documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


inputModeContextin ClickInputMode
inputModeContextin ContextMenuInputMode
inputModeContextin CreateBendInputMode
edgeCreatorin CreateEdgeInputModeGets or sets the ports based edge creation callback.
inputModeContextin CreateEdgeInputMode
inputModeContextin DropInputMode
inputModeContextin FocusGuardInputMode
nodeCreatorin GraphEditorInputModeGets or sets the callback that is responsible for creating a new node, for instance, in response to a mouse click.
textEditorInputModeConfiguratorin GraphEditorInputModeGets or sets a handler which allows for configuring the textEditorInputMode during adding or editing labels.
inputModeContextin HandleInputMode
inputModeContextin IInputModeGets the context instance this mode is currently installed in or null if this instance is not installed.
inputModeContextin InputModeBaseGets the context instance this mode is currently installed in or null if this instance is not installed.
contextin InputModeEventArgsGets the context for the current event.
itemCreatorin ItemDropInputModeGets or sets the callback for item creation.
inputModeContextin ItemHoverInputMode
inputModeContextin KeyboardInputMode
textEditorInputModeConfiguratorin LabelEditingEventArgsGets or sets the configurator for the TextEditorInputMode for editing the provided label instance.
inputModeContextin LassoSelectionInputMode
inputModeContextin MarqueeSelectionInputMode
inputModeContextin MouseHoverInputMode
inputModeContextin MoveInputMode
inputModeContextin MoveViewportInputMode
inputModeContextin MultiplexingInputMode
inputModeContextin NavigationInputMode
currentInputModeContextin OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextGets the current input mode context that is in effect for the current edit.
inputModeContextin PortRelocationHandleGets or sets the context to operate on.
inputModeContextin ReparentStripePositionHandlerGets the current IInputModeContext
inputModeContextin ResizeStripeInputMode
currentInputModeContextin SnapContextGets the current input mode context.
inputModeContextin TapInputMode
inputModeContextin TextEditorInputMode
inputModeContextin WaitInputMode
inputModeContextin CanvasComponentGets or sets the InputModeContext property.


EMPTYin IInputModeContextAn empty context where both the input mode and the canvas is null.

Method Return Values

createPopulateMenuContext ()in ContextMenuInputModeCreates an IInputModeContext for use with the PopulateMenu call in the upcoming query.
createInputModeContext ()in CreateBendInputModeCreates an IInputModeContext for use with the upcoming createBend call in createBend.
createEdgeCreationInputModeContext ()in CreateEdgeInputModeCreates an IInputModeContext for use with the port candidates queries for the upcoming edge creation operation and the actual edge creation
wrapContext (IInputModeContext)in GraphSnapContext
createHandleInputModeContext ()in HandleInputModeCreates an IInputModeContext for use with the IHandle interface for the upcoming drag operation.
createInputModeContext (IInputMode, ILookup?)in IInputModeContextFactory method that creates an IInputModeContext that uses the provided parent mode and lookup decoration.
createInputModeContext (IInputMode, function(Object, Class):Object)in IInputModeContextFactory method that creates an IInputModeContext that uses the provided parent mode and lookup decoration.
createInputModeContext (IInputMode, IInputModeContext, ILookup)in IInputModeContextFactory method that creates an IInputModeContext that uses the provided parent mode, parent context, and lookup decoration.
createInputModeContext (IInputMode, IInputModeContext, function(Object, Class):Object)in IInputModeContextFactory method that creates an IInputModeContext that uses the provided parent mode, parent context, and lookup decoration.
createInputModeContext (CanvasComponent, IInputMode?, ILookup?)in IInputModeContextFactory method that creates an IInputModeContext that uses the provided values.
createChildInputModeContext ()in InputModeBaseCreates an implementation of IInputModeContext that is specific to this mode.
wrapContext (IInputModeContext)in LabelSnapContext
createHoverInputModeContext ()in MouseHoverInputModeCreates an IInputModeContext for use with the QueryToolTip event for the upcoming text query operation.
createPositionHandlerInputModeContext ()in MoveInputModeCreates an IInputModeContext for use with the IPositionHandler interface for the upcoming drag operation.
createChildInputModeContext ()in MultiplexingInputModeYields an IInputModeContext for the child modes of this mode.
wrapContext (IInputModeContext)in SnapContextHelper method that wraps the given context so that a lookup query on the wrapped context for the SnapContext type yields this instance.
createInputModeContext ()in CanvasComponentFactory method for the inputModeContext property.

Method Parameters

duplicate (IInputModeContext, IGraph, function(IModelItem):boolean, function(IModelItem, IModelItem):void?)in GraphClipboardDuplicates the elements indicated by the filter.
paste (IGraph, function(IModelItem):boolean?, function(IModelItem, IModelItem):void?, function(IModelItem):boolean?, IInputModeContext?)in GraphClipboardPastes the contents from the clipboardGraph to the targetGraph after applying a filter.
enlargeAllGroupNodes (IInputModeContext)in GroupingSupportEnlarges all group nodes in the graph in an interactive scenario, so that the minimum enclosed area is respected.
enlargeGroupNode (IInputModeContext, INode, boolean)in GroupingSupportEnlarges the group nodes in an interactive scenario, using IReshapeHandler implementations of the group nodes to perform the actual resizing.
ClickEventArgs (IInputModeContext, Point, ModifierKeys, MouseButtons, number, Event?)in ClickEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the ClickEventArgs class.
install (IInputModeContext, ConcurrencyController)in ClickInputModeInstalls this mode into the given context that is provided by the canvas.
uninstall (IInputModeContext)in ClickInputModeUninstalls this mode from the given context.
CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgs (IInputModeContext, ICollection<OrthogonalSnapLine>, ICollection<OrthogonalSnapLine>, ICollection<OrthogonalSnapLine>, ICollection<OrthogonalSnapLine>)in CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgs class.
CollectLabelSnapLineEventArgs (IInputModeContext, ICollection<SnapLine>)in CollectLabelSnapLineEventArgsCreates a new instance of this class.
