documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IEnumerable


edgesin GraphYields a dynamic IEnumerable<T> for Edges that can be used to iterate over the edges that are contained in this instance.
nodesin GraphYields a dynamic IEnumerable<T> for YNodes that can be used to iterate over the nodes that are contained in this instance.
edgesin YNodeYields a dynamic IEnumerable<T> for Edges that can be used to iterate over the adjacent edges at this instance.
inEdgesin YNodeYields a dynamic IEnumerable<T> for Edges that can be used to iterate over ingoing edges at this instance.
neighborsin YNodeYields a dynamic IEnumerable<T> for YNodes that can be used to iterate over the opposite sides of adjacent adjacent edges at this instance.
outEdgesin YNodeYields a dynamic IEnumerable<T> for Edges that can be used to iterate over outgoing edges at this instance.
predecessorsin YNodeYields a dynamic IEnumerable<T> for YNodes that can be used to iterate over the opposite sides of adjacent incoming edges at this instance.
successorsin YNodeYields a dynamic IEnumerable<T> for YNodes that can be used to iterate over the opposite sides of adjacent outgoing edges at this instance.
intersectionPointsin IntersectionGets a list of points that describe the intersecting area or line.
centroidsin KMeansClusteringGets or sets the initial centroids.
nodesin NodeAggregateReturns all nodes which are associated with this NodeAggregate or its descendants.
keysin ResultItemMappingGets all keys in this mapping.
valuesin ResultItemMappingGets all values in this mapping.
backingEnumerablein ListEnumerableGets the backing enumerable.
entriesin MapperGets an enumerable over all entries in this (dictionary based) mapper.
viewsin FoldingManagerGets all currently known view instances that are managed by this instance.
locationParametersin GenericPortLocationModelGets all parameters that are associated with this instance.
childColumnsin IColumnGets the child columns.
bendsin IGraphGets a live view of all bends contained in this IGraph.
edgeLabelsin IGraphGets a live view of all edge labels contained in this IGraph.
nodeLabelsin IGraphGets a live view of all node labels contained in this IGraph.
portLabelsin IGraphGets a live view of all port labels contained in this IGraph.
registeredTagsin IMapperRegistryGets an enumerable over all tags that have been used to register mapper implementations with this interface.
childRowsin IRowGets the child rows.
childStripesin IStripeGets the direct children of stripe in a table hierarchy.
descendantsin IStripeReturns a collection of all descendants of stripe.
leavesin IStripeReturns a collection of all descendants of stripe that are leaves and therefore don't have any child stripes.
registeredTagsin MapperRegistry
columnsin TableGets the toplevel IColumns in this table.
rowsin TableGets the toplevel IRows in this table.
entriesin CreationPropertiesGets all the entries stored by this instance.
dataTagAttributesin IOutputHandlerGets the XML attributes that should be added to the data element.
keyDefinitionAttributesin IOutputHandlerGets the XML attributes that should be added to the key definition in the GraphML key element.
internalHandlesin IReferenceHandlerGets a collection of all registered reference handles that should be written to the GraphML shared data section.
dataTagAttributesin OutputHandlerBase
keyDefinitionAttributesin OutputHandlerBase
handlersin QueryInputHandlersEventArgsGets the IInputHandlers that have been registered on this event argument instance so far.
handlersin QueryOutputHandlersEventArgsGets the IOutputHandlers that have been registered on this event argument instance so far.
alternativeEdgePathsin HierarchicLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to alternative paths for edges connecting to groups, group content or folder nodes.
additionalSnapLinesin GraphSnapContextGets the collection of additional OrthogonalSnapLines.
fixedNodeSnapLinesin GraphSnapContextGets the collection of OrthogonalSnapLines for fixed nodes.
fixedPortSnapLinesin GraphSnapContextGets the collection of OrthogonalSnapLines to which ports should be snapping.
fixedSegmentSnapLinesin GraphSnapContextGets the collection of OrthogonalSnapLines for fixed segments.
