documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of Graph


graphin EdgeGets the graph this edge belongs to.
graphin GraphPartitionManagerGets the Graph for which this partition manager was created.
graphin LayoutGraphHiderGets the Graph for which this GraphHider was created.
graphin YNodeGets the graph this node belongs to.
graphin LayoutGroupingSupportGets the Graph instance for which this LayoutGroupingSupport object provides hierarchy information.
yGraphin YGraphAdapterGets the graph instance that is created during the constructor call.


conflictGraphin MISLabelingBaseThe conflict graph modeling LabelCandidates as nodes and edges between them as conflicts, i.e., overlaps among candidates.

Method Return Values

createCopy ()in GraphCreates a copy of this graph.
createGraph ()in GraphCreates an empty base object of the same type as this graph.

Method Parameters

check (Graph)in AbortHandlerDetermines whether or not an algorithm should terminate immediately.
copyHandler (Graph, Graph)in AbortHandlerAttaches the AbortHandler instance of the given source graph to the target graph as well.
createForGraph (Graph)in AbortHandlerCreates an handler instance and attaches it to the given graph.
getFromGraph (Graph)in AbortHandlerReturns an AbortHandler instance for the given graph.
hasHandler (Graph)in AbortHandlerDetermines whether or not an AbortHandler instance is attached to the given graph.
removeFromGraph (Graph)in AbortHandlerRemoves any attached AbortHandler instance from the given graph.
getLayers (Graph, YNodeList)in BfsAlgorithmReturns the layers of nodes calculated by a breadth first search.
getLayers (Graph, IDataProvider)in BfsAlgorithmReturns the layers of nodes constructed by a breadth first search.
getLayers (Graph, IDataProvider, INodeMap)in BfsAlgorithmReturns the layers of nodes constructed by a breadth first search.
getLayers (Graph, YNodeList, INodeMap)in BfsAlgorithmReturns the layers of nodes constructed by a breadth first search.
getLayers (Graph, YNodeList, boolean, INodeMap, number?)in BfsAlgorithmReturns the layers of nodes constructed by a directed/undirected breadth first search where the maximum number of layers is restricted.
getLayers (Graph, YNodeList, BfsDirection, INodeMap, number?)in BfsAlgorithmReturns the layers of nodes constructed by a directed/undirected breadth first search where the maximum number of layers is restricted.
getBipartition (Graph, INodeMap)in BipartitionAlgorithmCalculates a bipartition of the given graph, if one exists.
isBipartite (Graph)in BipartitionAlgorithmDetermines whether or not the given graph is bipartite.
closenessCentrality (Graph, INodeMap, boolean, IDataProvider)in CentralityAlgorithmComputes the closeness centrality for the nodes of a graph.
degreeCentrality (Graph, INodeMap, boolean, boolean)in CentralityAlgorithmComputes the degree centrality for the nodes of a given graph.
edgeBetweenness (Graph, IEdgeMap, boolean, IDataProvider)in CentralityAlgorithmComputes betweenness centrality for each edge of a given graph.
eigenvectorCentrality (Graph, INodeMap, number?)in CentralityAlgorithmComputes an eigenvector centrality for each node of a given undirected graph.
graphCentrality (Graph, INodeMap, boolean, IDataProvider)in CentralityAlgorithmComputes the graph centrality for the nodes of a graph.
nodeBetweenness (Graph, INodeMap, boolean, IDataProvider)in CentralityAlgorithmComputes betweenness centrality for each node of a given graph.
nodeEdgeBetweenness (Graph, INodeMap, IEdgeMap, boolean, IDataProvider)in CentralityAlgorithmComputes betweenness centrality for each node and edge of a given graph.
normalizeEdgeMap (Graph, IEdgeMap)in CentralityAlgorithmNormalizes the double values of a given IEdgeMap by dividing each of them by the maximum of all values (maximum norm).
normalizeNodeMap (Graph, INodeMap)in CentralityAlgorithmNormalizes the double values of a given INodeMap by dividing each of them by the maximum of all values (maximum norm).
pageRank (Graph, INodeMap, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?, number?, number?)in CentralityAlgorithmComputes page rank values for all nodes based on their attached edges.
