documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of RoutingPolicy


routingPolicyin BusRouterBusDescriptorGets or sets the routing policy indicating if the edge associated with this descriptor is unconditionally routed or if the existing route determines whether a routing is even necessary.
routingPolicyin ChannelEdgeRouterGets or sets the routing policy indicating if the edges are unconditionally routed or if the existing routes determines whether a new path is necessary.
routingPolicyin EdgeRouterEdgeLayoutDescriptorGets or sets the routing policy indicating if the edge associated with this descriptor is unconditionally routed or if the existing route determines whether a routing is even necessary.

Method Return Values

from (RoutingPolicy)in RoutingPolicyConverts the argument to RoutingPolicy.

Method Parameters

BusDescriptor (Object, boolean, Object, Object, RoutingPolicy)in BusRouterBusDescriptorCreates a new instance of BusRouterBusDescriptor for the specified parameters.
ChannelEdgeRouter ()in ChannelEdgeRouterCreates a new ChannelEdgeRouter instance with default settings.
EdgeLayoutDescriptor ()in EdgeRouterEdgeLayoutDescriptorCreates a new instance of an EdgeRouterEdgeLayoutDescriptor with the default settings.
from (RoutingPolicy)in RoutingPolicyConverts the argument to RoutingPolicy.