documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of Point


intersectionPointsin IntersectionGets a list of points that describe the intersecting area or line.
centroidsin KMeansClusteringGets or sets the initial centroids.
centroidsin KMeansClusteringResultGets a collection of the new centroids.
lastCoordinatein GeneralPathGets the last coordinates of the last path element.
currentEndPointin GeneralPathCursorGets the current end point of the last path element.
anchorLocationin IOrientedRectangleGets the anchor location of the oriented rectangle as a Point struct.
orientedRectangleCenterin IOrientedRectangleGets the current center of the oriented rectangle as a Point struct.
upVectorin IOrientedRectangleGets the up vector of the oriented rectangle as a Point struct.
bottomLeftin IRectangleGets the coordinates of the bottom left corner of the rectangle as a Point.
bottomRightin IRectangleGets the coordinates of the bottom right corner of the rectangle as a Point.
centerin IRectangleGets the coordinates of the center of the rectangle as a Point.
topLeftin IRectangleGets the coordinates of the top left corner of the rectangle as a Point.
topRightin IRectangleGets the coordinates of the top right corner of the rectangle as a Point.
normalizedin PointGets the normalized version of this vector.
bottomLeftin RectGets the coordinates of the bottom left corner of the rectangle.
bottomRightin RectGets the coordinates of the bottom right corner of the rectangle.
centerin RectGets the center of the rectangle using centerX and centerY.
topLeftin RectGets the coordinates of the top left corner of the rectangle.
topRightin RectGets the coordinates of the top right corner of the rectangle.
pointin TangentGets the point of tangency.
vectorin TangentGets the directional vector.
locationin FoldingBendStateGets or sets the location of the bend.
pasteDeltain GraphClipboardGets or sets a vector that will be used to move nodes and bends by after they have been pasted to the target graph.
locationin IPortGets a snapshot of the current location of the port.
locationin ClickEventArgsGets the location of the click.
clickLocationin ClickInputModeGets the location of the last click.
deltain CollectSnapResultsEventArgsGets the vector by which the mouse has been moved since initialization of the snapping process.
newLocationin CollectSnapResultsEventArgsGets the new (current) location of the mouse that is going to be manipulated by the snapping process.
originalLocationin CollectSnapResultsEventArgsGets the original location of the mouse at the beginning of the gesture.
locationin CreateBendInputModeGets the location where the bend creation gesture was initialized.
startPointin CreateEdgeInputModeGets a copy of the starting point at which the edge creation gesture started.
dropLocationin DropInputModeGets the mouse position after dropping an item.
directionin EdgeSegmentSnapLineGets the direction vector of this snap line.
segmentSourcein EdgeSegmentSnapLineGets the location that represents the source of the related segment on this line.
segmentTargetin EdgeSegmentSnapLineGets the location that represents the target of the related segment on this line.
sourceMarkerin EdgeSegmentSnapLineGets or sets the location of the source marker of this snap line.
targetMarkerin EdgeSegmentSnapLineGets or sets the location of the target marker of this snap line.
nodeCreatorin GraphEditorInputModeGets or sets the callback that is responsible for creating a new node, for instance, in response to a mouse click.
pasteDeltain GraphEditorInputModeGets or sets the offset for paste operation if clipboard operations are enabled.
gridOriginin GridConstraintProviderGets the grid origin.
gridOriginin IGridConstraintProviderGets the canonical origin of the grid.
itemCreatorin ItemDropInputModeGets or sets the callback for item creation.
snappedMousePositionin ItemDropInputModeGets the current snapped mouse position during drag operations.
startLocationin LassoSelectionInputModeGets the location where the prepareRecognizer was triggered and the lasso selection started.
toolTipLocationOffsetin MouseHoverInputModeGets or sets the tooltip location offset in view coordinates.
initialLocationin MoveInputModeGets the initial position where the dragging was initiated.
originalLocationin MovementInfoGets the original location of the element at the time the editing started.
queryLocationin PopulateMenuEventArgsGets the queried location in world coordinates.
queryLocationin QueryClosestHandleEventArgsGets the query location in world coordinates.
queryLocationin QueryPositionHandlerEventArgsGets the location of the movement (where the drag has started).
bottomRightChangeFactorin ReshapeRectangleContextGets the factor by which the bottom right corner of the node layout changes when the handle is dragged.
topLeftChangeFactorin ReshapeRectangleContextGets the factor by which the top left corner of the node layout changes when the handle is dragged.
originalLocationin SnapContextGets the original location of the mouse at the time the gesture was initialized.
coordinatesin SnapLineGets the coordinates of the center point of the snap line.
fromin SnapLineGets or sets the first location that delimits this snap line.
toin SnapLineGets or sets the second location that delimits this snap line.
locationin SnapStateGets the current location.
locationin TapEventArgsGets the location of the tap.
tapLocationin TapInputModeGets the location of the last tap.
queryLocationin ToolTipQueryEventArgsGets the query location in world coordinates.
offsetin NodeStylePortStyleAdapterGets or sets an offset for the port visualization.
offsetin TemplatePortStyleBaseGets or sets an offset for the port visualization.
centerin TemplatePortStyleRendererGets the center of the port.
centerin CanvasComponentGets or sets the world coordinate at the center of the control.
lastEventLocationin CanvasComponentGets the last location provided by a pointing device (for instance mouse or touch).
viewPointin CanvasComponentGets or sets the current view point.
originin GridInfoGets or sets the canonical origin of the grid.
endPointin LinearGradientGets or sets the end point of this gradient.
startPointin LinearGradientGets or sets the start point of this gradient.
locationin MouseEventArgsGets the coordinates in the world coordinate space associated with this event.
originin PatternFillGets or sets the origin of this pattern brush.
centerin RadialGradientGets or sets the center of this radial gradient.
gradientOriginin RadialGradientGets or sets the origin of this radial gradient.
worldPointsin SvgExportGets or sets the points in world coordinates which are enclosed in the exported area.
lastViewCoordinatein TouchDeviceGets the last device coordinate in the view coordinate system.
locationin TouchEventArgsReturns the location represented by this event in world coordinates.


ORIGINin PointGets a Point instance that has both x and y set to 0.

Method Return Values

toPoint ()in Point2DCreates a Point from a given Point2D.
toPoint ()in YPointCreates a Point from a given YPoint.
toPoint ()in YVectorCreates a Point from a given YVector.
getCentroid (Cluster)in KMeansClusteringResultGets the centroid of the cluster.
getBends (TDataItem)in EdgeCreatorObtains an Point array by resolving the bendsProvider.
getUpdatedBends (IGraph, IEdge, TDataItem)in EdgeCreatorResolves the bendsProvider on the given data item.
getCubicSplitPoints (Point, Point, Point, Point, boolean, number)in GeneralPathDetermines new control points for splitting a cubic Bézier segment.
getPoint (number)in GeneralPathGets a point on this path instance at the given ratio.
findEllipseLineIntersection (Rect, Point, Point)in GeomUtilitiesReturns the ellipse/line intersection point for the given point pair.
from (Point)in IPointCreates a Point instance from the given point-like object by performing automatic type conversion.
toPoint ()in IPointCopies the current values of the coordinates of the point to a Point struct.
transform (Point)in MatrixTransforms the given coordinate.
add (Point)in PointAdds the given vector and this instance and returns the result as new instance.
convertFrom (MutablePoint)in PointPerforms an explicit conversion from MutablePoint to Point.