CollectSnapResultsEventArgs (IInputModeContext, Point, Point, number, number, ICollection<SnapResult>)in CollectSnapResultsEventArgsCreates a new instance of the event arguments using the provided values for initialization.
cancelDrag (IInputModeContext, Point)in ConstrainedDragHandlerCancels the move operation and calls onCanceled
constrainNewLocation (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in ConstrainedDragHandlerApplies the constraints for the new location.
dragFinished (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in ConstrainedDragHandlerHandles the finish operation and invokes onFinished
handleMove (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in ConstrainedDragHandlerHandles the move operation and subsequently calls onMoved
initializeDrag (IInputModeContext)in ConstrainedDragHandlerInitializes the drag operation and subsequently calls onInitialized
onCanceled (IInputModeContext, Point)in ConstrainedDragHandlerCalled when the cancelDrag method has been called.
onFinished (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in ConstrainedDragHandlerCalled when the dragFinished method has been called.
onInitialized (IInputModeContext, Point)in ConstrainedDragHandlerCalled when the initializeDrag method has been called.
onMoved (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in ConstrainedDragHandlerCalled when the handleMove operation has been performed.
cancelReshape (IInputModeContext, Rect)in ConstrainedReshapeHandlerCancels the move operation and calls onCanceled
constrainNewBounds (IInputModeContext, Rect, Rect)in ConstrainedReshapeHandlerApplies the constraints for the new bounds.
handleReshape (IInputModeContext, Rect, Rect)in ConstrainedReshapeHandlerHandles the reshape operation and subsequently calls onReshaped
initializeReshape (IInputModeContext)in ConstrainedReshapeHandlerInitializes the reshape operation and subsequently calls onInitialized
onCanceled (IInputModeContext, Rect)in ConstrainedReshapeHandlerCalled when the cancelReshape method has been called.
onFinished (IInputModeContext, Rect, Rect)in ConstrainedReshapeHandlerCalled when the reshapeFinished method has been called.
onInitialized (IInputModeContext, Rect)in ConstrainedReshapeHandlerCalled when the initializeReshape method has been called.
onReshaped (IInputModeContext, Rect, Rect)in ConstrainedReshapeHandlerCalled when the handleReshape operation has been performed.
reshapeFinished (IInputModeContext, Rect, Rect)in ConstrainedReshapeHandlerHandles the finish operation and invokes onFinished
install (IInputModeContext, ConcurrencyController)in ContextMenuInputModeInstalls this mode in the canvas.
uninstall (IInputModeContext)in ContextMenuInputModeRemoves the menu from the context and replaces it with the old instance.
install (IInputModeContext, ConcurrencyController)in CreateBendInputModeInstalls this mode into the given context that is provided by the canvas.
uninstall (IInputModeContext)in CreateBendInputModeUninstalls this mode from the given context.
CreateEdgeInputMode ()in CreateEdgeInputModeCreates a new instance that will use the IGraph from the inputModeContext to create edges in.
install (IInputModeContext, ConcurrencyController)in CreateEdgeInputModeInstalls this mode into the given context that is provided by the canvas.
uninstall (IInputModeContext)in CreateEdgeInputModeUninstalls this mode from the given context.
createBend (IInputModeContext, IGraph, IEdge, Point)in DefaultBendCreator
createInstance (IInputModeContext, IGraph, IPortLocationModelParameter, IPortStyle, Object)in DefaultPortCandidateActually creates the IPort instance.
createPort (IInputModeContext)in DefaultPortCandidateThis implementation will throw a NotSupportedError if the validity is DYNAMIC.
getPortCandidateAt (IInputModeContext, Point)in DefaultPortCandidateReturns a candidate that is derived from this instance that best fits the provided location.
findTemplate (IInputModeContext, StripeVisualizationType)in DefaultStripeInputVisualizationHelperProvide a IVisualTemplate that is used to visualize type.
getVisualCreator (IInputModeContext, INode, StripeVisualizationType)in DefaultStripeInputVisualizationHelperReturn an IVisualCreator that is used to visualize the input operation specified by type.
install (IInputModeContext, ConcurrencyController)in DropInputModeInstalls this mode into the given canvas.
uninstall (IInputModeContext)in DropInputModeUninstalls this mode from the canvas.
getLabelParameter (IInputModeContext, ILabelOwner)in EditLabelHelperDetermines the label model parameter to use for the label, depending on the owner.
getLabelStyle (IInputModeContext, ILabelOwner)in EditLabelHelperDetermines the style to use for the label, depending on the owner.
getPreferredSize (IInputModeContext, ILabel)in EditLabelHelperGets the preferred size for the label.
install (IInputModeContext, ConcurrencyController)in FocusGuardInputModeInstalls this mode into the given context that is provided by the canvas.
uninstall (IInputModeContext)in FocusGuardInputModeUninstalls this mode from the given context.
GraphEditorInputMode ()in GraphEditorInputModeCreates a new instance that is not bound to an existing graph or selection, initially.
clickCreateNode (IInputModeContext, Point)in GraphEditorInputModeCreates a node on click.
editLabelCore (ILabel, function(IInputModeContext, TextEditorInputMode, ILabel):void)in GraphEditorInputModeCore label edit method - opens a new textEditorInputMode input field.
install (IInputModeContext, ConcurrencyController)in GraphEditorInputModeInstalls this mode into the provided context.
snapToGrid (IInputModeContext, INode)in GraphEditorInputModeSnaps the node to the grid using the IGridConstraintProvider<T> for INodes queried from the given context.
uninstall (IInputModeContext)in GraphEditorInputMode
clickClearSelection (IInputModeContext)in GraphInputModeClears the selection on click if the click is not recognized by multiSelectionRecognizer.
createSelectionEventArgs (IInputModeContext)in GraphInputModeHelper method that yields a suitably configured SelectionEventArgs<T> using the graphSelection for this input mode.
findItems (IInputModeContext, Point, GraphItemTypes, function(IModelItem):boolean?)in GraphInputModeUsed as a callback to find the items hit underneath a certain point.
handleClickListener (IInputModeContext, IModelItem, Point)in GraphInputModeCalled by click to query the item for an IClickListener in its lookup and handle it appropriately.
install (IInputModeContext, ConcurrencyController)in GraphInputMode
onLassoSelect (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath)in GraphInputModePerforms lasso-selection with the given path.