affectedItemsin HandleInputModeGets an immutable snapshot of the IModelItems affected by the currently modified handle gesture.
snapLinesin LabelSnapContextGets the collection of the snap lines that have been added to this context.
affectedItemsin MoveInputModeGets an immutable snapshot of the IModelItems affected by the currently active gesture.
addedBendsin OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextGets the previously registered added bends.
lockedPortEdgesin OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextGets the enumeration of IEdge instances whose ports have been locked at source and target end.
transformedPortOwnersin OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextGets the enumeration of IPortOwner instances that are being transformed during the edit.
edgePathsin GivenCoordinatesStageDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their initial edge paths.
sourcein ItemCollectionGet or sets an enumerable of items.
cellsin PartitionCellIdGets a collection of elements of type PartitionCellIdEntry.
columnsin PartitionGridGets the columns of the partition grid.
rowsin PartitionGridGets the rows of the partition grid.
sourcein SingleItemAn IEnumerable<T> of items, the first of which is used.
expandedNodeOriginalEdgePathsin ClearAreaLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping from edges adjacent to the expandedNode to their original edges paths, that is, their paths before the node was expanded.
worldPointsin SvgExportGets or sets the points in world coordinates which are enclosed in the exported area.


UNCONNECTED_PORTS_DP_KEYin LayoutExecutorAsyncWorkerA data provider key that can be used to retrieve information about unconnectedports of the original YNode or Edge.
UNCONNECTED_PORTS_DP_KEYin LayoutGraphAdapterA data provider key that can be used to look up the original unconnectedports of the original IPortOwner of an YNode or, in the case of edge-to-edge connections, an Edge.

Method Return Values

getMultipleEdges (boolean?)in GraphStructureAnalyzerDetermines the multiple edges of the directed or undirected graph.
getMultipleEdges (INode, boolean?)in GraphStructureAnalyzerDetermines the multiple edges adjacent to the given node of the directed or undirected graph.
getMultipleEdges (IEdge, boolean?)in GraphStructureAnalyzerDetermines the multiple edges between the source and target node of the given edge of the directed or undirected graph.
getTopologicalOrder ()in GraphStructureAnalyzerGets the nodes of the graph in topological order.
getBends (TDataItem)in EdgeCreatorObtains an Point array by resolving the bendsProvider.
getUpdatedBends (IGraph, IEdge, TDataItem)in EdgeCreatorResolves the bendsProvider on the given data item.
append (T)in IEnumerableCreates a wrapped enumerable that has one or several elements appended to it.
concat (Object)in IEnumerableConcatenates this enumerable with the given other elements in a new dynamic IEnumerable<T>.
distinct (function(T):Object?, Object?)in IEnumerableCreates a wrapped enumerable that yields each element only once.
filter (function(T, number, IEnumerable<T>):boolean, Object?)in IEnumerableReturns a dynamic IEnumerable<T> of the elements of this enumerable which match the given predicate.
flatMap (function(T, number, IEnumerable<T>):IEnumerable<TResult>, Object?)in IEnumerableReturns a flattened dynamic IEnumerable<T> of this enumerable using the given selector function which returns an enumerable for each element of this enumerable.
from (IEnumerable<T>)in IEnumerableCreates an enumerable from a given array or enumerable-like object.
groupBy (function(T, number, IEnumerable<T>):TKey, function(TKey, IEnumerable<T>, number):TResult?, Object?)in IEnumerableGroups the elements in the enumerable according to the equality of a key.
map (function(T, number, IEnumerable<T>):TResult, Object?)in IEnumerableReturns a dynamic IEnumerable<T> of this enumerable using the given selector function which returns a new object for each element of this enumerable.
ofRange (number, number)in IEnumerableCreates an enumerable that consists of the sequence of increasing values starting with from and a length of count.
ofRepeat (T, number)in IEnumerableCreates an enumerable that consists of count items.
ofType (Class)in IEnumerableConverts this untyped enumerable into an enumerable with the given type.
