documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

TaggedSvgVisual<TElementextends SVGElement,TTag>

An utility type for SvgVisual that restricts the type of the svgElement property and adds a tag property to store additional data.

Inheritance Hierarchy


The main usage of this type is as type parameter of a "Base" style like NodeStyleBase<TVisual>.

You can obtain an instance of such a type from the factory method from.


 * @typedef {Object} CircleCache
 * @property {number} radius
 * @typedef {TaggedSvgVisual.<SVGCircleElement,CircleCache>} CircleVisual

class CircleStyle extends NodeStyleBase {
   * @returns {?CircleVisual}
  createVisual() {
    const svgElement = document.createElementNS(
    svgElement.r.baseVal.value = 4
    // TODO - Configure the element and/or create some children
    // Create a typed visual and add as tag an object that caches relevant values
    return SvgVisual.from(svgElement, { radius: 4 })

   * @param {!IRenderContext} context
   * @param {!CircleVisual} oldVisual
   * @param {!INode} node
   * @returns {?CircleVisual}
  updateVisual(context, oldVisual, node) {
    // Get the typed element and the cache object from the typed visual
    const { svgElement: circle, tag } = oldVisual
    // TODO - Update the element and the cache, finally return the updated visual
    return oldVisual
}type CircleCache = { radius: number }
type CircleVisual = TaggedSvgVisual<SVGCircleElement, CircleCache>

class CircleStyle extends NodeStyleBase<CircleVisual> {
  protected createVisual(): CircleVisual | null {
    const svgElement = document.createElementNS(
    svgElement.r.baseVal.value = 4
    // TODO - Configure the element and/or create some children
    // Create a typed visual and add as tag an object that caches relevant values
    return SvgVisual.from(svgElement, { radius: 4 })

  protected updateVisual(
    context: IRenderContext,
    oldVisual: CircleVisual,
    node: INode
  ): CircleVisual | null {
    // Get the typed element and the cache object from the typed visual
    const { svgElement: circle, tag } = oldVisual
    // TODO - Update the element and the cache, finally return the updated visual
    return oldVisual

Type Parameters

TElement: SVGElement
The type of the property.
The type of the property.

Type Details

yfiles module
yfiles-umd modules
All view modules
Legacy UMD name

See Also