onLassoSelectItems (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath, IEnumerable<IModelItem>, function(IModelItem):boolean)in GraphInputModeSelects the given elements in the editor inside the provided lasso-selection path.
onMarqueeSelect (IInputModeContext, Rect)in GraphInputModePerforms marquee selection with the given rectangle.
onMarqueeSelectItems (IInputModeContext, Rect, IEnumerable<IModelItem>, function(IModelItem):boolean?)in GraphInputModeSelects the given elements in the editor inside the provided marquee-selection rectangle.
uninstall (IInputModeContext)in GraphInputMode
initializeDrag (IInputModeContext, Point)in GraphSnapContextCalled by IInputMode implementations when an interactive drag is started.
wrapContext (IInputModeContext)in GraphSnapContext
snapToGrid (IInputModeContext, T, IMutablePoint, SnapPolicy, SnapPolicy)in GridConstraintProvider
cancelDrag (IInputModeContext, Point)in GroupingNodePositionHandler
dragFinished (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in GroupingNodePositionHandler
handleMove (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in GroupingNodePositionHandler
initializeDrag (IInputModeContext)in GroupingNodePositionHandler
setCurrentParent (IInputModeContext, INode, INode)in GroupingNodePositionHandlerSets a temporary visual parent for the node during reparenting.
handleClick (IInputModeContext, ClickEventArgs, IHandle)in HandleInputModeCalls handleClick of the handle with the evt.
install (IInputModeContext, ConcurrencyController)in HandleInputModeInstalls the visual representation of the handles into the canvas into the inputModeGroup.
uninstall (IInputModeContext)in HandleInputModeRemoves the ICanvasObject that displays the handles from the canvas.
create (function(IInputModeContext, IGraph, IEdge, Point):number)in IBendCreatorCreates an implementation of the interface IBendCreator by using the given function as implementation for its createBend method.
createBend (IInputModeContext, IGraph, IEdge, Point)in IBendCreatorCreates a bend at the given graph for the given edge at the position supplied.
create ()in IBendGridConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IBendGridConstraintProvider from the given definition.
create (function(IInputModeContext, Point):IEnumerable<IBend>)in IBendHitTesterCreates an implementation of the interface IBendHitTester by using the given function as implementation for its enumerateHits method.
create ()in IBendSelectionTesterCreates an implementation of the interface IBendSelectionTester from the given definition.
getBendsInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in IBendSelectionTesterReturns the bends within the given rectangle.
getHitBend (IInputModeContext, Point)in IBendSelectionTesterReturns the bend at the given world coordinate position.
create ()in IClickListenerCreates an implementation of the interface IClickListener from the given definition.
onClicked (IInputModeContext, Point)in IClickListenerCalled by the framework to indicate that the IModelItem has been clicked by the user at the specified location.
contains (IInputModeContext, IBend)in IContainsBendTesterDetermines whether the provided bend is deemed to lie within the shape this test is implemented for.
cancelDrag (IInputModeContext, Point)in IDragHandlerCalled by clients to indicate that the dragging has been canceled by the user.
create ()in IDragHandlerCreates an implementation of the interface IDragHandler from the given definition.
dragFinished (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in IDragHandlerCalled by clients to indicate that the repositioning has just been finished.
handleMove (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in IDragHandlerCalled by clients to indicate that the element has been dragged and its position should be updated.
initializeDrag (IInputModeContext)in IDragHandlerCalled by clients to indicate that the element is going to be dragged.
create (function(IInputModeContext, Point):IEnumerable<IEdge>)in IEdgeHitTesterCreates an implementation of the interface IEdgeHitTester by using the given function as implementation for its enumerateHits method.
create (function(IInputModeContext, IEdge, boolean):IHandle)in IEdgePortHandleProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IEdgePortHandleProvider by using the given function as implementation for its getHandle method.
getHandle (IInputModeContext, IEdge, boolean)in IEdgePortHandleProviderGets an IHandle implementation for one end of the provided edge.
create ()in IEdgeReconnectionPortCandidateProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IEdgeReconnectionPortCandidateProvider from the given definition.
getSourcePortCandidates (IInputModeContext)in IEdgeReconnectionPortCandidateProviderReturns all source port candidates that may be used for the edge.
getTargetPortCandidates (IInputModeContext)in IEdgeReconnectionPortCandidateProviderReturns all source port candidates that may be used for the edge.
create ()in IGridConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IGridConstraintProvider<T> from the given definition.
snapToGrid (IInputModeContext, T, IMutablePoint, SnapPolicy, SnapPolicy)in IGridConstraintProviderPerforms the actual snapping to grid coordinates.
create ()in IHandleCreates an implementation of the interface IHandle from the given definition.
create (function(IInputModeContext):IEnumerable<IHandle>)in IHandleProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IHandleProvider by using the given function as implementation for its getHandles method.
getHandles (IInputModeContext)in IHandleProviderReturns a collection of zero or more IHandle implementations that are associated with this instance.
create (function(IInputModeContext, Point):boolean)in IHitTestableWrap a handler into an interface.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in IHitTestableDetermines if something has been hit at the given coordinates in the world coordinate system.
create (function(IInputModeContext, Point):IEnumerable<T>)in IHitTesterCreates an implementation of the interface IHitTester<T> by using the given function as implementation for its enumerateHits method.
enumerateHits (IInputModeContext, Point)in IHitTesterYields an enumerable that enumerates the hits for a given world coordinate.
install (IInputModeContext, ConcurrencyController)in IInputModeInstalls this mode into the given context that is provided by the canvas.
uninstall (IInputModeContext)in IInputModeUninstalls this mode from the given context.
createInputModeContext (IInputMode, IInputModeContext, ILookup)in IInputModeContextFactory method that creates an IInputModeContext that uses the provided parent mode, parent context, and lookup decoration.
createInputModeContext (IInputMode, IInputModeContext, function(Object, Class):Object)in IInputModeContextFactory method that creates an IInputModeContext that uses the provided parent mode, parent context, and lookup decoration.
create ()in ILabelGridConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface ILabelGridConstraintProvider from the given definition.
create (function(IInputModeContext, Point):IEnumerable<ILabel>)in ILabelHitTesterCreates an implementation of the interface ILabelHitTester by using the given function as implementation for its enumerateHits method.
create ()in ILabelOwnerGridConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface ILabelOwnerGridConstraintProvider from the given definition.
create (function(IInputModeContext, Point):IEnumerable<ILabelOwner>)in ILabelOwnerHitTesterCreates an implementation of the interface ILabelOwnerHitTester by using the given function as implementation for its enumerateHits method.
addSnapLines (LabelSnapContext, IInputModeContext, ILabel)in ILabelSnapContextHelperCalled during initialization of a label dragging to add snap lines to which the label can potentially snap to the snapContext.
create ()in ILabelSnapContextHelperCreates an implementation of the interface ILabelSnapContextHelper from the given definition.
create (function(IInputModeContext, GeneralPath):boolean)in ILassoTestableCreates an implementation of the interface ILassoTestable by using the given function as implementation for its isInPath method.