from (Point)in PointCreates a Point instance from the given point-like object by performing automatic type conversion.
getConstrained (Rect)in PointCreate a constrained copy of this instance that lies within the given non-empty rectangle.
getProjectionOnLine (Point, Point)in PointCalculates the projection of this point onto a line.
getProjectionOnRay (Point, Point)in PointCalculates the projection of this point onto a ray.
getProjectionOnSegment (Point, Point)in PointCalculates the projection of this point onto a segment.
interpolate (Point, Point, number)in PointCalculates a linear interpolation between two points.
multiply (number)in PointMultiplies the given factor with this instance using scalar multiplication and returns the result as new instance.
multiply (Matrix)in PointApplies the given matrix to this instance by calling transform and returns the result.
subtract (Point)in PointSubtracts the given vector from this instance and returns the result as new instance.
findLineIntersection (Point, Point)in RectFinds the intersection between a rectangle and a line.
getLocation (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in BendAnchoredPortLocationModel
getLocation (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in EdgePathPortLocationModel
getLocation (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in FreeNodePortLocationModel
getLocation (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in GenericPortLocationModel
getLocation (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in IPortLocationModelDetermines the location of the port for the given parameter.
getLocation (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in SegmentRatioPortLocationModel
constrainNewLocation (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in ConstrainedDragHandlerApplies the constraints for the new location.
adjustTooltipPosition (Point)in MouseHoverInputModeAdjust the calculated tooltip position.
getToolTipLocation (Point)in MouseHoverInputModeFinds the position in canvas view coordinates to display the tooltip at for the given world coordinates.
getIntersection (Point, Point)in ArrowNodeStyleRenderer
getIntersection (Point, Point)in BevelNodeStyleRenderer
getIntersection (Point, Point)in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererDelegates to the getWrappedStyle.
getIntersection (INode, IShapeGeometry, IEdge, Point, Point)in DefaultEdgePathCropperFinds the intersection between a node and the edge.
getIntersection (Point, Point)in GeneralPathNodeStyleRenderer
getIntersection (Point, Point)in GroupNodeStyleRenderer
getIntersection (Point, Point)in IShapeGeometryReturns the intersection for the given line with this shape's geometry.
getIntersection (Point, Point)in ImageNodeStyleRendererTries to use the normalizedOutline to perform the intersection calculation, otherwise reverts to default (rectangular) behavior.
getIntersection (INode, Point, Point)in NodeStyleBaseGets the intersection of a line with the visual representation of the node.
getIntersection (Point, Point)in PanelNodeStyleRendererFinds an intersection for the current node using the style.
getIntersection (Point, Point)in RectangleNodeStyleRenderer
getIntersection (Point, Point)in ShapeNodeStyleRenderer
getIntersection (Point, Point)in ShinyPlateNodeStyleRenderer
getIntersection (Point, Point)in TableNodeStyleRenderer
getIntersection (Point, Point)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererTries to use the outline shape to perform the intersection calculation, otherwise reverts to default (rectangular) behavior.
getOffset ()in TemplatePortStyleRendererGets the offset for the visualization.
getIntersection (Point, Point)in VoidShapeGeometryThis implementation always returns null (a T with no value).
intermediateToViewCoordinates (Point)in CanvasComponentConverts intermediate coordinates to view coordinates expressed in the control's coordinate system.
intermediateToWorldCoordinates (Point)in CanvasComponentConverts intermediate coordinates to world coordinates.
toPageFromView (Point)in CanvasComponentConverts view coordinates to the html page coordinates.
toViewCoordinates (Point)in CanvasComponentConverts world coordinates to view coordinates expressed in the control's coordinate system.
toViewFromPage (Point)in CanvasComponentConverts html page coordinates to view coordinates.
toWorldCoordinates (Point)in CanvasComponentConverts coordinates expressed in the component's coordinate system to world coordinates.
toWorldFromPage (Point)in CanvasComponentConverts html page coordinates to world coordinates.
viewToIntermediateCoordinates (Point)in CanvasComponentConverts view coordinates to intermediate coordinates, effectively canceling any projection if set.
worldToIntermediateCoordinates (Point)in CanvasComponentConverts world coordinates to the component's coordinate system before the projection is applied.
getPosition (HTMLElement)in DragEventArgsGets the position of the current drag operation in the coordinates system of the provided element.
intermediateToViewCoordinates (Point)in IRenderContextConverts the given set of intermediate coordinates to a coordinate pair that can be used to render within the viewTransform.
toViewCoordinates (Point)in IRenderContextConverts the given set of world coordinates to a coordinate pair that can be used to render within the viewTransform.
worldToIntermediateCoordinates (Point)in IRenderContextConverts the given set of world coordinates to a coordinate pair that can be used to render within the intermediateTransform.

Method Parameters

KMeansClustering ()in KMeansClusteringCreates a new instance of this class.
findLineIntersection (Point, Point, number?)in GeneralPathFinds an intersection point between a line and this GeneralPath.
findRayIntersection (Point, Point, number?)in GeneralPathFinds the first intersection of a ray with this GeneralPath using a given epsilon for flattening Bézier curves contained in the path.
getCubicSplitPoints (Point, Point, Point, Point, boolean, number)in GeneralPathDetermines new control points for splitting a cubic Bézier segment.
getProjection (Point, number)in GeneralPathGets the projection of p onto the segment segmentIndex
ellipseContains (Rect, Point, number)in GeomUtilitiesChecks whether an ellipse contains the given point.
findEllipseLineIntersection (Rect, Point, Point)in GeomUtilitiesReturns the ellipse/line intersection point for the given point pair.
findRayIntersection (Point, Point, Point, Point)in GeomUtilitiesFinds the intersection between a line segment and an infinite ray.
setAnchor (Point)in IMutableOrientedRectangleSets the anchor vector of the oriented rectangle to the given value.
setCenter (Point)in IMutableOrientedRectangleSets the center of the oriented rectangle to the given value.
setCenter (Point)in IMutableRectangleSets the center of the rectangle to the provided value.
containsWithEps (Point, number)in IOrientedRectangleDetermines whether the given oriented rectangle contains the provided point, using an epsilon value.
hits (Point, number)in IOrientedRectangleDetermines whether the oriented rectangle contains the provided point, using an epsilon value.
from (Point)in IPointCreates a Point instance from the given point-like object by performing automatic type conversion.
rotate (number, Point, MatrixOrder?)in MatrixPrepends or appends a rotation operation to this matrix around the specified rotation center.
transform (Point)in MatrixTransforms the given coordinate.
translate (Point, MatrixOrder?)in MatrixAppends or Prepends a translation to this instance.
moveBy (Point)in MutablePointMoves this instance by adding the provided offsets to the coordinates of this point.