weightCentrality (Graph, INodeMap, boolean, boolean, IDataProvider)in CentralityAlgorithmComputes the weight centrality for the nodes of a graph.
findAllCycleEdges (Graph, boolean)in CycleAlgorithmReturns an EdgeList that contains all the edges that are part of at least one directed or undirected simple cycle.
findCycle (Graph, boolean)in CycleAlgorithmReturns an EdgeList that contains the edges of a cycle found in the given graph.
findCycleEdges (Graph, IEdgeMap, IDataProvider?)in CycleAlgorithmMarks the edges of a given graph whose removal or reversal would make the graph acyclic while trying to minimize the cost associated with the marked edges.
findCycleEdgesDFS (Graph, IEdgeMap)in CycleAlgorithmMarks the edges of a given graph whose removal or reversal would make the graph acyclic based on a depth first search.
start (Graph)in DfsAlgorithmStarts a depth first search on the given graph.
start (Graph, YNode)in DfsAlgorithmStarts a depth first search from a given YNode of the input graph.
Edge (Graph, YNode, Edge, YNode, Edge, GraphElementInsertion, GraphElementInsertion)in EdgeCreates a new edge that belongs to the given graph.
createCopy (Graph, YNode, YNode)in EdgeCreates a copy of this edge that will be inserted into the given graph connecting the given source and target nodes.
Graph (Graph, ICursor?)in GraphInstantiates a new Graph object as a partial copy of the given graph.
getAverageDegree (Graph, boolean)in GraphCheckerComputes the average degree of a given graph.
getAverageWeightedDegree (Graph, boolean, IDataProvider)in GraphCheckerComputes the average weighted degree of a given graph.
getDensity (Graph, boolean)in GraphCheckerComputes the density of a given simple graph.
getDiameter (Graph, boolean, IDataProvider)in GraphCheckerComputes the diameter of a given graph.
isAcyclic (Graph)in GraphCheckerChecks whether or not the given directed graph is acyclic.
isBiconnected (Graph)in GraphCheckerChecks whether or not the given undirected graph is biconnected.
isBipartite (Graph)in GraphCheckerChecks whether or not the given undirected graph is bipartite.
isConnected (Graph)in GraphCheckerChecks whether or not the given graph is connected.
isCyclic (Graph)in GraphCheckerChecks whether or not the given directed graph is cyclic.
isForest (Graph)in GraphCheckerChecks whether the given graph is a forest.
isMultipleEdgeFree (Graph)in GraphCheckerChecks whether or not the given undirected graph contains no multiple edges.
isNaryTree (Graph, number)in GraphCheckerChecks whether or not the given graph is a directed rooted tree where each node has a maximum of n children.
isRootedTree (Graph)in GraphCheckerChecks whether or not the given directed graph is a directed rooted tree.
isSelfLoopFree (Graph)in GraphCheckerChecks whether or not the given graph contains no self-loops.
isSimple (Graph)in GraphCheckerChecks whether or not the given directed graph is simple.
isStronglyConnected (Graph)in GraphCheckerChecks whether or not the given directed graph is strongly connected.
isTree (Graph)in GraphCheckerChecks whether or not the given graph is an undirected tree.
biconnectedComponents (Graph)in GraphConnectivityCalculates the biconnected components of a given undirected graph.
biconnectedComponents (Graph, IEdgeMap, INodeMap?)in GraphConnectivityCalculates the biconnected components and the articulation points of a given undirected graph and returns the number of biconnected components.
connectedComponents (Graph)in GraphConnectivityCalculates the connected components of a given graph.
connectedComponents (Graph, INodeMap)in GraphConnectivityCalculates the connected components of a given graph and returns their number.
getNeighbors (Graph, YNodeList, number)in GraphConnectivityDetermines the direct or indirect neighbors of a given set of nodes.
getPredecessors (Graph, YNodeList, number)in GraphConnectivityDetermines the direct or indirect predecessors of a given list of nodes.
getSuccessors (Graph, YNodeList, number)in GraphConnectivityDetermines the direct or indirect successors of a given list of nodes.
isBiconnected (Graph)in GraphConnectivityChecks whether or not the given undirected graph is biconnected.