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath)in ILassoTestableReturns true if the corresponding item is considered to intersect the given path.
create (function(IInputModeContext, Rect):boolean)in IMarqueeTestableCreates an implementation of the interface IMarqueeTestable by using the given function as implementation for its isInBox method.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in IMarqueeTestableReturns true if the corresponding item is considered to intersect the given rectangular box.
create ()in INodeGridConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface INodeGridConstraintProvider from the given definition.
create (function(IInputModeContext, Point):IEnumerable<INode>)in INodeHitTesterCreates an implementation of the interface INodeHitTester by using the given function as implementation for its enumerateHits method.
cleanUpEdge (IInputModeContext, IGraph, IEdge)in IOrthogonalEdgeHelperInvoked after the provided edge has been edited orthogonally.
create ()in IOrthogonalEdgeHelperCreates an implementation of the interface IOrthogonalEdgeHelper from the given definition.
getSegmentOrientation (IInputModeContext, IEdge, number)in IOrthogonalEdgeHelperGets the declared orientation of the given segment at the provided edge.
shouldEditOrthogonally (IInputModeContext, IEdge)in IOrthogonalEdgeHelperDetermines whether the provided edge should be edited orthogonally in the specified input mode context.
shouldMoveEndImplicitly (IInputModeContext, IEdge, boolean)in IOrthogonalEdgeHelperDetermines whether this end of the provided edge can be moved in the input mode context.
createPort (IInputModeContext)in IPortCandidateIf the client decides to use this port candidate, this method will serve as a factory to create the instance.
getPortCandidateAt (IInputModeContext, Point)in IPortCandidateReturns a candidate that is derived from this instance that best fits the provided location.
create ()in IPortCandidateProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IPortCandidateProvider from the given definition.
getAllSourcePortCandidates (IInputModeContext)in IPortCandidateProviderReturns all source port candidates that belong to the context of this provider.
getAllTargetPortCandidates (IInputModeContext)in IPortCandidateProviderReturns all target port candidates that belong to the context of this provider.
getSourcePortCandidates (IInputModeContext, IPortCandidate)in IPortCandidateProviderReturns all port candidates that apply for the provided opposite port candidate.
getTargetPortCandidates (IInputModeContext, IPortCandidate)in IPortCandidateProviderReturns all port candidates that apply for the provided opposite port candidate.
create ()in IPortGridConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IPortGridConstraintProvider from the given definition.
create (function(IInputModeContext, Point):IEnumerable<IPort>)in IPortHitTesterCreates an implementation of the interface IPortHitTester by using the given function as implementation for its enumerateHits method.
create ()in IPortSelectionTesterCreates an implementation of the interface IPortSelectionTester from the given definition.
getHitPort (IInputModeContext, Point)in IPortSelectionTesterReturns the port at the given world coordinate position or null if there is no such port.
getPortsInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in IPortSelectionTesterReturns the ports for the given marquee rectangle.
create ()in IPositionHandlerCreates an implementation of the interface IPositionHandler from the given definition.
create ()in IReparentNodeHandlerCreates an implementation of the interface IReparentNodeHandler from the given definition.
isReparentGesture (IInputModeContext, INode)in IReparentNodeHandlerDetermines whether the current gesture that can be determined through the context is a reparent gesture.
isValidParent (IInputModeContext, INode, INode)in IReparentNodeHandlerDetermines whether the provided node may be reparented to a newParent.
reparent (IInputModeContext, INode, INode)in IReparentNodeHandlerPerforms the actual reparenting after the reparent gesture has been finalized.
shouldReparent (IInputModeContext, INode)in IReparentNodeHandlerDetermines whether the user may detach the given node from its current parent in order to reparent it.
create ()in IReparentStripeHandlerCreates an implementation of the interface IReparentStripeHandler from the given definition.
isValidParent (IInputModeContext, IStripe, IStripe, number, StripeReparentPolicy)in IReparentStripeHandlerDetermines whether the provided node may be reparented to a newParent.
reparent (IInputModeContext, IStripe, IStripe, number, StripeReparentPolicy)in IReparentStripeHandlerPerforms the actual reparenting after the reparent gesture has been finalized.
shouldReparent (IInputModeContext, IStripe)in IReparentStripeHandlerDetermines whether the user may detach the given stripe from its current parent in order to reparent it.
create ()in IReshapeHandleProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IReshapeHandleProvider from the given definition.
getAvailableHandles (IInputModeContext)in IReshapeHandleProviderReturns a bitwise combination of all of the HandlePositions this interface can provide an implementation for.
getHandle (IInputModeContext, HandlePositions)in IReshapeHandleProviderReturns an implementation of an IHandle for the given position, that can be used to reshape an object.
cancelReshape (IInputModeContext, Rect)in IReshapeHandlerCalled by clients to indicate that the reshaping has been canceled by the user.
create ()in IReshapeHandlerCreates an implementation of the interface IReshapeHandler from the given definition.
handleReshape (IInputModeContext, Rect, Rect)in IReshapeHandlerCalled by clients to indicate that the element has been dragged and its position should be updated.
initializeReshape (IInputModeContext)in IReshapeHandlerCalled by clients to indicate that the element is going to be reshaped.
reshapeFinished (IInputModeContext, Rect, Rect)in IReshapeHandlerCalled by clients to indicate that the reshaping has just been finished.
create (function(IInputModeContext, INode, StripeVisualizationType):IVisualCreator)in IStripeInputVisualizationHelperCreates an implementation of the interface IStripeInputVisualizationHelper by using the given function as implementation for its getVisualCreator method.
getVisualCreator (IInputModeContext, INode, StripeVisualizationType)in IStripeInputVisualizationHelperReturn an IVisualCreator that is used to visualize the input operation specified by type.
createInputModeEventArgs (IInputModeContext)in InputModeBaseHelper method that yields a suitably configured InputModeEventArgs for this input mode.
install (IInputModeContext, ConcurrencyController)in InputModeBaseInstalls this mode into a CanvasComponent using the provided IInputModeContext.
uninstall (IInputModeContext)in InputModeBaseUninstalls this mode from the canvas.