MutableRectangle (Point, Size)in MutableRectangleCreates a new instance using the provided values to initialize the position and size.
moveBy (Point)in MutableRectangleMoves this rectangle by applying the offset to the location
moveBy (Point)in OrientedRectangleMoves this rectangle by applying the offset to the anchor
add (Point)in PointAdds the given vector and this instance and returns the result as new instance.
convertToMutablePoint (Point)in PointPerforms an implicit conversion from Point to MutablePoint.
distanceToSegment (Point, Point)in PointDetermines the distance between this point and a line segment.
equalsEps (Point, number)in PointDetermines whether the two given points have the same coordinates with respect to a certain given eps.
from (Point)in PointCreates a Point instance from the given point-like object by performing automatic type conversion.
getProjectionOnLine (Point, Point)in PointCalculates the projection of this point onto a line.
getProjectionOnRay (Point, Point)in PointCalculates the projection of this point onto a ray.
getProjectionOnSegment (Point, Point)in PointCalculates the projection of this point onto a segment.
hits (Point, number)in PointDetermines if the point lies close to this point given an epsilon.
hitsLineSegment (Point, Point, number)in PointDetermines whether this point hits the line segment with respect to a given radius.
interpolate (Point, Point, number)in PointCalculates a linear interpolation between two points.
scalarProduct (Point)in PointCalculates the scalar product of this and the given vector.
scalarProduct (Point, Point)in PointCalculates the scalar product of the two given points.
subtract (Point)in PointSubtracts the given vector from this instance and returns the result as new instance.
Rect (Point, Point)in RectInitializes a new instance using two point to define the bounds
Rect (Point, Size)in RectInitializes a new instance using the topLeft corner and the size.
add (Point)in RectReturns the union of this rectangle and the given point.
containsWithEps (Point, number?)in RectDetermines whether this rectangle contains the specified point with respect to a given epsilon.
findLineIntersection (Point, Point)in RectFinds the intersection between a rectangle and a line.
getTranslated (Point)in RectReturns a translated instance of this which has modified x and y by the given amount.
intersectsLine (Point, Point)in RectDetermines whether this rectangle intersects a line.
Tangent (Point, Point)in TangentInitializes a new instance of the Tangent class using the given values for the point and vector properties.
createParameter (IPortOwner, Point)in BendAnchoredPortLocationModel
addBend (IEdge, Point, number?)in DefaultGraph
onBendLocationChanged (IBend, Point)in DefaultGraphCalled after a bend location has changed.
setBendLocation (IBend, Point)in DefaultGraphModifies the location of the given bend.
createParameter (IPortOwner, Point)in EdgePathPortLocationModel
addBend (Point, number?)in FoldingEdgeStateAdds a new FoldingBendState to this edge state at the given index and location.
createAbsolute (Point, number?)in FreeLabelModelCreates a new label model parameter that places the label at the given absolute position using the provided angle.
createCanonicalParameter (Rect, IOrientedRectangle, Point?)in FreeNodeLabelModelCreates a parameter instance that anchors the labelLayout relative to the nodeLayout.
createParameter (Point, Point, Point, Point?, number?)in FreeNodeLabelModelCreates a parameter instance that anchors the label to the node at a given position.
createParameter (IPortOwner, Point)in FreeNodePortLocationModel
createParameterForRatios (Point, Point?)in FreeNodePortLocationModelCreates a parameter that uses the given ratios and offsets.
createParameter (Point, Point, Point?, number?)in FreePortLabelModelCreates a parameter instance that anchors the label to the port at a given position.
createParameter (IPortOwner, Point)in GenericPortLocationModelFactory method that creates a parameter for the given owner that tries to match the provided location in absolute world coordinates.
GraphClipboard ()in GraphClipboardCreates a new initially empty clipboard.
addBend (IGraph, IGraph, IEdge, IBend, Point, number)in GraphCopierAdds a bend to the targetEdge in the targetGraph as a copy of the source bend.
copy (IGraph, function(IModelItem):boolean, IGraph, Point?, function(IModelItem, IModelItem):void?)in GraphCopierCopies a subgraph described by a predicate from the sourceGraph to the targetGraph.
copy (IGraph, function(IModelItem):boolean, IGraph, INode, Point?, function(IModelItem, IModelItem):void?)in GraphCopierCopies a subgraph induced by a predicate from the sourceGraph to the targetGraph.
copyChildNode (IGraph, IGraph, INode, INode, Point)in GraphCopierCreates a copy of the node in the targetGraph.
copyGroupNode (IGraph, IGraph, INode, INode, Point)in GraphCopierCreates a copy of the sourceGroupNode in the targetGraph.
copyNode (IGraph, IGraph, INode, Point)in GraphCopierCreates a copy of the node in the targetGraph.
addBend (IEdge, Point, number?)in GraphWrapperBase
onBendLocationChanged (IBend, Point)in GraphWrapperBaseRaises the BendLocationChanged event
setBendLocation (IBend, Point)in GraphWrapperBase
addBend (IEdge, Point, number?)in IGraphAdds a bend at the given index to the given edge using the coordinates provided.
addBends (IEdge, IEnumerable<Point>)in IGraphAdds bends with the given locations to the end of the bend list of the given edge.
addPortAt (IPortOwner, Point, IPortStyle?, Object?)in IGraphAdd a port to the given port owner using the absolute coordinates as the new initial position of the port anchor.
addRelativePort (INode, Point)in IGraphAdds a new port to the graph at the node using a location that is relative to the center of the node.
createDefaultPortLocationParameter (IPortOwner, Point?)in IGraphCreates a location model parameter for a newly created IPort at the owner that matches the location.
createEdge (IPort, IPort, IEdgeStyle?, Object?, )in IGraphCreates and returns an edge that connects to the given port instances.
createEdge (INode, INode, IEdgeStyle?, Object?, )in IGraphCreates and returns an edge that connects to the given node instances using the given style instance.
createNodeAt (Point, INodeStyle?, Object?, )in IGraphCreates and returns a node using the specified initial center location and style, as well as the tag.
setBendLocation (IBend, Point)in IGraphModifies the location of the given bend.
setNodeCenter (INode, Point)in IGraphSets the center of a node to the given world coordinates.
setPortLocation (IPort, Point)in IGraphConvenience method that tries to set the absolute coordinates of the given port to the given values.
setRelativePortLocation (IPort, Point)in IGraphTries to set the location of the port relative to its owner if the owner is a node.
createParameter (IPortOwner, Point)in IPortLocationModelFactory method that creates a parameter for the given owner that tries to match the provided location in absolute world coordinates.
findColumn (INode, Point, function(IStripe):boolean?)in ITableFinds a column underneath a certain point.
findRow (INode, Point, function(IStripe):boolean?)in ITableFinds a row underneath a certain point.
findStripe (Point, StripeTypes, StripeSubregionTypes, CanvasComponent, function(StripeSubregion):boolean?)in ITableFinds a stripe underneath a certain point.
findStripes (INode, Point, StripeTypes, function(IStripe):boolean?)in ITableFinds all stripes underneath a certain point.
findStripes (Point, StripeTypes, StripeSubregionTypes, CanvasComponent, function(StripeSubregion):boolean?)in ITableUsed as a callback to find the items underneath a certain point.
createParameter (IPortOwner, Point)in SegmentRatioPortLocationModel
setLocation (Point)in SimplePortSets the location of this port.
ClickEventArgs (IInputModeContext, Point, ModifierKeys, MouseButtons, number, Event?)in ClickEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the ClickEventArgs class.