isConnected (Graph)in GraphConnectivityChecks whether or not the given graph is connected.
isStronglyConnected (Graph)in GraphConnectivityChecks whether or not the given directed graph is strongly connected.
kCore (Graph, INodeMap)in GraphConnectivityCalculates the k-cores of an undirected input graph.
kCore (Graph, number)in GraphConnectivityCalculates the k-core for a given undirected input graph and k value.
makeBiconnected (Graph)in GraphConnectivityMakes the given graph biconnected by inserting a minimum number of edges in the graph.
makeConnected (Graph)in GraphConnectivityMakes a graph connected by adding additional edges to the graph.
reachable (Graph, YNode, boolean, boolean, boolean?)in GraphConnectivityDetermines the set of nodes that are reachable from a given node when a set of edges that cannot be traversed is specified.
stronglyConnectedComponents (Graph)in GraphConnectivityCalculates the strongly connected components of a given graph.
stronglyConnectedComponents (Graph, INodeMap)in GraphConnectivityCalculates the strongly connected components of a given graph and returns their number.
toEdgeListArray (Graph, IEdgeMap, number)in GraphConnectivityTransforms the return values of biconnectedComponents to an array of EdgeLists, like it is returned by biconnectedComponents.
toNodeListArray (Graph, INodeMap, number)in GraphConnectivityTransforms the return values of method connectedComponents to an array of YNodeLists, like it is returned by connectedComponents.
GraphPartitionManager (Graph, IDataProvider)in GraphPartitionManagerInstantiates a new GraphPartitionManager for the given graph.
biconnectedComponentGrouping (Graph, INodeMap)in GroupAlgorithmThis method partitions the graph by analyzing its biconnected components.
edgeBetweennessClustering (Graph, INodeMap, boolean, number, number, IDataProvider)in GroupAlgorithmPartitions the graph into groups using edge betweenness centrality.
edgeBetweennessClustering (Graph, INodeMap, number, number, number, boolean)in GroupAlgorithmPartitions the graph into groups using edge betweenness clustering proposed by Girvan and Newman.
getClusteringCoefficient (Graph, INodeMap, boolean)in GroupAlgorithmCalculates the local clustering coefficient for each node and returns the average clustering coefficient.
getModularity (Graph, IDataProvider, IDataProvider?)in GroupAlgorithmComputes the modularity of a given graph.
hierarchicalClustering (Graph, INodeDistanceProvider, Linkage)in GroupAlgorithmPartitions the graph into clusters based on hierarchical clustering.
hierarchicalClustering (Graph, INodeMap, INodeDistanceProvider, Linkage, number)in GroupAlgorithmPartitions the graph into clusters based on hierarchical clustering, while the dendrogram is cut based on a given cut-off value.
hierarchicalClustering (Graph, number, INodeMap, INodeDistanceProvider, Linkage)in GroupAlgorithmPartitions the graph into clusters based on hierarchical clustering, while the dendrogram is cut based on a given maximum number of clusters.
kMeansClustering (Graph, INodeMap, IDataProvider, DistanceMetric, number, number?, YPoint?)in GroupAlgorithmPartitions the graph into clusters using k-means clustering algorithm.
labelPropagation (Graph, INodeMap, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?)in GroupAlgorithmDetects the communities in the specified input graph by applying a label propagation algorithm.
louvainModularity (Graph, INodeMap, IDataProvider?)in GroupAlgorithmDetects the communities in the specified input graph by applying the louvain modularity method.
create (function(Graph):INodeCursor)in INodeSequencerCreates an implementation of the interface INodeSequencer by using the given function as implementation for its nodes method.
nodes (Graph)in INodeSequencerReturns a cursor that grants access to all nodes of the given graph in some order.
getIndependentSet (Graph)in IndependentSetAlgorithmCalculates an independent set for a given graph.
getIndependentSets (Graph)in IndependentSetAlgorithmPartitions the set of nodes of the given graph into independent sets.