InputModeEventArgs (IInputModeContext)in InputModeEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the InputModeEventArgs class.
ItemClickedEventArgs (T, IInputModeContext, Point, ModifierKeys?, MouseButtons?, number?)in ItemClickedEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the ItemClickedEventArgs<T> class.
ItemDropInputMode (string, )in ItemDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the ItemDropInputMode<T> class for the expected data type.
ItemDropInputMode (string, )in ItemDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the ItemDropInputMode<T> class for the expected data type.
install (IInputModeContext, ConcurrencyController)in ItemHoverInputModeInstalls this mode into the given context that is provided by the canvas.
uninstall (IInputModeContext)in ItemHoverInputModeUninstalls this mode from the given context.
ItemTappedEventArgs (T, IInputModeContext, Point, number?)in ItemTappedEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the ItemTappedEventArgs<T> class.
install (IInputModeContext, ConcurrencyController)in KeyboardInputModeInstalls this mode into the given context that is provided by the canvas.
uninstall (IInputModeContext)in KeyboardInputModeUninstalls this mode from the given context.
LabelDropInputMode (string, )in LabelDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class DropInputMode for the expected data type.
LabelDropInputMode (string, )in LabelDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class DropInputMode for the expected data type.
LabelDropInputMode ()in LabelDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class LabelDropInputMode for the type ILabel.
createLabel (IInputModeContext, IGraph, ILabel, ILabelOwner, ILabelModelParameter)in LabelDropInputModeCreates the label in the graph after it's been dropped.
LabelEditingEventArgs (IInputModeContext, ILabelOwner, ILabel)in LabelEditingEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the LabelEditingEventArgs class with the given context, owner, and label.
cancelDrag (IInputModeContext, Point)in LabelPositionHandler
createCandidateDescriptor (IInputModeContext, boolean)in LabelPositionHandlerCreates an ICanvasObjectDescriptor to display the given candidate position.
dragFinished (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in LabelPositionHandler
handleMove (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in LabelPositionHandler
initializeDrag (IInputModeContext)in LabelPositionHandler
useParameterFinder (IInputModeContext)in LabelPositionHandlerDetermines whether to use a ILabelModelParameterFinder to find the best candidate.
initializeDrag (IInputModeContext, Point)in LabelSnapContext
wrapContext (IInputModeContext)in LabelSnapContext
addEdgePathSnapLines (LabelSnapContext, IInputModeContext, ILabel)in LabelSnapContextHelperAdds snap lines to the snapContext that are parallel to the path segments of the owner edge at particular distances.
addEdgePathSnapLines (LabelSnapContext, IInputModeContext, ILabel, number)in LabelSnapContextHelperAdds snap lines to the snapContext that are parallel to the path segments of the owner edge at the given distance.
addInitialLocationSnapLines (LabelSnapContext, IInputModeContext, ILabel)in LabelSnapContextHelperAdds two snap line for the initial center location of the label, one in the direction of the up vector, the other orthogonal to that direction.
addNodeShapeSnapLines (LabelSnapContext, IInputModeContext, ILabel)in LabelSnapContextHelperAdds snap lines to the snapContext that are parallel to the owner node's border at particular distances.
addPortSnapLines (LabelSnapContext, IInputModeContext, ILabel)in LabelSnapContextHelperAdds horizontal and vertical snap lines to the snapContext that are originating from the label's owner port if the label's owner is a port.
addSnapLines (LabelSnapContext, IInputModeContext, ILabel)in LabelSnapContextHelperCalled during initialization of a label dragging to add snap lines to which the label can potentially snap to the snapContext.
LabelTextValidatingEventArgs (IInputModeContext, ILabel, string)in LabelTextValidatingEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the LabelTextValidatingEventArgs class.
install (IInputModeContext, ConcurrencyController)in LassoSelectionInputModeInstalls this mode into the given context that is provided by the canvas.
uninstall (IInputModeContext)in LassoSelectionInputModeUninstalls this mode from the given context.
install (IInputModeContext, ConcurrencyController)in MarqueeSelectionInputModeInstalls this mode into the given context that is provided by the canvas.
uninstall (IInputModeContext)in MarqueeSelectionInputModeUninstalls this mode from the given context.
install (IInputModeContext, ConcurrencyController)in MouseHoverInputModeInstalls this mode into the given context that is provided by the canvas.
uninstall (IInputModeContext)in MouseHoverInputModeUninstalls this mode from the given context.
install (IInputModeContext, ConcurrencyController)in MoveInputModeInstalls this mode into the given context that is provided by the canvas.
uninstall (IInputModeContext)in MoveInputModeUninstalls this mode from the given context.
getHitLabel (IInputModeContext, Point)in MoveLabelInputModeLooks for a label that has been hit at the specified position.
isValidLabelHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in MoveLabelInputModeDetermines whether or not a valid label has been hit at the specified position.
shouldMove (IInputModeContext, ILabel)in MoveLabelInputModeDetermines whether or not a label is allowed to be moved.
install (IInputModeContext, ConcurrencyController)in MoveViewportInputModeInstalls this mode into the given context that is provided by the canvas.
uninstall (IInputModeContext)in MoveViewportInputModeUninstalls this mode from the given context that is provided by the canvas.
createInputModeEventArgs (IInputModeContext)in MultiplexingInputModeHelper method that yields a suitably configured InputModeEventArgs for this input mode.
install (IInputModeContext, ConcurrencyController)in MultiplexingInputMode
uninstall (IInputModeContext)in MultiplexingInputMode
findNearestItem (IInputModeContext, Point, MoveFocusDirection, IEnumerable<IModelItem>)in NavigationInputModeDetermines the nearest item in the given direction.
findNextItem (IInputModeContext, MoveFocusDirection)in NavigationInputModeDetermines the next item when a navigation command is executed.
install (IInputModeContext, ConcurrencyController)in NavigationInputModeInstalls this mode into the given context that is provided by the canvas.
uninstall (IInputModeContext)in NavigationInputModeUninstalls this mode from the given context.
