documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IComparer


sequenceComparerin GivenSequenceSequencerGets or sets the IComparer<T> used by this GivenSequenceSequencer to determine the sequence of the nodes.
componentComparerin MultiComponentLayererGets or sets the component IComparer<T> instance.
comparerin SwimlaneDescriptorGets or sets the IComparer<T> instance used for sorting the lanes.
defaultNodeComparerin CactusGroupLayoutGets the default policy for ordering subtree roots around their common parent.
nodeComparerin CactusGroupLayoutGets or sets a IComparer<T> for children of the same parent node, by which the order of the subtrees around their parent is determined.
nodeComparerin TabularLayoutGets or sets the IComparer<T> that defines the order in which the free nodes are placed in the table.
edgeComparerin EdgeRouterGets or sets a custom IComparer<T> to define the processing order of the edges.
defaultOutEdgeComparerin SeriesParallelLayoutGets or sets the default IComparer<T> used for sorting the outgoing edges incident to nodes that do not have a specific IComparer<T>.
comparerin AspectRatioTreeLayoutGets or sets the IComparer<T> that will be used for sorting the outgoing edges of each local root in the tree before they are being arranged.
comparerin BalloonLayoutGets or sets the IComparer<T> instance that determines the order of the outgoing edges for each node of the tree.
comparerin ClassicTreeLayoutGets or sets the IComparer<T> instance that is used for sorting the outgoing edges of each node of the tree.
defaultOutEdgeComparerin TreeLayoutGets or sets the default IComparer<T> instance that sorts the outgoing edges in all subtrees that do not have a specific IComparer<T> assigned using a IDataProvider.
nodeComparerin TreeMapLayoutGets or sets the IComparer<T> that defines the order in which child nodes are placed inside their parent node.
comparerin GraphModelManagerGets an IComparer<T> instance that can be used to compare two model items with respect to their visual display order.
comparerin ItemModelManagerGets or sets an IComparer<T> that compares the items so that they are put into the correct order in the canvas tree.


TABULAR_GROUP_CHILD_COMPARER_DP_KEYin HierarchicLayoutA data provider key for specifying orderings of child nodes of a tabular group node.
OUT_EDGE_COMPARER_DP_KEYin RadialLayoutA data provider key for specifying the comparator for the outgoing edges which ultimately orders the successor nodes of a node.
OUT_EDGE_COMPARER_DP_KEYin SeriesParallelLayoutA data provider key for assigning different orderings for outgoing edges of the nodes.
OUT_EDGE_COMPARER_DP_KEYin TreeLayoutA data provider key for specifying the comparator for the outgoing edges.

Method Return Values

createComparableComparer ()in ComparersReturns a IComparer<T> that compares to Objects of type Comparable.
createComparableDataComparer (IDataProvider)in ComparersReturns a IComparer<T> that compares objects of arbitrary type.
createIntDataComparer (IDataProvider)in ComparersReturns a IComparer<T> that compares objects of arbitrary type.
createIntDataSourceComparer (IDataProvider)in ComparersReturns a IComparer<T> that compares objects of type Edge.
createIntDataTargetComparer (IDataProvider)in ComparersReturns a IComparer<T> that compares objects of type Edge.
createNumberDataComparer (IDataProvider)in ComparersReturns a IComparer<T> that compares objects of arbitrary type.
createNumberDataSourceComparer (IDataProvider)in ComparersReturns a IComparer<T> that compares objects of type Edge.
createNumberDataTargetComparer (IDataProvider)in ComparersReturns a IComparer<T> that compares objects of type Edge.
create (function(T, T):number)in IComparerCreates an implementation of the interface IComparer<T> by using the given function as implementation for its compare method.
createSegmentInfoComparer (YList, PathSearchResult, PathSearchConfiguration)in ChannelBasedPathRoutingCreates a comparator for sorting the SegmentInfos in a Channel from left to right (for vertical segments) or top to bottom (for horizontal segments), respectively.
createDefaultEdgeOrderComparer (LayoutGraph, PathSearchConfiguration)in EdgeRouterCreates a default IComparer<T> instance to determine the order of the edges according to which they will be routed.
createFromSketchComparer ()in AspectRatioNodePlacerCreates an edge IComparer<T> which takes the initial coordinates of the nodes into account.
createComparer ()in AssistantNodePlacerDelegates the creation of from-sketch comparators to the two ITreeLayoutNodePlacers handling assistant and non-assistant nodes.
createCompoundComparer (IComparer<Object>, IComparer<Object>)in AssistantNodePlacerCreates a IComparer<T> that compares outgoing edges connecting to assistant nodes and edges connecting to non-assistant nodes separately.
createComparer ()in BusNodePlacerCreates a IComparer<T> for outgoing edges that takes the rotation into account.
createComparer ()in DefaultNodePlacerCreates a IComparer<T> for outgoing edges which takes the initial coordinates of the edges' targets into account.
createFromSketchComparer ()in DefaultNodePlacerDelegates to createComparer.
createComparer ()in DendrogramNodePlacerCreates a IComparer<T> that sorts outgoing edges according to the x-coordinate of their target nodes.
createFromSketchComparer ()in DendrogramNodePlacerCreates a IComparer<T> for the edges which takes the initial x-coordinates of the nodes into account.
createFromSketchComparer ()in GridNodePlacerCreates a IComparer<T> that sorts the outgoing edges according to the rows and x-coordinates of their target nodes.
createFromSketchComparer ()in IFromSketchNodePlacerCreates an edge IComparer<T> which takes the initial coordinates of the nodes into account.
createComparer ()in LeftRightNodePlacerReturns a IComparer<T> for outgoing edges that considers the locations of the target nodes.
createComparer ()in RotatableNodePlacerBaseCreates a IComparer<T> for outgoing edges that takes the rotation into account.
createFromSketchComparer ()in RotatableNodePlacerBaseDelegates to createComparer.
getOutEdgeComparer (YNode)in TreeLayoutReturns the IComparer<T> instance that will sort the outgoing edges connecting to the given node.

