documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


orientedBoxin ILabelLayoutGets the box of the label.
boxin LabelCandidateGets the oriented box of this candidate.
orientedBoxin LabelLayoutBaseSets the box of the label.
boundsin LabelLayoutDataGets or sets the oriented box of the label.

Method Return Values

getMovedInstance (number, number)in YOrientedRectangleCreates a new OrientedRectangle instance whose anchor point is moved by the specified distance values, but has the same width, height, and up vector as this rectangle.
getResizedInstance (number, number)in YOrientedRectangleCreates a new OrientedRectangle instance that has the specified width and height, but has the same anchor point and up vector as this rectangle.
toOrientedRectangle ()in IOrientedRectangleCreates a YOrientedRectangle from a given IOrientedRectangle.
getLabelPlacement (YDimension, IEdgeLayout, INodeLayout, INodeLayout, Object)in DiscreteEdgeLabelLayoutModel
getLabelPlacementForPosition (YDimension, IEdgeLayout, INodeLayout, INodeLayout, DiscreteEdgeLabelPositions)in DiscreteEdgeLabelLayoutModelReturns the oriented box of the label for the given label position.
getLabelPlacement (YDimension, INodeLayout, Object)in DiscreteNodeLabelLayoutModel
getLabelPlacementForPosition (YDimension, INodeLayout, DiscreteNodeLabelPositions)in DiscreteNodeLabelLayoutModelReturns the oriented box of the label for the given label position.
getLabelPlacement (YDimension, IEdgeLayout, INodeLayout, INodeLayout, Object)in FreeEdgeLabelLayoutModel
getLabelPlacement (YDimension, INodeLayout, Object)in FreeNodeLabelLayoutModel
getLabelPlacement (YDimension, IEdgeLayout, INodeLayout, INodeLayout, Object)in IEdgeLabelLayoutModelReturns the oriented box of the label for the position encoded by the given model parameter.
getLabelPlacement (YDimension, INodeLayout, Object)in INodeLabelLayoutModelReturns the bounds of the label for the position encoded by the given model parameter.
getLabelPlacement (YDimension, IEdgeLayout, INodeLayout, INodeLayout, Object)in SliderEdgeLabelLayoutModel

Method Parameters

YOrientedRectangle (YOrientedRectangle)in YOrientedRectangleCreates a new instance using the provided rectangle's values to initialize anchor, size, and up vector.
adoptValues (YOrientedRectangle)in YOrientedRectangleCopies the actual values from the given OrientedRectangle to this instance.
calcPoints (YOrientedRectangle)in YOrientedRectangleDetermines the four corner points of an oriented rectangle.
calcPointsInDouble (YOrientedRectangle)in YOrientedRectangleDetermines the coordinates of the four corners of an oriented rectangle.
contains (YOrientedRectangle, YPoint, number)in YOrientedRectangleDetermines whether the given oriented rectangle contains the provided point, using an epsilon value.
contains (YOrientedRectangle, number, number, number)in YOrientedRectangleDetermines whether the given oriented rectangle contains the provided point, using an epsilon value.
contains (YOrientedRectangle, YOrientedRectangle, number)in YOrientedRectangleDetermines whether the given rectangle r1 contains rectangle r2, using an epsilon value.
intersectionPoint (YOrientedRectangle, LineSegment, number)in YOrientedRectangleDetermines an intersection point of the specified oriented rectangle and the specified line segment.
intersects (YOrientedRectangle, YOrientedRectangle, number)in YOrientedRectangleDetermines whether an YOrientedRectangle intersects another one.
intersects (YOrientedRectangle, YRectangle, number)in YOrientedRectangleDetermines whether a rectangle intersects an oriented rectangle, given an epsilon.
intersects (YOrientedRectangle, LineSegment, number)in YOrientedRectangleDetermines whether or not the specified oriented rectangle and the specified line segment intersect.
intersects (YOrientedRectangle, YPoint, YPoint, number)in YOrientedRectangleDetermines whether or not the specified oriented rectangle and the line segment defined by the two specified points intersect.
createModelParameter (YOrientedRectangle, IEdgeLayout, INodeLayout, INodeLayout)in DiscreteEdgeLabelLayoutModel
createModelParameter (YOrientedRectangle, INodeLayout)in DiscreteNodeLabelLayoutModel
EdgeLabelCandidate (YOrientedRectangle, Object, IEdgeLabelLayout, boolean?)in EdgeLabelCandidateCreates a new instance of EdgeLabelCandidate described by its box, model parameter and internal flag.
ExtendedEdgeLabelCandidate (YOrientedRectangle, Object, IEdgeLabelLayout, boolean, ILabelCandidateDescriptor)in ExtendedEdgeLabelCandidateReturns a new instance of ExtendedEdgeLabelCandidate.
ExtendedNodeLabelCandidate (YOrientedRectangle, Object, INodeLabelLayout, boolean, ILabelCandidateDescriptor)in ExtendedNodeLabelCandidateReturns a new instance of ExtendedNodeLabelCandidate.
createModelParameter (YOrientedRectangle, IEdgeLayout, INodeLayout, INodeLayout)in FreeEdgeLabelLayoutModelCreates a model parameter that represents the given edge label position within this model.
createModelParameter (YOrientedRectangle, INodeLayout)in FreeNodeLabelLayoutModelCreates a model parameter that represents the given node label position within this model.
createModelParameter (YOrientedRectangle, IEdgeLayout, INodeLayout, INodeLayout)in IEdgeLabelLayoutModelCreates a model parameter that represents the given edge label position within this model.
createLabelLayout (YNode, YOrientedRectangle)in ILabelLayoutFactoryCreates a new ILabelLayout for the given node.
createLabelLayout (YNode, YOrientedRectangle, INodeLabelLayoutModel)in ILabelLayoutFactoryCreates a new ILabelLayout for the given node.
createLabelLayout (Edge, YOrientedRectangle)in ILabelLayoutFactoryCreates a new ILabelLayout for the given edge.
createLabelLayout (Edge, YOrientedRectangle, IEdgeLabelLayoutModel, PreferredPlacementDescriptor)in ILabelLayoutFactoryCreates a new ILabelLayout for the given edge.
createModelParameter (YOrientedRectangle, INodeLayout)in INodeLabelLayoutModelCreates a model parameter that represents the given node label position within this model.
LabelCandidate (YOrientedRectangle, Object, ILabelLayout, boolean?)in LabelCandidateCreates a new instance of LabelCandidate described by its box, model parameter and internal flag.
LabelLayoutData (YOrientedRectangle, PreferredPlacementDescriptor?)in LabelLayoutDataCreates a new instance of LabelLayoutData for a label with the given oriented box and preferred placement descriptor.
autoFlipBox (YOrientedRectangle)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesFlips the orientation of a given rectangle, if its up vector points downward (upY > 0).
NodeLabelCandidate (YOrientedRectangle, Object, INodeLabelLayout, boolean?)in NodeLabelCandidateCreates a new instance of NodeLabelCandidate described by its box, model parameter and internal flag.
createModelParameter (YOrientedRectangle, IEdgeLayout, INodeLayout, INodeLayout)in SliderEdgeLabelLayoutModel