NodeDropInputMode ()in NodeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the NodeDropInputMode class for INodes.
NodeDropInputMode (string, )in NodeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the NodeDropInputMode class for the expected data type.
NodeDropInputMode (string, )in NodeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the NodeDropInputMode class for the expected data type.
createNode (IInputModeContext, IGraph, INode, IModelItem, Rect)in NodeDropInputModeCreates the node in the graph after it's been dropped.
getHandle (IInputModeContext, HandlePositions)in NodeReshapeHandleProviderProvides a NodeReshapeHandlerHandle that uses the reshapeHandler to perform the actual reshaping.
cancelDrag (IInputModeContext, Point)in NodeReshapeHandlerHandle
dragFinished (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in NodeReshapeHandlerHandle
handleMove (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in NodeReshapeHandlerHandle
initializeDrag (IInputModeContext)in NodeReshapeHandlerHandle
createOrthogonalEdgeDragHandler (IInputModeContext, IPortOwner, boolean)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextCreates an OrthogonalEdgeDragHandler that keeps the orthogonal edges attached to portOwner orthogonal while the port owner is moved or reshaped interactively.
initializeDrag (IInputModeContext)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextCalled by client code when a drag is started about to be started.
isOrthogonallyEditedEdge (IInputModeContext, IEdge)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextCalled by IDragHandlers and the like to determines whether the given edge is orthogonally edited edge in the specified input mode context.
canRemoveBend (IInputModeContext, IBend)in OrthogonalEdgeHelperReturns whether the given bend can be removed.
cleanUpEdge (IInputModeContext, IGraph, IEdge)in OrthogonalEdgeHelperInvoked after the provided edge has been edited orthogonally.
getSegmentOrientation (IInputModeContext, IEdge, number)in OrthogonalEdgeHelperGets the orientation of the given segment by looking at the geometry of the segment.
shouldEditOrthogonally (IInputModeContext, IEdge)in OrthogonalEdgeHelperDetermines whether the provided edge should be edited orthogonally in the specified input mode context.
shouldMoveEndImplicitly (IInputModeContext, IEdge, boolean)in OrthogonalEdgeHelperDetermines whether this end of the provided edge can be moved in the input mode context.
install (IInputModeContext, ConcurrencyController)in OverviewInputModeInstalls this mode into the given context that is provided by the canvas.
uninstall (IInputModeContext)in OverviewInputModeUninstalls this mode from the given context.
PopulateItemContextMenuEventArgs (IInputModeContext, Point, TModelItem)in PopulateItemContextMenuEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the PopulateItemContextMenuEventArgs<TModelItem> class.
PopulateMenuEventArgs (IInputModeContext, Point)in PopulateMenuEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the PopulateMenuEventArgs class.
createInstance (IInputModeContext, DefaultPortCandidate)in PortCandidateProviderBaseCallback method used by the ports created using the factory methods createCandidate.
getAllSourcePortCandidates (IInputModeContext)in PortCandidateProviderBaseReturns all source port candidates that belong to the context of this provider.
getAllTargetPortCandidates (IInputModeContext)in PortCandidateProviderBaseReturns all target port candidates that belong to the context of this provider.
getPortCandidateAt (IInputModeContext, DefaultPortCandidate, Point)in PortCandidateProviderBaseCallback method used by the ports created using the factory methods createCandidate.
getPortCandidates (IInputModeContext)in PortCandidateProviderBaseCreates an enumeration of possibly port candidates.
getSourcePortCandidates (IInputModeContext, IPortCandidate)in PortCandidateProviderBaseReturns all port candidates that apply for the provided opposite port candidate.
getTargetPortCandidates (IInputModeContext, IPortCandidate)in PortCandidateProviderBaseReturns all port candidates that apply for the provided opposite port candidate.
PortDropInputMode (string, )in PortDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class DropInputMode for the expected data type.
PortDropInputMode (string, )in PortDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class DropInputMode for the expected data type.
PortDropInputMode ()in PortDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class PortDropInputMode for the type IPort.
createPort (IInputModeContext, IGraph, IPort, IPortOwner, IPortLocationModelParameter)in PortDropInputModeCreates the port in the graph after it's been dropped.
cancelDrag (IInputModeContext, Point)in PortLocationModelParameterHandle
dragFinished (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in PortLocationModelParameterHandle
getGraph (IInputModeContext)in PortLocationModelParameterHandleGets the graph to use for setting the parameter from the context.
handleMove (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in PortLocationModelParameterHandle
initializeDrag (IInputModeContext)in PortLocationModelParameterHandle
cancelDrag (IInputModeContext, Point)in PortRelocationHandle
dragFinished (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in PortRelocationHandle
filterCandidates (IInputModeContext, Point, IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>)in PortRelocationHandleFilters the given allCandidates to return the subset of candidates which are relevant at the given location.
getClosestCandidate (IInputModeContext, Point, IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>)in PortRelocationHandleFinds the closest candidate from the given set of candidates.
getCurrentOwner (IInputModeContext, Point)in PortRelocationHandleGets the IPortOwner at the given location.
getGraph (IInputModeContext)in PortRelocationHandleGets the graph to use from the context.
getPort (IInputModeContext, IPortCandidate, Point)in PortRelocationHandleCalled during dragFinished to actually get the new port from the chosen candidate.
getPortCandidates (IInputModeContext, IEdge, boolean)in PortRelocationHandleGets the possible candidates for the given edge.
getPortCandidatesDuringMove (IInputModeContext, IEdge, boolean)in PortRelocationHandleRetrieves the port candidates during handleMove.
handleMove (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in PortRelocationHandle
hideOriginalEdge (IInputModeContext, IEdge)in PortRelocationHandleHides the original edge that during the drag operation.
initializeDrag (IInputModeContext)in PortRelocationHandle
isPortCandidateResolutionEnabled (IInputModeContext)in PortRelocationHandleDetermines whether port candidate resolution is enabled for the current gesture.
resolveCandidate (IInputModeContext, IPortCandidate, Point)in PortRelocationHandleTries to resolve a dynamic port candidate for the given location.
setPort (IInputModeContext, IEdge, boolean, IPortCandidate, Point)in PortRelocationHandleTriggered by dragFinished to actually change the port.
setPorts (IInputModeContext, IEdge, IPort, IPort)in PortRelocationHandleFinally sets the ports for the edge to the new values.
getHandle (IInputModeContext, IEdge, boolean)in PortRelocationHandleProvider
getHandles (IInputModeContext)in PortRelocationHandleProvider
getHandles (IInputModeContext)in PortsHandleProviderReturns a collection of zero or more IHandle implementations that are associated with the ports of this context.