orderBy (function(T):TKey?, function(TKey, TKey):number?, Object?)in IEnumerableYields an ordered enumerable of the elements given a key selection function and optional comparison function and creates a ordered view of the enumerable.
orderByDescending (function(T):TKey?, function(TKey, TKey):number?, Object?)in IEnumerableYields an ordered enumerable of the elements given a key selection function and optional comparison function and creates a ordered view of the enumerable where the elements are yielded in descending order.
prepend (T)in IEnumerableCreates a wrapped enumerable that has on or several elements prepended to it.
skip (number)in IEnumerableCreates a wrapped view of an enumerable which skips the given amount of elements.
skipWhile (function(T, number, IEnumerable<T>):boolean, Object?)in IEnumerableCreates a wrapped view of an enumerable which skips a number of elements at the beginning while the given predicate yields true.
take (number)in IEnumerableCreates a dynamic view of this enumerable with the given number of elements taken from the start or end of this enumerable.
takeWhile (function(T, number, IEnumerable<T>):boolean, Object?)in IEnumerableReturns a dynamic IEnumerable<T> that contains the elements from this enumerable as long as the given predicate is true.
toReversed ()in IEnumerableReturns an dynamic enumerable which contains the elements of this enumerable in reverse order.
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in CompositeLabelModelReturns an enumerator over a set of possible ILabelModelParameter instances that can be used for the given label and model.
getCandidateParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in DefaultLabelModelParameterFinderRetrieves an enumerator over all candidates for a given label and model.
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in DescriptorWrapperLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in EdgePathLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in EdgeSegmentLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in ExteriorLabelModel
getEdgesChangedAfterCollapse (IFoldingView, INode)in FoldingManagerReturns the FoldingEdgeStateIds of all edges whose folding state would change if the groupNode would be collapsed.
getEdgesChangedAfterExpand (IFoldingView, INode)in FoldingManagerReturns the FoldingEdgeStateIds of all edges whose folding state would change if the groupNode would be expanded.
getNodesRevealedAfterExpand (IFoldingView, INode)in FoldingManagerReturns the master nodes of the descendants of the groupNode that would be represented in the view if the groupNode would be expanded.
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in GenericLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in GroupNodeLabelModel
getDescendants (INode)in GroupingSupportReturns all descendants of the provided node that are part of the grouped graph.
getDescendantsBottomUp (INode)in GroupingSupportReturns all descendants of the provided node that are part of the grouped graph.
getExistingFoldingEdges (boolean)in IFoldingEdgeFactoryHelper methods that can be used by the implementation of the addFoldingEdge method to determine the folding edges that are currently part of the view and interconnect the same nodes as the folding edge would, if it was included in the view.
getMasterEdges (IEdge)in IFoldingViewHelper method that corresponds to the getMasterItem method, but is used for folding edges, only.
neighbors (INode)in IGraphEnumerates the neighbors of a given INode.
predecessors (INode)in IGraphEnumerates the predecessors of a given INode.
successors (INode)in IGraphEnumerates the successors of a given INode.
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in ILabelModelParameterProviderReturns an enumerator over a set of possible ILabelModelParameter instances that can be used for the given label and model.
findStripes (INode, Point, StripeTypes, function(IStripe):boolean?)in ITableFinds all stripes underneath a certain point.
findStripes (Point, StripeTypes, StripeSubregionTypes, CanvasComponent, function(StripeSubregion):boolean?)in ITableUsed as a callback to find the items underneath a certain point.