LayoutGraphHider (Graph)in LayoutGraphHiderInstantiates a new GraphHider for the given graph.
hideSubgraph (Graph, IEdgeCursor)in LayoutGraphHiderHides the subgraph induced by the given edges from the given graph.
unhideSubgraph (Graph, IEdgeCursor)in LayoutGraphHiderUnhides the subgraph induced by the given edges in the given graph.
calcMaxFlow (Graph, YNode, YNode, IDataProvider, IEdgeMap)in NetworkFlowAlgorithmSolves a maximum flow problem using the preflow-push method.
calcMaxFlowMinCut (Graph, YNode, YNode, IDataProvider, IEdgeMap, INodeMap)in NetworkFlowAlgorithmSolves a maximum flow problem using the preflow-push method but additionally marks all nodes that belong to the minimum cut set that is associated with the source of the network.
minCostFlow (Graph, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, IEdgeMap, INodeMap)in NetworkFlowAlgorithmSolves a minimum cost flow problem with a capacity scaling algorithm.
minCostFlow (Graph, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, IEdgeMap, INodeMap)in NetworkFlowAlgorithmUses method minCostFlow to solve a minimum cost flow problem.
minCostFlow (Graph, YNode, YNode, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, IEdgeMap, INodeMap)in NetworkFlowAlgorithmSolves a minimum cost maximum flow problem.
Node (Graph)in YNodeInstantiates a new YNode that will be part of the given graph.
createCopy (Graph)in YNodeCreates a copy of this node that will be inserted into the given graph.
aggregate (Graph, INodeMap)in NodeAggregationAlgorithmStarts the node aggregation for the specified graph.
dfsCompletion (Graph, number)in NodeOrderAlgorithmCalculates an ordering of the nodes identical to the order of node completion events in a depth first search.
dfsCompletion (Graph)in NodeOrderAlgorithmCalculates an ordering of the nodes identical to the order of node completion events in a depth first search.
st (Graph, number, Edge?)in NodeOrderAlgorithmAssigns an st-ordering to the nodes of a biconnected graph given the edge between source node s and sink node t.
st (Graph)in NodeOrderAlgorithmAssigns an st-ordering to the nodes of a biconnected graph.
toNodeList (Graph, number)in NodeOrderAlgorithmConverts an array-based result returned by a method of this class to a YNodeList that contains all nodes in the order provided by the given array.
toNodeMap (Graph, number, INodeMap)in NodeOrderAlgorithmCopies an array-based result returned by a method of this class to a INodeMap that will provide values of basic type int.
topological (Graph, number)in NodeOrderAlgorithmAssigns a topological ordering to the nodes of a directed acyclic graph.
topological (Graph)in NodeOrderAlgorithmReturns a topological ordering of the nodes of a directed acyclic graph.
findParallelEdges (Graph, boolean, YNode?)in ParallelEdgesAlgorithmFinds and returns the parallel edges in the given graph, or, optionally, incident to the given node.
findAllChains (Graph, boolean)in PathAlgorithmReturns all chains present in the given graph.
findAllPaths (Graph, YNode, YNode, IEdgeMap)in PathAlgorithmFinds all edges that belong to a directed path from a start node to an end node.
findAllPaths (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean)in PathAlgorithmReturns all simple directed or undirected paths that connect a start node with an end node.
findAllPaths (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, function(EdgeList):boolean)in PathAlgorithmA variant of findAllPaths which returns all simple directed or undirected paths between two given nodes and, additionally, allows to specify a filter for the paths to be returned.
findAllPathsCursor (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean)in PathAlgorithmA variant of findAllPaths, which returns all simple directed or undirected paths between two given nodes as a special cursor that calculates the next path in the sequence, only when needed.
findLongestPath (Graph, IDataProvider?)in PathAlgorithmReturns the longest directed path in a given acyclic weighted graph.
findLongestPaths (Graph, YNode, IEdgeMap, INodeMap, IEdgeMap)in PathAlgorithmCalculates the longest path from a given node to all other node in a given directed acyclic graph.
findLongPath (Graph)in PathAlgorithmReturns an EdgeList containing the edges of an undirected simple path within the given graph.
findPath (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean)in PathAlgorithmReturns an EdgeList containing the edges of a path from the given start node to the given end node, if such a path exists.
findPath (Graph, YNodeList, YNode, YNode, IEdgeMap)in PathAlgorithmReturns whether or not a directed path from a start node to another node in an acyclic graph exists.
