documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of Size


sizein RectGets the size of this instance.
folderNodeSizein DefaultFolderNodeConverterSets the initial size of the layout of the collapsed group node that will be assigned during the creation of the appearance of the collapsed group node.
preferredSizein FoldingLabelStateGets or sets the preferred size of the label.
preferredSizein ILabelGets the preferred size of the label with respect to its current contents and the implementation of the visualization.
sizein INodeDefaultsGets or sets the default node size.
sizein NodeDefaults
preferredSizein SimpleLabelGets or sets the preferred size of the label with respect to its current contents and the implementation of the visualization.
preferredSizein LabelEditingEventArgsGets or sets the preferredSize of the label to add.
mouseHoverSizein MouseHoverInputModeGets or sets the amount the mouse pointer has to move in order to hide the tooltip.
sizeChangeFactorin ReshapeRectangleContextGets the factor by which the size of the node layout changes when the handle is dragged.
edgePortNodeSizein LayoutExecutorAsyncGets or sets the size of the nodes that are inserted for the ports that are created for IEdges that are connected at other IEdges.
edgePortNodeSizein LayoutGraphAdapterGets or sets the size of the nodes that are inserted for the ports that are created for IEdges that are connected at other IEdges.
maximumSizein DefaultLabelStyleGets or sets the maximum preferred size allowed for the label.
minimumSizein DefaultLabelStyleGets or sets the minimum preferred size allowed for the label.
minimumContentAreaSizein GroupNodeStyleGets or sets the minimum size of the content area.
iconSizein IconLabelStyleGets or sets the size of the icon to paint for the label.
renderSizein NodeStylePortStyleAdapterGets or sets the size of the port's visualization.
preferredSizein TemplateLabelStyleBaseGets or sets the preferred size of the labels that use this style.
minimumSizein TemplateNodeStyleBaseGets or sets the minimum size an INodeSizeConstraintProvider implementation for INode should yield.
renderSizein TemplatePortStyleBaseGets or sets the size of the port that will be displayed using the created visual.
doubleClickSizein CanvasComponentGets or sets the area in view coordinates the mouse needs to stay in before multiple clicks are considered multiple single clicks instead of multi-clicks.
doubleTapSizein CanvasComponentGets or sets the area in view coordinates the touch pointer needs to stay in before multiple taps are considered multiple single taps instead of multi-taps.
dragSizein CanvasComponentGets or sets the area in view coordinates the mouse may stay in before a movement is considered a drag.
dragSizeTouchin CanvasComponentGets or sets the area in view coordinates the touch point may stay in before a movement is considered a drag.
innerSizein CanvasComponentGets the size of the usable area in which the graph will be displayed.
sizein CanvasComponentReturns the size of the HTML element.
sizein PatternFillGets or sets the size of this pattern brush.
oldSizein SizeChangedEventArgsGets or sets the old size of the control.
desiredSizein ToolTipGets the desired size of this tooltip.


EMPTYin SizeThe "empty" size that has width and height set to -1.0d.
INFINITEin SizeThe "infinite" size that has width and height set to Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY.
ZEROin SizeThe "zero" size that has width and height set to 0.0d.

Method Return Values

toSize ()in YDimensionCreates a Size from a given YDimension.
getPreferredSize (TDataItem)in LabelCreatorObtains a preferredSize or null by resolving the preferredSizeProvider on the data item.
getUpdatedPreferredSize (IGraph, ILabel, TDataItem)in LabelCreatorResolves the preferredSizeProvider and then applies the preferred size bindings.
from (Size)in ISizeCreates a Size instance from the given size-like object by performing automatic type conversion.
toSize ()in ISizeConverts the ISize to a Size struct.
convertFrom (MutableSize)in SizePerforms an implicit conversion from MutableSize to Size.
from (Size)in SizeCreates a Size instance from the given size-like object by performing automatic type conversion.
max (Size, Size)in SizeReturns a size whose width and height are the respective maximum of the two provided Size instances.
min (Size, Size)in SizeReturns a size whose width and height are the respective minimum of the two provided Size instances.