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in InsideOutsidePortLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in InteriorLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in InteriorStretchLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in NinePositionsEdgeLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in SandwichLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in StretchStripeLabelModel
getParameters (ILabel, ILabelModel)in StripeLabelModel
getOutputHandlers (IWriteContext, KeyScope)in GraphMLWriterDynamically retrieve all IOutputHandler that should be used for the current write process.
getDummyEdgeSnapLines (GraphSnapContext, ISnapLineProvider)in CreateEdgeInputModeGets the snap lines lines that are induced by the current dummy edge.
getPortOwners ()in CreateEdgeInputModeRetrieves the port owners from the graph in the order of their importance.
getSourcePortCandidates (Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeGets the source port candidates for the given location.
getTargetPortCandidates (Point, boolean)in CreateEdgeInputModeRetrieves the target port candidates for a given location in world coordinates.
resolveCandidates (IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>, Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeReturns an enumerable over the given candidates where no instance has DYNAMIC validity.
findItems (Point, GraphItemTypes, function(IModelItem):boolean?)in GraphInputModeUsed as a callback to find the items hit underneath a certain point.
findItems (IInputModeContext, Point, GraphItemTypes, function(IModelItem):boolean?)in GraphInputModeUsed as a callback to find the items hit underneath a certain point.
getAdditionalSnapLines (SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, Rect)in GraphSnapContextGets a subset of additionalSnapLines that matches the given orientation, snapType and intersects with the provided area.
getFixedNodeSnapLines (SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, Rect)in GraphSnapContextGets a subset of fixedNodeSnapLines that matches the given orientation, snapType and intersects with the provided area.
getFixedPortSnapLines (SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, Rect)in GraphSnapContextGets a subset of fixedPortSnapLines that matches the given orientation, snapType and intersects with the provided area.
getFixedSegmentSnapLines (SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, Rect)in GraphSnapContextGets a subset of fixedSegmentSnapLines that matches the given orientation, snapType and intersects with the provided area.
getBendsInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in IBendSelectionTesterReturns the bends within the given rectangle.
getSourcePortCandidates (IInputModeContext)in IEdgeReconnectionPortCandidateProviderReturns all source port candidates that may be used for the edge.
getTargetPortCandidates (IInputModeContext)in IEdgeReconnectionPortCandidateProviderReturns all source port candidates that may be used for the edge.
getHandles (IInputModeContext)in IHandleProviderReturns a collection of zero or more IHandle implementations that are associated with this instance.
enumerateHits (IInputModeContext, Point)in IHitTesterYields an enumerable that enumerates the hits for a given world coordinate.
getAllSourcePortCandidates (IInputModeContext)in IPortCandidateProviderReturns all source port candidates that belong to the context of this provider.
getAllTargetPortCandidates (IInputModeContext)in IPortCandidateProviderReturns all target port candidates that belong to the context of this provider.
getSourcePortCandidates (IInputModeContext, IPortCandidate)in IPortCandidateProviderReturns all port candidates that apply for the provided opposite port candidate.
getTargetPortCandidates (IInputModeContext, IPortCandidate)in IPortCandidateProviderReturns all port candidates that apply for the provided opposite port candidate.
getPortsInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in IPortSelectionTesterReturns the ports for the given marquee rectangle.
getHitItemsAt (Point)in ItemHoverInputModeGets the items that have been hit at the given location.
getParameterCandidates (ILabel)in LabelPositionHandlerGets the candidates for the given label.
doStartDrag (Point)in MoveInputModeSimulates the start of a drag and puts the state machine into the dragging state.
getSnapLines (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, INode, ReshapeRectangleContext, Rect)in NodeReshapeSnapResultProviderHelper method for method collectSnapLineResults that gets all the SnapLine that should be checked for the currently moved node.
getAllSourcePortCandidates (IInputModeContext)in PortCandidateProviderBaseReturns all source port candidates that belong to the context of this provider.
getAllTargetPortCandidates (IInputModeContext)in PortCandidateProviderBaseReturns all target port candidates that belong to the context of this provider.
getPortCandidates (IInputModeContext)in PortCandidateProviderBaseCreates an enumeration of possibly port candidates.
getSourcePortCandidates (IInputModeContext, IPortCandidate)in PortCandidateProviderBaseReturns all port candidates that apply for the provided opposite port candidate.
getTargetPortCandidates (IInputModeContext, IPortCandidate)in PortCandidateProviderBaseReturns all port candidates that apply for the provided opposite port candidate.