QueryClosestHandleEventArgs (IInputModeContext, Point)in QueryClosestHandleEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the QueryClosestHandleEventArgs class.
QueryItemToolTipEventArgs (IInputModeContext, Point, TModelItem)in QueryItemToolTipEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the QueryItemToolTipEventArgs<TModelItem> class.
QueryPositionHandlerEventArgs (IInputModeContext, Point)in QueryPositionHandlerEventArgsInstantiates a new QueryPositionHandlerEventArgs
cancelDrag (IInputModeContext, Point)in RectangleHandleDelegates the original values to set
dragFinished (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in RectangleHandleThis implementation does nothing.
handleMove (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in RectangleHandleDelegates to set.
initializeDrag (IInputModeContext)in RectangleHandleThis implementation does nothing.
getHandle (IInputModeContext, HandlePositions)in RectangleReshapeHandleProviderProvides a IHandle that uses the rectangle instance to perform the actual reshaping.
isReparentGesture (IInputModeContext, INode)in ReparentNodeHandler
isValidParent (IInputModeContext, INode, INode)in ReparentNodeHandler
reparent (IInputModeContext, INode, INode)in ReparentNodeHandler
shouldReparent (IInputModeContext, INode)in ReparentNodeHandler
adjustSize (IInputModeContext, IStripe, IStripe, StripeReparentPolicy, number, number, number)in ReparentStripeHandlerAdjust the size of the source or the target stripe.
isValidParent (IInputModeContext, IStripe, IStripe, number, StripeReparentPolicy)in ReparentStripeHandlerChecks the constraints imposed by maxRowLevel or maxColumnLevel for a valid gesture.
reparent (IInputModeContext, IStripe, IStripe, number, StripeReparentPolicy)in ReparentStripeHandlerPerforms the actual reparenting after the reparent gesture has been finalized.
shouldReparent (IInputModeContext, IStripe)in ReparentStripeHandlerDetermines whether the user may detach the given stripe from its current parent in order to reparent it.
cancelDrag (IInputModeContext, Point)in ReparentStripePositionHandler
createSourceGhost (IInputModeContext)in ReparentStripePositionHandlerCreate a ghost object for the source region of the reparent gesture.
createTargetGhost (IInputModeContext, IStripe)in ReparentStripePositionHandlerCreate a ghost visualization for the target region of the reparent gesture.
determineGesture (IInputModeContext, IPoint, IStripe, StripeSubregion, Rect)in ReparentStripePositionHandlerDetermine the reparent gesture that would result from the given parameters.
dragFinished (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in ReparentStripePositionHandler
handleMove (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in ReparentStripePositionHandler
initializeDrag (IInputModeContext)in ReparentStripePositionHandler
updateSourceGhost (IInputModeContext, ICanvasObject, IStripe, StripeReparentPolicy)in ReparentStripePositionHandlerUpdates the source ghost visualization after a drag.
updateTargetGhost (IInputModeContext, ICanvasObject, IStripe, StripeReparentPolicy, Rect)in ReparentStripePositionHandlerModifies the target ghost visualization after a drag.
getAvailableHandles (IInputModeContext)in ReshapeHandleProviderBaseReturns the handlePositions property.
getHandle (IInputModeContext, HandlePositions)in ReshapeHandleProviderBaseProvides a IHandle that uses the rectangle and reshapeable instance bound to this instance to perform the actual reshaping.
cancelDrag (IInputModeContext, Point)in ReshapeHandlerHandleDelegates the cancel request to the IReshapeHandler.
dragFinished (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in ReshapeHandlerHandleDelegates the finish request to the IReshapeHandler using the last bounds calculated by handleMove.
handleMove (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in ReshapeHandlerHandleTranslates the move request into new bounds and delegates applying the new bounds to the handleReshape method.
initializeDrag (IInputModeContext)in ReshapeHandlerHandle
install (IInputModeContext, ConcurrencyController)in ResizeStripeInputModeInstalls this mode into the given context that is provided by the canvas.
uninstall (IInputModeContext)in ResizeStripeInputModeUninstalls this mode from the given context.
SelectionEventArgs (IInputModeContext, ISelectionModel<T>)in SelectionEventArgsCreates a new instance.
initializeDrag (IInputModeContext, Point)in SnapContextCalled by IInputMode implementations when an interactive drag is started.
wrapContext (IInputModeContext)in SnapContextHelper method that wraps the given context so that a lookup query on the wrapped context for the SnapContext type yields this instance.
StripeDropInputMode ()in StripeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the NodeDropInputMode class for INodes.
StripeDropInputMode (string, )in StripeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the StripeDropInputMode class for the expected data type.
StripeDropInputMode (string, )in StripeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the StripeDropInputMode class for the expected data type.
createStripe (IInputModeContext, IStripe, IStripe)in StripeDropInputModeCreate a new stripe as the result of a drag and drop gesture.
enumerateHits (IInputModeContext, Point, INode)in StripeHitTesterReturn a collection of hits at location.
install (IInputModeContext, ConcurrencyController)in TableEditorInputMode
uninstall (IInputModeContext)in TableEditorInputMode
TableItemClickedEventArgs (T, StripeSubregion, INode, IInputModeContext, Point, ModifierKeys, MouseButtons, number)in TableItemClickedEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the TableItemClickedEventArgs<T> class.
