documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


Provides an edge representation as a cubic bezier path.

Inheritance Hierarchy
Implemented Interfaces


The rendering is composed of a sequence of cubic bezier segments. The bends together with the source and target port locations of the edge serve as control points for this path:

  • If there are only two control points (i.e. just source and target port and no bends), a straight line is rendered
  • Otherwise: the number of control points is internally padded to be 1 (mod 3) by duplicating the target port location, if necessary
  • Consecutive 4-tuples of control points describe a cubic segment of the path
  • Each consecutive pair of 4-tuples share their last resp. first control point.
  • Control points are not automatically aligned to form smooth connections between segments.

This style uses an BezierEdgeStyleRenderer for its visualization.

This style disables interactive bend creation and orthogonal editing and does not add bridges to its path.

Type Details

yfiles module
yfiles-umd modules
All view modules
Legacy UMD name

See Also