Method Parameters

sortEdges (IComparer<Object>)in GraphSorts the internally held list of edges.
sortEdges (IComparer<Object>, IComparer<Object>)in GraphSorts incoming and outgoing edges at each node of the graph.
sortNodes (IComparer<Object>)in GraphSorts the internally held list of nodes.
sortInEdges (IComparer<Object>)in YNodeSorts incoming edges at this node according to the given comparator.
sortOutEdges (IComparer<Object>)in YNodeSorts outgoing edges at this node according to the given comparator.
sort (IComparer<Object>)in YListSorts the elements in this list according to the given comparator.
binarySearch (T, IComparer<T>)in ListSearches the (sorted) list for the given item.
sort (IComparer<T>)in ListSorts all elements in the list using the given comparer.
GivenSequenceSequencer (IComparer<Object>?)in GivenSequenceSequencerCreates a new instance of GivenSequenceSequencer using a given IComparer<T> for the sequencing.
MultiComponentLayerer (ILayerer, ILayeredComponentsMerger?, IComparer<Object>?)in MultiComponentLayererCreates a new instance of MultiComponentLayerer using the given ILayeredComponentsMerger and IComparer<T> instances.
optimizeAfterSequencingForSingleNode (YNode, IComparer<Object>, IComparer<Object>, LayoutGraph, ILayoutDataProvider, IItemFactory)in PortCandidateOptimizer
optimizeAfterSequencingForAllNodes (IComparer<Object>, IComparer<Object>, LayoutGraph, ILayers, ILayoutDataProvider, IItemFactory)in PortConstraintOptimizerBaseAssigns new temporary port constraints after the order of the nodes in each layer has been determined.
optimizeAfterSequencingForSingleNode (YNode, IComparer<Object>, IComparer<Object>, LayoutGraph, ILayoutDataProvider, IItemFactory)in PortConstraintOptimizerBaseAssigns new temporary port constraints to a given node of the graph after the order of the nodes in each layer has been determined.
SwimlaneDescriptor (Object, IComparer<Object>?)in SwimlaneDescriptorCreates a new SwimlaneDescriptor instance with a given client Object and a given IComparer<T>.
CactusGroupLayout ()in CactusGroupLayoutCreates a new CactusGroupLayout instance with default settings.
TabularLayout ()in TabularLayoutInitializes a new instance of the TabularLayout class with default settings.
sortSegmentInfos (IList<Object>, IComparer<Object>)in ChannelBasedPathRoutingSorts the given list of SegmentInfos using the given comparator.
EdgeRouter (ILayoutAlgorithm?, )in EdgeRouterCreates a new EdgeRouter instance with an optional core layout algorithm.
SeriesParallelLayout ()in SeriesParallelLayoutCreates a new SeriesParallelLayout instance with default settings.
AspectRatioTreeLayout ()in AspectRatioTreeLayoutCreates a new AspectRatioTreeLayout instance with default settings.
createCompoundComparer (IComparer<Object>, IComparer<Object>)in AssistantNodePlacerCreates a IComparer<T> that compares outgoing edges connecting to assistant nodes and edges connecting to non-assistant nodes separately.
BalloonLayout ()in BalloonLayoutCreates a new BalloonLayout instance with default settings.
ClassicTreeLayout ()in ClassicTreeLayoutCreates a new ClassicTreeLayout instance with default settings.
TreeLayout ()in TreeLayoutCreates a new TreeLayout instance with default settings.
TreeMapLayout ()in TreeMapLayoutInitializes a new instance of the TreeMapLayout class with default settings.

Implementing Types

DefaultOutEdgeComparerDefaultOutEdgeComparer is the default implementation for the out-edge comparator used in SeriesParallelLayout.
NodeOrderComparerThe NodeOrderComparer compares edges according to a specified order.
NodeWeightComparerA IComparer<T> that compares two nodes with respect to their weight value defined via the IDataProvider registered with NODE_WEIGHT_DP_KEY.