TableItemTappedEventArgs (T, StripeSubregion, INode, IInputModeContext, Point, number)in TableItemTappedEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the TableItemTappedEventArgs<T> class.
cancelReshape (IInputModeContext, Rect)in TableReshapeHandler
handleReshape (IInputModeContext, Rect, Rect)in TableReshapeHandler
initializeReshape (IInputModeContext)in TableReshapeHandler
reshapeFinished (IInputModeContext, Rect, Rect)in TableReshapeHandler
TapEventArgs (IInputModeContext, Point, number?, Event?)in TapEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the TapEventArgs class.
install (IInputModeContext, ConcurrencyController)in TapInputModeInstalls this mode into the given context that is provided by the canvas.
uninstall (IInputModeContext)in TapInputModeUninstalls this mode from the given context.
install (IInputModeContext, ConcurrencyController)in TextEditorInputModeInstalls this mode into the given context that is provided by the canvas.
uninstall (IInputModeContext)in TextEditorInputModeUninstalls this mode from the given context.
TextEventArgs (IInputModeContext, string)in TextEventArgsCreates a new instance.
ToolTipQueryEventArgs (IInputModeContext, Point)in ToolTipQueryEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the ToolTipQueryEventArgs class.
install (IInputModeContext, ConcurrencyController)in WaitInputModeInstalls this mode into the given context that is provided by the canvas.
uninstall (IInputModeContext)in WaitInputModeUninstalls this mode from the given context.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in ArrowNodeStyleRenderer
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in ArrowNodeStyleRenderer
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath)in ArrowNodeStyleRenderer
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in BevelNodeStyleRenderer
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in BevelNodeStyleRendererTests the node using the current style for an intersection with the given box.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in BezierEdgeStyleRenderer
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererDelegates to the getWrappedStyle and checks the button.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererDelegates to the getWrappedStyle.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in DefaultLabelStyleRenderer
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in DefaultLabelStyleRenderer
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point, IEdge)in EdgeStyleBaseDetermines whether the visual representation of the edge has been hit at the given location.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect, IEdge)in EdgeStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified edge is included in the marquee selection.
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath, IEdge)in EdgeStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified edge is included in the lasso selection.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in GeneralPathNodeStyleRenderer
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in GeneralPathNodeStyleRenderer
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath)in GeneralPathNodeStyleRenderer
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in GroupNodeStyleRenderer
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in GroupNodeStyleRendererTests the node using the current style for an intersection with the given box.
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath)in GroupNodeStyleRendererTests the node using the current style for an intersection with the the given path.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in IconLabelStyleRenderer
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in IconLabelStyleRenderer
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath)in IconLabelStyleRenderer
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in ImageNodeStyleRendererTries to use normalizedOutline to perform the hit test analysis, otherwise reverts to default (rectangular) behavior.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in ImageNodeStyleRendererTries to use the normalizedOutline to perform the marquee intersection analysis, otherwise reverts to default (rectangular) behavior.
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath)in ImageNodeStyleRendererTries to use the normalizedOutline to perform the lasso intersection analysis, otherwise reverts to default (rectangular) behavior.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point, ILabel)in LabelStyleBaseDetermines whether the visual representation of the label has been hit at the given location.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect, ILabel)in LabelStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified label is included in the marquee selection.
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath, ILabel)in LabelStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified label is included in the lasso selection.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point, INode)in NodeStyleBaseDetermines whether the visual representation of the node has been hit at the given location.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect, INode)in NodeStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified node is included in the marquee selection.
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath, INode)in NodeStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified node is included in the lasso selection.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in PanelNodeStyleRendererHit tests the node using the current style.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in PanelNodeStyleRendererTests the node using the current style for an intersection with the given box.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererThis method is overridden for performance reasons.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRenderer
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRenderer
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point, IPort)in PortStyleBaseDetermines whether the visual representation of the port has been hit at the given location.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect, IPort)in PortStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified port is included in the marquee selection.
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath, IPort)in PortStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified port is included in the lasso selection.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in RectangleNodeStyleRenderer
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in RectangleNodeStyleRendererTests the node using the current style for an intersection with the given box.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in ShapeNodeStyleRenderer
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in ShapeNodeStyleRendererTests the node using the current style for an intersection with the given box.
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath)in ShapeNodeStyleRenderer
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in ShinyPlateNodeStyleRenderer
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in ShinyPlateNodeStyleRendererTests the node using the current style for an intersection with the given box.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in TableNodeStyleRenderer
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in TableNodeStyleRenderer
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in TemplateLabelStyleRenderer
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in TemplateLabelStyleRenderer
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererTries to use the outline shape to perform the hit test analysis, otherwise reverts to default (rectangular) behavior.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererTries to use the outline shape to perform the marquee intersection analysis, otherwise reverts to default (rectangular) behavior.
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererTries to use the outline shape to perform the lasso intersection analysis, otherwise reverts to default (rectangular) behavior.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in TemplatePortStyleRenderer
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in TemplatePortStyleRenderer
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath)in TemplatePortStyleRenderer
hitElementsAt (IInputModeContext, Point, ICanvasObjectGroup?, function(ICanvasObject):boolean?)in CanvasComponentEnumerates all hit elements in the canvas below the given group that are accepted by a given filter using a specific ICanvasContext as the argument to the isHit method.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in DefaultPortCandidateDescriptor
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in DefaultPortCandidateDescriptor
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath)in DefaultPortCandidateDescriptor
GraphComponent (HTMLDivElement, )in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of the GraphComponent in the given div element.
GraphComponent ()in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of the GraphComponent.
GraphComponent (string, )in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of GraphComponent using the div element that is specified by the selector.
hitElementsAt (IInputModeContext, Point, ICanvasObjectGroup)in GraphModelManagerEnumerates hits on the canvas at a given world coordinate position for a given context.
typedHitElementsAt (Class, IInputModeContext, Point, ICanvasObjectGroup)in GraphModelManagerEnumerates hits on the canvas at a given world coordinate position in a given context.
hitElementsAt (IInputModeContext, Point, ICanvasObjectGroup)in WebGL2GraphModelManager
typedHitElementsAt (Class, IInputModeContext, Point, ICanvasObjectGroup)in WebGL2GraphModelManager