CollectSnapResultsEventArgs (IInputModeContext, Point, Point, number, number, ICollection<SnapResult>)in CollectSnapResultsEventArgsCreates a new instance of the event arguments using the provided values for initialization.
cancelDrag (IInputModeContext, Point)in ConstrainedDragHandlerCancels the move operation and calls onCanceled
constrainNewLocation (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in ConstrainedDragHandlerApplies the constraints for the new location.
dragFinished (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in ConstrainedDragHandlerHandles the finish operation and invokes onFinished
handleMove (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in ConstrainedDragHandlerHandles the move operation and subsequently calls onMoved
onCanceled (IInputModeContext, Point)in ConstrainedDragHandlerCalled when the cancelDrag method has been called.
onFinished (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in ConstrainedDragHandlerCalled when the dragFinished method has been called.
onInitialized (IInputModeContext, Point)in ConstrainedDragHandlerCalled when the initializeDrag method has been called.
onMoved (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in ConstrainedDragHandlerCalled when the handleMove operation has been performed.
onMenuOpening (Point)in ContextMenuInputModeThis will populate the context menu for the given world coordinate.
shouldOpenMenu (Point?)in ContextMenuInputModeThis method must be called by custom code to inform this input mode that a context menu is about to be opened by a user gesture.
createBend (IEdge, Point)in CreateBendInputModeCreates the bend.
dragSegment (IEdge, Point)in CreateBendInputModeUpdates the splitOrthogonalSegment property and then delegates to createBend.
getEdge (Point)in CreateBendInputModeFinds the edge at the given coordinate.
createDummyBend (Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeCreates a dummy bend at the given location and adds it to the dummyEdge that will be displayed by the input mode during the creation.
getClosestCandidate (IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>, Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeFinds the closest VALID candidate given a number of IPortCandidates and a location in world coordinates.
getClosestSourceCandidate (IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>, Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeFinds the closest candidate given a number of IPortCandidates and a location in world coordinates.
getClosestTargetCandidate (IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>, Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeFinds the closest target candidate given a number of IPortCandidates and a location in world coordinates.
getPortOwner (Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeRetrieves the port owner at a given position in world coordinates.
getSource (Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeFinds the source port owner at the specified location.
getSourcePortCandidate (IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>, Point, boolean)in CreateEdgeInputModeFinds the best matching source port IPortCandidate for the given candidates at the provided location.
getSourcePortCandidateProvider (Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeFinds the source port candidate provider at the specified location.
getSourcePortCandidates (Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeGets the source port candidates for the given location.
getTarget (Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeFinds the target port owner at the specified location.
getTargetPortCandidateProvider (IPortCandidate, Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeRetrieves the IPortCandidateProvider instance that provides the possible candidates for the target of the edge given the current source candidate.
getTargetPortCandidates (Point, boolean)in CreateEdgeInputModeRetrieves the target port candidates for a given location in world coordinates.
lookupTargetPortCandidateProvider (IPortCandidate, IPortOwner, Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeRetrieves the port candidate provider instance given a source port candidate and a possible target item.
measureDistance (IPortCandidate, Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeMeasures the distance between a port candidate and a given location.
relocateDragPoint (Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeSets the position of the tip of the edge during creation.
resolveCandidates (IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>, Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeReturns an enumerable over the given candidates where no instance has DYNAMIC validity.
updateTargetLocation (Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeUpdates the drag point.
createBend (IInputModeContext, IGraph, IEdge, Point)in DefaultBendCreator
getPortCandidateAt (IInputModeContext, Point)in DefaultPortCandidateReturns a candidate that is derived from this instance that best fits the provided location.
setDragLocation (Point)in DropInputModeThis method updates the mousePosition according to the coordinates passed in.
EdgeSegmentSnapLine (IEdge, Point, Point, number, number)in EdgeSegmentSnapLineInitializes a new instance of the PointBasedSnapLine class.
EdgeSegmentSnapLine (IEdge, Point, Point, Point, Point, number, number, Object, number)in EdgeSegmentSnapLineInitializes a new instance of the PointBasedSnapLine class.
addHorizontalSegmentSnapLines (GraphSnapContext, CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgs, IEdge, Point, Point)in EdgeSnapLineProviderAdds horizontal snap lines for a horizontally oriented fixed segment snap lines.
addVerticalSegmentSnapLines (GraphSnapContext, CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgs, IEdge, Point, Point)in EdgeSnapLineProviderAdds vertical snap lines for a vertically oriented fixed segment snap lines.
GraphEditorInputMode ()in GraphEditorInputModeCreates a new instance that is not bound to an existing graph or selection, initially.
clickCreateNode (IInputModeContext, Point)in GraphEditorInputModeCreates a node on click.
createNode (Point)in GraphEditorInputModeCreates a node given a certain click point.
pasteAtLocation (Point)in GraphEditorInputModePastes the current clipboard contents at the given location.
findItems (Point, GraphItemTypes, function(IModelItem):boolean?)in GraphInputModeUsed as a callback to find the items hit underneath a certain point.
findItems (IInputModeContext, Point, GraphItemTypes, function(IModelItem):boolean?)in GraphInputModeUsed as a callback to find the items hit underneath a certain point.
handleClickListener (IInputModeContext, IModelItem, Point)in GraphInputModeCalled by click to query the item for an IClickListener in its lookup and handle it appropriately.
initializeDrag (IInputModeContext, Point)in GraphSnapContextCalled by IInputMode implementations when an interactive drag is started.
cancelDrag (IInputModeContext, Point)in GroupingNodePositionHandler
dragFinished (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in GroupingNodePositionHandler
handleMove (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in GroupingNodePositionHandler
getClosestHandleAt (Point)in HandleInputModeFinds the closest hit handle for the given world coordinate pair.
getClosestHitHandle (Point)in HandleInputModeFinds the closest hit handle for the given world coordinate pair.
getClosestHitHandleTouch (Point)in HandleInputModeFinds the closest hit handle for the given world coordinate pair.
handleIsHit (IHandle, Point, Point)in HandleInputModeDetermines whether a given handle has been visually hit by the mouse at the given world coordinates.
handleIsHitTouch (IHandle, Point, Point)in HandleInputModeDetermines whether a given handle has been visually hit by the touch device at the given world coordinates.
create (function(IInputModeContext, IGraph, IEdge, Point):number)in IBendCreatorCreates an implementation of the interface IBendCreator by using the given function as implementation for its createBend method.
createBend (IInputModeContext, IGraph, IEdge, Point)in IBendCreatorCreates a bend at the given graph for the given edge at the position supplied.
create ()in IBendGridConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IBendGridConstraintProvider from the given definition.
create (function(IInputModeContext, Point):IEnumerable<IBend>)in IBendHitTesterCreates an implementation of the interface IBendHitTester by using the given function as implementation for its enumerateHits method.
create ()in IBendSelectionTesterCreates an implementation of the interface IBendSelectionTester from the given definition.
getHitBend (IInputModeContext, Point)in IBendSelectionTesterReturns the bend at the given world coordinate position.
collectSnapResults (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, Point, IBend)in IBendSnapResultProviderCalled when a node is dragged to add SnapResults for OrthogonalSnapLines to which this bend can potentially snap.
create (function(GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, Point, IBend):void)in IBendSnapResultProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IBendSnapResultProvider by using the given function as implementation for its collectSnapResults method.
create ()in IClickListenerCreates an implementation of the interface IClickListener from the given definition.
onClicked (IInputModeContext, Point)in IClickListenerCalled by the framework to indicate that the IModelItem has been clicked by the user at the specified location.
cancelDrag (IInputModeContext, Point)in IDragHandlerCalled by clients to indicate that the dragging has been canceled by the user.
create ()in IDragHandlerCreates an implementation of the interface IDragHandler from the given definition.
dragFinished (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in IDragHandlerCalled by clients to indicate that the repositioning has just been finished.
handleMove (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in IDragHandlerCalled by clients to indicate that the element has been dragged and its position should be updated.
