Classpublic class NodeSnapLineProvider
InheritanceNodeSnapLineProvider Inheritance Object
Implements ISnapLineProvider

An implementation of the ISnapLineProvider interface that provides SnapLines for INodes. This implementation uses the GraphSnapContext to create snap lines around the geometric border of the node.

See also


Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Called by the GraphSnapContext when a drag is about to start.
Protected Methods
 MethodDefined By
Callback method that is called by addSnapLines to collect snap lines for the centers of the node.
Callback method that adds the fixed snap lines around the border of the node's layout.
Callback method that adds the fixed snap lines around the node for other nodes to snap to using the GraphSnapContext.nodeToNodeDistance.
Callback method that adds the fixed snap lines around the node for edge segments to snap to.
Callback method that is called by addSnapLines the collect snap lines to snap ports to at the provided node.
createCenterSnapLine(context:GraphSnapContext, node:INode, snapLineOrientation:SnapLineOrientation, location:YPoint):SnapLine
Convenience method that creates a snap line for the center of nodes.
Public Constants
 ConstantDefined By
  instance : NodeSnapLineProvider
[static] A static instance of NodeSnapLineProvider.
Method Detail
protected function addCenterSnapLines(context:GraphSnapContext, evt:CollectSnapLinesEvent, node:INode, layout:IRectangle):void

Callback method that is called by addSnapLines to collect snap lines for the centers of the node. This method by default uses the createCenterSnapLine method to add them to the fixed node and fixed segment collections.


context:GraphSnapContext — The context which holds the settings for the snap lines. Note that implementations should not change the state of the context explicitly.
evt:CollectSnapLinesEvent — The event to use for adding snap lines.
node:INode — The node to add snap lines for.
layout:IRectangle — The layout of the node to use for adding the snap lines.

See also

protected function addFixedNodeBorderSnapLines(context:GraphSnapContext, evt:CollectSnapLinesEvent, node:INode, layout:IRectangle):void

Callback method that adds the fixed snap lines around the border of the node's layout. This method is called by addSnapLines.


context:GraphSnapContext — The context which holds the settings for the snap lines. Note that implementations should not change the state of the context explicitly.
evt:CollectSnapLinesEvent — The event to use for adding snap lines.
node:INode — The node to add snap lines for.
layout:IRectangle — The layout of the node to use for adding the snap lines.

See also

protected function addNodeToNodeSnapLines(context:GraphSnapContext, evt:CollectSnapLinesEvent, node:INode, layout:IRectangle):void

Callback method that adds the fixed snap lines around the node for other nodes to snap to using the GraphSnapContext.nodeToNodeDistance. This method is called by addSnapLines and uses the GraphSnapContext.nodeToNodeDistance to determine the location of the segments to add around the layout.


context:GraphSnapContext — The context which holds the settings for the snap lines. Note that implementations should not change the state of the context explicitly.
evt:CollectSnapLinesEvent — The event to use for adding snap lines.
node:INode — The node to add snap lines for.
layout:IRectangle — The layout of the node to use for adding the snap lines.

protected function addNodeToSegmentSnapLines(context:GraphSnapContext, evt:CollectSnapLinesEvent, node:INode, layout:IRectangle):void

Callback method that adds the fixed snap lines around the node for edge segments to snap to. This method is called by addSnapLines and uses the GraphSnapContext.nodeToEdgeDistance to determine the location of the segments to add around the layout.


context:GraphSnapContext — The context which holds the settings for the snap lines. Note that implementations should not change the state of the context explicitly.
evt:CollectSnapLinesEvent — The event to use for adding snap lines.
node:INode — The node to add snap lines for.
layout:IRectangle — The layout of the node to use for adding the snap lines.

See also

protected function addPortSnapLines(context:GraphSnapContext, evt:CollectSnapLinesEvent, node:INode, layout:IRectangle):void

Callback method that is called by addSnapLines the collect snap lines to snap ports to at the provided node.


context:GraphSnapContext — The context which holds the settings for the snap lines. Note that implementations should not change the state of the context explicitly.
evt:CollectSnapLinesEvent — The event to use for adding snap lines.
node:INode — The node to add snap lines for.
layout:IRectangle — The layout of the node to use for adding the snap lines.

See also

public function addSnapLines(context:GraphSnapContext, evt:CollectSnapLinesEvent, item:IModelItem):void

Called by the GraphSnapContext when a drag is about to start. This means that the provided item, which can be cast to INode will not be moved during the edit and thus can contribute to the set of fixed snap lines. This implementation delegates to addFixedNodeBorderSnapLines, addPortSnapLines, addNodeToNodeSnapLines and addCenterSnapLines.


context:GraphSnapContext — The context which holds the settings for the snap lines. Note that implementations should not change the state of the context explicitly.
evt:CollectSnapLinesEvent — The event to use for adding snap lines.
item:IModelItem — The item to add snap lines for.

See also

protected function createCenterSnapLine(context:GraphSnapContext, node:INode, snapLineOrientation:SnapLineOrientation, location:YPoint):SnapLine

Convenience method that creates a snap line for the center of nodes.


context:GraphSnapContext — The context which holds the settings for the snap lines. Note that implementations should not change the state of the context explicitly.
node:INode — The node to add snap lines for.
snapLineOrientation:SnapLineOrientation — The snap line orientation.
location:YPoint — The location of the snap line.

SnapLine — A snap line that other centers can snap to.
Constant Detail
public static const instance:NodeSnapLineProvider

A static instance of NodeSnapLineProvider.