multiply (number)in SizeMultiplies the width and height by the given factor and returns the result.
createPreferredLabelSize (ILabel)in DefaultFolderNodeConverterGets the preferred size for use in initializeFolderNodeLabels and synchronizeLabels.
createPreferredLabelSize (ILabel)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseGets the preferred size for use in initializeFoldingEdgeLabels and synchronizeLabels.
calculateLabelPreferredSize (ILabelOwner, string, ILabelModelParameter?, ILabelStyle?, Object?)in IGraphCalculates the preferred size of a label with the given properties.
calculateLabelPreferredSize (IStripe, ILabelStyle, ILabelModelParameter, string, Object)in ITableCalculates the preferred size of a label with the given properties.
getMinimumNodeSize (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in InteriorLabelModelReturns the minimum size this model would require for the node owner of the label if the given label was used with the provided parameter.
getMinimumNodeSize (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in InteriorStretchLabelModelReturns the minimum size this model would require for the node owner of the label if the the given label was used with the provided parameter.
getPreferredSize (IInputModeContext, ILabel)in EditLabelHelperGets the preferred size for the label.
getMaximumSize (INode)in INodeSizeConstraintProviderReturns the maximum size allowed for the given node.
getMinimumSize (INode)in INodeSizeConstraintProviderReturns the minimum size allowed for the given node.
getMaximumSize (INode)in NodeSizeConstraintProvider
getMinimumSize (INode)in NodeSizeConstraintProvider
calculateMaxTextBoxSize ()in TextEditorInputModeCalculates the maximum size for this instance.
getButtonSize ()in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererReturns the size of new buttons.
getPreferredSize (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in DefaultLabelStyleRenderer
getPreferredSizeCore ()in DefaultLabelStyleRendererCalculates the preferred size given the current state of the renderer.
measureText (string, Font, Size)in DefaultLabelStyleRendererCalculate the width and height required to render the provided text using the provided Font.
quantizePreferredSize (Size)in DefaultLabelStyleRendererQuantizes the result of the preferred size calculation.
getMinimumContentAreaSize ()in GroupNodeStyleRendererGets the minimum content area size that is currently used by this renderer.
getPreferredSize (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in ILabelStyleRendererCalculates the preferred size of a given label using the associated style.
getIconSize ()in IconLabelStyleRendererGets the size of the icon from the iconSize property.
getPreferredSize (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in IconLabelStyleRenderer
getPreferredSizeCore ()in IconLabelStyleRendererCalculates the preferred size given the current state of the renderer.
getPreferredSize (ILabel)in LabelStyleBaseReturns the preferred size of the label.
measureText (string, Font, Size)in MarkupLabelStyleRenderer
getPreferredSize (IRenderContext, ILabel)in TemplateLabelStyleBaseDetermines the preferred size of the label if this style was applied.
getPreferredSize (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in TemplateLabelStyleRendererCalculates the preferred size for the given label and style.
getPreferredSizeCore (IRenderContext)in TemplateLabelStyleRendererGets the size of the preferred for the current configuration using the provided context.
getPreferredSizeWithContext (IRenderContext, ILabel, ILabelStyle)in TemplateLabelStyleRendererCalculates the preferred size for the given label and style.
getMinimumSize (TemplateNodeStyleBase)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererGets the minimum size by delegating to minimumSize.
getRenderSize ()in TemplatePortStyleRendererGets the size of the rendering from the style.
measureText (string, Font, Size?, TextWrapping?, TextMeasurePolicy?)in TextRenderSupportCalculates the width and height required to render the provided text using the provided Font, taking text-wrapping into account.
getPreferredSize (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in VoidLabelStyleRendererYields EMPTY.

Method Parameters

addLabelCore (IGraph, ILabelOwner, string, ILabelModelParameter, ILabelStyle, Size, Object)in LabelCreatorCalled from addLabel and performs the actual label creation in the graph.
from (Size)in ISizeCreates a Size instance from the given size-like object by performing automatic type conversion.