filterCandidates (IInputModeContext, Point, IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>)in PortRelocationHandleFilters the given allCandidates to return the subset of candidates which are relevant at the given location.
getPortCandidates (IInputModeContext, IEdge, boolean)in PortRelocationHandleGets the possible candidates for the given edge.
getPortCandidatesDuringMove (IInputModeContext, IEdge, boolean)in PortRelocationHandleRetrieves the port candidates during handleMove.
getHandles (IInputModeContext)in PortRelocationHandleProvider
getHandles (IInputModeContext)in PortsHandleProviderReturns a collection of zero or more IHandle implementations that are associated with the ports of this context.
enumerateHits (IInputModeContext, Point, INode)in StripeHitTesterReturn a collection of hits at location.
findStripes (Point, StripeTypes, StripeSubregionTypes, function(StripeSubregion):boolean?)in TableEditorInputModeUsed as a callback to find the items underneath a certain point.
edgeObjects ()in LayoutGraphAdapterReturns an IEnumerable<T> that provides access to all edges residing in the graph.
nodeObjects ()in LayoutGraphAdapterReturns an IEnumerable<T> that provides access to all nodes residing in the graph.
getCanvasObjects (ICanvasObjectGroup?)in CanvasComponentEnumerates over all possible ICanvasObject instances in the tree below the given group.
getCanvasObjects (Point)in CanvasComponentReturns a list of all canvas objects in hit order at the given world coordinate location.
hitElementsAt (Point, ICanvasObjectGroup?, function(ICanvasObject):boolean?)in CanvasComponentEnumerates all hit elements in the canvas below the given group that are accepted by a given filter.
hitElementsAt (IInputModeContext, Point, ICanvasObjectGroup?, function(ICanvasObject):boolean?)in CanvasComponentEnumerates all hit elements in the canvas below the given group that are accepted by a given filter using a specific ICanvasContext as the argument to the isHit method.
hitElementsAt (Point)in GraphModelManagerEnumerates hits on the canvas at a given world coordinate position.
hitElementsAt (IInputModeContext, Point, ICanvasObjectGroup)in GraphModelManagerEnumerates hits on the canvas at a given world coordinate position for a given context.
typedHitElementsAt (Class, Point)in GraphModelManagerEnumerates hits on the canvas at a given world coordinate position.
typedHitElementsAt (Class, IInputModeContext, Point, ICanvasObjectGroup)in GraphModelManagerEnumerates hits on the canvas at a given world coordinate position in a given context.
hitElementsAt (IInputModeContext, Point, ICanvasObjectGroup)in WebGL2GraphModelManager
typedHitElementsAt (Class, IInputModeContext, Point, ICanvasObjectGroup)in WebGL2GraphModelManager

Method Parameters

findIntersections (LayoutGraph, IntersectionItemTypes, IEnumerable<Object>)in IntersectionAlgorithmReturns a list of intersections between the graph items or a subset of graph items.
createHashSet (IEnumerable<T>?)in MapsFactory method that creates an ICollection<T> implementation with set semantics that is a special hash map based implementation mainly used by the layout algorithms.
YList (IEnumerable<Object>)in YListCreates a list that is initialized with the elements provided by the given Collection object.
KMeansClustering ()in KMeansClusteringCreates a new instance of this class.
getNearestCommonAncestor (IEnumerable<INode>)in TreeAnalysisResultDetermines the nearest common ancestor for the given nodes.
getNearestCommonAncestor (IEnumerable<INode>)in TreeAnalyzerDetermines the nearest common ancestor for the given nodes.
every (function(T, number, IEnumerable<T>):boolean, Object?)in IEnumerableDetermines whether every element of the enumerable matches the given predicate.
filter (function(T, number, IEnumerable<T>):boolean, Object?)in IEnumerableReturns a dynamic IEnumerable<T> of the elements of this enumerable which match the given predicate.