create (function(IInputModeContext, Point):IEnumerable<IEdge>)in IEdgeHitTesterCreates an implementation of the interface IEdgeHitTester by using the given function as implementation for its enumerateHits method.
create ()in IGridConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IGridConstraintProvider<T> from the given definition.
create ()in IHandleCreates an implementation of the interface IHandle from the given definition.
create (function(IInputModeContext, Point):boolean)in IHitTestableWrap a handler into an interface.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in IHitTestableDetermines if something has been hit at the given coordinates in the world coordinate system.
create (function(IInputModeContext, Point):IEnumerable<T>)in IHitTesterCreates an implementation of the interface IHitTester<T> by using the given function as implementation for its enumerateHits method.
enumerateHits (IInputModeContext, Point)in IHitTesterYields an enumerable that enumerates the hits for a given world coordinate.
create ()in ILabelGridConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface ILabelGridConstraintProvider from the given definition.
create (function(IInputModeContext, Point):IEnumerable<ILabel>)in ILabelHitTesterCreates an implementation of the interface ILabelHitTester by using the given function as implementation for its enumerateHits method.
create ()in ILabelOwnerGridConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface ILabelOwnerGridConstraintProvider from the given definition.
create (function(IInputModeContext, Point):IEnumerable<ILabelOwner>)in ILabelOwnerHitTesterCreates an implementation of the interface ILabelOwnerHitTester by using the given function as implementation for its enumerateHits method.
create ()in INodeGridConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface INodeGridConstraintProvider from the given definition.
create (function(IInputModeContext, Point):IEnumerable<INode>)in INodeHitTesterCreates an implementation of the interface INodeHitTester by using the given function as implementation for its enumerateHits method.
getPortCandidateAt (IInputModeContext, Point)in IPortCandidateReturns a candidate that is derived from this instance that best fits the provided location.
create ()in IPortGridConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IPortGridConstraintProvider from the given definition.
create (function(IInputModeContext, Point):IEnumerable<IPort>)in IPortHitTesterCreates an implementation of the interface IPortHitTester by using the given function as implementation for its enumerateHits method.
create ()in IPortSelectionTesterCreates an implementation of the interface IPortSelectionTester from the given definition.
getHitPort (IInputModeContext, Point)in IPortSelectionTesterReturns the port at the given world coordinate position or null if there is no such port.
collectSnapResults (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, Point, IPort)in IPortSnapResultProviderCalled when a node is dragged to add SnapResults for OrthogonalSnapLines to which this bend can potentially snap.
create (function(GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, Point, IPort):void)in IPortSnapResultProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IPortSnapResultProvider by using the given function as implementation for its collectSnapResults method.
create ()in IPositionHandlerCreates an implementation of the interface IPositionHandler from the given definition.
ItemClickedEventArgs (T, IInputModeContext, Point, ModifierKeys?, MouseButtons?, number?)in ItemClickedEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the ItemClickedEventArgs<T> class.
ItemDropInputMode (string, )in ItemDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the ItemDropInputMode<T> class for the expected data type.
ItemDropInputMode (string, )in ItemDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the ItemDropInputMode<T> class for the expected data type.
getDropTarget (Point)in ItemDropInputModeReturns the drop target at the specified location.
setDragLocation (Point)in ItemDropInputModeSets the drag location and calls updatePreview to update the layout of item preview based on the mouse coordinates and the results of the snapContext.
updateDropTarget (Point)in ItemDropInputModeCalls getDropTarget for snappedMousePosition and sets the returned item as dropTarget.
updatePreview (IGraph, Point)in ItemDropInputModeSubclasses shall update the preview graph so the dragged item is displayed at the specified dragLocation.
getHitItemsAt (Point)in ItemHoverInputModeGets the items that have been hit at the given location.
updateHover (Point?)in ItemHoverInputModeForces a reevaluation of the item that the mouse is currently hovering over or at a specific location.
ItemTappedEventArgs (T, IInputModeContext, Point, number?)in ItemTappedEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the ItemTappedEventArgs<T> class.
LabelDropInputMode (string, )in LabelDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class DropInputMode for the expected data type.
LabelDropInputMode (string, )in LabelDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class DropInputMode for the expected data type.
LabelDropInputMode ()in LabelDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class LabelDropInputMode for the type ILabel.
getDropTarget (Point)in LabelDropInputModeLooks for a valid label owner at the dragLocation.
getLabelLayout (Point, ILabel)in LabelDropInputModeGet the layout the dragged label currently has.
getNewLabelModelParameter (ILabelOwner, ILabel, Point)in LabelDropInputModeDetermine the ILabelModelParameter the label should have if it were dropped at draggedLocation over owner.
updatePreview (IGraph, Point)in LabelDropInputMode
cancelDrag (IInputModeContext, Point)in LabelPositionHandler
dragFinished (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in LabelPositionHandler
getDistance (IOrientedRectangle, Point)in LabelPositionHandlerCalculates a distance value between a candidate rectangle and the mouse location.
handleMove (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in LabelPositionHandler
setPosition (Point)in LabelPositionHandlerCalled by clients to set the position to the given coordinates.
dragFinished (Point, boolean)in LabelSnapContext
handleMove (Point, boolean)in LabelSnapContext
initializeDrag (IInputModeContext, Point)in LabelSnapContext
isValidEndLocation (Point)in LassoSelectionInputModeUsed by the finishRecognizer and finishRecognizerTouch to check the current cursor position.
calculateMarqueeRectangle (Point, Point)in MarqueeSelectionInputModeCalculates the location and size of the marquee rectangle.
MouseHoverInputMode (function(Object, ToolTipQueryEventArgs):void?, )in MouseHoverInputModeCreates a new instance using the provided optional text provider.
adjustTooltipPosition (Point)in MouseHoverInputModeAdjust the calculated tooltip position.
getToolTipContent (Point)in MouseHoverInputModeCallback method that provides a text for the given location, a Promise<T> providing a text or null.
getToolTipLocation (Point)in MouseHoverInputModeFinds the position in canvas view coordinates to display the tooltip at for the given world coordinates.
onShow (Point, Object?)in MouseHoverInputModeTriggered when the mouse hovers over the given coordinates.
show (Point, Object?)in MouseHoverInputModeShows the tooltip at the given location.
doStartDrag (Point)in MoveInputModeSimulates the start of a drag and puts the state machine into the dragging state.
isValidStartLocation (Point)in MoveInputModeDetermines whether the given location is a valid start location for the move gesture.
getHitLabel (IInputModeContext, Point)in MoveLabelInputModeLooks for a label that has been hit at the specified position.
isValidLabelHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in MoveLabelInputModeDetermines whether or not a valid label has been hit at the specified position.
MovementInfo (Point, MoveTypes, IModelItem)in MovementInfoInitializes a new instance of the MovementInfo class.
findNearestItem (IInputModeContext, Point, MoveFocusDirection, IEnumerable<IModelItem>)in NavigationInputModeDetermines the nearest item in the given direction.
NodeBasedSnapLine (INode, SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, SnapLineVisualizationType, Point, Object, number)in NodeBasedSnapLineInitializes a new instance of the NodeBasedSnapLine class.
NodeBasedSnapLine (INode, SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, SnapLineVisualizationType, Point, number, number, Object, number)in NodeBasedSnapLineInitializes a new instance of the NodeBasedSnapLine class.
NodeDropInputMode ()in NodeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the NodeDropInputMode class for INodes.
NodeDropInputMode (string, )in NodeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the NodeDropInputMode class for the expected data type.
