Classpublic class NodeSnapResultProvider
InheritanceNodeSnapResultProvider Inheritance Object
Implements INodeSnapResultProvider

The default implementation of the INodeSnapResultProvider interface.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Called when a node is dragged to add SnapResults for SnapLines to which this node can potentially snap.
Protected Methods
 MethodDefined By
addGridSnapResult(context:GraphSnapContext, evt:CollectSnapResultEvent, pointInSuggestedLayout:IPoint, node:INode):void
Calculates a SnapResult and adds it to the argument.
Collects snap results that snap the node to a grid and adds them to the argument.
Verifies whether the node will snap to the given snap line.
Collects the results for the given layout for all snap lines in question.
Public Constants
 ConstantDefined By
  instance : INodeSnapResultProvider
[static] Yields the static shared instance of this class.
Method Detail
protected function addGridSnapResult(context:GraphSnapContext, evt:CollectSnapResultEvent, pointInSuggestedLayout:IPoint, node:INode):void

Calculates a SnapResult and adds it to the argument. This method snaps the pointInSuggestedLayout to the next grid point or grid lines that are determined by GraphSnapContext.nodeGridConstraintProvider or obtained from the evt.context.


context:GraphSnapContext — The context in which the snapping is performed.
evt:CollectSnapResultEvent — The event to add the results to.
pointInSuggestedLayout:IPoint — A location in the layout of the suggested layout of the node that will be snapped to a grid point location.
node:INode — The node that is currently being processed.

See also

protected function collectGridSnapResults(context:GraphSnapContext, evt:CollectSnapResultEvent, suggestedLayout:IRectangle, node:INode):void

Collects snap results that snap the node to a grid and adds them to the argument. This implementation simply delegates to addGridSnapResult using the center of the suggestedLayout.


context:GraphSnapContext — The context in which the snapping is performed.
evt:CollectSnapResultEvent — The event to add the results to.
suggestedLayout:IRectangle — The layout of the node if it would move without snapping.
node:INode — The node that is currently being processed.

See also

protected function collectSingleLineSnapResults(evt:CollectSnapResultEvent, snapLine:SnapLine, suggestedLayout:IRectangle, node:INode):void

Verifies whether the node will snap to the given snap line. If the node will snap, a SnapLineSnapResult will be created and added to the event.


evt:CollectSnapResultEvent — The event to add the results to.
snapLine:SnapLine — The snap line to test snapping for.
suggestedLayout:IRectangle — The layout of the node if it would move without snapping.
node:INode — The node that is currently being processed.

See also

protected function collectSnapLineSnapResults(context:GraphSnapContext, evt:CollectSnapResultEvent, suggestedLayout:IRectangle, node:INode):void

Collects the results for the given layout for all snap lines in question. For each snap line that could be snapped to, this method calls collectSingleLineSnapResults.


context:GraphSnapContext — The context for which the results are being queried.
evt:CollectSnapResultEvent — The event to which the results should be added.
suggestedLayout:IRectangle — The suggested layout of the node.
node:INode — The node that is being dragged.

See also

public function collectSnapResults(context:GraphSnapContext, evt:CollectSnapResultEvent, suggestedLayout:IRectangle, node:INode):void

Called when a node is dragged to add SnapResults for SnapLines to which this node can potentially snap.


context:GraphSnapContext — The snap context which manages the snap lines and the settings.
evt:CollectSnapResultEvent — The event argument to obtain the necessary information from and add results to.
suggestedLayout:IRectangle — The layout of the node if the node would not snap.
node:INode — The node that is being moved.

Constant Detail
public static const instance:INodeSnapResultProvider

Yields the static shared instance of this class.