MutableRectangle (Point, Size)in MutableRectangleCreates a new instance using the provided values to initialize the position and size.
Rect (Point, Size)in RectInitializes a new instance using the topLeft corner and the size.
convertToMutableSize (Size)in SizePerforms an explicit conversion from Size to MutableSize.
from (Size)in SizeCreates a Size instance from the given size-like object by performing automatic type conversion.
max (Size, Size)in SizeReturns a size whose width and height are the respective maximum of the two provided Size instances.
min (Size, Size)in SizeReturns a size whose width and height are the respective minimum of the two provided Size instances.
DefaultFolderNodeConverter ()in DefaultFolderNodeConverterInitializes a new instance of this class with default values.
addLabel (ILabelOwner, string, ILabelModelParameter?, ILabelStyle?, Size?, Object?)in DefaultGraph
createUndoUnitForPreferredSizeChange (ILabel, Size)in DefaultGraphCreates the undo unit for changing the preferred size of the given label.
onChangingLabelPreferredSize (ILabel, Size)in DefaultGraphCalled before the preferred size of a label is being changed.
onLabelPreferredSizeChanged (ILabel, Size)in DefaultGraphCalled after the preferred size of a label has changed.
setLabelPreferredSize (ILabel, Size)in DefaultGraph
addLabel (string, ILabelModelParameter, ILabelStyle, Size, Object)in FolderNodeState
addLabel (string, ILabelModelParameter, ILabelStyle, Size, Object)in FoldingEdgeState
addLabel (string, ILabelModelParameter, ILabelStyle, Size, Object)in FoldingLabelOwnerStateAdds a FoldingLabelState to this state.
addLabel (ILabelOwner, string, ILabelModelParameter?, ILabelStyle?, Size?, Object?)in GraphWrapperBase
onLabelPreferredSizeChanged (ItemChangedEventArgs<ILabel,Size>)in GraphWrapperBaseRaises the LabelPreferredSizeChanged event
setLabelPreferredSize (ILabel, Size)in GraphWrapperBase
addLabel (ILabelOwner, string, ILabelModelParameter?, ILabelStyle?, Size?, Object?)in IGraphAdd a label to the given node or edge using the text as the initial label text and label model parameter, style and tag.
setLabelPreferredSize (ILabel, Size)in IGraphSets the preferred size of the label.
addLabel (IStripe, string, ILabelModelParameter?, ILabelStyle?, Size?, Object?)in ITableAdd a label to the given owner using the text as the initial label text and label model parameter and style.
setLabelPreferredSize (ILabel, Size)in ITableSets the preferred size of the label.
NodeDefaults ()in NodeDefaultsInitializes a new instance of the NodeDefaults class using default properties.
SimpleLabel (ILabelOwner?, string?, ILabelModelParameter?, )in SimpleLabelCreates an instance of the SimpleLabel class with default lookup, an instance of VoidLabelStyle and the given parameter, text, and owner.
addLabel (IStripe, string, ILabelModelParameter?, ILabelStyle?, Size?, Object?)in Table
setLabelPreferredSize (ILabel, Size)in TableSets the preferred size of the label.
addLabel (ILabelOwner, string, ILabelModelParameter?, ILabelStyle?, Size?, Object?)in GraphEditorInputModeAdds a label to the given labelOwner after the textEditorInputMode has successfully finished editing after addLabel.
MouseHoverInputMode (function(Object, ToolTipQueryEventArgs):void?, )in MouseHoverInputModeCreates a new instance using the provided optional text provider.
getNodeLayout (Point, Size)in NodeDropInputModeCalculates the layout of the new node.
ReshapeRectangleContext (Rect, ISize, ISize, IRectangle, IRectangle, HandlePositions, Point, Point, Size, ReshapePolicy, number)in ReshapeRectangleContextInitializes a new instance of the ReshapeRectangleContext class.
getPreviewTableLayout (Point, Size)in StripeDropInputModeCalculates the layout of the new table.
adjustSize (Size)in TextEditorInputModeAdjusts the size of the text box in the editorContainer.