NodeDropInputMode (string, )in NodeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the NodeDropInputMode class for the expected data type.
getDropTarget (Point)in NodeDropInputMode
getNodeLayout (Point, Size)in NodeDropInputModeCalculates the layout of the new node.
updatePreview (IGraph, Point)in NodeDropInputMode
NodePairBasedSnapLine (INode, INode, SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, SnapLineVisualizationType, Point, Object, number)in NodePairBasedSnapLineInitializes a new instance of the NodePairBasedSnapLine class.
NodePairBasedSnapLine (INode, INode, SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, SnapLineVisualizationType, Point, number, number, Object, number)in NodePairBasedSnapLineInitializes a new instance of the NodePairBasedSnapLine class.
cancelDrag (IInputModeContext, Point)in NodeReshapeHandlerHandle
dragFinished (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in NodeReshapeHandlerHandle
handleMove (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in NodeReshapeHandlerHandle
addGridLineSnapResult (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, INode, SnapLineSnapTypes, IPoint, Point, Point, number, number, Point, SnapTypes)in NodeReshapeSnapResultProviderAdds a snap result for a location that snaps to a grid line.
addGridSnapResult (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, INode, IGridConstraintProvider<INode>, Point, Point)in NodeReshapeSnapResultProviderAdds a snap result for a location that snaps to the grid.
addSameSizeSnapResult (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, INode, SnapLineOrientation, IEnumerable<Rect>, number, Point)in NodeReshapeSnapResultProviderAdds a snap result for "same size" to the collect event argument.
addSnaplineSnapResult (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, INode, OrthogonalSnapLine, Point, Point, SnapTypes)in NodeReshapeSnapResultProviderAdds a snap result for a location that snaps the node's bounds to a snap line.
createCenterSnapLine (GraphSnapContext, INode, SnapLineOrientation, Point)in NodeSnapLineProviderCreates a snap line for the center of nodes.
addGridSnapResult (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, Point, INode)in NodeSnapResultProviderCalculates a SnapResult and adds it to the argument.
addGridSnapResultCore (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, Point, INode, GridSnapTypes, SnapPolicy, SnapPolicy)in NodeSnapResultProviderCalculates a SnapResult and adds it to the argument.
OrthogonalSnapLine (SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, SnapLineVisualizationType, Point, Object, number)in OrthogonalSnapLineCreates a new snap line using the provided attributes.
OrthogonalSnapLine (SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, SnapLineVisualizationType, Point, number, number, Object, number)in OrthogonalSnapLineCreates a new snap line using the provided attributes.
PointBasedSnapLine (IPoint, SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, SnapLineVisualizationType, Point, Object, number)in PointBasedSnapLineInitializes a new instance of the PointBasedSnapLine class.
PointBasedSnapLine (IPoint, SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, SnapLineVisualizationType, Point, number, number, Object, number)in PointBasedSnapLineInitializes a new instance of the PointBasedSnapLine class.
PopulateItemContextMenuEventArgs (IInputModeContext, Point, TModelItem)in PopulateItemContextMenuEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the PopulateItemContextMenuEventArgs<TModelItem> class.
PopulateMenuEventArgs (IInputModeContext, Point)in PopulateMenuEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the PopulateMenuEventArgs class.
getPortCandidateAt (IInputModeContext, DefaultPortCandidate, Point)in PortCandidateProviderBaseCallback method used by the ports created using the factory methods createCandidate.
PortDropInputMode (string, )in PortDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class DropInputMode for the expected data type.
PortDropInputMode (string, )in PortDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class DropInputMode for the expected data type.
PortDropInputMode ()in PortDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class PortDropInputMode for the type IPort.
getDropTarget (Point)in PortDropInputModeLooks for a valid port owner at the dragLocation.
getNewPortLocationModelParameter (IPortOwner, IPort, Point)in PortDropInputModeDetermine the IPortLocationModelParameter the port should have if it were dropped at dragLocation over owner.
updatePreview (IGraph, Point)in PortDropInputMode
cancelDrag (IInputModeContext, Point)in PortLocationModelParameterHandle
dragFinished (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in PortLocationModelParameterHandle
getNewParameter (IPort, IPortLocationModel, Point)in PortLocationModelParameterHandleObtains the new parameter for the given location and port.
handleMove (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in PortLocationModelParameterHandle
cancelDrag (IInputModeContext, Point)in PortRelocationHandle
dragFinished (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in PortRelocationHandle
filterCandidates (IInputModeContext, Point, IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>)in PortRelocationHandleFilters the given allCandidates to return the subset of candidates which are relevant at the given location.
getClosestCandidate (IInputModeContext, Point, IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>)in PortRelocationHandleFinds the closest candidate from the given set of candidates.
getCurrentOwner (IInputModeContext, Point)in PortRelocationHandleGets the IPortOwner at the given location.
getPort (IInputModeContext, IPortCandidate, Point)in PortRelocationHandleCalled during dragFinished to actually get the new port from the chosen candidate.
handleMove (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in PortRelocationHandle
resolveCandidate (IInputModeContext, IPortCandidate, Point)in PortRelocationHandleTries to resolve a dynamic port candidate for the given location.
setPort (IInputModeContext, IEdge, boolean, IPortCandidate, Point)in PortRelocationHandleTriggered by dragFinished to actually change the port.
setPosition (Point)in PortRelocationHandleUpdates the position of the handle.
QueryClosestHandleEventArgs (IInputModeContext, Point)in QueryClosestHandleEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the QueryClosestHandleEventArgs class.
QueryItemToolTipEventArgs (IInputModeContext, Point, TModelItem)in QueryItemToolTipEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the QueryItemToolTipEventArgs<TModelItem> class.
QueryPositionHandlerEventArgs (IInputModeContext, Point)in QueryPositionHandlerEventArgsInstantiates a new QueryPositionHandlerEventArgs
cancelDrag (IInputModeContext, Point)in RectangleHandleDelegates the original values to set
dragFinished (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in RectangleHandleThis implementation does nothing.
handleMove (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in RectangleHandleDelegates to set.
moveBy (Point)in RectangleHandleModifies the rectangle.
cancelDrag (IInputModeContext, Point)in ReparentStripePositionHandler
dragFinished (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in ReparentStripePositionHandler
getTargetSubregion (Point)in ReparentStripePositionHandlerFinds the target stripe subregion at location and its associated owner node.
handleMove (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in ReparentStripePositionHandler
setPosition (Point)in ReparentStripePositionHandlerCalled by clients to set the position to the given coordinates.
cancelDrag (IInputModeContext, Point)in ReshapeHandlerHandleDelegates the cancel request to the IReshapeHandler.
dragFinished (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in ReshapeHandlerHandleDelegates the finish request to the IReshapeHandler using the last bounds calculated by handleMove.
handleMove (IInputModeContext, Point, Point)in ReshapeHandlerHandleTranslates the move request into new bounds and delegates applying the new bounds to the handleReshape method.
ReshapeRectangleContext (Rect, ISize, ISize, IRectangle, IRectangle, HandlePositions, Point, Point, Size, ReshapePolicy, number)in ReshapeRectangleContextInitializes a new instance of the ReshapeRectangleContext class.
dragFinished (Point, boolean)in SnapContextCalled when a drag has been successfully finished.
dragged (Point, SnapState)in SnapContextThis method needs to be called by the client IInputMode that initialized this instance after it has performed the actual move operation with the adjusted coordinates after a call to handleMove.
handleMove (Point, boolean)in SnapContextHandles a move.
initializeDrag (IInputModeContext, Point)in SnapContextCalled by IInputMode implementations when an interactive drag is started.
processSnapResults (List<SnapResult>, Point, Point)in SnapContextChooses the current SnapResults from a temporary list.