find (function(T, number, IEnumerable<T>):boolean?, Object?)in IEnumerableReturns the first element of this enumerable, the first element of the enumerable that matches a given predicate if specified, or null if there is no such element.
findIndex (function(T, number, IEnumerable<T>):boolean, Object?)in IEnumerableSearches the enumerable for the first item for which predicate returns true and returns its index.
findLast (function(T, number, IEnumerable<T>):boolean?, Object?)in IEnumerableReturns the last element of this enumerable, the last element of the enumerable that matches a given predicate if specified, or null if there is no such element.
findLastIndex (function(T, number, IEnumerable<T>):boolean, Object?)in IEnumerableSearches the enumerable for the last item for which predicate returns true and returns its index.
first (function(T, number, IEnumerable<T>):boolean?, Object?)in IEnumerableReturns the first element of this enumerable or the first element of this enumerable that matches a given predicate, if specified.
firstOrDefault (function(T, number, IEnumerable<T>):boolean?, Object?)in IEnumerableReturns the first element of this enumerable, the first element of this enumerable that matches a given predicate, if specified, or null if there is no such element.
flatMap (function(T, number, IEnumerable<T>):IEnumerable<TResult>, Object?)in IEnumerableReturns a flattened dynamic IEnumerable<T> of this enumerable using the given selector function which returns an enumerable for each element of this enumerable.
forEach (function(T, number, IEnumerable<T>):void, Object?)in IEnumerableIterates this enumerable and invokes the given function for each element with the element, its index, and this enumerable as arguments.
from (IEnumerable<T>)in IEnumerableCreates an enumerable from a given array or enumerable-like object.
groupBy (function(T, number, IEnumerable<T>):TKey, function(TKey, IEnumerable<T>, number):TResult?, Object?)in IEnumerableGroups the elements in the enumerable according to the equality of a key.
last (function(T, number, IEnumerable<T>):boolean?, Object?)in IEnumerableReturns the last element of this enumerable or the last element of this enumerable that matches a given predicate, if specified.
lastOrDefault (function(T, number, IEnumerable<T>):boolean?, Object?)in IEnumerableReturns the last element of this enumerable, the last element of this enumerable that matches a given predicate, if specified, or null if there is no such element.
map (function(T, number, IEnumerable<T>):TResult, Object?)in IEnumerableReturns a dynamic IEnumerable<T> of this enumerable using the given selector function which returns a new object for each element of this enumerable.
reduce (function(TAccumulate, T, number, IEnumerable<T>):TAccumulate, TAccumulate)in IEnumerableApplies the accumulator function to this elements of this enumerable.
reduce (function(T, T, number, IEnumerable<T>):T)in IEnumerableApplies the accumulator function to this elements of this enumerable.
reduceRight (function(TAccumulate, T, number, IEnumerable<T>):TAccumulate, TAccumulate)in IEnumerableApplies the accumulator function to this elements of this enumerable in reverse order.
reduceRight (function(T, T, number, IEnumerable<T>):T)in IEnumerableApplies the accumulator function to this elements of this enumerable in reverse order.
skipWhile (function(T, number, IEnumerable<T>):boolean, Object?)in IEnumerableCreates a wrapped view of an enumerable which skips a number of elements at the beginning while the given predicate yields true.
some (function(T, number, IEnumerable<T>):boolean?, Object?)in IEnumerableDetermines whether this enumerable contains any elements matching the given predicate.
sum (function(T, number, IEnumerable<T>):number, Object?)in IEnumerableCalculates the sum of the elements of this enumerable.
takeWhile (function(T, number, IEnumerable<T>):boolean, Object?)in IEnumerableReturns a dynamic IEnumerable<T> that contains the elements from this enumerable as long as the given predicate is true.
List (IEnumerable<T>, function(T, number, IEnumerable<T>):T?, Object?)in ListCreates a new instance and fills it with the elements of the given enumerable.
addRange (IEnumerable<T>)in ListAdds the elements of the given collection to this list.
from (IEnumerable<TSource>, function(TSource, number, IEnumerable<TSource>):T?, Object?)in ListCreates a new list similar in behavior to Array.from().
