 IBendSnapResultProvider Interface that is used by the GraphSnapContext for IBends to collect a number of SnapResults during the move/edit operation.
 IEdgeSnapResultProvider Interface for classes that help during snapping of parts of edges.
 INodeReshapeSnapResultProvider Interface for an implementation which evaluates a list of given SnapLines for a node which is resized and adds a set of SnapResults for sizes to which this node can potentially snap.
 INodeSnapResultProvider Interface that is used by the GraphSnapContext for nodes to collect a number of SnapResults during the move/edit operation.
 IPortSnapResultProvider Interface that is used by the GraphSnapContext for ports to collect a number of SnapResults during the move/edit operation.
 ISnapLineProvider Queried by the GraphSnapContext to add SnapLines to its collections during the initialization phase.
 BendMovementInfo Specialized subclass of MovementInfo that describes the movement of an IBend in the context of GraphSnapContext.
 CollectSnapLinesEvent The event used by GraphSnapContext to collect the various snap lines for each drag.
 EdgeEndMovementInfo Specialized subclass of MovementInfo that describes the movement of the end points of an IEdge in the context of GraphSnapContext.
 EdgeSnapLineProvider Simple implementation of the ISnapLineProvider interface that can be used to add snap lines for orthogonally routed IEdges.
 GraphSnapContext Concrete SnapContext implementation which handles snapping movement for IGraph items.
 MovementInfo An abstract helper class that is used in the context of GraphSnapContext to describe the movement of entities during the edit process.
 MoveTypes Describes the type of the movement of a point during an edit in the context of GraphSnapContext.
 NodeBasedSnapLine A specialized SnapLine that carries an INode as additional information that can be used for the visualization.
 NodeMovementInfo Specialized subclass of MovementInfo that describes the movement of an INode in the context of GraphSnapContext.
 NodePairBasedSnapLine A specialized SnapLine that carries two INodes as additional information that can be used for the visualization.
 NodeReshapeSnapResultProvider The default implementation of the INodeReshapeSnapResultProvider interface.
 NodeSnapLineProvider An implementation of the ISnapLineProvider interface that provides SnapLines for INodes.
 NodeSnapResultProvider The default implementation of the INodeSnapResultProvider interface.
 OrthogonalEdgeEditingContext A helper class that can be used to interactively reshape orthogonal edge paths.
 OrthogonalEdgeEditingEvent The OrthogonalEdgeEditingEvent class represents the event object passed to the event listener for events dispatched by the OrthogonalEdgeEditingContext.
 OrthogonalEdgeHelper Default implementation of the IOrthogonalEdgeHelper.
 PointBasedSnapLine A specialized SnapLine that carries an IPoint as additional information that can be used for the visualization.
 PortMovementInfo Specialized subclass of MovementInfo that describes the movement of an IPort in the context of GraphSnapContext.
 SegmentOrientation Enumeration for possible orientations of a segment in a (partially) orthogonal edge routing.
 SnapLineSnapResult This snap result represents a SnapLine to which the current moved item will potentially snap.