SnapLine (SnapLineSnapTypes, SnapLineVisualizationType, Point, Point, Point, Object, number)in SnapLineCreates a new snap line using the provided attributes.
createLabelSnapResult (ILabelModelParameter, number, Point, Object, SnapLine, Point, Object)in SnapResultFactory method that creates a SnapResult to which a ILabel will snap, based on the given snapLine.
createPointSnapResult (Point, number, Object, IVisualCreator, SnapTypes)in SnapResultFactory method that creates a SnapResult that snaps to a given location.
createResizeSnapResult (number, Point, Object, IEnumerable<IRectangle>, number, boolean)in SnapResultFactory method that creates a SnapResult which snaps to a given size through a resize operation.
createSnapLineSnapResult (number, Point, Object, SnapLine, Point, Object, SnapTypes?)in SnapResultFactory method that creates a SnapResult which represents a SnapLine to which the current moved item will potentially snap.
isSnapped (Point, SnapState)in SnapResultChecks whether this instance is still snapped given the final mouse location.
snap (Point, SnapState)in SnapResultCore method that performs the actual snapping.
SnapState (Point, SnapTypes?)in SnapStateInitializes a new instance of the SnapState class.
snapTo (Point)in SnapStateSets the location to the given point and adjusts the snapType accordingly.
StripeDropInputMode ()in StripeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the NodeDropInputMode class for INodes.
StripeDropInputMode (string, )in StripeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the StripeDropInputMode class for the expected data type.
StripeDropInputMode (string, )in StripeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the StripeDropInputMode class for the expected data type.
getPreviewTableLayout (Point, Size)in StripeDropInputModeCalculates the layout of the new table.
setDragLocation (Point)in StripeDropInputMode
updatePreview (IGraph, Point)in StripeDropInputMode
enumerateHits (IInputModeContext, Point, INode)in StripeHitTesterReturn a collection of hits at location.
findStripe (Point, StripeTypes, StripeSubregionTypes, function(StripeSubregion):boolean?)in TableEditorInputModeUsed as a callback to find the items underneath a certain point.
findStripes (Point, StripeTypes, StripeSubregionTypes, function(StripeSubregion):boolean?)in TableEditorInputModeUsed as a callback to find the items underneath a certain point.
TableItemClickedEventArgs (T, StripeSubregion, INode, IInputModeContext, Point, ModifierKeys, MouseButtons, number)in TableItemClickedEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the TableItemClickedEventArgs<T> class.
TableItemTappedEventArgs (T, StripeSubregion, INode, IInputModeContext, Point, number)in TableItemTappedEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the TableItemTappedEventArgs<T> class.
TapEventArgs (IInputModeContext, Point, number?, Event?)in TapEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the TapEventArgs class.
ToolTipQueryEventArgs (IInputModeContext, Point)in ToolTipQueryEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the ToolTipQueryEventArgs class.
setEdgePortLocation (IPort, Point)in LayoutGraphAdapterCallback method that assigns a new location that matches newLocation to port.
setRelativePortLocation (IPort, Point)in LayoutGraphAdapterCallback method that assigns a new relative location to port.
getBoundsProvider (IEdge, boolean, Point, Point)in Arrow
getVisualCreator (IEdge, boolean, Point, Point)in Arrow
getIntersection (Point, Point)in ArrowNodeStyleRenderer
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in ArrowNodeStyleRenderer
isInside (Point)in ArrowNodeStyleRenderer
getIntersection (Point, Point)in BevelNodeStyleRenderer
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in BevelNodeStyleRenderer
isInside (Point)in BevelNodeStyleRenderer
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in BezierEdgeStyleRenderer
getIntersection (Point, Point)in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererDelegates to the getWrappedStyle.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererDelegates to the getWrappedStyle and checks the button.
isInside (Point)in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererDelegates to the getWrappedStyle.
getIntersection (INode, IShapeGeometry, IEdge, Point, Point)in DefaultEdgePathCropperFinds the intersection between a node and the edge.
isInside (Point, INode, IShapeGeometry, IEdge)in DefaultEdgePathCropperChecks whether a given point is inside a node's shape geometry with respect to the edge that is being calculated.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in DefaultLabelStyleRenderer
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point, IEdge)in EdgeStyleBaseDetermines whether the visual representation of the edge has been hit at the given location.
getIntersection (Point, Point)in GeneralPathNodeStyleRenderer
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in GeneralPathNodeStyleRenderer
isInside (Point)in GeneralPathNodeStyleRenderer
getIntersection (Point, Point)in GroupNodeStyleRenderer
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in GroupNodeStyleRenderer
isInside (Point)in GroupNodeStyleRenderer
getBoundsProvider (IEdge, boolean, Point, Point)in IArrowGets an IBoundsProvider implementation that can yield this arrow's bounds if painted at the given location using the given direction for the given edge.
getVisualCreator (IEdge, boolean, Point, Point)in IArrowGets an IVisualCreator implementation that will paint this arrow at the given location using the given direction for the given edge.
create ()in IShapeGeometryCreates an implementation of the interface IShapeGeometry from the given definition.
getIntersection (Point, Point)in IShapeGeometryReturns the intersection for the given line with this shape's geometry.
isInside (Point)in IShapeGeometryChecks whether the given coordinate is deemed to lie within the shape's geometric bounds.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in IconLabelStyleRenderer
getIntersection (Point, Point)in ImageNodeStyleRendererTries to use the normalizedOutline to perform the intersection calculation, otherwise reverts to default (rectangular) behavior.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in ImageNodeStyleRendererTries to use normalizedOutline to perform the hit test analysis, otherwise reverts to default (rectangular) behavior.
isInside (Point)in ImageNodeStyleRendererTries to use the normalizedOutline to perform the contains test, otherwise reverts to default (rectangular) behavior.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point, ILabel)in LabelStyleBaseDetermines whether the visual representation of the label has been hit at the given location.
getIntersection (INode, Point, Point)in NodeStyleBaseGets the intersection of a line with the visual representation of the node.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point, INode)in NodeStyleBaseDetermines whether the visual representation of the node has been hit at the given location.
isInside (INode, Point)in NodeStyleBaseDetermines whether the provided point is geometrically inside the visual bounds of the node.
NodeStylePortStyleAdapter (INodeStyle?, )in NodeStylePortStyleAdapterCreates a port style that uses the provided node style to render the port.
getIntersection (Point, Point)in PanelNodeStyleRendererFinds an intersection for the current node using the style.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in PanelNodeStyleRendererHit tests the node using the current style.
isInside (Point)in PanelNodeStyleRendererChecks whether the given coordinate lies within the shape's geometric bounds.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererThis method is overridden for performance reasons.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point, IPort)in PortStyleBaseDetermines whether the visual representation of the port has been hit at the given location.
getIntersection (Point, Point)in RectangleNodeStyleRenderer
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in RectangleNodeStyleRenderer
isInside (Point)in RectangleNodeStyleRenderer
getIntersection (Point, Point)in ShapeNodeStyleRenderer
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in ShapeNodeStyleRenderer
isInside (Point)in ShapeNodeStyleRenderer
getIntersection (Point, Point)in ShinyPlateNodeStyleRenderer
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in ShinyPlateNodeStyleRenderer
isInside (Point)in ShinyPlateNodeStyleRenderer
StringTemplatePortStyle (string?, TemplatePortStyleRenderer?, )in StringTemplatePortStyleCreates a new instance using the provided renderer.
getIntersection (Point, Point)in TableNodeStyleRenderer
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in TableNodeStyleRenderer
isInside (Point)in TableNodeStyleRenderer
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in TemplateLabelStyleRenderer
getIntersection (Point, Point)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererTries to use the outline shape to perform the intersection calculation, otherwise reverts to default (rectangular) behavior.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererTries to use the outline shape to perform the hit test analysis, otherwise reverts to default (rectangular) behavior.
isInside (Point)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererTries to use the outline shape to perform the contains test, otherwise reverts to default (rectangular) behavior.