ListEnumerable (IEnumerable<T>)in ListEnumerableCreates a new instance using the given backing enumerable.
hitsPolyline (IEnumerable<IPoint>, number)in PointDetermines whether a polygonal line is hit by this point given an epsilon.
intersectsPolyline (IEnumerable<IPoint>)in RectDetermines whether a rectangle intersects a polygonal line.
selectBestParameter (ILabel, IOrientedRectangle, IEnumerable<ILabelModelParameter>)in DefaultLabelModelParameterFinderTries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance among the set of given parameters.
enumerableContainsTypes (GraphItemTypes, IEnumerable<IModelItem>)in GraphItemTypesDetermines whether the specified items collection contains any of the types described by types.
enumerableNotContainsTypes (GraphItemTypes, IEnumerable<IModelItem>)in GraphItemTypesDetermines whether the specified items collection contains none of the types described by types.
getItemTypes (IEnumerable<IModelItem>)in GraphItemTypesDetermines the types of the items contained in the collection of items.
getNearestCommonAncestor (IEnumerable<INode>)in GroupingSupportDetermines the nearest common ancestor of the provided nodes in the graph.
addBends (IEdge, IEnumerable<Point>)in IGraphAdds bends with the given locations to the end of the bend list of the given edge.
beginEdit (string, string, IEnumerable<T>, function(T):IMementoSupport?)in IGraphStarts an ICompoundEdit that uses the memento design pattern to record changes to the items in the given items collection.
groupNodes (INode, IEnumerable<INode>)in IGraphGroups the nodes in children into the provided group node.
groupNodes (IEnumerable<INode>, )in IGraphGroups the nodes in children into a newly created group node.
create ()in IReferenceHandlerCreates an implementation of the interface IReferenceHandler from the given definition.
HierarchicLayoutData ()in HierarchicLayoutDataCreates a new instance of HierarchicLayoutData which helps configuring HierarchicLayout.
getClosestCandidate (IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>, Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeFinds the closest VALID candidate given a number of IPortCandidates and a location in world coordinates.
getClosestSourceCandidate (IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>, Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeFinds the closest candidate given a number of IPortCandidates and a location in world coordinates.
getClosestTargetCandidate (IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>, Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeFinds the closest target candidate given a number of IPortCandidates and a location in world coordinates.
getSourcePortCandidate (IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>, Point, boolean)in CreateEdgeInputModeFinds the best matching source port IPortCandidate for the given candidates at the provided location.
resolveCandidates (IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>, Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeReturns an enumerable over the given candidates where no instance has DYNAMIC validity.
adjustGroupNodeSize (IEnumerable<INode>)in GraphEditorInputModeAdjusts the size of the group nodes in the enumerable.
reverseEdges (IEnumerable<IEdge>)in GraphEditorInputModeReverses the given edges.
onLassoSelectItems (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath, IEnumerable<IModelItem>, function(IModelItem):boolean)in GraphInputModeSelects the given elements in the editor inside the provided lasso-selection path.
onMarqueeSelectItems (IInputModeContext, Rect, IEnumerable<IModelItem>, function(IModelItem):boolean?)in GraphInputModeSelects the given elements in the editor inside the provided marquee-selection rectangle.
combine (IEnumerable<IPortCandidateProvider>)in IPortCandidateProviderCreates a generic composite implementation for the IPortCandidateProvider interface.
fromCandidates (IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>)in IPortCandidateProviderCreates an implementation of an IPortCandidateProvider that provides only the given port candidates.
combine (IEnumerable<IPositionHandler>)in IPositionHandlerCreates a generic composite implementation for the IPositionHandler interface.
findNearestItem (IInputModeContext, Point, MoveFocusDirection, IEnumerable<IModelItem>)in NavigationInputModeDetermines the nearest item in the given direction.
addSameSizeSnapResult (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, INode, SnapLineOrientation, IEnumerable<Rect>, number, Point)in NodeReshapeSnapResultProviderAdds a snap result for "same size" to the collect event argument.