PlanarEmbedding (Graph)in PlanarEmbeddingCreates a new embedding for the specified planar graph.
isPlanar (Graph)in PlanarEmbeddingReturn whether or not the given graph is planar.
simple (Graph, INodeMap, IEdgeMap, number?)in RankAssignmentAlgorithmThis method quickly calculates a tight tree given a maximum time duration for the algorithm.
simple (Graph, number, number, number?)in RankAssignmentAlgorithmLike simple, but arrays are used instead of INodeMaps and IEdgeMaps.
simplex (Graph, INodeMap, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, number?)in RankAssignmentAlgorithmSolves the rank assignment problem using the simplex method given a maximum time duration for the algorithm.
simplex (Graph, INodeMap, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, IEdgeMap, YNode, boolean, number?)in RankAssignmentAlgorithmSimilar to simplex but, additionally, it is possible to provide a valid initial tree solution for the problem.
acyclic (Graph, YNode, number, number, Edge?)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source shortest path problem for acyclic directed graphs.
acyclic (Graph, YNode, IDataProvider, INodeMap, INodeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source shortest path problem for acyclic directed graphs.
allPairs (Graph, boolean, number, number)in ShortestPathAlgorithmThis method solves the all-pairs shortest path problem for graphs with arbitrary edge costs.
aStar (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, number, number)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source single-sink shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs using an implementation of the well-known a-star algorithm (A*).
aStar (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider, IDataProvider)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source single-sink shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs using an implementation of the well-known a-star algorithm (A*).
aStar (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, number, number, Edge)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source single-sink shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs using an implementation of the well-known a-star algorithm (A*).
aStar (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, INodeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source single-sink shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs using an implementation of the well-known a-star algorithm (A*).
bellmanFord (Graph, YNode, boolean, number, number, Edge?)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs.
bellmanFord (Graph, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider, INodeMap, INodeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs.
dijkstra (Graph, YNode, boolean, number, number, Edge?)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs and additionally, this method yields the path edges of each calculated shortest path.
dijkstra (Graph, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider, INodeMap, INodeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs.
findShortestUniformPaths (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, IEdgeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmMarks all edges that belong to a shortest path from start node to target node.
findShortestUniformPaths (Graph, YNode, IDataProvider, boolean, number, EdgeList, YNodeList)in ShortestPathAlgorithmFinds all nodes and edges that belong to a shortest path from a start node to a set of target nodes in the graph not farther away than a given distance.
kShortestPaths (Graph, IDataProvider, YNode, YNode, number)in ShortestPathAlgorithmThis method finds the k shortest paths connecting a pair of nodes in a directed graph with non-negative edge costs.
kShortestPathsCursor (Graph, IDataProvider, YNode, YNode, number)in ShortestPathAlgorithmA variant of kShortestPaths that returns the result as a special cursor that calculates the next path in the sequence only when needed.
shortestPair (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider)in ShortestPathAlgorithmReturns two edge-disjoint paths in a non-negatively weighted directed graph, such that both paths connect nodes s and t and have minimum total length.
singleSource (Graph, YNode, boolean, number, number, Edge?)in ShortestPathAlgorithmThis method solves the single-source shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs.
singleSource (Graph, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider, INodeMap, INodeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmThis method solves the single-source shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs.
singleSourceSingleSink (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, number, Edge)in ShortestPathAlgorithmThis method solves the single-source single-sink shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs.
singleSourceSingleSink (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, number)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSimilar to singleSourceSingleSink but instead of returning the shortest distance between the source and sink the actual shortest edge path between these nodes will be returned.
singleSourceSingleSink (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSimilar to singleSourceSingleSink but instead of returning the shortest distance between the source and sink the actual shortest edge path between these nodes will be returned.
singleSourceSingleSink (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider, INodeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmLike singleSourceSingleSink but uses INodeMaps and IDataProviders instead of arrays.
uniform (Graph, YNode, boolean, number, Edge?)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs in which each edge has a uniform cost of 1.0.