TemplatePortStyle (string?, TemplatePortStyleRenderer?, )in TemplatePortStyleCreates a new instance using the given render template id and a custom renderer instance.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in TemplatePortStyleRenderer
getIntersection (Point, Point)in VoidShapeGeometryThis implementation always returns null (a T with no value).
isInside (Point)in VoidShapeGeometryThis implementation always returns false.
insertDefaultCustomBridge (IRenderContext, GeneralPath, Point, Point, number)in BridgeManagerImplementation that will be called by the default value of the defaultBridgeCreator to satisfy requests to createCustomBridge.
registerObstacleCubicCurve (IRenderContext, Point, Point, Point, Point)in BridgeManagerDynamically registers a single obstacle cubic curve with the context during the rendering.
registerObstacleLine (IRenderContext, Point, Point)in BridgeManagerDynamically registers a single obstacle line with the context during the rendering.
registerObstacleQuadCurve (IRenderContext, Point, Point, Point)in BridgeManagerDynamically registers a single obstacle quadratic curve with the context during the rendering.
ensureVisible (IEnumerable<Point>, Insets?)in CanvasComponentEnsures that the provided points in world coordinates are all visible by adjusting the viewport accordingly.
getCanvasObject (Point)in CanvasComponentReturns the top most canvas object instance that is hit at the given coordinate set.
getCanvasObjects (Point)in CanvasComponentReturns a list of all canvas objects in hit order at the given world coordinate location.
getViewportAnimationDuration (Point, number, ViewportChanges)in CanvasComponentDetermines the animation duration for a viewport animation.
hitElementsAt (Point, ICanvasObjectGroup?, function(ICanvasObject):boolean?)in CanvasComponentEnumerates all hit elements in the canvas below the given group that are accepted by a given filter.
hitElementsAt (IInputModeContext, Point, ICanvasObjectGroup?, function(ICanvasObject):boolean?)in CanvasComponentEnumerates all hit elements in the canvas below the given group that are accepted by a given filter using a specific ICanvasContext as the argument to the isHit method.
intermediateToViewCoordinates (Point)in CanvasComponentConverts intermediate coordinates to view coordinates expressed in the control's coordinate system.
intermediateToWorldCoordinates (Point)in CanvasComponentConverts intermediate coordinates to world coordinates.
isHit (ICanvasObject, Point)in CanvasComponentCalculates the hit tests a given canvas object in the scene graph.
toPageFromView (Point)in CanvasComponentConverts view coordinates to the html page coordinates.
toViewCoordinates (Point)in CanvasComponentConverts world coordinates to view coordinates expressed in the control's coordinate system.
toViewFromPage (Point)in CanvasComponentConverts html page coordinates to view coordinates.
toWorldCoordinates (Point)in CanvasComponentConverts coordinates expressed in the component's coordinate system to world coordinates.
toWorldFromPage (Point)in CanvasComponentConverts html page coordinates to world coordinates.
viewToIntermediateCoordinates (Point)in CanvasComponentConverts view coordinates to intermediate coordinates, effectively canceling any projection if set.
worldToIntermediateCoordinates (Point)in CanvasComponentConverts world coordinates to the component's coordinate system before the projection is applied.
zoomTo (Point, number)in CanvasComponentSets the zoom level and viewport center to the given values.
zoomToAnimated (Point, number)in CanvasComponentTransitions to a new zoom level and viewport center in an animated fashion.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point)in DefaultPortCandidateDescriptor
GraphComponent (HTMLDivElement, )in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of the GraphComponent in the given div element.
GraphComponent ()in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of the GraphComponent.
GraphComponent (string, )in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of GraphComponent using the div element that is specified by the selector.
hitElementsAt (Point)in GraphModelManagerEnumerates hits on the canvas at a given world coordinate position.
hitElementsAt (IInputModeContext, Point, ICanvasObjectGroup)in GraphModelManagerEnumerates hits on the canvas at a given world coordinate position for a given context.
typedHitElementsAt (Class, Point)in GraphModelManagerEnumerates hits on the canvas at a given world coordinate position.
typedHitElementsAt (Class, IInputModeContext, Point, ICanvasObjectGroup)in GraphModelManagerEnumerates hits on the canvas at a given world coordinate position in a given context.
GridInfo (number, number, Point)in GridInfoCreates a new instance using the given horizontal and vertical grid spacing as well as the given origin.
createEdgeSegmentAnimation (IGraph, IEdge, IPoint, Point, Point, TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation that animates the given edge's bends from its current shape linearly to the shape given by the endBends and final port locations.
create ()in IBridgeCreatorCreates an implementation of the interface IBridgeCreator from the given definition.
createCustomBridge (IRenderContext, GeneralPath, Point, Point, number)in IBridgeCreatorCalled by the BridgeManager if the getCrossingStyle method yields CUSTOM to actually insert a bridge into the given GeneralPath.
intermediateToViewCoordinates (Point)in IRenderContextConverts the given set of intermediate coordinates to a coordinate pair that can be used to render within the viewTransform.
toViewCoordinates (Point)in IRenderContextConverts the given set of world coordinates to a coordinate pair that can be used to render within the viewTransform.
worldToIntermediateCoordinates (Point)in IRenderContextConverts the given set of world coordinates to a coordinate pair that can be used to render within the intermediateTransform.
LinearGradient ()in LinearGradientInitializes a new instance of the LinearGradient class.
MouseEventArgs (Event, MouseEventTypes, Point, MouseButtons?, ModifierKeys?, MouseButtons?, ModifierKeys?, number?, number?, number?, number?, MouseWheelDeltaMode?)in MouseEventArgsConstructs a new mouse event argument.
RadialGradient ()in RadialGradientInitializes a new instance of the RadialGradient class.
SvgExport (Rect, number?, )in SvgExportCreates a new SvgExport instance for the given world bounds and scale.
TouchEventArgs (Event, TouchEventTypes, Point, TouchDevice, ModifierKeys, ModifierKeys)in TouchEventArgsConstructs a new touch event argument.
TouchEventArgs (Event, TouchEventTypes, Point, TouchDevice, ModifierKeys, ModifierKeys, number)in TouchEventArgsConstructs a new touch event argument.
applyCenterPoint (Point)in ViewportAnimationEffectively applies the center point value.
applyViewPoint (Point)in ViewportAnimationEffectively applies the view point value.
hitElementsAt (IInputModeContext, Point, ICanvasObjectGroup)in WebGL2GraphModelManager
typedHitElementsAt (Class, IInputModeContext, Point, ICanvasObjectGroup)in WebGL2GraphModelManager