removeAddedBends (IGraph, IEnumerable<IBend>)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextRemoves previously registered added bends.
filterCandidates (IInputModeContext, Point, IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>)in PortRelocationHandleFilters the given allCandidates to return the subset of candidates which are relevant at the given location.
getClosestCandidate (IInputModeContext, Point, IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>)in PortRelocationHandleFinds the closest candidate from the given set of candidates.
createResizeSnapResult (number, Point, Object, IEnumerable<IRectangle>, number, boolean)in SnapResultFactory method that creates a SnapResult which snaps to a given size through a resize operation.
GivenCoordinatesStageData ()in GivenCoordinatesStageDataCreates a new instance of GivenCoordinatesStageData which helps configuring GivenCoordinatesStage.
ItemCollection (IEnumerable<TItem>, ItemCollection<TItem>?)in ItemCollectionConstructor overload that directly sets the source that lists which items are contained in this instance.
SingleItem (IEnumerable<TItem>)in SingleItemConstructor overload that directly sets the source that lists the item contained in this instance.
YGraphAdapter (IGraph, IEnumerable<INode>?, IEnumerable<IEdge>?)in YGraphAdapterInitializes a new instance of the YGraphAdapter class.
createEdgeList (IEnumerable<IEdge>)in YGraphAdapterCreates an EdgeList that maps the edges from the IEnumerable<T> to their copied ones.
createNodeList (IEnumerable<INode>)in YGraphAdapterCreates a YNodeList that maps the nodes from the IEnumerable<T> to their copied ones.
configureAreaOutline (IEnumerable<IModelItem>, number, boolean?)in ClearAreaLayoutCreates and sets the value of the property areaOutline of the layout determined from the items.
ClearAreaLayoutData ()in ClearAreaLayoutDataCreates a new instance of ClearAreaLayoutData.
configureAreaOutline (IEnumerable<IModelItem>)in FillAreaLayoutCreates and sets the value of the property area of the layout determined from the items.
ensureVisible (IEnumerable<Point>, Insets?)in CanvasComponentEnsures that the provided points in world coordinates are all visible by adjusting the viewport accordingly.
lower (IEnumerable<IModelItem>)in GraphModelManagerLowers the visual representations of all IModelItems in items below their current predecessors.
raise (IEnumerable<IModelItem>)in GraphModelManagerRaises the visual representations of all IModelItems in items above their current successors.
toBack (IEnumerable<IModelItem>)in GraphModelManagerLowers the visual representation of all IModelItems in items to the back.
toFront (IEnumerable<IModelItem>)in GraphModelManagerRaises the visual representations of all IModelItems in items to the front.
createParallelAnimation (IEnumerable<IAnimation>, boolean?)in IAnimationCreates an IAnimation according to the composite design pattern that animates multiple animations in parallel.
createSequentialAnimation (IEnumerable<IAnimation>)in IAnimationCreates an IAnimation that animates multiple animations in sequence.
addItems (IEnumerable<T>)in ItemModelManagerAdds all items to the canvas.
removeItems (IEnumerable<T>)in ItemModelManagerRemoves all items from the canvas.
SvgExport (Rect, number?, )in SvgExportCreates a new SvgExport instance for the given world bounds and scale.

Implementing Types

EdgeListSpecialized list implementation for instances of type Edge.
YNodeListSpecialized list implementation for instances of type YNode.
ResultItemMappingRepresents a mapping from keys to values that is part of a result of running a graph analysis algorithm.
ICollectionDefines methods to manipulate a collection of objects with the same type.
IListEnumerableAn extension to the IEnumerable<T> interface that allows for indexed access and retrieval of the element count.
HashMapThe default implementation for IMap<TKey,TValue>.
GenericPortLocationModelAn implementation of IPortLocationModel that can be used to create custom port location models out of existing IPortLocationModelParameter instances.
ISelectionModelAn interface that models the selection state of a set of items.