uniform (Graph, YNode, boolean, INodeMap, INodeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmLike uniform but uses INodeMaps instead of arrays.
uniformCost (Graph)in ShortestPathAlgorithmConvenience method that returns an array containing uniform edge costs of 1.0 for each edge of the given graph.
sortNodesByDegree (Graph)in SortingAlgorithmSorts the nodes of a given graph by degree in ascending order.
sortNodesByIntKey (Graph, IDataProvider)in SortingAlgorithmSorts the nodes of a given graph by an integer key associated with each node through a IDataProvider.
kruskal (Graph, IDataProvider)in SpanningTreeAlgorithmCalculates a minimum spanning tree for the given graph.
minimum (Graph, IDataProvider)in SpanningTreeAlgorithmCalculates a minimum spanning tree for the given graph.
prim (Graph, IDataProvider)in SpanningTreeAlgorithmCalculates a minimum spanning tree for the given graph.
uniform (Graph)in SpanningTreeAlgorithmCalculates a spanning tree for the given graph in which each edge has a uniform cost of 1.0.
getChains (Graph, number, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?)in SubstructuresReturns a list of Substructures that represent the chains in the specified graph with at least minimumSize nodes.
getCliques (Graph, number, IDataProvider?)in SubstructuresReturns a list of Substructures that represent the (undirected) cliques in the specified graph with at least minimumSize nodes.
getCycles (Graph, number, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?)in SubstructuresReturns a list of Substructures that represent the cycles in the specified graph with at least minimumSize nodes.
getStars (Graph, number, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?)in SubstructuresReturns a list of Substructures that represent the stars in the specified graph with at least minimumSize nodes.
getTrees (Graph, number, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?)in SubstructuresReturns a list of Substructures that represent the trees in the specified graph with at least minimumSize nodes.
transitiveClosure (Graph, EdgeList?)in TransitivityAlgorithmCalculates the transitive closure for a directed acyclic graph.
transitiveEdges (Graph, IDataProvider, boolean)in TransitivityAlgorithmCreates the transitive edges that connect the visible nodes in the specified graph.
transitiveReduction (Graph, EdgeList?)in TransitivityAlgorithmCalculates the transitive reduction for a directed acyclic graph.
directTree (Graph, YNode?)in TreeAlgorithmConverts the given tree to a directed rooted tree with the given node as root element by reversing some edges.
getCenterRoot (Graph)in TreeAlgorithmReturns the center node of an undirected tree.
getLeafNodes (Graph, boolean)in TreeAlgorithmReturns all leaf nodes of the given tree.
getNearestCommonAncestor (Graph, YNode, boolean, YNodeList)in TreeAlgorithmReturns the nearest common ancestor of a subset of nodes within a directed rooted tree.
getRoot (Graph)in TreeAlgorithmReturns a possible root for the given (undirected) tree.
getSubTreeDepths (Graph, INodeMap)in TreeAlgorithmReturns the depths of each subtree of a rooted directed tree.
getSubTreeSizes (Graph, INodeMap)in TreeAlgorithmReturns the size (number of nodes) of each subtree of a rooted directed tree.
getTreeEdges (Graph, YNodeList?)in TreeAlgorithmReturns an array of EdgeList objects each containing edges that belong to a maximal directed subtree of the given graph.
getTreeNodes (Graph)in TreeAlgorithmReturns an array of YNodeList objects each containing nodes that belong to a maximal directed subtree of the given graph.
getUndirectedTreeNodes (Graph)in TreeAlgorithmReturns an array of YNodeList objects each containing nodes that belong to a maximal undirected subtree of the given graph.
getWeightedCenterNode (Graph, INodeMap?)in TreeAlgorithmFinds a node used by the greatest number of all (undirected) paths interconnecting all nodes with each other.
isForest (Graph)in TreeAlgorithmChecks whether or not the given graph is a forest, that is, a graph whose connected components are directed rooted trees.
isForest (Graph, boolean)in TreeAlgorithmChecks whether or not the given graph is a forest.
isNaryTree (Graph, number)in TreeAlgorithmChecks whether or not the given graph is a directed rooted tree in which each node has a maximum of n children.
isRootedTree (Graph)in TreeAlgorithmChecks whether or not the given graph is a directed rooted tree.
