documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of EdgeList


edgesin SubstructureGets the edges that belong to this substructure.
interEdgesin SubstructureGets the edges connecting a node in the substructure with one outside of it.
edgeListin LayoutGraphGets a list of all edges in the graph.


hiddenEdgesin LayoutGraphHiderholds the list of the hidden edges in stack order
hiddenEdgesin ParallelEdgeRouterHolds the list of parallel edges that are hidden from the core layout algorithm.

Method Return Values

findAllCycleEdges (Graph, boolean)in CycleAlgorithmReturns an EdgeList that contains all the edges that are part of at least one directed or undirected simple cycle.
findCycle (Graph, boolean)in CycleAlgorithmReturns an EdgeList that contains the edges of a cycle found in the given graph.
biconnectedComponents (Graph)in GraphConnectivityCalculates the biconnected components of a given undirected graph.
makeBiconnected (Graph)in GraphConnectivityMakes the given graph biconnected by inserting a minimum number of edges in the graph.
makeConnected (Graph)in GraphConnectivityMakes a graph connected by adding additional edges to the graph.
toEdgeListArray (Graph, IEdgeMap, number)in GraphConnectivityTransforms the return values of biconnectedComponents to an array of EdgeLists, like it is returned by biconnectedComponents.
findParallelEdges (Graph, boolean, YNode?)in ParallelEdgesAlgorithmFinds and returns the parallel edges in the given graph, or, optionally, incident to the given node.
findAllChains (Graph, boolean)in PathAlgorithmReturns all chains present in the given graph.
findAllPaths (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean)in PathAlgorithmReturns all simple directed or undirected paths that connect a start node with an end node.
findAllPaths (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, function(EdgeList):boolean)in PathAlgorithmA variant of findAllPaths which returns all simple directed or undirected paths between two given nodes and, additionally, allows to specify a filter for the paths to be returned.
findLongestPath (Graph, IDataProvider?)in PathAlgorithmReturns the longest directed path in a given acyclic weighted graph.
findLongPath (Graph)in PathAlgorithmReturns an EdgeList containing the edges of an undirected simple path within the given graph.
findPath (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean)in PathAlgorithmReturns an EdgeList containing the edges of a path from the given start node to the given end node, if such a path exists.
aStar (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, number, number)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source single-sink shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs using an implementation of the well-known a-star algorithm (A*).
aStar (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider, IDataProvider)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source single-sink shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs using an implementation of the well-known a-star algorithm (A*).
constructEdgePath (YNode, YNode, Edge)in ShortestPathAlgorithmConvenience method that constructs an explicit path of edges from the result returned by one of the shortest paths methods defined in this class.
constructEdgePath (YNode, YNode, IDataProvider)in ShortestPathAlgorithmLike constructEdgePath but the path edges are given by a IDataProvider.
shortestPair (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider)in ShortestPathAlgorithmReturns two edge-disjoint paths in a non-negatively weighted directed graph, such that both paths connect nodes s and t and have minimum total length.
singleSourceSingleSink (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, number)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSimilar to singleSourceSingleSink but instead of returning the shortest distance between the source and sink the actual shortest edge path between these nodes will be returned.
singleSourceSingleSink (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSimilar to singleSourceSingleSink but instead of returning the shortest distance between the source and sink the actual shortest edge path between these nodes will be returned.
kruskal (Graph, IDataProvider)in SpanningTreeAlgorithmCalculates a minimum spanning tree for the given graph.
minimum (Graph, IDataProvider)in SpanningTreeAlgorithmCalculates a minimum spanning tree for the given graph.
prim (Graph, IDataProvider)in SpanningTreeAlgorithmCalculates a minimum spanning tree for the given graph.
uniform (Graph)in SpanningTreeAlgorithmCalculates a spanning tree for the given graph in which each edge has a uniform cost of 1.0.
transitiveEdges (Graph, IDataProvider, boolean)in TransitivityAlgorithmCreates the transitive edges that connect the visible nodes in the specified graph.
directTree (Graph, YNode?)in TreeAlgorithmConverts the given tree to a directed rooted tree with the given node as root element by reversing some edges.
getTreeEdges (Graph, YNodeList?)in TreeAlgorithmReturns an array of EdgeList objects each containing edges that belong to a maximal directed subtree of the given graph.
insertEdge (Edge)in IItemFactoryInserts a same-layer Edge or an Edge that may span multiple layers into the data structure and returns the resulting list of Edges that has been created if this edge spans multiple layers.
getEdgesGoingIn (YNode)in LayoutGroupingSupportReturns all edges crossing the bounds of the given group node such that their targets are inside the group node while their sources lie outside the group node.
getEdgesGoingOut (YNode)in LayoutGroupingSupportReturns all edges crossing the bounds of the given group node such that their sources are inside the group node while their targets lie outside the group node.
createEdgeList (IEnumerable<IEdge>)in YGraphAdapterCreates an EdgeList that maps the edges from the IEnumerable<T> to their copied ones.
replaceHubsBySubgraph (LayoutGraph, IDataProvider, IDataAcceptor)in BusRepresentationsChanges the representation of buses from hubs to complete subgraphs.
replaceHubsBySubgraph (LayoutGraph, EdgeList, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, IDataAcceptor)in BusRepresentationsChanges the representation of buses from hubs to complete subgraphs by creating new edges between regular nodes and removing the hubs.
toEdgeLists (Graph, IDataProvider)in BusRepresentationsCalculates for every bus represented by hubs a list of all of its edges.
directTree ()in TreeLayoutReturns a list of edges that need to be reversed in order to obtain a valid rooted and directed tree from the input graph.

