortStyleBaseUpdates the visual previously created by createVisual.
createTemplate (IRenderContext, IPort)in TemplatePortStyleBaseFactory method that is called by the TemplatePortStyleRenderer to create the visual that will be used for the display of the port.
getBoundsProvider (IPort, IPortStyle)in TemplatePortStyleRendererConfigures the style and port parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getContext (IPort, IPortStyle)in TemplatePortStyleRendererConfigures the style and port parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getHitTestable (IPort, IPortStyle)in TemplatePortStyleRendererConfigures the style and port parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getMarqueeTestable (IPort, IPortStyle)in TemplatePortStyleRendererConfigures the style and port parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getVisibilityTestable (IPort, IPortStyle)in TemplatePortStyleRendererConfigures the style and port parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getVisualCreator (IPort, IPortStyle)in TemplatePortStyleRendererConfigures the style and port parameters, calls configure and returns this.
lookupContext (TemplatePortStyleBase, IPort, Class)in TemplatePortStyleRendererDelegates to the TemplatePortStyleBase's contextLookup.
getBoundsProvider (IPort, IPortStyle)in VoidPortStyleRendererYields the EMPTY that will return empty bounds.
getContext (IPort, IPortStyle)in VoidPortStyleRendererYields a lookup that will only return NEVER if an ILassoTestable is queried.
getHitTestable (IPort, IPortStyle)in VoidPortStyleRendererYields the NEVER that will always report misses.
getMarqueeTestable (IPort, IPortStyle)in VoidPortStyleRendererYields the NEVER that will always report misses.
getVisibilityTestable (IPort, IPortStyle)in VoidPortStyleRendererYields the NEVER that will always claim invisibility.
getVisualCreator (IPort, IPortStyle)in VoidPortStyleRendererYields the INSTANCE that will do nothing.
createPortModelManager (ICanvasObjectDescriptor, function(IPort):ICanvasObjectGroup)in GraphModelManagerFactory method for creating the ItemModelManager<T> that handles the visual representation of ports.
getPortCanvasObjectGroup (IPort)in GraphModelManagerRetrieves the ICanvasObjectGroup containing the canvas object of a given port.
createGraphAnimation (IGraph, IMapper<INode,IRectangle>?, IMapper<IEdge,yfiles.geometry.IPoint[]>?, IMapper<IPort,IPortLocationModelParameter>?, IMapper<ILabel,ILabelModelParameter>?, TimeSpan?)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation that animates the given layout of all types of graph items.
createPortAnimation (IGraph, IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter, TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation that animates the given port from its current location to the new location given by the targetLocationParameter.

Extending Types

PortEventArgsA specialized subclass of the ItemEventArgs<T> class that is bound to the IPort type and carries additional IPortOwner information.
PortDropInputModeAn ItemDropInputMode<T> specialized to the drag and drop of IPorts.

Implementing Types

SimplePortA mutable implementation of the IPort interface that can be used without an IGraph.
IPortGridConstraintProviderThis is a flagging interface for instances of IGridConstraintProvider<T> that can snap coordinates of IPorts to a grid.
IPortHitTesterThis is a flagging interface for instances of IHitTester<T> that enumerate over a collection of IPorts.