isTree (Graph)in TreeAlgorithmChecks whether or not the given graph is an undirected tree.
calcDelauneyTriangulation (Graph, IDataProvider, IEdgeMap)in TriangulationAlgorithmComputes a Delauney triangulation of the given points.
triangulatePoints (Graph, IDataProvider, IEdgeMap)in TriangulationAlgorithmComputes a triangulation of the given points.
triangulatePoints (YList, Graph, INodeMap, IEdgeMap)in TriangulationAlgorithmComputes a triangulation of the given points.
nodes (Graph)in NodeTypeAwareSequencer
normalize (Graph, IDataProvider, IDataAcceptor)in GivenLayersLayererConvenience method that removes empty layers and ensures that the smallest layer has value 0.
createLayerConstraintFactory (Graph)in HierarchicLayoutReturns a ILayerConstraintFactory instance that can be used for specifying layer constraints for the given graph.
createLayerConstraintFactory (Graph)in HierarchicLayoutCoreCreates a layer constraint factory that allows to create hints that affect the assignment of the nodes to layers.
createSequenceConstraintFactory (Graph)in HierarchicLayoutCoreCreates sequence constraints that affect the sequence of the nodes within each layer.
assignLayersFast (Graph, INodeMap)in WeightedLayererAssigns all nodes of the graph to layers.
assignLayersToMap (Graph, INodeMap)in WeightedLayererAssigns all nodes of the graph to layers.
makeDFSAcyclic (Graph, EdgeList)in WeightedLayererRemoves cycles from the graph using a depth first search.
postProcessLabel (Graph, LabelLayoutData)in EdgeLabelOrientationSupportRestores the original preferred placement and updates the label rotation according to the layout orientation.
preProcessLabel (Graph, LabelLayoutData, Direction)in EdgeLabelOrientationSupportPrepares the label for the core layout algorithm.
replaceAmbiguousLabelDescriptors (Graph)in EdgeLabelOrientationSupportReplaces the PreferredPlacementDescriptors of all edge labels in the given graph with non-ambiguous descriptors.
resetAmbiguousLabelDescriptors (Graph)in EdgeLabelOrientationSupportRestores the PreferredPlacementDescriptors of all edge labels in the given graph with their original descriptors.
GroupingSupport (Graph)in LayoutGroupingSupportCreates a new LayoutGroupingSupport instance that represents the hierarchy of the graph.
createInfoMap (Graph)in LayoutGroupingSupportCreates a INodeMap to store hierarchy information for each node.
disposeInfoMap (Graph, INodeMap)in LayoutGroupingSupportDisposes of the INodeMap created to store hierarchy information for each node.
isFlat (Graph)in LayoutGroupingSupportReturns whether or not the given graph is flat.
isGrouped (Graph)in LayoutGroupingSupportReturns whether or not the given graph is grouped.
fillComparableMapFromGraph (Graph, IDataMap, IDataMap)in NormalizeGraphElementOrderStageAssigns comparable values for each node and edge.
getPartitionGrid (Graph)in PartitionGridReturns the PartitionGrid instance associated with the given graph.
arrangeSwimlanes (Graph, IDataProvider)in SwimlanesCalculates an ordering of the swimlanes.
arrangeSwimlanes (Graph, IDataProvider, number, SwimlanesMode)in SwimlanesCalculates an ordering of the swimlanes considering the specified ordering mode.
createConstraintFactory (Graph)in OrganicLayoutCreates and returns a OrganicLayoutConstraintFactory instance that can be used for specifying additional constraints on the layout.
toEdgeLists (Graph, IDataProvider)in BusRepresentationsCalculates for every bus represented by hubs a list of all of its edges.
isAffected (Edge, Graph)in EdgeRouterReturns whether or not a given edge is selected.
findAndHideParallelEdges (Graph)in ParallelEdgeRouterHides all parallel edges leaving a master edge in the graph.
isSeriesParallelGraph (Graph)in SeriesParallelLayoutDetermines whether or not the given graph has a series-parallel structure.

Extending Types

LayoutGraphA LayoutGraph is a Graph with attached layout information that basically represents a drawing of a graph.