documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


swimLaneDescriptorin INodeDataGets the SwimlaneDescriptor instance initially bound to the YNode of this INodeData instance or null if no SwimlaneDescriptor has been registered.


SWIMLANE_DESCRIPTOR_DP_KEYin HierarchicLayoutA data provider key for defining swimlanes for the nodes.
SWIMLANE_DESCRIPTOR_DP_KEYin HierarchicLayoutCoreA data provider key for providing information about swimlanes.

Method Parameters

createBendNode (ILayer, Edge, SwimlaneDescriptor?)in IItemFactoryCreates a bend YNode for the given Edge in the given ILayer and assigns it to the given SwimlaneDescriptor instance.
createBendNodeData (YNode, Edge, SwimlaneDescriptor?)in IItemFactoryCreates a INodeData object for a bend YNode and associates it with the YNode.
createBusDummyNode (ILayer, YNode, SwimlaneDescriptor)in IItemFactoryCreates a dummy node that is used during the sequencing and drawing phase for the bus-style routing edges at a certain root node.
createBusDummyNodeData (YNode, YNode, SwimlaneDescriptor)in IItemFactoryCreates a INodeData instance for a bus dummy node.
createProxyNode (Edge, boolean, SwimlaneDescriptor?)in IItemFactoryCreates a proxy YNode for an Edge during the drawing phase, changing the Edge to end/start at the proxy and assigns it to a SwimlaneDescriptor instance.
createRecursiveEdgeDummy (ILayer, Edge, SwimlaneDescriptor)in IItemFactoryCreates a dummy YNode that represents a bend node of a recursive Edge.
createRecursiveEdgeNodeData (YNode, Edge, SwimlaneDescriptor)in IItemFactoryCreates a INodeData for a dummy YNode of a recursive Edge.
createSameLayerSideProxy (ILayer, YNode, Edge, SwimlaneDescriptor?)in IItemFactoryCreates a proxy YNode for a same-layer Edge during the drawing phase that ends at the side of a node.