LayoutExecutorAsync (function(Object):Promise<Object>, GraphComponent, LayoutDescriptor?, LayoutData?, )in LayoutExecutorAsyncCreates a new instance of a layout execution helper that will asynchronously perform the calculations and optionally animate the layout on the given graphComponent.
LayoutExecutorAsync (function(Object):Promise<Object>, IGraph, LayoutDescriptor?, LayoutData?, )in LayoutExecutorAsyncCreates a new instance of a layout execution helper that will asynchronously perform the calculations and apply the results on the provided graph.
LayoutGraphAdapter (IGraph?, ISelectionModel<IModelItem>?, )in LayoutGraphAdapterCreates the adapter using a given IGraph and ISelectionModel<T>.
createButton (IRenderContext, boolean, Size)in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererCreates the button visual.
updateButton (IRenderContext, boolean, Size, Visual)in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererUpdates the button visual.
DefaultLabelStyle ()in DefaultLabelStyleCreates a new instance using DefaultLabelStyleRenderer as renderer.
DefaultLabelStyle (ILabelStyleRenderer, )in DefaultLabelStyleCreates a new instance using the provided renderer.
addTextElements (SVGElement, Font, string, Size, TextWrapping, boolean)in DefaultLabelStyleRendererAdd the text content to the provided SVG text element.
measureText (string, Font, Size)in DefaultLabelStyleRendererCalculate the width and height required to render the provided text using the provided Font.
quantizePreferredSize (Size)in DefaultLabelStyleRendererQuantizes the result of the preferred size calculation.
GroupNodeStyle (GroupNodeStyleRenderer?, )in GroupNodeStyleInitializes a new instance using the given renderer.
IconLabelStyle (string?, ILabelStyleRenderer?, )in IconLabelStyleCreates a new instance using the provided icon and renderer.
MarkupLabelStyle ()in MarkupLabelStyleCreates a new instance using MarkupLabelStyleRenderer as renderer.
MarkupLabelStyle (ILabelStyleRenderer, )in MarkupLabelStyleCreates a new instance using the provided renderer.
addTextElements (SVGElement, Font, string, Size, TextWrapping, boolean)in MarkupLabelStyleRenderer
measureText (string, Font, Size)in MarkupLabelStyleRenderer
NodeStylePortStyleAdapter (INodeStyle?, )in NodeStylePortStyleAdapterCreates a port style that uses the provided node style to render the port.
StringTemplateLabelStyle (string?, TemplateLabelStyleRenderer?, )in StringTemplateLabelStyleCreates a new instance using the provided renderer.
StringTemplateNodeStyle (string?, TemplateNodeStyleRenderer?, )in StringTemplateNodeStyleCreates a new instance using the given SVG template and a custom renderer instance.
StringTemplatePortStyle (string?, TemplatePortStyleRenderer?, )in StringTemplatePortStyleCreates a new instance using the provided renderer.
TemplateLabelStyle (string?, TemplateLabelStyleRenderer?, )in TemplateLabelStyleCreates a new instance using the given render template id and a custom renderer instance.
TemplateNodeStyle (string?, TemplateNodeStyleRenderer?, )in TemplateNodeStyleCreates a new instance using the given render template id and a custom renderer instance.
TemplatePortStyle (string?, TemplatePortStyleRenderer?, )in TemplatePortStyleCreates a new instance using the given render template id and a custom renderer instance.
addText (SVGGElement | SVGTextElement, string, Font, Size?, TextWrapping?, TextMeasurePolicy?, boolean?, GeneralPath?)in TextRenderSupportAdd the text content to the provided SVG text element.
measureText (string, Font, Size?, TextWrapping?, TextMeasurePolicy?)in TextRenderSupportCalculates the width and height required to render the provided text using the provided Font, taking text-wrapping into account.
fireSizeChanged (Size)in CanvasComponentFires the size changed event.
GraphComponent (HTMLDivElement, )in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of the GraphComponent in the given div element.
GraphComponent ()in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of the GraphComponent.
GraphComponent (string, )in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of GraphComponent using the div element that is specified by the selector.