Method Parameters

EdgeList (EdgeList)in EdgeListCreates a list that is initialized with a given other EdgeList.
hide (EdgeList)in GraphPartitionManagerHides the given list of edges from the graph.
hide (EdgeList)in LayoutGraphHiderHides the given list of edges from the graph.
unhideEdges (EdgeList)in LayoutGraphHiderUnhides the given edges.
constructNodePath (EdgeList)in PathAlgorithmConstructs a path of nodes from a given path of edges.
findAllPaths (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, function(EdgeList):boolean)in PathAlgorithmA variant of findAllPaths which returns all simple directed or undirected paths between two given nodes and, additionally, allows to specify a filter for the paths to be returned.
findShortestUniformPaths (Graph, YNode, IDataProvider, boolean, number, EdgeList, YNodeList)in ShortestPathAlgorithmFinds all nodes and edges that belong to a shortest path from a start node to a set of target nodes in the graph not farther away than a given distance.
cost (EdgeList, IDataProvider)in SpanningTreeAlgorithmReturns the overall cost of a previously calculated minimum spanning tree.
transitiveClosure (Graph, EdgeList?)in TransitivityAlgorithmCalculates the transitive closure for a directed acyclic graph.
transitiveReduction (Graph, EdgeList?)in TransitivityAlgorithmCalculates the transitive reduction for a directed acyclic graph.
assignNodeLayerWithDataProvider (LayoutGraph, INodeMap, EdgeList, IDataProvider)in WeightedLayererAssigns all nodes of the graph to layers.
makeDFSAcyclic (Graph, EdgeList)in WeightedLayererRemoves cycles from the graph using a depth first search.
arrangeComponents (LayoutGraph, YNodeList, EdgeList, YRectangle, Rectangle2D)in ComponentLayoutProduces a component graph layout.
arrangeFields (LayoutGraph, YNodeList, EdgeList, YRectangle, Rectangle2D, boolean, boolean, boolean)in ComponentLayoutArranges the bounding boxes of the components.
setOrigin (LayoutGraph, YNodeList, EdgeList, YPoint, YRectangle)in ComponentLayoutMoves the subgraph containing the given nodes and edges to the specified origin.
routeEdgesParallel (LayoutGraph, Edge, EdgeList, number, boolean?, boolean?, number?, number?)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesRoutes a list of edges which are incident to the same nodes in parallel, optionally joining the end points.
routeInterEdges (LayoutGraph, EdgeList)in RecursiveGroupLayoutReroutes the given inter-edges using the current edge routing algorithm.
createEdgeEnumerable (EdgeList)in YGraphAdapterCreates an enumerable of edges that maps the edges from the EdgeList to their original ones.
createAreaOutline (LayoutGraph, YNodeList, EdgeList)in ClearAreaLayoutCreates the outline that describes the shape of the given nodes and edges.
routeEdgesBetweenFixedElements (LayoutGraph, EdgeList)in PartialLayoutThis method is called during the layout process and routes all partial edges that connect two fixed elements.
routeInterEdges (LayoutGraph, EdgeList)in PartialLayoutThis method is called during the layout process and routes all inter-edges.
replaceHubsBySubgraph (LayoutGraph, EdgeList, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, IDataAcceptor)in BusRepresentationsChanges the representation of buses from hubs to complete subgraphs by creating new edges between regular nodes and removing the hubs.
route (EdgeList, PathSearchResult)in ChannelBasedPathRoutingRoutes the given edges.
setEdges (EdgeList)in PathSearchContextSpecifies the edges that shall be routed.
reverseEdges (EdgeList)in TreeLayoutReverses the direction of given edges.