Classpublic class EdgeSnapLineProvider
InheritanceEdgeSnapLineProvider Inheritance Object
Implements ISnapLineProvider

Simple implementation of the ISnapLineProvider interface that can be used to add snap lines for orthogonally routed IEdges. This implementation can be put into the ILookup of an IEdge.

See also


Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Adds the snap lines for the given model item to the evt.
Protected Methods
 MethodDefined By
addHorizontalSegmentSnapLines(context:GraphSnapContext, evt:CollectSnapLinesEvent, edge:IEdge, segmentStart:IPoint, segmentEnd:IPoint):void
Adds horizontal snap lines for a horizontally oriented fixed segment snap lines.
addVerticalSegmentSnapLines(context:GraphSnapContext, evt:CollectSnapLinesEvent, edge:IEdge, segmentStart:IPoint, segmentEnd:IPoint):void
Adds vertical snap lines for a vertically oriented fixed segment snap lines.
Public Constants
 ConstantDefined By
  instance : ISnapLineProvider
Method Detail
protected function addHorizontalSegmentSnapLines(context:GraphSnapContext, evt:CollectSnapLinesEvent, edge:IEdge, segmentStart:IPoint, segmentEnd:IPoint):void

Adds horizontal snap lines for a horizontally oriented fixed segment snap lines.


context:GraphSnapContext — The context which holds the settings for the snap lines. Note that implementations should not change the state of the context explicitly.
evt:CollectSnapLinesEvent — The event to use for adding snap lines.
edge:IEdge — The edge to add snap lines for.
segmentStart:IPoint — The start of the segment.
segmentEnd:IPoint — The end of the segment.

See also

public function addSnapLines(context:GraphSnapContext, evt:CollectSnapLinesEvent, item:IModelItem):void

Adds the snap lines for the given model item to the evt. This implementation queries the movement information for the provided edge to determine which edge segments stay fixed. For each fixed segment, it will call addVerticalSegmentSnapLines or addHorizontalSegmentSnapLines respectively.


context:GraphSnapContext — The context which holds the settings for the snap lines. Note that implementations should not change the state of the context explicitly.
evt:CollectSnapLinesEvent — The event to use for adding snap lines.
item:IModelItem — The item to add snap lines for.

See also

protected function addVerticalSegmentSnapLines(context:GraphSnapContext, evt:CollectSnapLinesEvent, edge:IEdge, segmentStart:IPoint, segmentEnd:IPoint):void

Adds vertical snap lines for a vertically oriented fixed segment snap lines.


context:GraphSnapContext — The context which holds the settings for the snap lines. Note that implementations should not change the state of the context explicitly.
evt:CollectSnapLinesEvent — The event to use for adding snap lines.
edge:IEdge — The edge to add snap lines for.
segmentStart:IPoint — The start of the segment.
segmentEnd:IPoint — The end of the segment.

See also

Constant Detail
public static const instance:ISnapLineProvider